Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
35 Gaslighting Phrases That Experts Say Are Unfairly Belittling Your Emotions
Recognizing this behavior early can save you from having to overcome emotional trauma later, psychologists explain.
Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research
To Smile or Cry
My wife showed me a YouTube video of a baby seated on an oversized couch. One of the pillows, just above the baby’s head, shifted with her motion and came tumbling down to bonk her on the noggin. The shock in her eyes and look on her face seemed to comm
Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
How To Stimulate The Vagus Nerve To De-Stress And Find Calm
The vagus nerve halts stress and regulates emotions. Here’s how to get it in tip-top shape.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
My World Fell Apart | Workplace Coach Blog
My world fell apart: what's your best recovery plan after an emotional meltdown risks your getting fired at work?
Psychology | Personality
The Flip Side of Toxic Positivity: Emotional Perfectionism
Emotional perfectionism is related to toxic positivity. But instead of urging others to look on the bright side, emotional perfectionists expect themselves to be unfailingly upbeat.
Music | Music
Why Certain Types of Music Make Our Brains Sing, and Others Don’t
Music can induce a range of emotions and help us to better understand different cultures. But what is it that makes us tune in to some songs more than others? Researchers say when we listen to a song, our brains predict what happens next, and that predict
Health & Fitness | Sleep
‘Sleeping on It’ Helps You Better Manage Your Emotions and Mental Health—Here’s Why
Sleep and mental health have a well established relationship.
Science & Technology | Science
Sleep Helps The Brain Process Emotions, And a New Study in Mice Reveals How
A new study has revealed an important way in which sleep helps the brain process emotions for the next day, and while the findings were discovered in mice, they could also help us solve some of the mysteries of human sleep.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
The Power of Having the Freedom to Choose How You React 
When you take responsibility for how you allow yourself to be treated, you will find that you have the power to choose differently.
Psychology | Psychology
The Important Difference Between Emotions and Feelings
Understanding this distinction is crucial to healthy coping.
Psychology | Psychology
You Were Doing Fine Until . . . What To Do When Something Unexpected Takes You Down | Workplace Coach Blog
Personal coaching: what to do when something unexpected takes you down
Psychology | Personality
‘They could be the visionaries of our world’: do ‘overemotional’ people hold the key to happiness? | Health &
One in five of us struggle to cope with everyday smells, sounds and images. Rather than a weakness, this extreme sensitivity could be a strength in everything from the pandemic to the climate crisis
Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support
How the 10-Second Rule Can Dramatically Change Your Conversations and Make You a Better Leader | Inc.com
Those 10 seconds can make all the difference.
Psychology | Psychology
Emotional Hijacking - Workplace Coach Blog
Conflict tools: emotional hijacking; here's what happens & what to do
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Handling the Emotional Roller Coaster Some People & Situations Inspire - Workplace Coach Blog
conflict management strategies that work to handle the emotional roller coaster
Psychology | Psychology
We Find Some Word Sounds More Emotionally Arousing Than Others – Research Digest
By Emma Young. Finding helps explain the bouba-kiki effect — and may even have implications for the evolution of language.
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
Does Hostility Predispose You to a Second Heart Attack? | Health News | US News
US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics, business, health, and education.
Psychology | Psychology
Colors Evoke Similar Feelings Around the World - Neuroscience News
Color emotion may be a universal phenomenon, a new study reveals. People from different parts of the world often associate the same color with the same emotions.
Psychology | Psychology
Bitten by Jealousy: Own It Before It Owns You - Workplace Coach Blog
You appreciate Josh. Or, at least you did until last week. It still stings that he upstaged you when you …
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
Why Are Memories Attached to Emotions So Strong? | Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Multiple neurons in the brain must fire in synchrony to create persistent memories tied to intense emotions, new research from Columbia neuroscientists has found.
Psychology | Personality
Are You as in Control of Your Emotions as You Think? | Psychology Today
During times of uncertainty, it’s natural for your mood to be influenced by outside factors. A new study on emotion contagion shows how this process works in a digital world.
Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support
Emotional Fulfillment and Contact Key in Stable Romantic Partnerships
By Matthew Warren. Learning that others can meet our needs makes people realise ending relationship is a viable option.
Health & Fitness | Health News
3 Unexpected Stress Triggers That Can Damage Your Bones
Stress is not only unpleasant; it can damage your bones by keeping cortisol levels elevated. So naturally, it makes sense to avoid it. Sometimes, that means “exposing” sources of stress
Psychology | Personality
When we are Angry Or Afraid we can be Less in Control of Our Actions
By Matthew Warren. First study of its kind raises questions about the accountability of people going through extreme emotions.
Psychology | Personality
Why You Procrastinate (It Has Nothing to Do With Self-Control)
If procrastination isn’t about laziness, then what is it about?
Health & Fitness | Sleep
A Lack of Sleep Affects Not Just Your Health, But Your Attitude and Mood
Insufficient sleep clouds your perspective and challenges your ability to regulate your emotions. Here's what to do about it.
Psychology | Personality
When Do You Know You Are Emotionally Mature? 26 Suggestions - The Book of LifeThe Book of Life
When Do You Know You Are Emotionally Mature? 26 Suggestions - The Book of Life is the 'brain' of The School of Life, a gathering of the best ideas around wisdom and emotional intelligence.
Psychology | Parenting and Kids
How to Help Teens Weather Their Emotional Storms - The New York Times
A D.I.Y. snow globe full of glitter is an apt metaphor for the emotional chaos of the adolescent brain.
Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
Facebook Is Full of Emotional-Support Groups - The Atlantic
People are sharing their deepest secrets on Facebook. Does the social network understand what it’s gotten into?
Psychology | Personality
Surprising Facts About Body Language and Your Emotions | Psychology Today
You are undoubtedly aware that your face communicates your emotional state, but new research shows the surprising ways that your entire body language contributes to the process.
Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support
How Can I Be Me While You’re Being You? | Psychology Today
Just about all lovers go through a stage of high emotional reactivity that threatens to destroy their relationship.
Psychology | Personality
What Is Anxiety Contagion?
Research shows that the human brain can pick up on and experience stress felt by our partners and friends.
Psychology | Personality
Why You Need to Be Good at Reading Your Emotions | Psychology Today
Being able to read other people’s emotions is important for your relationships, but according to new research, it’s just as important to read your own with clarity.
Psychology | Hypnosis Information
How I use hypnosis to cope with Asperger's Syndrome
In many ways I was an easy child.
Miscellaneous | Interesting Stuff
The Overwhelming Emotion of Hearing Toto’s “Africa” Remixed to Sound Like It’s Playing in an Empty Mall | The Ne
Jia Tolentino writes that editing a song to sound like it’s coming from a specific space—such as “Africa,” by Toto, as if it were playing in a mall—fights against the digital isolation of our times.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help
Want to feel relaxed over the holidays? Maybe choose red wine over shots.
Drinkers associate beer, liquor, and red and white wine with different emotional responses, says a new study.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
What Science Really Says About Negative Emotions
Pretending unwelcome feelings don't exist isn't helping. Here's what to do instead.
Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research
Humans Have 27 Distinct Emotional States, Study Finds
A new study examining the various ways that we express ourselves determined that humans display 27 distinct emotional states.
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
‘Emotional Diversity’ Is More Important Than Happiness
New research shows that allowing yourself to feel a wide range of feelings from across the emotional spectrum may be good for your health.
News | Animal Links
Your Dog Can ‘Catch’ Your Feelings
A new study looks at emotional contagion between dogs and humans.
Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support
Why ‘Emotional Fluency’ Is Crucial for #Couples
How else do you get empathy?
Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research
Happiness: 10 Fascinating New Psychology Studies Everyone Should Know - PsyBlog
Where we feel happiness in the body, how it affects our genetic code, why it changes with age, unexpected pleasures and much more... Here are 10 of my favourite recent psychology studies about happiness.
Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices
Can You Be Mindful and Still Feel Angry?
Mindfulness will not turn you into a feel-good Zen zombie. It does not stop you from feeling negative emotions; it just helps free you from being controlled by those emotions.
Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research
Half of young people have so many 'emotional problems' they cannot focus at school, study finds
Half of young people have so many emotional problems they cannot focus at school, a study has found.
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
10 Things That Don't Make Sense To Super Sensitive People
What's this "no crying" thing you speak of?
Family & Parenting | Family and Parenting
Dealing with Big Feelings - Teaching Kids How to Self-Regulate
None of us were born knowing how to control big emotions. For children, learning how to self-regulate will take time, but there are ways to help this along.
Psychology | Psychology & Psychological Research
The Emotion Which Lasts 240 Times Longer Than Others
Which emotion takes an average of 4 days to recover from?
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing
The Secret To Emotional Control Most People Don't Know
Better emotional control is linked to lower levels of depression and anxiety.
Health & Fitness | Health News
Heart Attacks Are Linked to Patients’ Activity Level, Emotional State
A study found a strong link between a heart attack and patients’ activity level, emotional state in the hour before the event.
Advice & Self-Help | Empowering Tools for Growth
7 Habits of Highly Emotionally Intelligent People
People with high emotional intelligence tend to do better at work. So what habits do they have that set them apart?
Psychology | Relationships
The Family Relationship That Could Be Most Responsible For Your Emotional Life
The ‘corticolimbic system’ plays an important role in mood disorders, such as depression.
Family & Parenting | Family and Parenting
The Remarkable Power of Play - Why Play is so Important for Children
Why play is so important for children. For their growing minds, their social and emotional skills - it's vital.
Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support
This Factor Is Key to Your Attractiveness
It has to do with your emotions
Advice & Self-Help | Advice
Emotional Exhaustion: Is Empathy a Choice?
Life offers endless opportunities to test your empathy—the ability to feel for and with others—sometimes to its breaking point.
Health & Fitness | Health News
Anxiety - Research Sheds Light on Why the Worry
People with anxiety have an extraordinary ability to anticipate potential problems. This makes them great to be with – they are the ones with the plan B, the plan C, the spare batteries, the phone charger and the escape route. Being able to anticipate
Advice & Self-Help | Dr. Eleanor's Blogs and Articles
How to Flirt: tips to improve how you meet prospective dates
Beyond Human Design - Expand the depths of your true nature
Health & Fitness | Health News
Sleep Disturbance In Critical Part Of Sleep Cycle Linked To Emotional Distress - PsyBlog
Disturbed sleep and the vicious circle that links it to chronic depression and anxiety.
News | Interesting Links
Horses can recognise human emotion, new study shows
Psychologists have shown for the first time that horses are able to distinguish between positive and negative human facial expressions
News | News Items
5 Important Influences Of Emotional Mimicry
Emotional communication in relationships
News | News Items
The brain can be trained to regulate negative emotions, study reports
A simple, computer-training task can change the brain's wiring to regulate emotional reactions, according to a recent study published in NeuroImage by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) researchers.
Advice & Self-Help | Empowering Tools for Growth
Improve Your Vocabulary With the “Wheel of Feelings”
Find the perfect word and tell us exactly how you feel.
Entertainment | Movies & Other Stuff
How filmmakers manipulate our emotions using color - YouTube
Like music in an elevator or a doctor's waiting room, color has the power to influence how we feel without our even noticing. Film directors have exploited o...
News | Interesting Links
The Emotions That Make Us More Creative
It’s the intensity of the emotion that matters.
Advice & Self-Help | Advice
3 Simple Ways to Control Your Emotions in the Moment
Have you lost control of your emotions? What do you do right now, in the moment, to get yourself back on track? Here are three easy things you can start doing right away.
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information
How Highly Sensitive People Interact With The World Differently
Highly sensitive people have been labeled a lot of ways in the past, like fragile, over-emotional and intense. But there's more to a highly sensitive person than just excess crying and a whole ton of
Psychology | Relationships
How Threat Emotions Cause Us To Misread Our Partner
Whenever we’re anxious or angry, we’re prone to misread our partner. By learning to recognize how emotions shape perceptions, we can restore close connections.
Family & Parenting | Family and Parenting
Review: Pixar’s ‘Inside Out’ Finds the Joy in Sadness, and Vice Versa
Pete Docter’s new animated film, with the voices of television comedians like Amy Poehler, Mindy Kaling and Bill Hader, brings to life an 11-year-old’s interior drama.
Miscellaneous | Fun Stuff
How your eyes betray your thoughts
A series of recent studies suggest that eye movements may both reflect and influence the workings of the brain
Health & Fitness | Health News
Happiness: 10 Fascinating New Psychology Studies Everyone Should Know
Where we feel happiness in the body, how it affects our genetic code, why it changes with age, unexpected pleasures and much more…
Advice & Self-Help | Empowering Tools for Growth
How to Successfully Handle Aggressive and Controlling People
Most of us come across aggressive, intimidating, or controlling personalities at some points in our lives. These individuals may exist in our personal sphere or professional environment. Here are seven important keys to dealing with them...
Family & Parenting | Family and Parenting
It's Time to Listen: Launching an Emotion Revolution in Our Nation's High Schools - Independent Ideas Blog
The National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) is a nonprofit membership association that provides services to more than 1,800 schools and associations of schools in the United States and abroad, including more than 1,500 independent private K-12
Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources
Research Indicates That Dogs Can Feel Love
Scientists discover that dogs, much like humans, experience feelings of love and affection.