
Articles 256
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Blackouts Inevitable As Renewables Struggle To Replace Reliable Energy

'This is all a man-made energy crisis on the part of leaders who worship at the altar of the green agenda while plunging our country into the dark ages.'

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We Cannot Stop the Spread of COVID, but We Can End the Pandemic

The arrival of the omicron variant has led some politicians and public health grandees to call for a return to ...

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Assume Everything Corporate Media Says Is A Lie

The media’s deluge of lies about the Rittenhouse case is a disturbing reminder that the corporate press lies about everything all the time.

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    New Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS are LYING to the public about COVID... and I CAN PROVE IT

    Another COVID whistleblower has come forward as exclusively reported by Gateway Pundit to allege that the statistics about ICU’s being overrun are wildly inflated, over-reported, and in many cases an outright LIE by political officials. Whistleblower Jo

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      WATCH: New Study Finds Natural Immunity Blows Vaccines Out Of The Water

      A new study has found that natural immunity drastically outclasses vaccination when it comes to protection against the C-19 virus.

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      Erick Erickson: Why Are Trump Voters Getting Flak for the Biden Administration's Failures?

      'Between media monomania and government irresponsibility and hubris, a lot of people don't know what to think.'

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      New Study Links Ivermectin to 'Large Reductions' In COVID-19 Deaths

      A recent study found that using ivermectin could lead to "large reductions" in COVID-19 deaths and its use could have a "significant impact" on the pandemic globally.

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      Elite School Celebrates the ‘Tarring & Feathering’ of White Women

      Taking race-based hate to an all new level, one of Manhattan’s most prestigious schools, the Spence School, has come under fire for...

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      We Can’t Abandon Afghan Interpreters, But We Don’t Have to Absorb Them

      As the Biden administration winds down the US military presence in Afghanistan, US Sen. Angus King (I-ME), is pressing President Biden to...

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      Annual Inflation Rate Soars to Levels Not Seen Since Obama

      As expected, inflation exploded in May seeing the consumer price index surge by 5 percent over the past twelve months. This represents...

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      After Virginia teacher suspended over 'preferred pronoun' policy, court rules he must be reinstated

      A county court on Tuesday ruled that a Virginia teacher suspended for opposing a school transgender pronoun policy must be reinstated while his case continues, calling his suspension "unconstitutional."

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        Harris Disingenuously Blames Climate for US Southern Border Surge

        On her first public relations-centered jaunt outside the United States, Vice President Kamala Harris (D), incredulously attempted to...

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        Election Reform Laws Push Back on a Long-Held False Narrative

        Several election reform laws have been enacted, with many more in the processes of making it to desks of governors across the nation...

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        Biden Is All Over the Board on Social Media's Attack on the First Amendment

        In the aftermath of Facebook’s totalitarian decision to maintain their banishment of former President Trump, the Biden administration...

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        More States Join the Push Back Against Critical Race Theory

        South Dakota’s governor has signed a pledge to re-institute accurate US history education in that state’s public schools. South Dakota...

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        Instagram for Kids? A Horrible Idea That Invites Further Indoctrination

        A coalition of child safety advocates is opposing Facebook’s plans to launch a version of Instagram for children under 13 years of age...

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        Deloitte Tells Employees ‘Microaggressions’ Are Considered A Punishable Offense | The Daily Wire

        The accoutning firm Deloitte told employees that unintentional “microaggressions” are considered a punishable offense. 

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          Some Observations On the Efficacy of Masks in a #COVID19 World

          Masks mandates are not a risk free intervention. They have a poor effect of civil society, they absorb resources, they possibly carry health risks of their own, and they certainly contribute to mis…

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          Fourth Revision of Calif. ‘Ethnic Studies Curriculum’ Saturated with Critical Race Theory

          Never wanting to be seen as not on the cutting edge of the educational abyss, California’s Department of Education has released a fourth...

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          UK Secretly Testing Controversial Web Data Mining Tool

          For the last two years in Britain, law enforcement and internet service providers have been quietly colluding to build and test...

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          Over 1,000 Baltimore School Officials Make $100K a Year as Students Continue to Fail

          An examination of city records reveals that a shocking number of school officials in Baltimore, Maryland are making more than $100,000...

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          AI Expert Explains How Big Tech Manipulates What You Think

          An Oxford-trained artificial intelligence expert explains the machinery behind Big Tech's thought suppression, AI speech police, and groupthink on campus.

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            CDC Study Finds 78% of People Hospitalized, Needed a Ventilator or Died From Covid-19 Were Overweight or Obese

            So much for the woke “body positivity” movement praising morbid obesity and “health at every size.” The CDC is finally admitting what we’ve known all along: the overwhelming majority of people who were hospitalized or died fr

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              Government data shows masks had no impact on COVID spread

              A graph that overlays data from surveys on mask usage with the number of coronavirus cases confirms studies that indicate

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                Sewage in bathtubs, more mold, stinky closet: Officers sue landlord over Monterey housing

                Their daughter’s teacher reported “that there was a stench emanating from the little girl’s clothes.

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                Drive to Claw Back Power from an Expanding Federal Government Gains Steam

                Public sentiment is wide-spread and mounting to confront the unbridled expansion of the federal government’s authority over the sovereign...

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                150 Missing Children Recovered in Joint Operation

                A joint law enforcement operation months in the planning has recovered 150 children who had gone missing in Tennessee...

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                K-12 ‘Woke Civics’ an Effort in Indoctrination

                The Washington swamp establishment that brought the education system the Common Core standards and encouraged more federal intervention...

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                WaPo called out for report on Biden's 'migrant facility for children' after hitting Trump's 'kids in cages'

                The Washington Post raised eyebrows on Monday night for a report on the first newly opened "migrant facility for children" under President Biden, which critics compared to the "kids in cages" mantra that was pushed during the Trump administration. 

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                  What Happened In Texas

                  The best explanation of Texas's prolonged blackout was published by Mitch Rolling yesterday at Texas gets electricity from six sources: coal, nuclear, natural gas, solar, hydro and wind. How did those sources perform, and what cont

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                    Biden Prepares Way For Banks To Refuse Service To Democrats' Enemies

                    By abusing the powers of federal regulators, Operation Choke Point 2.0 would stifle the bipartisanship, unity, and healing President Biden claims to desire.

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                    Mississippi Bans Transgender Athletes from Competing in Female Sports

                    The Mississippi Senate passed a bill on Feb. 11 prohibiting transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports at state schools and universities.

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                      In First Interview Since Leaving Office, Trump Calls Rush Limbaugh a ‘Patriot,’ ‘Legend’ and a ‘Defender of Liberty’ - A

                      Rush Limbaugh, aka "El Rushbo," aka "the Great One," aka "America's Anchorman, aka the “Doctor of Democracy,” died on Ash Wednesday at age 70 after a year-long…

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                        Constitutions limit the government, not the people

                        The government is trampling our rights, and just about everyone knows it.  The conservatives want it stopped, and to have changes made according to constitutional rules.  The Democrats don't think the Constitution is as releva...

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                          Half of Texas Wind Turbines Freeze, Hurting Electricity Output

                          Nearly half of the wind turbines in the state of Texas froze in recent winter weather, hurting state power supplies, authorities said.

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                            Twitter Permanently Suspends 'The Gateway Pundit' Account

                            Twitter has permanently suspended The Gateway Pundit's account over what it says are "repeated violations" of the platform's rules.

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                            RED FLAG LAWS: Supreme Court to Decide Whether Police Can Enter Your House, Seize Your Guns Without a Warrant

                            A case before the US Supreme Court Supreme Court will decide whether law enforcement officers have the right, under the

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                              IGNORED BY THE MEDIA ELITES AND FBI: List of 20 Individuals at the Capitol on January 6th - All Appear to be Connected t

                              For weeks the FBI, Democrats, and the fake news media have insisted there was no Antifa or far-left activist infiltration of the January 6th protests where activists stormed the US Capitol. We already know this is false.  The individuals who entered the U

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                                  A Miracle! Only 23 Americans Tested Positive for Flu Last Week Compared to 14,657 Cases Reported Last Year at Same Time

                                  Do you ever get the feeling you’re being lied to? 450,390 people have now died WITH the coronavirus in the US this year. That number includes poisonings, shootings, homicides and hospice deaths. The Gateway Pundit reported news from the CDC in Augus

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                                    Chicago Ald. Hires Security to Keep Citizens Safe While Pumping Gas

                                    Chicago Alderman Stephanie Coleman reacted to a surge in city carjackings by hiring a private firm to provide security for an hour each day.

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                                      Cuomo’s COVID Policies Killed 50% More People in Nursing Homes Than Originally Thought

                                      A devastating report by Letitia James, the Democrat New York State attorney general who achieved office with the help of

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                                      There is no highly contagious new variant of the coronavirus in the US despite reports that a new strain of the deadly bug was circulating here. Officials said reports that suggested a new mutation…

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                                      There Is No Apolitical Classroom

                                      Do you know what’s going on in your kid’s school? The three R’s – reading, writing, and arithmetic – have taken a back seat to a fourth R. Max Eden, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, explains what that fourth R is, and why it’s so dest

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                                        National Rifle Association Dumps New York for Texas, Will Reincorporate During Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

                                        In a move that protects their financial assets and punishes the cancel-culture of New York State, the National Rifle Association

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                                        USA Patriotism! ... Patriotic Photos - Pikes Peak New Year's Fireworks

                                        Fireworks brighten the clear night sky at the top of Pikes Peak as seen from an Air Force Thunderbird Jet display at the U.S. Air Force Academy a few minutes past midnight on January 1, 2021 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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                                          Corporate Media's Obsession With Fact-Checking Is To Monopolize Truth

                                          There's no shortage of fake-fact checks published by corporate outlets self-righteously and falsely presenting themselves as neutral arbiters of truth.

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                                            The Top Five Most Suppressed News Stories Of 2020

                                            There's no way that even as recently as four years ago anyone would have predicted just how abysmally irresponsible the media would become by 2020.