
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

EPA's Power Plant Carbon Standards: 10 Questions & Answers

Ten questions and answers about EPA's new carbon pollution standards for America's power plants.

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

As Millions of Solar Panels Age Out, Recyclers Hope to Cash In - Yale E360

Solar panels have a lifespan of 25 to 30 years, but they contain valuable metals, including silver and copper. With a surge of expired panels expected soon, companies are emerging that seek to recycle the reusable materials and keep the panels out of land

Politics | Climate Change

The Myth of Clean Energy

"Clean", like "smart", has become the prerequisite for all technology. Both are myths. Smart technology is surveillance technology. It is not smarter because of its inherent qualities, but because it sends and receives data that allows it to be "smarter"

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Biden just declared heat pumps and solar panels essential to national defense – here's why and the challenges ahead

Other presidents used the Defense Production Act to boost fossil fuel supplies. Biden is now using it to boost clean energy. But just ramping up production isn’t enough to succeed.

Science & Technology | Israeli Innovation

Israel Tests AI-Powered Floating Solar Panels To Generate Clean Energy

Israel announced a project to test an artificial intelligence (AI) floating solar system to generate electricity by tracking the sun,

News | Clean Energy

Revolutionary new solar panels don’t need sunlight to generate energy

New solar panels that don't need sunlight have been invented and could revolutionize the green energy initiative.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

2021 was the year clean energy finally faced its mining problem - The Verge

Climate pledges are driving an enormous hunger for lithium, cobalt, and critical minerals that are used in everything from EV batteries to wind turbines. 2021 was a big year for the new clean energy mining boom.

Science & Technology | Israeli Innovation

Can Solar Energy Be Cleaner? Israeli Researchers Develop Process To Reduce Solar Panel Waste

Solar tech may be revered as the future, but its emission-free functionality overshadows solar panels’ improper disposal when they expire.

Politics | Leftist Lies

Musk: Electric Cars Will Require a Lot More Electric Power Than We Currently Have

Tesla CEO Elon Musk says we’ll need more electricity to power cars like his. A lot more.
Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk said on Tuesday that electricity consumption will double if the worldR...

Home Improvement | Home Improvement

Opportunities of "Green Rate" for Ukrainians | Management.com.ua

Konstantin Kutik

News | Clean Energy

Futuristic Solar Plants Plagued by Glitches, Poor Training - Scientific American

Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.

News | Clean Energy

After 40 Years of Hunting, Scientists Identify a Key Flaw in Solar Panel Efficiency

Solar panels are fantastic pieces of technology, but we need to work out how to make them even more efficient – and last year, scientists solved a 40-year-old mystery around one of the key obstacles to increased efficiency.

Business & Finance | Economics

Sen. John Barrasso: Washington Gov. Jay Inslee is hurting environment, helping Putin | Fox News

Failed Democratic presidential candidate and Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee is abusing the Clean Water Act and taking energy projects hostage. Instead of protecting the environment, he is playing into the hands of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Miscellaneous | Other Stuff

Child miners aged four living a hell on Earth so YOU can drive an electric car

Dorsen, just eight, is one of 40,000 children working daily in the mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The terrible price they will pay for our clean air is ruined health and a likely early death.

News | Clean Energy

The Hydrogen Economy Is Within Grasp And Progressive Energy Companies Know It

The hydrogen economy is within grasp — the type of progress that can rollback the effects of climate change. The goal is to produce hydrogen from a carbon-free source and in doing so, displaces fossil fuels.

News | Clean Energy

Thermal Battery Could Power Solar Systems Overnight - Geek

Solar power’s whole MO is converting sunlight into electricity—so nighttime use is usually out of the question. Or is it? Researchers from Curtin University in Australia are developing a thermal battery that would …

News | Clean Energy

BBC - Future - How to rehabilitate old oil supertankers

The enormous ships that ferry crude oil around the world embody the fossil fuel era and its legacy of pollution. But can they be transformed to be good for the environment?

News | Clean Energy

Why the Tide Is Turning for the Energy Sector

The increasing demand for electric vehicles, air conditioning and renewable energy are all helping to shape the future.

Science & Technology | Science & Space

You'll Need 286 Pounds of Coal to Fuel That Electric Road Trip - Bloomberg

New Yorkers looking to escape the winter chill by driving to Daytona Beach, Florida, would use about 40 gallons of gasoline to traverse the 1,000 miles in a Chevrolet Impala.

News | Clean Energy

How Long Will Natural Gas Be A Bridge Fuel?

In a previous article, I addressed the fact that natural gas is serving as an important bridge fuel as coal is phased out. Today, I estimate how long that bridge might last.

Science & Technology | The Environment

A Better Way to Ensure Clean, Reliable Energy

A cornerstone of President Donald Trump’s agenda has been to promote domestic energy production, create jobs and improve economic growth, and he has direct

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

NuScale's Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Passes Biggest Hurdle Yet

NuScale’s small modular nuclear reactor completed the Phase 1 review of their design certification application by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. That’s a huge deal because Phase 1 is the most intensive phase of the review, taking more hours and ef

Cars & Motorcycles | Cars

Here's how every major automaker plans to go electric

Electric cars are coming soon to a road near you, and that could signal the beginning of the end for the internal combustion engine.

News | News

Chart: The U.S. Is Smashing Its Clean Energy Forecasts | Statista

This chart shows the U.S. Department of Energy 2006 10 year predictions compared to actual 2016 results.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Nano aluminium offers fuel cells on demand – just add water

The accidental discovery of a new aluminium alloy could lead to portable hydrogen and could kick-start the struggling hydrogen economy

News | Clean Energy

Cost of Clean Energy Seen Nosediving Into the Next Decade

The cost of renewables technology is set to keep falling into the next decade, boosting the economic case for clean energy, according to an industry group.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Why don't we have nuclear fusion yet - Business Insider

If fusion power were harnessed directly on Earth, it could produce inexhaustible clean power, using seawater as the main fuel, with no greenhouse gas emissions, no proliferation risk, and no risk of catastrophic accidents.

Science & Technology | Israeli Innovation

Israeli gas fuel tech could power future Chryslers, Fiats | The Times of Israel

Israel's alternative fuels initiative has entered into a deal with several of the world's largest vehicle makers to help develop gas-based fuels

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Fast-Acting Nuclear Reactor Will Power Through Piles of Plutonium

Even the latest generation of nuclear power reactors can only harvest about five percent of the energy stored in their radioactive fuel supplies, and the toxic leftovers must then be buried deep underground to slowly decay over hundreds of thousands of ye

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Lockheed Martin's new fusion reactor can change humanity forever

This is an invention that could change civilization as we know it: A compact fusion reactor developed by Skunk Works, the stealth experimental technology division of Lockheed Martin. It's the size of a jet engine and it can power airplanes, spaceships, an