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Standing With Israel | News

News | Standing With Israel

Moptu: Algorithm-free social media creating an online safe space for Jews

‘On other social media platforms you fight antisemitism. On Moptu, you get the information to wage those fights’

News | Standing With Israel

NBA legend Shaq sends message of support to Oct. 7 massacre survivors

"Camp Timberline! Hello! Shalom! I just wanted to give you guys a shout out and let you know I love you," said the basketball legend.

News | Standing With Israel

Trump endorses Oct. 7 film: 'Difficult, but I urge people to watch'

The former U.S. president encouraged his social-media followers to see the documentary "Screams Before Silence."

News | Standing With Israel

Fetterman gets standing ovation at Yeshiva graduation for removing Harvard robe hood

"I have been profoundly disappointed with Harvard's inability to stand up for the Jewish community," the pro-Israel senator said.

News | Standing With Israel

Support for Israel is stronger than we think - The Jerusalem Post

Jews in Israel and across the world, are taking constructive action driven by our despair and rage. For now, the center holds.

News | Standing With Israel

100 Jewish youngsters make aliyah to enlist in IDF

An interview with three who left family and friends behind to defend the Jewish state.

News | Standing With Israel

Māori Haka Performed at Rally for Release of Israeli Hostages in Wellington

Participants in a rally demanding the release of Israeli hostages in Gaza performed a Haka in Wellington, New Zealand, on October 29.Video filmed by X user @digitupbro shows the Haka being performed in Wellington’s Te Ngakau Civic Square in front of rows

News | Standing With Israel

Now THIS is How You Do a Rally! Pro-Israel Supporters in London Demonstrate How Peaceful Protest is Done

 The left is forever lecturing everyone on the importance of public protests and 'civil disobedience.' Their events are always full of angry, shouting people chanting aggressive slogans and making impossible demands.

News | Standing With Israel

Now is the time for unashamed Israel advocacy

There is no time for ambiguity. There is Israel. There is Jewishness. And there is the fight to protect both.

News | Standing With Israel

South Carolina treasurer declines ratings call with investment firm Morningstar in ‘solidarity with Israel’

Morningstar, catching fire for alleged anti-Israel bias in its risk ratings, is under investigation in 19 states.

News | Standing With Israel

Malawi president plans to move embassy to Jerusalem, MP tells ‘Post’

Christian MP Joyce Chitsulo was in Israel on an Israel Allies Foundation Chairmen's Conference trip.

News | Standing With Israel

Arab Israelis Speak On Why They Choose To Serve In The IDF

An Arab officer says 'I’m proud… Because I was born in this land, I was born in Israel' - Click the link for more details.

News | Standing With Israel

ZOA Praises U.S. Senate for Passing Amendment to COVID Budget Res. to Keep the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein, Chair Mark Levenson, Esq., and Director of Government Relations Dan Pollak released the followi

News | Standing With Israel

Israel TV broadcasts clip of John Lennon singing 'Oath to Jerusalem' in Hebrew

On 40th anniversary of his murder, journalist and songwriter Akiva Nof recalls interviewing Beatle in Amsterdam, teaching him words to his song about never abandoning the holy city

News | Standing With Israel

The British soldier who won't stop defending Israel

Colonel Richard Kemp explains how he came to be one of the UK’s most strident advocates of the IDF

News | Standing With Israel

What a Feeling! Lionel Richie Blocks Code Pink Following Boycott Calls | Israellycool

Lionel's response is gold of the comedy (not Ariel) variety.

News | Standing With Israel

WATCH: Sharon Stone: “While I’m Not a Jew, I’m Jew-ish” | Israellycool

At The Algemeiner's recent West Coast Gala, Sharon made the following comment in her speech before presenting Judea Pearl with the “Warrior for Truth” award.

News | Standing With Israel

Arizona to set up Israel trade office later this year | The Times of Israel

Gov. Ducey approves budget for new fiscal year; in 2017 trade between Arizona and Israel totaled some $400 million, making Israel Arizona's 9th largest trading partner

News | Standing With Israel

The Hebrew-Speaking, Lover of Israel and Bibi Netanyahu…From Saudi Arabia | Israellycool

Remember the Saudi man who loves Israel so much, he uploaded a video of himself singing an Israeli song? Well, there's another Saudi lover of Israel in town.

News | Standing With Israel

IDF soldier born to Gaza parents commended for excellence

His mother and father moved to Israel 30 years ago and had two sons here, both of whom chose to convert to Judaism and enlist in Israeli military after being encouraged at home; on Independence Day, 21-year-old Sergeant A., will receive a citation of e

News | Standing With Israel

Muslim stands up for Israel at UN Human Rights Council

“This council has repeatedly demonized Israel while ignoring Palestinian terror attacks and the real victims of human rights abuses across the globe,” Hafeez said.

News | Standing With Israel

New Group Seeks to Bolster Support for Israel in US Congress

A new organization has been established with the goal of bolstering support for Israel in the US Congress — a task that has received greater impetus following the election last November of several representatives with unsympathetic views toward the Jewish state.

News | Standing With Israel

Celebrities who are pro-Israel

The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement has plenty of money flowing in, mostly from Europe, to pressure businesses and investors from engaging with Israeli organizations in an effort to isolate the Jewish state from the rest of the world. Th

News | Standing With Israel

Polish swimmer refuses to coach Malaysian team over its Israel athlete ban

'There is no place for that in sport,' says Bart Kizierowski; PM justifies his country's stance, which has led to it being stripped of hosting major event

News | Standing With Israel

GoFundMe Campaign Started for Terror Victim Ari Fuld HY’D’s Family | The Jewish Press

"Ari did so much for Israel . . . He leaves behind 4 small children. They need the support of our community."

News | Standing With Israel

APPRECIATION: Driven by a love of Israel

Recognizing that life is a gift and an opportunity, and that we must use every skill and moment that we have for others – our family, our state, our land, our people – is Ari Fuld’s legacy.

News | Standing With Israel

To pressure colleges into combatting anti-Semitism, alumni become activists

Alums for Campus Fairness builds a network across the US seeking to maintain an evenhanded dialogue, by turning graduates into stakeholders

News | Standing With Israel

The Chutzpah Of Reform Leaders

Even Israel's non-religious political leaders recognize the chutzpah of some Reform leaders who demand a voice at the Western Wall while calling that same wall “occupied territory.”

News | Standing With Israel

Sarah Zoabi - I am a Muslim Arab woman and I love Israel

Approximately 1.7 million Arabs live in Israel – which is more than 20 percent of the population. The vast majority of them are Muslims.Polls show that 55 percent of them call themselves “proud

News | Standing With Israel

US blasts Security Council as measure condemning Hamas blocked

Kuwait says its resolution calling for protection of Palestinians is more relevant than US draft on rocket attacks; Haley calls failure to condemn 'outrageous'

News | Standing With Israel

Lady Gaga: World is wrong about Israel | The Times of Israel

Tel Aviv was magnificent, star singer says in interview, and its people are 'in good spirits'

News | Standing With Israel

StandWithUs Israel Director Michael Dickson - TV News Studio Interview

As Israel continues its "Protective Edge" campaign, defending against Hamas in Gaza, StandWithUs Israel Director Michael Dickson discusses the work of the organization and the case Israel is making to the world while facing off against the terrorist threat.

News | Standing With Israel

Somalian Human Rights Activist Gives Her Take on Israel-Hamas Conflict

Somalian refugee turned activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali sees the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza as a microcosm of a much larger global problem, and does not believe that a peaceful solutio

News | Standing With Israel

US Jewry’s attitude toward Americans fighting in IDF has changed since 1948

Max Steinberg’s death triggered a public outpouring of admiration and grief from just about every Jewish organization, spokesman and member of Congress.

News | Standing With Israel

Iranian citizen gives Israel a hand!

Social media campaign encourages residents of all countries to quickly and anonymously support Israel in fighting Hamas

News | Standing With Israel

Community Post: 15 Countries: Standing With Israel All Over The World.

We asked our supporters to send us pictures #IStandWithIsrael photos. In just one week we received over 400 photos from all over the world, including Colombia, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Mex...

News | Standing With Israel

A brotherhood of firefighters: American firefighters are training in Israel, putting out fires

Billy Hirth loves the Jewish people. Hirth, 52, a senior firefighter from Arlington, Texas, has been in Israel’s southern region for the last few days, helping local firefighters put out the fires caused by rockets from Gaza.