
News | In The News

AMC slaps 'Goodfellas' with trigger warning for 'offensive' content that includes 'cultural stereotypes'

AMC Networks added a trigger warning to the classic mob movie “Goodfellas” — rankling those who were in the film and wiseguys alike.

Politics | Politics

Internal Docs Show Entire Intelligence Community Warned To Avoid ‘Problematic Phrases’ On Islamic Terrorism

DW INVESTIGATES: Top intel agency's DEI newsletter states that terms such as 'Jihadist' and 'Radical Islamists' must be avoided

Politics | Covid 19

Rolling Stone Investigates What Type of Mask We Should Be Wearing Right Now

 We had to check the date on this tweet to make sure it was current, a sure enough, it was posted Friday. Rolling Stone says we should be wearing masks again, but which ones? N95 or KN95? It has to be an N95, because those cloth masks we were all wearing were "nothing more than facial decoration. You shouldn't need one if you and everyone else have had the vaccine.

Politics | Liberal Fascism

NYT Op-Ed Argues 'Elections Are Bad for Democracy,' Proposes Alternative

 I chose the featured image for a reason that would've seemed unimaginable not all that long ago. As I first looked at the picture, the sun setting behind the Statue of Liberty metaphorically suggests the sun setting on democracy — lower-case "d," that is — in America.

Politics | Blue State/City Life

California Considers Eliminating Requirement to Notify Law Enforcement of Suspected Domestic Violence

 Former California State Senator Melissa Melendez, one of the shining sanity beacons in the not-so Golden State’s body politic, tweeted on August 14 that the state legislature is considering a bill eliminating the present requirement of healthcare providers to notify law enforcement when they suspect a patient has, or is, suffering from domestic violence.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

SALTY: Twitter user claims white people don’t season their food because of racism

White people don't season their food, according to one Twitter user, and the reason is racism.

Politics | Woke Insanity

7 Beloved Books Quietly Censored By History-Hating Publishers

How many other beloved books have been bowdlerized and reissued without public knowledge? These classics did not escape Orwellian butchering.

Politics | Covid 19

Techno-Hell: The Rise of the 'COVID-19 Influencer'

At the toxic intersection of lockdown politics and social media, a new sort of internet star has risen: the “COVID-19 influencer.”
The now-entrenched “Zero COVID” subculture is...

Politics | Politics

The AP Stylebook Now Has a Problem With the Word “The”

The AP Stylebook has been making a lot of recommendations in recent years that I disagree with—usually because they’re stupid.
For example, a couple of years ago they decided that the word ̶...

Politics | Woke Insanity

'Body Positivity' Activist Claims 'Obesity' Is a Fatphobic Slur

An obese self-described

Politics | Blue State/City Life

Universal Basic Income Hits the Bay Area—If You’re Black

At least three guaranteed income initiatives in the San Francisco Bay Area openly discriminate against white residents, limiting or entirely preventing their participation in programs that dole out no-strings-attached cash.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

The View's Defense of Biden's 'Where's Jackie' Moment Was Nuclear-Levels of Insanity

You expect them to be crazy, and still they say "hold my beer."

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Dutch city to become first in the world to ban meat ads over climate change

Dutch city bans meat ads, the first in the Netherlands and in the world to prohibit advertisements for meat, in an effort to guard against climate change.

Politics | Climate Change

‘Ridiculous Edict’: Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin Blasts California’s Gas Car Phase Out

Governor Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) blasted California’s new electric vehicle plan that will ban sales of new gas-powered cars in 2035, saying he will push to block the effort from spreading to the Old Dominion.

Politics | Gender Insanity

California Department of Education Advertises Sex Change Operations to Students

The California Department of Education prepared a resource that included multiple clinics that offer sex change surgeries.

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Saira Rao says that seeing the American flag makes her want to vomit

Flag Day must have been especially tough on her.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

New Orleans Mayor Tweets ‘Breathtaking’ Giant Black Fist Afro Comb Art Display For Juneteenth

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell pulled the drapes off an art display of an oversized black fist afro comb on Friday in celebration of Juneteenth — the holiday commemorating the ending of U.S. slavery.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

It ‘says a lot’ that more white liberal celebrities spoke up about Will Smith and not Tucker Carlson

A lot of those white liberal celebrities were first-hand witnesses to what Will Smith actually did.

News | The News

Disney no longer saying 'boys and girls' in park greetings to promote gender inclusion

Disney is working to take out "boys and girls" in recorded park greetings in the company's push to promote gender inclusion.

Politics | Politics

New York State Dems Pose with Sign Showing 'Climate Change' As Plane Headed for Twin Towers

A "Climate Justice" rally hosted in Albany by the left-wing organization NY Renews on Tuesday was billed as "a day to remember" by organizers who hoped to "flood the streets

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

ABC’s Hostin: Right’s Putin Support Parallels ‘Insurrection’ — They Tried to ‘Just Take the Election’

ABC legal analyst Sunny Hostin said Thursday on ABC's "The View" that some of America's right-wing support of Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine parallels the "insurrection" on January 6, 2021 because they attempted to "just take the e

Politics | Politics

Microsoft's woke word filter a new 'mechanism of mind control'

Vivek Ramaswamy sounded off Friday on “Fox & Friends” on Microsoft introducing a new software to correct some terms seen as not politically correct.

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Madness: UCLA Suspends Professor for Refusing to Assign Grades Based on Skin Color

Gordon Klein's ordeal at UCLA illustrates how insane American academia is. But the insane are entrenched, have huge endowments, and the culture on their side.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

AOC-Aligned Org Demands Abolishing Senate To Pass Biden Agenda After Democrat Senator Warns Of Inflation

A far-left activist group aligned with Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) is pushing to eliminate the U.S. Senate in an effort to ram through Democrat President Joe Biden’s partisan $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

America’s 250th Birthday Will Be A ‘Commemoration,’ Not ‘Celebration’ In Virginia Because Leftists Don’t Think It’s Worth Celebrating

Event should be oriented around liberal priorities because "because [conservatives are] all in anyway."

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

ABSURD! Facebook Oversight Board Prefers Consistency, Globalism to American Values

Members of Facebook’s Oversight Board revealed that the board prefers to operate under the guideposts of globalism and so-called consistency — not American values enumerated in the First Amendment.

Politics | Leftist lunacy

'This Is Manifestly Not Saigon' and Our Society of Lies

I wrote about the moral, diplomatic, international and American tragedy of abandoning Afghanistan a few months ago, so here I will address only the comment by Secretary of State Antony Blinken on ABC&...

Politics | Politics

Optimism, Inc.: The Crushing Weight of Lies

Image by SomeMeans @ Getty Images Victor Davis Hanson // VDH’s Blade of Perseus One reason why I remain optimistic about the impending end of wokism and the failure of the cultural revolution…

Politics | Woke Insanity

New Batch Of Emojis Include ‘Pregnant Man’ And ‘Pregnant Person’

Unicode Consortium’s draft for Emoji 14.0 includes a “Pregnant Man” and “Pregnant Person.”

Psychology | Psychology

Biden Admin Expands Tuition Breaks For Future Teachers, Removes GPA Requirement To Provide Access To ‘Students Of Color’

The Biden administration announced a plan to expand tuition breaks for future teachers and remove GPA requirements for grant recipients in hopes of providing access to “students of color.”

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

‘Not in my neighborhood!!’: Resident calls cops because fireworks are ‘a literal call to white supremacy’ and intimidating to BIPOC

Can you believe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris set off fireworks in D.C. for the inauguration?

News | The News

NPR Trashes Declaration Of Independence On Fourth Of July, Adds ‘Editor’s Note’ To Warn Of ‘Racist Slur’

National Public Radio (NPR) denounced the Declaration of Independence on the Fourth of July because of terms it deemed offensive.

Politics | BLM

Black Lives Matter Files Lawsuit Against Santa Monica To Prevent ‘Unlawful’ Police Response At Future Protests

Black Lives Matter’s Los Angeles chapter (BLMLA) and other protesters filed a federal lawsuit on Monday against the city of Santa Monica, California, claiming its response to demonstrations sparked by the death of George Floyd last year violated the constitutional and statutory rights of some demonstrators.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Olympian Gwen Berry says she’s ‘pissed’ and it was ‘disrespectful’ to play the national anthem while she was on the medal stand

"The anthem doesn't speak for me. It never has."

Politics | Politics

LOSING IT: Read Lori Lightfoot’s DERANGED Emails to Staff

Fox News host Tucker Carlson went through Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's deranged emails to her staff.

Politics | Leftist Lies

Washington Post looks into anti-blackness and transphobia in the Byzantine Empire to help us understand the roots of hatred

The Washington Post thought more people should be aware of this book.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Patriarchal, sexist Victoria’s Secret replacing the Angels with soccer star Megan Rapinoe and the rest of the ‘VS Collective”

Victoria's Secret is doing a major overhaul of its patriarchal lineup.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

NYT's Mara Gay: Seeing American Flags on D-Day Anniversary Was 'Disturbing'

It’s not very often you hear this kind of blanket honesty from a journalist about how even the simple image of an American flag triggers them. 

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Anti-racist teacher stopped teaching Spanish because white supremacy

Anti-racist teacher stopped teaching Spanish because white supremacy. Jessica Bridges from Oklahoma State University preaches anti-racism during Women's Gender Studies Conference.

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Pathetic: Vaccinated Feminists Still Masking To Avoid ‘Male Gaze’

If you haven’t noticed, a lot of lefties don’t want to get back to normal. After a year of lockdowns, fear-mongering, and the imposition of mask-wearing as a “moral responsibility” to preserve the safety of others, the conditioning of the masses has been

Politics | Liberal Fascism

NBC/MSNBC legal contributor isn’t sure how to distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated people … can anyone help her out?

"Why do you care?"

Politics | Op-Ed

Victor Davis Hanson: Tuning Out Wokeism

If wokeness should continue and “win,” by now we all know where it will end up. After all, this is not a prairie-fire, peasants-with-pitchforks…

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Blue Check Calls For Elon Musk To Burn To Death In A Tesla After He Flashed ‘OK’ Sign During SNL

Daisy Barringer, a freelance writer and editor, said she hopes Tesla CEO and SpaceX founder Elon Musk dies in a Tesla fire.

Politics | Woke Insanity

Nolte: The Narcissistic Cult of Woke Has Taken Over the CIA

A YouTube video proves the CIA is actively looking to recruit the most narcissistic people in the world — Woke Millennials.

Politics | Liberal Fascism

CEO fired for telling a boy wearing a red prom dress that he looked like an idiot

The company shares the concerns expressed by so many.

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Following Adam Toledo's Shooting, Chicago May Make Cops Ask for Permission to Chase Suspects

Better? Safer?

Politics | Op-Ed

There's No Way Americans Can Trust The Jury's Chauvin Verdict

A fair trial for Chauvin might have come to the same conclusion. But we'll never be able to trust this one, because the left made a fair trial impossible.

Politics | BLM

Study: Cities With BLM Protests Had Up To 6,000 More Homicides Than Expected From 2014-2019

New research shows that cities that held Black Lives Matter protests saw a 10% increase in murders than was expected from 2014-2019. Preliminary findings

Politics | Politics

CNN Claims ‘There Is No Consensus Criteria For Assigning Sex At Birth’ In News Article

CNN reported as fact that the meaning of “biological sex” is disputed and that “no consensus” exists for knowing a person’s sex at birth.

Politics | Politics

Psaki laughs off question on teaching migrants, not U.S. kids

White House Spokesperson Jen Psaki has come under fire yet again. This time, Psaki laughed off a question about why underage undocumented migrants have not been subjected to a coronavirus lockdown.

News | News

President Biden’s nominee to lead the DOJ’s civil rights division accused Chicago cops of ‘demonizing survivors’ by asking for access to Jussie Smollett’s phone

Just a quick flashback, because when we read this story from the Daily Caller it reminded us that at some point we’d written about the problem of the “calcified pineal gland.” A guy with half-a-million subscribers on YouTube but whose Twitter account has

Politics | Liberal Hyprocacy

Why Are Progressives So Illiberal? - American Greatness

One common theme in the abject madness and tragedies of the past 12 months is that progressive ideology now permeates almost all of our major institutions—even as the majority of Americans resist the…

Politics | Politics

The Scars of 2020 - American Greatness

Amid plague, national lockdown, riot and arson, iconoclasm, recession, and the most contested voting in history, the country leaves 2020 with some scars that…

Politics | Women's rights

No, this is not "getting back to normal" - Melanie Phillips

The extinction of reason, justice and freedom on campus is now to be institutionalised as American government policy

Politics | Politics

San Francisco Votes In Favor Of ‘CAREN Act’ To Ban “Discriminatory” 911 Calls

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on Tuesday to pass legislation that would allow the target of a racially motivated or otherwise

Politics | Politics

Journo John Haltiwanger defends the 1619 Project by pointing out that ‘history is not just about facts/dates’ and also white men suck

After the New York Times’ Nikole Hannah-Jones was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for the highly flawed 1619 Project, Nation journalist Jeet Heer explained that it was actually OK because the 1619 Project provoked a lot of debate:

Humor | Humor

The 24 Most Absurdly Politically Correct Moments of the Last Decade

A lot has happened in the last decade — including a lot of things being called racist, sexist, offensive, or insensitive.

Politics | Politics

Mayor In His Hometown Proposes Grinding Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday Into The Dust

It is Thomas Jefferson who wrote the words that became a promissory note of freedom for all races that this nation cashed in its own blood.

Business & Finance | Economics

Doctor Tells Truth About Gender Pay Gap In Medicine. Then He Was Forced To Apologize.

Telling the truth – albeit not in the best terms – about why women in any particular field earn less than men in the same field will automatically trigger an online rage mob screaming “sexism!’ as Plano, Texas doctor Gary Tigges learned this past