
Articles 256
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Politics | Politics

Politics | Politics

After AOC’s Met Gala stunt, I’m officially done with Democrats

While the Democrats scream about #MeToo and social justice, Bill Clinton, an accused rapist, is still lauded as a hero in the Hamptons — as is his wife, Hillary.

    Politics | Politics

    11 Democrats Have Allegedly Violated the STOCK Act of 2012

    There have been 11 Democrats currently in the House and Senate who have reportedly allegedly violated the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act of 2012, claiming they “unknowingl…

      Politics | Politics

      Hey, Biden Voters! › American Greatness

      Damn you all. You’re American citizens, with the right to vote in presidential elections. For four years, we had a president who, over the course of a single…

      Politics | Politics

      Why Trump Still Terrifies the Democrats | The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

      One of the residual effects of last year’s chaotic election is the palpable fear of former President Trump that still...

        Politics | Politics

        Senator Kennedy Scorches Biden: President 'Has a Ph.D.' in Lying

        'Well, President Biden's not telling the truth. And that's just a fact. It's been well documented,' Sen. John Kennedy said.

        Politics | Politics

        New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020

        Both an audit and a recount confirmed Biden’s victory, but ignored in the process was evidence that nearly 35,000 Georgians had potentially voted illegally.

          Politics | Politics

          LOSING IT: Read Lori Lightfoot’s DERANGED Emails to Staff

          Fox News host Tucker Carlson went through Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's deranged emails to her staff.

          Politics | Politics

          The New G-7 Tax Proposal Is An All-Around Bad Deal For America

          Americans must hope enough members of Congress will see the G-7 agreement on taxation is bad for U.S. sovereignty, the nation’s businesses, and taxpayers.

            Politics | Politics

            Squad Member Wannabe Showcases Her Arrogance in Attacking Manchin Over S1

            Almost as if on cue, the Marxist members of “The Squad” took to castigating US Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), because he rightly identified the...

            Politics | Politics

            Does Biden Know the History of 'We Do Our Part'? | RealClearPolitics

            President Biden is clearly in a Franklin D. Roosevelt frame of mind. Summing up his policy vision in an address to a joint session of Congress last week, he...

            Politics | Politics

            BREAKING REPORT: Biden DOJ to Interfere with State of Arizona Forensic Audit of Maricopa County Ballots

            The same organization that manufactured and ran the Russia collusion hoax and allowed for the 2020 election fraud is going to interfere with the Arizona audit! According to Garrett Archer at ABC15 in Phoenix, Arizona the Biden Department of Justice is goi

              Politics | Politics

              Covid Math Doesn’t Add Up - The Blue State Conservative

              Relatedly, young people do not die from Covid either, but who would know that with the panic facing school reopenings? The CDC published its overall fatality rates in early fall of 2020, disclosing that for people between the ages of  0-19, the survival r

                  Politics | Politics

                  Months after Trump complaints, some courts are finding irregularities in 2020 elections | Just The News

                  Michigan, Wisconsin and Virginia court actions show some absentee ballot procedures imposed by Democrats violated state laws.

                    Politics | Politics

                    Masks are just part of the socialists' uniform

                    The Centers for Disease Control released another study showing no statistically significant decrease in "daily case" or "death growth" rates from COVID-19 in areas with mask

                      Politics | Politics

                      New Cuomo Scandal Emerges Over Order Directing COVID Patients into Homes for Disabled

                      Yet another executive order issued by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), has been found to put the most vulnerable to the COVID virus at...

                      Politics | Politics

                      Democrats To Push Gun Control Bills Today Without Even A Debate

                      Congressional Democrats are eager to open the gun control floodgates no matter how unconstitutional or ineffective their 'solutions' may be.

                      Politics | Politics

                      HUGE BREAKING NEWS! Former Top Democrat Had Keys to Wisconsin's KI Center Ballroom Where Absentee Ballots Were Stored and Counted Before Election Day

                      A new study coming out of Wisconsin confirms that former top Democrat operative Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein was given keys to the KI Center ballroom in Green Bay, Wisconsin where absentee ballots were stored and counted for days prior to the election. New

                      Politics | Politics

                      H.R. 1 Is a Partisan Assault on American Democracy | National Review

                      Democrats seek to bend the power of the federal government toward crushing political opposition.

                      Politics | Politics

                      The Wages of Trump Hatred - American Greatness

                      Over the last five years, the pathology of Trump Derangement Syndrome has been widely described. It was more than a chronic disease and was often characterized by an array of rapidly advancing…

                      Politics | Politics

                      BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Ballots In Arizona's Maricopa County Found Shredded and In Dumpster - Days Before Senate Audit To Be

                      Piles of shredded ballots were located today in a dumpster in Maricopa County Arizona.  This find occurs only days before the Senate’s audit of the county’s 2020 election results is due to start. For months the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County have

                        Politics | Politics

                        The Capitol Police Chief And Her Democratic Bosses Are Lying To You, All To Hold Our Capital Hostage

                        Panic porn is useful when you're working as hard as you can to spread fear and distrust against the half of the country that disagrees with your policies.

                        Politics | Politics

                        L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti on Dr. Seuss: 'There Is No Place for Racist Imagery'

                        Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said "there is no place for racist imagery" when asked to respond to the ongoing controversy about Dr. Seuss.

                        Politics | Politics

                        Insurrection, 2016

                        The Democrats' pompous characterization of the mini-riot at the Capitol on January 6 as an 'insurrection' is a transparent political ploy. The idea of appointing a '9/11-style' commission to investigate a riot in which no one was killed or seriously injur

                        Politics | Politics

                        Why Are There Still Military Troops And Fences In DC?

                        Chris Bedford and Emily Jashinsky discuss why there are still troops and fences in DC and how Biden's promise of a return to normalcy is failing.

                          Politics | Politics

                          South Dakota Gov. Noem: COVID Didn't Crush the Economy, Government Did

                          ORLANDO—South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) told the audience at an annual conservative conference on Feb. 27 that ...

                            Politics | Politics

                            Photo Essay: Washington DC Is Now a Complete Hate-Filled Cesspool

                            A Cesspool is a filthy, disgusting, or morally corrupt place. Perfect description of Washington, DC. Jacob Dreizin is a US Army vet and has written the following, which provides an excellent report on the current conditions in DC. From Jacob Dreizin: Some

                              Politics | Politics

                              WOW! Australian Media Runs Segment on Joe Biden's Dementia! -- Something the Poisonous US Media Still Lies About

                              Australian reporter Cory Bernardi is the first mainstream host to report on Joe Biden’s obvious dementia that is apparent to anyone paying attention. No one in the US liberal media is strong enough to point this out – President Biden is out to

                                Politics | Politics

                                Another Expert Review of the Pennsylvania 2020 Election Results Provides More Evidence for Suspected Election Fraud. These Ballots Must Be Forensically Reviewed.

                                On November 13th, less than ten days after Election Night 2020, we uncovered a pattern in the Pennsylvania results that was so surprising, it was impossible.  This pattern led to Joe Biden being awarded the state after President Trump being up on Electio

                                  Politics | Politics

                                  Virginia Voter Identified 1.7 Million Vote Difference Between State Report and Externally Reported Data But Then Couldn't Find Anyone to Address His Concerns

                                  A Virginia voter identified a 1.7 million vote difference between the final state results in the 2020 election and external results reported on Election Night.  When he attempted to address his issues with authorities, no one would answer his questions.

                                    Politics | Politics

                                    BOOM! Poland Will Fine Big Tech $13.5 Million Per Case For Removing Ideological Content: “Poland spent 45 years under Communism…It taught us the value of free speech”

                                    For several years, Big Tech censorship of non-mainstream, conservative, and libertarian views has been increasing. Recently, Facebook banned Australian News and health services–among others. 100 Percent Fed Up reports – According to a leading

                                      Politics | Politics

                                      EXCLUSIVE: Biden's Insane Executive Order on Climate Change Gave China Access to the US Grid - Suddenly There's an Energ

                                      (The following information was provided by a TGP reader.) On Joe Biden’s first day in office, he signed an Executive Order (EO) that led to Texans literally freezing to death this past week.  Biden claimed his actions were to protect the climate but they

                                        Politics | Politics

                                        Biden Political Donor Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison For Illegal Campaign Contributions, Straw Donor Scheme

                                        A top political donor and Los Angeles businessman was sentenced to 12 years in prison for making illegal campaign contributions to Joe Biden, Obama, Hillary Clinton and other politicians. A trove of unsealed court documents included photographs of Zuberi

                                          Politics | Politics

                                          Democrat Fascism: Lies About Sicknick Are Just Beginning Of Democrats' 'Truth Commission'

                                          We can expect that the lies and coverups that already have occurred about Brian Sicknick's death will be magnified across every other related fact.

                                            Politics | Politics

                                            Joe Biden Lies to Anderson Cooper During CNN Town Hall: 'We Didn't Have a Covid Vaccine When We Came Into Office' (VIDEO)

                                            Joe Biden traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin Tuesday evening to participate in a CNN presidential town hall. Biden stole Wisconsin with a big vote dump in the middle of the night after Election Day so no doubt CNN will use Democrat plants tonight during the

                                              Politics | Politics

                                              The Far-Left Continues to Silence Their Political Opposition But Conservatives Are Standing Up Together (VIDEO)

                                              Michael J. Watt released a video online at Remnant TV with an excellent analysis of what is going on today.* Michael J. Watt shares the following in his latest video: Michael J. Matt first takes a look at the far-Left’s fascist attempt to silence po

                                                Politics | Politics

                                                Lincoln Saw A Storm Coming. Every American Should Read His Warning

                                                Beyond their brutality, Abraham Lincoln feared these mobs for the lawlessness they embodied -- and their idle familiarity to too many Americans.

                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                  Biden Breaks Historic Political Norms, Fires Independent Board Appointees

                                                  The Biden administration has broken with historical norms by firing Trump-appointed members of independent agencies serving fixed terms, a move that one appointee claims is illegal in a lawsuit. At least one Democrat supporting the effort says this must b

                                                      Politics | Politics

                                                      Arizona GOP Legislature Continues to behave like RINOs

                                                      Guest post by Proud American Bobby Piton America is the land of opportunities. This simple phrase has a profound meaning in the psyche of America. Our National Identity is directly tied to this concept through our Right to Fair Elections. When Americans t

                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                        HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Hand Recount Finds Dominion Voting Machines Shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN Candidate in Windham, New Hampshi

                                                        Here we go. More proof of election fraud by Dominion Voting Machines. A recent hand recount in the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham, New Hampshire, found that the Dominion voting machines shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN by roughly 300 votes. Via Fa

                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                          WATCH: Meadows says Trump offered Security assistance multiple times prior to U.S. Capitol Riot, was turned down

                                                          Appearing with Maria Bartiromo, former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said former President Trump had offered security assistance multiple times prior to the U.S. Capitol riot January 6th but was turned down. Meadows told

                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                          Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered

                                                          The claim often repeated by the mainstream media, social-media content moderators, and fact-checkers that lawsuits filed by President ...

                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                          "You Can't Just Criminalize Republican Speech and Ignore All the Democrats Who Have Incited Violence" - Rand Paul Blasts Schumer for Inciting Hate and Violence (VIDEO)

                                                          Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) joined Chris Wallace on FOX News Sunday this week. During their discussion Senator Paul pointed out the obvious double-standard in our culture today. President Trump can call for a peaceful demonstration at the US Capitol and is f

                                                              Politics | Politics

                                                              POLL: 64% of Republicans, 15% of Democrats ‘Likely’ to Join Hypothetical New Trump-Led Political Party

                                                              A newly released poll reveals that incessant negative media coverage, two impeachments, and a near universal betrayal by elected Republicans

                                                              Politics | Politics

                                                              Democratic lawyer Marc Elias claims voting machine ‘irregularities’ in New York House race

                                                              Marc Elias, a prominent Democratic election attorney, argued in a court filing this week that faulty voting machines may have misread thousands of votes in a House election in upstate New York, a claim similar to the debunked allegation some Republicans p

                                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                                  Schumer Used Violent Rhetoric To Sic A Mob On Supreme Court Justices

                                                                  One year ago, Schumer incited a mob on the steps of the Supreme Court in order to bully justices to rule in Democrats' favor.

                                                                    Politics | Politics

                                                                    In Attempting to Claim There's No Conservative Bias on Social Media - 'Experts' Inadvertently Show Trump CRUSHED Biden in Social Media Too

                                                                    The clowns on the Democrat left have done it again.  In an effort to claim there is no conservative bias on social media, the ‘experts’ show President Trump crushed Biden in social media as well. Some ‘brilliant’ individuals on th

                                                                      Politics | Politics

                                                                      Ron DeSantis becomes first Republican governor to unveil legislation cracking down on Big Tech - TheBlaze

                                                                      'It's high time that we step up to the plate to ensure the protection of the people and their rights'

                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                        Reflecting the Authoritarian Climate, Washington Will Remain Militarized Until At Least March

                                                                        The idea of troops in U.S. streets for an extended period of time -- an extreme measure even when temporary -- has now become close to a sacred consensus.

                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                        Maricopa County Preventing Valid Audit of 2020 Election Results and Now Media Claims State Law Prevents the County from Handing Over Ballots to an Auditor

                                                                        The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has balked and manipulated information and the media to prevent a valid audit of the  county’s 2020 election results.  Now the local media outlet ABC15 is assisting them by claiming it is against state law

                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                          Now Having a Gab or Parler Account Can Now Get You Fired

                                                                          A literary agency owner has taken on the role of voluntary thought police to appease another Twitter mob.
                                                                          Literary agent Colleen Oefelein worked for the Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency in New York....

                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                          No More Hard Questions: Biden Team Considers Banning Conservative Media from Press Briefings

                                                                          In January 2017 the Gateway Pundit announced we would be represented in the Trump White House with a reporter at the daily briefings. The liberals did not take the news well and our reporter Lucian Wintrich was attacked nearly every day he set his foot in

                                                                            Politics | Politics

                                                                            DATA EXPERT: 200,000 Pennsylvania Ballots Were Modified After Election - A Sampling of 100,000 Arizona Ballots Show 'Material Amount' Aren't Even Real People

                                                                            There was fraud everywhere in the 2020 election and to not address this is to destroy the future of our children while stomping on the graves of those who died for this country. We’ve pointed out literally a million invalid ballots which were includ

                                                                              Politics | Politics

                                                                              The Purge and Reeducation - How Radicals Are Quickly Implementing a Communist Coup of America

                                                                              (Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.) (Photo: The “Killing Fields” of Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge in Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. During that time millions of Cambodians died of starvation, execution, disease or overwork during the reeducation and “transformati

                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                ‘Trump Was Right’ With Tougher Approach to China: Biden’s Top Diplomat Nominee

                                                                                President-elect Joe Biden's nominee for secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said on Jan. 19 that the Trump administration ...

                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                "A Fake Candidate Who Didn't Actually Run a Campaign - No Way He Got 81 Million Votes. It's a Fraud!" - EPIC! Former GOP

                                                                                Liz Harrington is a former national spokesperson for the Republican National Committee. The pro-Trump GOP official made headlines last week when she claimed on national television that the “real insurrection” happened when the president lost the 2020 elec

                                                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                                                  Nobody Called Obama and Hillary Seditious When They Demanded Electoral College Results Be Overturned

                                                                                  Even before the siege of the U.S. Capitol, the media were shocked and outraged over the request by Republican congressional members to conduct an audit of the nation’s 2020 presidential race won...

                                                                                    Politics | Politics

                                                                                    Trump Administration Accomplishments | The White House

                                                                                    Unprecedented Economic Boom Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy. America gained 7 million new jobs - mo

                                                                                      Politics | Politics

                                                                                      Trump’s Support Is More About Policies Than Personality

                                                                                      Anti-Trump conservatives think they are poised to take back the Republican Party after he leaves office. They are sorely mistaken.

                                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                                        BREAKING: Dan Bongino and Ben Shapiro Will Be FIRED Over Trump - The Patriot Watchdog

                                                                                        (Big League Politics) – Cumulus Media, the talk radio conglomerate that hosts many conservative shows, says that their clientele will be fired unless they obey new politically correct edicts regarding their programming. Specifically, hosts Mark Levi

                                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                                          Texas lawmakers considering Brexit-like secession amid trending democrat socialism | Human Events

                                                                                          With socialist ideals on the rise, lawmakers in Texas say they are considering pursuing a Brexit-style departure. And, lawmakers in other states have shown a similar interest. 

                                                                                              Politics | Politics

                                                                                              Watch: FNC's Carlson Reveals Biden Assistant AG Pick Kristen Clarke's Writings on 'Black and White Genetics'

                                                                                              Monday on Fox News Channel's "Tucker Carlson Tonight," host Tucker Carlson showcased a letter to the editor about "black and white genetics" reportedly written by Kristen Clark, President-elect Joe Biden's pick for Assistant AG for Civil Rights,

                                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                                Big Corporate Uses Capitol Riots To Push Communist-Style Social Credit System On Americans

                                                                                                It appears that global oligarchs have decided to not only collude with China's totalitarianism, but to export it to the United States.

                                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                                PARLER GOES DARK. In America, if the left doesn’t like you, they can just turn you off. For EVERYONE. – The Right Scoop

                                                                                                It is now 30 minutes past midnight, Pacific Time, and per their ultimatum this weekend, Amazon has turned off Parler. The Big Tech Purge is now at the next level. They've gone

                                                                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                                                                  Worrisome Signs the Capitol Breach was Planned to Discredit Trump Supporters: An Eyewitness Account

                                                                                                  It may be weeks before we fully understand the fallout from the January 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol building. The prevailing consensus from conservative talk radio hosts and editors is that this event provided ammunition to Trump’s enemies ...

                                                                                                    Politics | Politics

                                                                                                    BREAKING: A Printer in Michigan Printed Tens of Thousands of Excess Pennsylvania Ballots Which Were Shipped to New York and Fraudulently Filled Out Before Being Delivered to Pennsylvania

                                                                                                    More details regarding the truckloads of ballots shipped from New York to Pennsylvania has been uncovered.  These ballots were printed in Michigan and sent to New York. Patrick Byrne released breaking information this morning on fraudulent ballots in Mic

                                                                                                      Politics | Politics

                                                                                                      FLASHBACK VIDEO: Watch Democrats Object to Results of 2000, 2004 and 2016 Elections! -- This Is NOTHING NEW

                                                                                                      Thanks to the liberal fake news media millions of Americans believe it is unprecedented for Republicans to challenge the presidential election. The media wants you to forget about EVERY TIME Democrats objected to a Republican president. Kyle Becker posted

                                                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                                                        The media are lying about Trump's phone call with Raffensperger

                                                                                                        The mainstream media and Georgia's secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, are utterly disgraceful, dishonest, and manipulative people.  Raffensperger released a private phone call that the media immediately claimed — falsely &mda...

                                                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                                                        Mark Levin’s list: 15 ways Democrats stole the election

                                                                                                        Top conservative talker Mark Levin is urging Republicans to ignore “unreliable and cowardly” GOP leaders and back the effort started by Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks to challenge the electoral votes of several states in the Jan. 6 vote to confirm the Elector

                                                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                                                        Congress Just Released The Hunter Biden Report – It Accuses The Biden Family Of Trying To Enrich Themselves - Peopleal

                                                                                                        What’s Happening: And the other shoe drops. The media and even Congress have been silent about Hunter Biden for months. (The man himself

                                                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                                                        Georgia State Senators Call on Pence to Delay Jan. 6 Electoral Vote

                                                                                                        Republican state senators in Georgia started a push to delay the Jan. 6 counting of electoral votes.

                                                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                                                        WATCH: Warnock's Campaign Staffers Admit He's Been Lying to Georgians

                                                                                                        Senate hopeful Rev. Raphael Warnock's (D) campaign staffers were caught admitting that the candidate has far-left policy positions and he frequently lies to Georgians in an attempt to get elected.“You

                                                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                                                          More Electioneering: Dirty Facebook Suspends GOP Ad Campaign Days Before January Georgia Runoff Election

                                                                                                          Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have already been sued for their electioneering in the 2020 election. Phill Kline, the former attorney general of Kansas and director of the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, argued that hundreds of millions of dolla

                                                                                                              Politics | Politics

                                                                                                              Scott Adams: The computer nerds found the ‘Kraken’ — ‘Looks like Trump won’ | The Election Wizard | The #1 Source for Po

                                                                                                              Adams explained that the "nerds," a label who uses lovingly, were reportedly able to access the computer logs and analyze the data. The analysis reveled that President Trump's vote count turned negative at exactly the same time that Joe Biden's count went

                                                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                DOJ Adviser Says 368,000 Fraudulent 'Excess Votes' Tipped Election to Joe Biden

                                                                                                                DOJ-commissioned study controlled for in-person voting and found that in two key battleground states, "excess voting" made the difference for Biden.

                                                                                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                  Arizona Attorney General Joins in Battle For Forensic Audit of Maricopa County Elections Equipment and Ballot Images

                                                                                                                  Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich on Wednesday joined in the battle for a forensic audit of Maricopa County elections equipment and ballot images. Mr. Brnovich filed an amicus brief in support of the Senate subpoenas. A couple weeks ago the Maricopa

                                                                                                                    Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                    Press Conference at AZ State Capitol - Citizen Investigation Uncovers Thousands of Illegal Votes in Arizona at 6 PM -- LIVE-STREAM RSBN VIDEO

                                                                                                                    On Wednesday night at 6 PM Mountain Time Zone “We the People,” a citizen’s alliance, will be exposing ACTUAL evidence of voter fraud in the state of Arizona and provide detailed instructions to join our mass recall effort against the Maricop

                                                                                                                      Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                      Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Unanimously Passes Motion to Audit Fulton County's Absentee Ballots Using Method Outlined by Jovan Pulitzer

                                                                                                                      Members of Georgia’s Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday held a hearing to study Georgia’s Election Laws, and their past and present impact on the current Election cycle. The star of th

                                                                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                        Rick Grenell: The America First Policy Is 'Never Going Back in the Bottle'

                                                                                                                        Public support for Donald Trump's "America First" foreign policy cannot be erased, said Richard Grenell on SiriusXM's Breitbart News Sunday.

                                                                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                          The Sovietization of California - American Greatness

                                                                                                                          I am writing this column upon returning home to California after five days in Florida. For the first time since my first trip to Los Angeles in 1974 and moving…

                                                                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                          United Nations Says America Is Greener Under Trump, Doesn’t Need To Rejoin Paris Climate Accord

                                                                                                                          Under President Donald Trump, the United States has reduced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by such a level that the

                                                                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                          Why I will not accept Joe Biden as president

                                                                                                                          A smart friend of mine who is a moderate liberal asked why I was not recognizing Joe Biden’s victory.

                                                                                                                            Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                            Georgia Judiciary Committee Votes on Election Fraud Report - Says There Is Enough Evidence to Decertify the Vote for Joe Biden

                                                                                                                            This didn’t make any headlines in the fake news media. Georgia Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted last night on a senate report on election abuses, fraud, and abnormalities. The Georgia committee recommended there is enough evidence

                                                                                                                              Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                              REVEALED: 'Simple Math' Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted in 2020 Election

                                                                                                                              The 2020 election will go down as the most corrupt US election in history. The US election was corrupted in so many ways. When you win a record low 17% of counties, lose Black & Hispanic support, lose 18/19 Bellwether Counties, lose Ohio, Florida, & Iowa

                                                                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                HUGE BREAKING: MI Sec of State Official Caught On Video Telling Volunteers To Count “Multiple ballots with the very same signature” During “Audit” Of Votes In Antrim Co. - Global Wave News

                                                                                                                                Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno is an American hero. Two weeks ago, Michigan 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A Elsenheimer agreed to allow Mr. DePerno’s client, William Bailey, and a highly skilled team of IT experts to perform a forensic examina

                                                                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                BOOM! SCOTUS Smacks Down Leftist Effort to Derail Trump's Plan - The Patriot Watchdog

                                                                                                                                (Big League Politics) – After a string of disappointing Supreme Court decisions, the Supreme Court has finally ruled in a way that actually benefits American interests. The United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) threw out a legal challenge to Presiden

                                                                                                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                  Report Alleges Zuckerberg's $419 Million 'Improperly Influenced Election'

                                                                                                                                  A report allleges Mark Zuckerberg's contributions to non-profit organizations "improperly influence[d] the 2020 presidential election."

                                                                                                                                    Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                    MI Sec of State Official Caught On Video Telling Volunteers To Count "Multiple Ballots with the very Same Signature" During "Audit" Of Votes In Antrim County

                                                                                                                                    Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno is an American hero. Two weeks ago, Michigan 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A Elsenheimer agreed to allow Mr. DePerno’s client, William Bailey, and a highly skilled team of IT experts to perform a forensic exa

                                                                                                                                      Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                      Sen.-elect Tuberville Hints at Backing Electoral College Challenge in the Senate

                                                                                                                                      Earlier this week, Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) suggested he could challenge the Electoral College votes from several states in the U.S. Senate when Congress meets to certify the November 3 election outcome, which had been declared a victory for Joe

                                                                                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                        EXCLUSIVE: Six Swing States (PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ and NV) and New Mexico Pick Slate of Electoral Delegates for President Trump and Joe Biden - Here's What It Means

                                                                                                                                        As the day comes to a close, seven states convened and picked a slate of electors for President Donald Trump as well as Joe Biden.  Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico all selected a slate of electors for President

                                                                                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                          Breaking: Nevada Electors Choose Trump: "If we don't have fair elections, we've lost our Republic"

                                                                                                                                          It begins! WE THE PEOPLE are pushing back on the fraud in the 2020 election. The 6 electors in Nevada just chose President Trump! Right Side Broadcasting reported on the vote: The electors stood for a photo and referenced the 12th Amendment to the Constit

                                                                                                                                            Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                            BREAKING: FBI, Texas Rangers and US Marshals Raid SolarWinds HQ in Austin -- More News Coming on CEO and Executive Vice President

                                                                                                                                            Last night the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued a rare Emergency Directive 21-01, in response to a KNOWN COMPROMISE involving SolarWinds Orion products. This was only the fifth Emergency Directive issued by CISA under the aut

                                                                                                                                            Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                            BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Dominion Voting Machines Have the Ability to Create Ballots!

                                                                                                                                            Functionality is built into the Dominion voting machines that makes it possible to create votes. “Fake stacks” of ballots can be easily generated AUTOMATICALLY by the Dominion Voting software as noted in this tweet: DOMINION.????️

                                                                                                                                              Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                              Analysts: Enough evidence to overturn results in 3 states | FreePressers

                                                                                                                                              A team of analysts initially identified 1.25 million voter issues in the 2020 election....

                                                                                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                Dershowitz: SCOTUS May Have To Decide If State Legislators Can Pick Electoral College Voters

                                                                                                                                                Top news headlines, videos and comments from covering politics, the White House, Congress, Hollywood. U.S. news you can trust on health, personal finance, faith, freedom issues and more.

                                                                                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                Developing: Nevada Judge Does NOT Rule on Obvious Voter Fraud Case -- USPS Is Preventing Witnesses from Testifying!

                                                                                                                                                There was a hearing in Carson City, Nevada on Thursday afternoon on the massive fraud in Nevada in the 2020 presidential elections. Hundreds of Trump supporters were outside the courts building rallying for their president. The Trump Campaign believes the

                                                                                                                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                  Pennsylvania Republicans File Resolution To Delay Election Certification, Declare 2020 Election ‘In Dispute’ | The Daily

                                                                                                                                                  Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania on Friday introduced a resolution meant to delay the certification of the election in the state and declare the

                                                                                                                                                    Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                    BREAKING: Arizona State Rep Issues Call to Withhold State's Electoral College Votes to Joe Biden Due to Significant Evidence of Fraud

                                                                                                                                                    Mark Finchem Arizona state representative Mark Finchem (district 11) on Monday issued a call to withhold the state’s Electoral College votes for Joe Biden because “he believes there is enough significant evidence of fraud to invalidate the sta

                                                                                                                                                      Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                      Giuliani Points Out Major Problem with Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania: Only 1.8 Mail-In Ballots Were Sent Out - But 2.5 Million Were Counted (VIDEO)

                                                                                                                                                      The Pennsylvania state legislature on Wednesday held a hearing on the 2020 election issues and irregularities. President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani was on fire and brought in several very credible witnesses. One very credible witness desc

                                                                                                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                        Cal Thomas: Justice Alito Is Exposing Warning Signs - We Should Be Listening

                                                                                                                                                        'Alito has delivered some serious warnings that too often are ignored by many who believe the freedoms we enjoy are inviolable.'

                                                                                                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                          "How Do You Deprogram 75 Million People?" - California Democrat Calls For "Post WWII" Reeducation For Trump Supporters

                                                                                                                                                          David Atkins, Twitter avatar California Democrat David Atkins this week called for Trump supporters to be “deprogrammed” in “post WWII” type reeducation camps. — Guy Benson (@guypbenson) November 19, 20

                                                                                                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                          Trump Campaign Says It Has Uncovered Enough ‘Fraud’ To Overturn Election Result | The Daily Caller

                                                                                                                                                          Rudy Giuliani reiterated claims of election fraud Thursday, saying the campaign has discovered numerous citizens who say they witnessed fraud.

                                                                                                                                                              Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                              Former Antifa activist: ‘Antifa hates the Democratic Party’

                                                                                                                                                              As the "Million MAGA March" in Washington, D.C. winded down Saturday night, dozens of left-wing activists, identified as Black Lives Matter and Antifa, emerged to harass Trump supporters, resulting in a number of violent clashes and more than 20 arrests

                                                                                                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                More Cheating: 15,000 People Voted in Nevada and Another State

                                                                                                                                                                The Trump Campaign held a press conference in Nevada on Tuesday. During the presser former Attorney General of the state Adam Laxalt said over 15,000 people voted in Nevada and another state. These Democrats need to be charged and jailed. BREAKING: Adam L

                                                                                                                                                                    Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                    BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Multiple Reversals and Proportional Vote Entries In Virginia on Election Night after 11 PM Indicate Election Fraud Occurred in This State Too

                                                                                                                                                                    There’s something going on…. The Virginia results in the 2020 Election for President gave Joe Biden a 2.4 million vote lead over President Trump’s 2.0 million votes.  What’s odd and needs investigating is how the election ended up

                                                                                                                                                                      Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                      BOMBSHELL: The 2020 election took place under a Trump-declared “National Emergency” that set an Election Day trap for th

                                                                                                                                                                      We have another major bombshell for you here, regarding the 2020 election. Despite the intense, malicious censorship of Big Tech, we're really becoming known for in-depth analysis and research of current events, so thank you for your support as we continu

                                                                                                                                                                      Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                      Flashback: U.S. once decried an election with expelled observers, absentee boxes and 90% turnout

                                                                                                                                                                      Though a far cry from America, the 2004 Ukrainian election showcased some behavior that today makes U.S. conservatives distrustful.

                                                                                                                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                        How Democrats tried to handcuff Trump from the start

                                                                                                                                                                        In 2016, Democrats, Obama administration officials and liberal media moved quickly to target President-elect Trump. Over 73 days, there were calls for impeachment, a resistance movement, attempts to infiltrate the Electoral College, false opposition resea

                                                                                                                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                          "We're Fixin' to Overturn the Results of the Election in Multiple States!" - Sidney Powell Releases the Kraken

                                                                                                                                                                          Sidney Powell said a few days ago that she would ‘Release the Kraken’.  Today she and Rudy Giuliani did just that on Sunday Morning Futures with Marie Bartiromo.  A couple days ago attorney Sidney Powell was on Lou Dobbs where she stated tha

                                                                                                                                                                            Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                            Sidney Powell Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures: CIA May have Used Dominion for Its Own Benefit - Gina Haspel Should be Fired Immediately! (Video)

                                                                                                                                                                            Release the Kraken! Trump Attorney Sidney Powell went on with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning. During her interview Powell called for CIA Director Gina Haspel to be FIRED IMMEDIATELY. Powell said Haspel and the CIA must have known t

                                                                                                                                                                              Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                              Election Data Team to Call 1.25 Million Voters Over Anomalies in 6 Contested States

                                                                                                                                                                              WASHINGTON—The former data and strategy director for President Donald Trump's 2016 election campaign has canceled his vacation plans ...

                                                                                                                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                                Maricopa County GOP Chair Resigns After Failing to Show Up to Certify Voting Machines

                                                                                                                                                                                The Maricopa County GOP chair has resigned following reports she failed to attend a pre-election accuracy check of election equipment.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                                  There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen | The Red Elephants

                                                                                                                                                                                  According to CBS News, President Trump does not plan to concede in the event that the media declares Joe Biden the winner of the election, and elected the 46th president of the United States. The Trump campaign and it’s top advisers called for multiple la

                                                                                                                                                                                    Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                                    Watch Stunning Video Edward Snowden Posted in 2019...Did He Predict What Would Happen in 2020 Election? -

                                                                                                                                                                                    Notorious whistle blower, Edward Snowden, is continuing to sound the alarm and this time it’s on our horrific voting systems here in America. Back in 2019, Snowden shared a video which exposed how easily one can hack these voting machines, even installing

                                                                                                                                                                                        Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                                        Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date: Researcher

                                                                                                                                                                                        More than 20,000 absentee ballots in Pennsylvania have impossible return dates and another more than 80,000 have return dates that ...

                                                                                                                                                                                          Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                                          Scott Perry on Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Kept Thousands of Feet Away

                                                                                                                                                                                          Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) said poll watchers were kept thousands of feet away from ballot counting in the Philadelphia Convention Center.

                                                                                                                                                                                            Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                                            How I Became a Heretic to My Liberal Friends - Blog

                                                                                                                                                                                            My wife has become increasingly nervous when political topics arise in conversations with our friends over dinner or drinks. She’s afraid I’ll disrupt a pleasant occasion by expressing views that are anathema to our liberal, Democratic friends. Like w

                                                                                                                                                                                                Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                                                BREAKING: Real Clear Politics Pulls Pennsylvania Call for Biden -- WITHDRAWS ELECTORAL VOTES!

                                                                                                                                                                                                Real Clear Politics on Monday pulled their call for Joe Biden in Pennsylvania. Joe Biden came from a 700,000 vote deficit on Election night and with the help of OVER ONE MILLION NEW VOTES overtook President Donald Trump by Friday! WOW! They Want You to Be

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                                                  REPORT: Wisconsin Election Clerks Tampered with Thousands of Ballots

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Poll workers handling absentee ballots in Wisconsin received direction from election authorities to illegally alter ballots with missing information. The

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                                                  President Trump promises 'shocking' number of illegal ballots in Nevada; Tom Cotton weighs in…

                                                                                                                                                                                                  President Trump has been tweeting over the last few minutes about what his campaign is finding in Nevada and elsewhere, promising that the number of illegal ballots they are finding will be

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Resistance Has Begun

                                                                                                                                                                                                    It seems 2020 will be officially the worst year in modern history. A pandemic produced in China and used by Democrats and the media to create hysteria in the public

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                                                      In the shadow of the presidential election, Republican women made historic gains in the House

                                                                                                                                                                                                      A close and undecided race for president was the focus on election night. Months of both parties claiming that their candidate would deliver a blowout victory met the reality of a sharply divided country and the extended time to count ballots due to the c

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Politics | Politics

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Biden's Lead in Arizona Dwindles as Large Number of Ballots Remain Uncounted

                                                                                                                                                                                                            As you're probably aware, some late ballot counting in Arizona has been slowly chipping away at Biden's narrowing lead over President Trump. At the time of this writing, Biden's lead