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Brenda Richards

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Adobe Stock Getting New Tools to Protect Real Artists From AI-Generated Harm

Adobe Stock has benefits and costs associated with generative AI, and Adobe is trying to improve how it handles the inevitable issues.

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Regular internet use may be linked to lower dementia risk in older adults, study says

If your parents or grandparents ask you how to post on Instagram or how to send a birthday message to a Facebook friend, a new study suggests you might want to help them -- not just to be nice but because getting them online may help their brain health, t

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Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II draws crowds of mourners so large they're visible from space

Earth-imaging satellites have spied the massive crowds that gathered in London for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.

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'My heart is in Arlington': What Memorial Day means to one Gold Star family

Vikki and Mark Pier used to regularly travel to Arlington National Cemetery to visit their son's final resting place. But due to health issues, they have been unable to visit for the past four years.

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COVID is now an ‘endemic,’ not a ‘pandemic,’ San Francisco doctors say

Doctors are calling for a language pivot to emphasize that California should work toward "an end to all remaining restrictions, particularly as they apply to children."

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US intelligence community releases long-awaited UFO report

The US intelligence community on Friday released its long-awaited report on what it knows about a series of mysterious flying objects that have been seen moving through restricted military airspace over the last several decades.

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Theory that COVID escaped from a lab may not be far-fetched

The SARS-CoV-2 virus has disrupted people’s lives around the world for more than a year. But there’s no clear answer on one of the most important things about it: where it came from.

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Grunion Run In Santa Monica: Look, Don't Touch This Month

Grunion Run In Santa Monica: Look, Don't Touch This Month - Santa Monica, CA - It's "look but don't touch" spawning season for the small silver fish. Area experts discuss why this is the best time to see them in action.

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You might be surprised by your next stimulus check – it could be much more than $1,400 – BGR

The House of Representatives has now passed President Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus bill for a second time, in order to incorporate changes made by the Senate -- the final step before the bill lands on the president's desk for his signature, and then the

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First In-N-Out burgers in Colorado met with 14-hour line, traffic jams

The iconic California fast-food joint opened its first locations in Colorado on Friday, causing a miles-long line and a 14-hour drive-thru wait.

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The Queen’s Guard May Have to Give Up Their Iconic Bearskin Hats

The 1.5-foot hats famously worn by the Buckingham Palace guards date back to the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

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The Full Story Behind the Controversial Rose Garden Redesign | Architectural Digest

From a dearth of crab apple trees to the very issue of roses, the newly unveiled garden has sparked reactions far and wide

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U.S. Unemployment Rate Fell to 13.3 Percent In May, Confounding Expectations

With an added 2.5 million jobs last month, unemployment drove down from 14.7 percent in April.

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EXCLUSIVE: Where Nordstrom Has Closed Stores for Good

Eliminating 13 percent of the Nordstrom department store fleet underscores the impact of COVID-19.

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Disneyland to donate excess food to a food bank during coronavirus closure

Disneyland will be closed the rest of the month due to coronavirus fears — but officials aren't letting food go to waste.

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He was bullied over his clothes. So classmates stepped in - CNN Video

A freshman in Tennessee said his first few weeks of high school were a nightmare because he was being bullied for wearing the same clothes every day. Two football players noticed and decided to help out.

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How Much Deforestation in 2018? An Area the Size of Belgium - Bloomberg

The destruction of rainforests critical to fighting climate change isn’t slowing, but the biggest rates of decline are now in Africa and Latin America.

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A retired couple explains exactly how they used math skills and a lottery loophole to win $26 million in 9 years

Jerry and Marge Selbee won millions when they realized a loophole in a Michigan state lottery game that boosted their chances of winning.

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Texas Supreme Court strikes down Laredo's plastic bag ban, likely ending others

The state's highest civil court has ruled that Laredo's ban on plastic bags violates state law.

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Boston man reveals secret ahead of National Crayon Day - The Boston Globe

It was suspposed to be a surprise. But Crayola had to leak the news about its retiring crayon early.

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IMDb adds 'F-Rating' to help users identify feminist-friendly movies

In a bid to highlight movies that celebrate women in cinema, popular film information site IMDb has incorporated a new feminist classification into its listings...