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Brenda Richards

Articles 599
Views 1.1M

Advice | Advice & Self-Help

Advice & Self-Help | Advice

I'm a Medium blogger who makes up to $11,000 a month. Here are my top 3 tips for monetizing your content.

Sinem Günel has been posting articles about productivity, communication, and personal development for her 60,000 followers on Medium since 2018.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice

How to Stop Overthinking: 5 Expert Strategies to Calm Your Mind

Wrestling with the same decisions again and again can trap you in your head. Here's how to stop overthinking, according to experts.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice

You’re not a failure. How to get past a setback and back in the game

We all get stuck in a rut. This author and consultant to top sports stars offers some surprisingly simple advice for a mental reset.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice

6 Unexpected Ways Decluttering Can Help You Destress, Calm Down, and Take Care of Your Mental Health

Decluttering can feel stressful, but it can pay off in major ways. Mental health experts weigh in on the mental health benefits of decluttering and streamlining your space.

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    13 Amazon Prime Perks You Might Not Be Using | WIRED

    Your membership gets you more than free two-day shipping. Here's what you may be missing.

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    10 in-demand skills to learn if you want to transform your career in 2020

    Sure, getting in shape, eating healthy, and saving money are worthy of your annual New Year’s resolutions, but why not think even bigger in 2020? We are...

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    Five things to do when you have too many ideas and never finish anything

    Many people have mastered the art of starting, but few have built the habit of finishing.

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    5 Brain Training Techniques to Cultivate Your Creative Genius

    Brain science reveals creativity is just as much a skill you can develop as it is a gift to be thankful for.

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    Here Are the Easy Swaps You Can Make for a Healthier Life - Eater

    Maybe you've resorted to a night or two of pizza recently despite your commitment to a healthier you. But don't let a setback deter from tackling your goals. To truly be your best self, make these...

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    Here are a few of Amazon's Cyber Monday deals to get you through this Black Friday craziness

    Amazon's Cyber Monday deals has officially saved us from having to put our lives on the line during Black Friday's madness.

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    50 Stores With the Best and Worst Return Policies | MONEY

    When buying holiday gifts, consider the return policies. Some stories, like Nordstroms, L.L. Bean, Zappos, and REI, have excellent policies.

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    3 Easy Ways to Detox After a Candy Binge | MyDomaine

    A nutritionist reveals her go-to meal plan to rebalance your body after over-indulging on sugar, dairy, salt, and alcohol.

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    Pasta isn't fattening, and can actually help you lose weight, study finds

    You’d be hard-pressed to find a meal as overwhelmingly demonised as pasta when it comes to weight-loss, but a new study has found that under the right circumstances, it’s not actually that fattening. In fact, pasta can actually help you maintain a...

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    Aging: 7 Physical Habits of People Who Age Well - Motto

    Maintaining a positive attitude is arguably just as as important as sleep and exercise in order to age well.

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    3 Ways to Instantly Remove Negativity From Your Life

    Conflict Cannot Survive Without Your Permission - Dr. Wayne Dyer Trying to maintain a healthy, positive attitude isn't always e...

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    4 Timeless Ways to Boost Your Intelligence

    Although intelligence means something different to everyone, psychologists and scientists have tried to pin it down to just our IQ, as if a number can be representative of our entire mind.

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    How to Beat Interview Anxiety

    Do you have a big interview coming up, for a job or a new client or something else altogether? It can be pretty scary, but there are ways to conquer your interview anxiety. These tips may help.

    Advice & Self-Help | Advice

    Ever Anxious in Social Situations? Pickles May Be Your Solution! | Brit + Co

    Breaking! All those picklebacks + deli dill indulgences may actually be paying off for you in more ways than just appeasing your appetite. Heads up, lovers of pickles and pickled food items alike: A recent study reveals the salty treats have a positive effect on your social interactions — and it’s a big dill ;)