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Guy Stuff | Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Terrifying Video of a Man Jumping Across a 23-Story Building in New York City Was Apparently Not a Stunt

A clip taken by filmmaker Erik Ljung is making its rounds in which a man can be seen jumping from awning to awning across a New York City skyscraper.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

The 5 Best James Bond Books

Some of Ian Fleming's Bond novels are a cut above the rest. Here the 5 best; all the stories are fairly self-contained and can be picked up out of order.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Ricky Gervais mocks celebs in the 'I Take Responsibility' anti-racism PSA

Comedian Ricky Gervais had some fun at the expense of the A-listers who appeared in a new public service announcement attempting to combat racism. 

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

The 4 Best Manly, All-American Movies Of 2019

It goes against every liberal piety to portray the hippies as evil, but Quentin Tarantino points out that it spawned a murderous cult in Hollywood.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

The "Foodie Call": A Third of Women Admit to Going on Dates Just for a Free Meal

The “Foodie Call”: A Third of Women Admit to Going on Dates Just for a Free Meal

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Who Is Your Favorite James Bond Actor?

Six men have inhabited the role. Only one can do it best.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Chuck Norris is Hosting a Chuck Norris Look-Alike Event in Texas | Mental Floss

Attendees will get a “sweet belt buckle,” fake beard, and a “Chuck Norris style T-shirt” to assist in the look.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Burt Reynolds lives on with these vintage Trans Am lovers

Burt Reynolds fans held a tribute to the “Smokey and the Bandit” star by driving in a 100 Trans Am parade with drivers dressed in iconic “Bandit” costumes.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

It's High Time You Bought an Anti-Aging Cream

Here's how to make getting wrinkles suck less.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

LEGO made James Bond’s Aston Martin, complete with working ejector seat

There’s a new Aston Martin DB5 on the market and it’s everything you’d expect from the vehicle used by James Bond in the movie Goldfinger. The only drawback: It’s too small to drive. LEGO has created a replica of the Aston Martin DB5 used by super

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Creative dudes snap Ikea Tinder photos

Snapping the ideal Tinder profile photo is a difficult art. Luckily, your local Swedish furniture retailer is available for a tasteful backdrop. Imgur user keventure's friends wanted new material for their Tinder profiles — something to make them stand out in a sea of fishing pics and poorly lit selfies. So they headed to IKEA.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

How Much to Spend on Hard Liquor | Men's Health

Learn how much you should be spending at the liquor store when you're buying rum, vodka, or tequila.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

7 Style Tips That Will Make All Men Look Taller

It's not all vertical stripes and platform shoes. Winston Churchill, Jon Stewart, James McAvoy, Daniel Radcliffe, Pablo Picasso. Fairly successful lot, wouldn't you agree? Between them they've saved the free world, both in movies and in real life, and defined modern art. If there were a Mount Rushmore of iconic 20th century figures, it's safe to say these guys would be on the short list. Short being the operative word here, because not one of them stands above 5'7".

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

In Defense of the Playoff Beard

Mark Lazarus, chair of NBC sports, has committed hockey sacrilege: He has come out against the playoff beard. "The players won't like this, but I wish they all would stop growing beards in the postseason," Lazarus told the Chicago Tribune. "Let's get their faces out there. Let's talk about how young and attractive they are. What model citizens they are. They truly are one of a kind, among professional athletes." It's unfortunate. The man who is most responsible for promoting the sport of hockey in the United States clearly doesn't understand the game.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Dressing Up the Brain: Wearing a Suit Makes You Think Differently - The Atlantic

Some psychology research in recent years is making an old aphorism look like an incomplete thought: Clothes make the man… Yes? Go on? Clothes, it appears, make the man perceive the world differently.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

How to Flirt With A Girl at the Bar, According to Women - 17 Dating Tips

To find out how not to totally blow it when talking to members of the fairer sex, we consulted a group of women who've collectively been romantically flailed at by thousands of hopeless men. Here's their advice, in their own words.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

73-Year-Old Former Marine and Ex-Boxer Punches Bear to Save His Dog | Video |

Carl Moore is willing to do just about whatever it takes to protect his dogs. Moore, a 73-year-old former Marine who has worked as both a boxer and a county music club bouncer, made that much clear when he recently took on a 300-pound beast – and won.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

8 Drivers Who Blindly Followed Their GPS Into Disaster

The machine knows where it's going!" yells Michael Scott in an episode of The Office, before driving his car directly into a lake.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

6 Fascinating Things You Didn't Know About Liquor Brands

We've all witnessed the heroic wit of the Most Interesting Man in the World. But have you ever wondered about the real-life tales associated with some of the world's biggest alcohol makers? Behind every great liquor brand is a great story.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Men's Style: 10 Quick And Painless New Year's Style Resolutions | Julie Rath

New Year's resolutions are so cliché, I almost can't stand writing about them. So this year I'm here to help boost you up with some totally doable style-related resolutions that will require very little of your time....

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

This beer tells you how much to drink to boost your creativity

When you've been stuck on a problem or that creative spark just won't come, the chances are you've turned to a cup of coffee to get things moving. A quic

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

5 Gross Guy Habits That Are Good for You | Men's Health

While some male tendencies are just plain gross—rocking the same pair of undies for a week straight, or leaving toenail clippings to linger on the coffee table—other nasty habits actually boast health benefits, like the five below. So go ahead, fart all you want . . . as long as we're not around to smell it.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

10 races that require you to eat pizza and drink beer!

From the Krispy Kreme Challenge to the New York City Pizza Run, these sprints will feed you along the way.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Submarine Sports Car Inspired By James Bond's Underwater Lotus -

Can YOUR sports car drive underwater? This one can.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Do I have what it takes to buy and run my own bar?

Not long into our conversation, Kirk Struble has me feeling disillusioned. That is probably for the best. For many years I have often fantasized about opening a bar. Sometimes the dream has shape-shifted into a Jewish deli or a music club, but more often

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

How to Iron a Shirt in 90 Seconds: The GQ Eye

You can have a wrinkle-free button-down in less time than it takes to pick the pants to go with it. GQ creative director Jim Moore shows you how, step-by-step STORY: The Smart Man's Guide

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

ManMade Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Make Awesome Beer Cocktails

Our love for beer is sincere and it grows stronger every year (and so does our beer belly, but it's so worth it.) Like whiskey or quality tequila, it can...

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Peter Fonda's 'Easy Rider' Bike Going to Auction - ABC News

Iconic 'Easy Rider' Bike Set to Fetch Big Money on Auction Block

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

7 wines guys might like even as much as beer - Guyism

Beer is cool as hell – we all know that. But wine is pretty cool too. In fact, here are 7 wines guys might like even as much as beer.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

13 Insanely Simple Ways to Be More Likable

Everything from how you stand to what you say influences how people see you

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

How Men Think In Relationships…I Must Admit, It’s Pretty Good.

FINALLY, the guys’ side of the story. (I MUST ADMIT, IT’S PRETTY GOOD.)



Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

The U.S. hasn't had this many breweries in operation since 1870

For the first time in two centuries, the number of American breweries has finally reached pre-Civil War levels. There are 3,040 breweries currently churning out beer in the U.S. The last time we saw this many breweries, the transcontinental railroad had j

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

How to Accept a Compliment With Class

You hand someone a gift and they eagerly tear off the wrapping paper and lift the lid on the box. But as they pick up and examine the present tucked inside,

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

The Carpool DeVille Is a Fully Functional Car and Hot Tub

When they were engineering students at McMaster University in Ontario, Phil Weicker and Duncan Forster built a hot tub inside a 1969 Cadillac DeVille. It remains a fully functional car, with the original engine in the front. The water circulation system i

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

10 Cheap Date Ideas She’ll Actually Love

Editor's note: This is a guest post from Joe Weber of “'Cause I don't care too... much for money, money can't buy me love“ - The Beatle

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Self-serve beer stations flow at Target Field

Self-serve beer stations are up and running in Target Field, so Minnesota Twins fans and those who attend the Major League Baseball All-Star festivities next week can decide what they want and even how much they want of it.

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Becoming a Man of the World: How to Learn Another Language

Editor's note: This is a guest post by Benny the Irish polyglot who writes at Fluent in 3 Months. Imagine being able to blend in undetected in another co

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

4 Lessons in Manliness from Louis Zamperini

Sometimes stories are so slender that to become movies, Hollywood has to generously pad and exaggerate the scanty details. In the case of the current eff

Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

Guys: You Better Have Read These 80 Essential Books by Now

An unranked, incomplete, utterly biased list of the greatest works of literature ever published. How many have you read?

    Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

    Luxury firm sells perfectly square ice cubes for $325

    A company in California that makes ice cubes for celebrity events claims a bag of 50 ice cubes last longer and are healthier than the ones from a normal freezer.

    Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

    This guy lives in a 727 parked in the woods

    It gives a whole new meaning to

    Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

    Tips for the Ultimate Memorial Day BBQ!

    Follow these tips and recipes from top pitmasters and a great Memorial Day barbecue is guaranteed.

    Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

    Aerofex hoverbike could be yours by 2017 - CNET

    The Aero-X hoverbike from Aerofex is slated for a commercial release in 2017 for just $85,000. Chump change, right?

    Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

    Further thoughts on my Bell Bullitt TT Helmet

    Back in March, I reviewed my Bell Bullitt TT. This incredible looking helmet is a lot of fun and now I have a couple hundred miles wearing it. My impression is still super positive, but I've learned a few things...

      Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

      What the hell is a cargo cruise? Magnificent, that's what.

      Beer and liquor is available, tax-free. Yes, indeed, savvy adventurers can ride along on freighters -- no stowing away necessary. And with that in mind, we’ve compiled everything you need to know about cruisin’ slowly amid a hundred crates of Brazilian bananas.

      Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

      How to Drink All Night But Never Get Drunk

      Jim Koch knows beer. He also knows a beer trick that may change your life.

      Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

      11 Unexpected Reasons to Cook with Booze

      There's more than the mixing of two great things—booze and food—that makes drunken dishes that much better. The scientific properties of alcohol make the final product even greater than the sum of its parts.

        Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

        This Incredible Portrait Of Jackie Chan Is Made Of 64,000 Chopsticks

        Legendary martial artist, movie star and director, Jackie Chan, turned 60 this week. So, how best to honor the milestone? Why, with a chopstick portrait, of course! Artist Red Hongyi recently had the opportunity to not only meet with Chan, but als...

          Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

          9 ways to score a table at a booked restaurant WITHOUT a reservation

          If you've got chocolates, money, or the name of the bartender written on your hand, you've got a chance.

            Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

            How To Make An Incredible Burger

            Spoiler alert: Invest in a cast-iron pan. Also, research Maillard reactions....

              Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

              10 Steps To Becoming A Cookout King!

              Of course we've got everything from batch-making booze to pre-boiling lobsters.

                Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                Everyday Carry: 1950s

                Slick hair and the rise of rock-n-roll gave men in the 50’s a truly unique style. It was a combination of rebellion and corporate sophistication. As a man living in the 1950’s, here are a few of th...

                    Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                    The American Man's Scotch Pronunciation Guide

                    Brian Cox, esteemed actor and proud Scot, sips his way through more than 40 brand names to help you out at the bar, the liquor store, and beyond

                      Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                      Firefighter puts out fire with truckload of beer

                      A beer drinker will tell you that a good brew will help out in almost any occasion. And a firefighter in Houston proved Monday it's also useful for putting out fires. 

                          Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                          17 of the Coolest Film Posters Designed By Minimalist Legend Saul Bass

                          Remaking movie posters into ultra-minimal cinematic tributes has been one of the Internet’s favorite past-times of late, but the staid results--while occasionally clever--lack heart. Passion. Excitement.

                            Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                            William Fisk`s Photorealistic Paintings Make Vintage Gadgets Cool Again

                            If the title of this post didn't immediately give away the fact that these images were paintings, we all would have thought they were photographs. Yes, Canadian artist William Fisk is just that goo...

                              Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                              100 Must See Movies: The Essential Men’s Movie Library

                              For whatever reason (most likely the fact that viewing is easier than reading), films don’t seem to get the same kind of cultural respect as books do. Which

                                Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                Everyone is a suspect in the case of the missing ridiculously-named bourbon

                                Someone stole $26,000 worth of rare Pappy Van Winkle's whiskey from the distillery in Kentucky, and the theft is creating

                                  Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                  How to Build a Secret Backyard Fire Pit

                                  When Kate and I bought our first house two years ago, one of its biggest selling points was that it sits on a little over an acre of land. That may not soun

                                    Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                    Highland Friends to Warm the Night: From One Region, a Variety in Tastes and Styles of Scotch

                                    While single malts can be enjoyed year-round, the onset of winter and long cold nights is perfect whiskey weather.

                                      Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                      Meet The World's Best Whisky

                                      Glenmorangie's Ealanta -- a single malt that was hidden away for almost 20 years -- has been named the best whisky of the year by celebrated whisky expert Jim Murray. According to the Scotsman, Murray, author of the Whisky Bible, an annual guide that

                                        Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                        Vintage photos show Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr in their heyday hobnobbing at Hollywood hotspot

                                        Black and white photographs show some of Hollywood's hottest stars out and about at Hollywood club Ciro's.

                                          Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                          The Pumpkin Tap Kit

                                          There are a lot of good pumpkin beers on the market (Check out 8 new ones here) that are available for purchase, but there's something to be said for doing it yourself. Unfortunately, it's too clos...

                                            Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                            25 Amazing Facts for Drink Beer Day

                                            According to Hallmark, today is Drink Beer Day! Celebrate with a little beer history.

                                              Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                              100 Must-Read Books: The Essential Man Library

                                              Written by: Jason Lankow, Ross Crooks, Joshua Ritchie, and Brett McKay Photo by the nonist There are the books you read, and then there are the book

                                                Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                                Be More Bitter! Cocktail Secrets from the Union Army

                                                The secret to the perfect cocktail is an old staple from the Union army’s first aid kit.

                                                  Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                                  The 25 Manliest Homes In America | Men's Health

                                                  The Men's Health editors run through the 25 coolest private homes in the USA.

                                                    Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                                    Jack Daniel's Sinatra Select | Uncrate

                                                    In case you didn't know, Frank Sinatra was known to drink Jack Daniel's. A lot of Jack Daniel's. Now Jack is returning the favor by...

                                                      Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                                      How to Blend Scotch to Make Cocktails: Wine + Cocktails: GQ

                                                      Scotch is the official beverage of the 1 percent. But now tradition-busting bartenders are treating it like a blue-collar booze, mixing blends and smoky single malts into cocktails. Here's how to take scotch back from the neat freaks

                                                      Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                                      The GQ Guide to Suits: Style: GQ

                                                      Presenting our exhaustive guide to that wardrobe cornerstone, the suit: the styles you need, the fit you want, and how to put it all together with aplomb

                                                          Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                                          What Wood Ron Swanson Do? | MH Living | Men's Health

                                                          Parks and Recreation star Nick Offerman misses the days when when worked with their hands

                                                            Miscellaneous | Guy Stuff

                                                            Drink Like a Man | MH Living | Men's Health

                                                            See the best bottles for first-time scotch drinkers from Men's Health Living