Kelly McCoy

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Animals! | Pets & Animals

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The Lion Is a Relatively Slow Yet Formidable Predator

The lion, scientifically known as Panthera leo, is an awe-inspiring animal. These majestic big cats symbolize strength, courage, and royalty across various cultures. Primarily found in Africa and a small pocket in India, wild lions play a crucial role in

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Wolves vs. Coyotes: What’s the Difference?

Coyotes can sometimes look like wolves from a distance—but there are some key differences between the two species.

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Why Do Birds Fly South for the Winter?

Genetics, seasonal changes, and Earth's magnetic field all play a role.

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Is the border collie the world's most intelligent dog? Stunning photography reveals just how clever this sheep dog is

Photographer and farmer Amy Bateman documents the day-to-day behaviour of her working border collies, offering an intimate view into the life of this highly intelligent sheep dog.

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38 Times Dogs Deserved Only The Best Dog Houses And People Accepted The Challenge

Just like people, dogs need a safe and comfortable space for a healthy and happy life.

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Black bear invites himself to a picnic, eats with stunned family (video)

A family was having a picnic at a table in Mexico’s Chipinque Ecological Park when a black bear decided to join in. Up on the table, the bear proceeded to gorge on food from everybody’s…

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Why Do Dogs Scratch Their Beds Before Lying Down?

Your dog’s instinct to furiously dig at their bed before falling asleep would make a lot more sense in the wild.

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Why Do Goats Have Such Weird Eyes?

The shape of an animal’s pupils is a clue to its place in the food chain.

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Can Dogs See in the Dark? Everything We Know About How Dogs See at Night

When the sun goes down, what does your pup see? We talked to veterinarians to find out how much dogs can see in the dark.

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Petting other people's (friendly) dogs can boost your health

You don't even have to own one. Research shows just 5 to 20 minutes interacting with other people's pooches can reduce stress hormones and increase well-being.

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Watch: Meeting between Yellowstone grizzlies has unexpected outcome

When a male grizzly bear approached a grizzly sow and its two cubs in Yellowstone, tourists watching the encounter felt a battle brewing.

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An Alaskan Dog Was Missing For Weeks Before Appearing 166 Miles Away—Across a Frozen Sea

A dog who went missing in Savoonga, Alaska, was found a month later 166 miles away in Wales, Alaska. Nanuq, an Australian shepherd, was in good health despite being bitten by a wild animal.

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How Dogs Perceive Time

Dogs can’t tell us what time means to them — but maybe we can try and understand how dogs perceive the passing of time.

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Stacked up against pack of coyotes, herd dog kills 8 to save sheep

A Georgia dog is still recovering after a violent encounter with a pack of coyotes last month.

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25 Cool Facts About Polar Bears

There's more to polar bears than their cuddly looks. Here are 25 facts you should know about them.

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Johnny Depp Snuggles Orphaned Badger At Wildlife Rescue 1 Day After Trial Verdict

Johnny Depp got cozy in a sweet pic with a badger at an animal rescue a day after his big trial win against his ex Amber Heard.

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7 Facts About Ragdoll Cats

The Ragdoll cat can be described in three words: big, beautiful, and friendly.

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Can Otters See Optical Illusions? These Adorable Animals Weigh In

Can otters see optical illusions? Otters Kotaro and Hana are on the case in this adorable animal video. Here's what they found.

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Why Do Horses Need Shoes (But Cows Don’t)? | Mental Floss

There are many reasons why horses might need shoes. There’s pretty much only one reason why cows don’t.

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Great Pyrenees Puppies Frolic With Baby Goats in This Serene YouTube Video

The viral video shows a glimpse into the life of the animals who live on Pygmy Harbor Farm in Knoxville, Tennessee, where the owners raise pygmy goats and Great Pyrenees pups.

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A Walrus Was Spotted in Ireland for the Very First Time | Mental Floss

A 5-year-old girl and her dad were the first people to see the walrus when it made a rare appearance on Ireland's shores.

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106 Great Danes Who Don't Understand How BIG They Are (New Pics) | Bored Panda

Friendly, social, and charming, these floppy-eared loveable dogs are considered by some to be the perfect match for families.

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Why Are Dogs So Afraid of Vacuums?

Just like fireworks and thunderstorms, vacuums are unexpectedly loud—but that’s not the only reason your dog hates them so much.

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Sea lion pup pays a visit to home on The Strand in Manhattan Beach

A sea lion pup, just six-months old, wandered across the sand in Manhattan Beach all the way to the doorstep of a home in the 2800 block of The Strand.

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The 11 Weirdest Birds on the Planet

Birds are pretty cute, right? Wrong. Not always. From an owl that looks like it has the mouth of a frog to a vulture with a demon head to a stork that eats actual human waste, these birds are certainly unique. Here are 11 of the weirdest most interesting

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Monkeys Filmed Working Together to Save a Juvenile From a Boa Constrictor

Anthropologists from Tulane University have captured incredible footage of capuchin monkeys teaming up to rescue one of their own from the strangling clutches of a Boa constrictor. The video, along...

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Do Dogs Get Headaches? | Mental Floss

Dogs and humans share some of the same central neural pathways. Does that mean they need blackout curtains for crippling headaches, too?

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These Dolphins Have Lost Their Minds With Excitement At The Sight Of A Sloth

With their temporary closing, the sleepy sloth named Chico was treated to an eye-opening adventure through the Gulf of Mexico exhibits. Turns out, the dolphins

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Calculate Your Dog's Age With This New, Improved Formula

A study of the epigenetic clock in Labradors shows calculating a dog's age is much more complicated than just multiplying by seven

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Dog Breaks Through Neighbor's Fence - The Dodo

“It made me happy to see them so happy. Just neighbors being neighborly.”

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10 Wily Facts About Coyotes | Mental Floss

Coyotes that live in the eastern United States are hybrids with both dog and wolf DNA. Here are some more facts about the resourceful predator.

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Nassau, Bahamas Woman Opened Her Home to Nearly 100 Rescue Dogs Ahead of Hurricane Dorian

As Hurricane Dorian approached the Bahamas, a Nassau resident made sure 97 dogs from her animal refuge were safe and cared for—inside her own home.

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Do Bears Really Love Honey? | Mental Floss

If your experience with bears is largely limited to reading Winnie the Pooh as a kid, you might think that these fuzzy mammals will do anything to get their gigantic paws on a jar of honey.

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Miniature Horses Now Included on the List of Service Animals Airlines Must Allow to Fly | Mental Floss

Your next flight may include a mini horse riding in coach, thanks to new service animal guidelines released by the Department of Transportation.

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Feds announce new guidelines for service and emotional support animals on planes - CNNPolitics

Airlines are prohibited from banning specific breeds of dogs on board flights as service or emotional support animals, the US Transportation Department said Thursday, amid controversy over safety and passengers abusing the policies for emotional support a

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You really shouldn’t declaw your cat. Do this instead. | Popular Science

Declawing a cat can lead to much bigger problems than scratched furniture. Read on.

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People Just Can't Get Enough Of This Adorably Unique-Looking Dog - The Dodo

"Some people think I used a permanent pen to draw his eyebrow or Photoshopped his face."

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Dogs can tune out noise, just like people at cocktail parties

This discovery is useful for handlers of working dogs, who often have to summon their canines in chaotic situations.

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The Legacy of Chesty: How a Bulldog Became the United States Marine Corps Mascot

Meet Chesty XV, the newest Bulldog mascot of the United States Marine Corps. He already has the first of his many duties figured out: boosting morale.

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15 Animals You’d Be Surprised to Find in Zoos | Mental Floss

Zoos have grown into a vehicle for conservationism and education, which is why you may see honey bees and chickens alongside more exotic animals.

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Hero Dog Helps Firefighters Pull 2 Kids From Burning Home

The children, ages 2 and 4, were the last to escape the blaze when Maxx went in after them.

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Rhinos with cameras hidden in their horns could prevent poaching

The war on wildlife crime is taking a new technology-driven direction.

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This Golden Retriever Snuggling With His Bird And Hamster Besties Proves Love Knows No Species

A golden retriever walks into a room with eight birds and one hamster. What happens next? This scene sounds like it’s setting up some silly punchline, but this is no joke -- it’s a real

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Herd rescues collapsed baby elephant on busy road

A herd of elephants immediately took action when a baby of their group collapsed on a South African road.

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George The Cat Stands On Two Legs Like A Little Human

George is a cat who just really likes to stand on two legs. Redditor Egzo shared a photo of his pet on Wednesday to the Aww subreddit, showing the kitty standing up like a human. He stands on chairs. A photo posted by George Cat (@georg...

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Abandoned Dog Helps Save The Lives Of 10 Sick Puppies And Their Mother

Hero the dog has truly earned his name. An abandoned dog led animal rescuers to a litter of 10 sick puppies and their mother in Dallas, Texas, last Tuesday. The pooch, who has since been aptly named

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Dogs Know What That Smile on Your Face Means

Fido knows whether you're happy or angry by your facial expression, according to a new study.

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Video: Meet the 183-year-old tortoise who is the world’s oldest living land creature - Telegraph

Jonathan the tortoise, who lives on the British territory of St Helena, is thought to be the world’s oldest living land creature

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Orphan kangaroos spend Christmas without their parents

Over here in the UK, we are used to the image of homeless dogs and cats pining for a family at Christmas time.

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Your Monday needs this turtle helping his upside-down friend

When one turtle spotted his buddy flipped over onto his shell, he immediately got to work helping him. He struggled, but was ultimately successful and the pair headed off for a celebratory hangout.

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Sixth-Remaining Northern White Rhino Dies : DNews

Angalifu, a northern white rhino housed at the San Diego Zoo's Safari Park, has died of old age at 44. With his death the subspecies draws closer to extinction, as only five remain.

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This baby goat will crash your cute-o-meter - Boing Boing

It doesn't get cuter then Benjamin the baby goat. This BBC video has been making the rounds on social media, and you can practically here the collective "SQUUUUUUEEEEEEE!" Most people's natural reaction to Benja

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And Then Here’s an Owl Going for a Swim in Lake Michigan | TIME

Silly owl, your primary mode of transit is supposed to be flying, not swimming! But alas, here you are, doing what is essentially the butterfly stroke in the cold waters of Lake Michigan.

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Cub only looks like it’s waving a friendly hello -

As a momma bear fished for salmon, this cub frolicked on the shore and did something unexpected that turned out to be an endearing photo that went viral.

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Why Your Cat Thinks You're a Huge, Unpredictable Ape | WIRED

Tony Buffington is a cat expert who wants to help you harmonize your relationship with your favorite feline.

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Darling 'Dawson's Creek' Spoof Stars Dachshunds Instead Of Humans

Bewigged dachshunds + a '90s teen drama starring James Van Der Beek = Filmic magic. This canine take on “Dawson’s Creek,” directed by Michael Immerman, has been wowing netizens this week with its moving coming-of-age narrative a...

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Baby Elephant Falls On Its Back At Zürich Zoo, Adult Elephants Rush Over To Help

It's all happening at our new favourite alliterative attraction, Zürich Zoo. Specifically, it's all happening at Zürich Zoo's Kaeng Krachan Elephant Park: where a baby elephant slipped over, ended up on its back - and was immediately hel...

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Baby Elephant Happily Playing With His Tire Toy - Neatorama

[]YouTube LinkThis adorable elephant calf seems to be having a ball with a toy consisting of three tires that are connected with rope. The baby and his herd of elders are residents of Elephant Nature Park&nbs

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8 Videos of Cats Doing Un-Cat Like Things

Image ViaCats are very mysterious creatures. With dogs, you pretty much know what you are getting, but not so much with cats. Some days your cat may want to curl up in your lap and never leave your side, and the next day that same cat could act like you d

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5,000 People Showed Up To A Manatee's 66th Birthday Party, Which Is Nice

Snooty the manatee is hella popular.

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These Photos Of Koko The Gorilla Mourning The Loss Of Robin Williams Are Incredibly Moving

The two met in 2001 and became fast friends. Robin Williams touched not just the lives of people, but also some of our closest relatives in...

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Can You Find Momo the Dog in These Photos? | Bored Panda

Ontario-based graphic designer Andrew Knapp invites everyone to find Momo, his strange 4.5-year-old border collie, who, unlike other dogs, would always hide when fetching sticks instead of returning them.

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Adorable Duck And Dog Duo Spotted Napping Together In Paris | Bored Panda

In a strange but adorable twist of fate, two Reddit users recently discovered that they had taken photos of a cute pair of duck and dog friends at almost the same time and almost the same place – Paris. Hopefully, the unexplained dog-duck duo is safe an

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Jonathan The Tortoise Photographed In 1902 And Today | Bored Panda

Although he's lost his sense of smell and is blinded by cataracts, 182-year-old Jonathan the giant tortoise is still going strong. He just might be the oldest living tortoise, or even terrestrial animal, in the world. It is thought that Jonathan was broug

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Mimi the Baby Baboon - Neatorama

Oakland Zoo knew they had a photogenic girl on their hands early on in Mimi the baby hamadryas baboon's life. The cuteness was so abundant that they started a feature on their Facebook page in which one Mimi teething ph

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Shock Tape and Sticks: Delhi Residents Battle Thousands of Terrorizing Monkeys - NBC News

NEW DELHI, India — Madi is a bully. He has three-inch canines that glisten when he snarls.And that’s a good thing, says his owner, Niraj.Madi is a langur — a...

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Diver Rescues Sea Turtle, Gets a Thanks

[] (YouTube link)Off the coast of Mexico, a diver untangles a sea turtle from a hank of rope. Instead of making a quick escape, the turtle hangs around long enough to say his thanks and pose for the camera. -via Laughing Squid..

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Incredible sight of the elephant that cried: this is an AMAZING story!

Raju the elephant was rescued by a team from North London-based charity Wildlife SOS after suffering for 50 years in the Uttar Pradesh area of India.

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Why Do Seagulls Hang Out in Parking Lots?

I live in Philadelphia, which is a quick enough drive to the Jersey Shore when traffic is good, but still pretty far from the ocean. Yet, the parking lot of my local grocery store is almost always full of seagulls. What gives?

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20 Adorable Bunnies Sticking Their Tongues Out

Just when you thought that little fluffy bunny rabbits couldn't gt any cuter, they go ahead and stick out their little pink tongues and melt our hearts all over again. We only hope that you can handle how cute these 20 pictures of rabbits sticking out the

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Poachers kill one of the world's largest elephants in Kenya - Telegraph

Poachers hack the face and tusks off Satao, one of Kenya's most famous elephants, as conservationists warn elephant poaching

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LOOK: 'Over 100' Dolphins Surf A Party Wave Like You've Never Seen Before

Apparently, the mammals of the sea are having some kind of weird, surf competition-slash-viral drone video battle. First, it was the humans of Hawaii, showing off their shredding skills at the world famous Banzai Pipeline. Then, a few months later...

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These 15 Animals Without Hair Are Barely Recognizable

Humans are not the only ones who suffer from hair loss. Whether caused by disease or old age, this condition can affect our animal friends, too. Hair loss from the head or body is technically called alopecia. It can have many different causes, such as nat

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Here’s a bear hanging out on a hammock. You’re welcome - Lost At E Minor: For creative people

Yes you read that right. This is a photo of a black bear. Lying down on a hammock. A Florida neighborhood got the spook of their lives the other day when a

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The 100 Most Important Cat Pictures Of All Time

OK, this is it. This is the one. We can all finally shut down the internet and go home after this.

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INCREDIBLE Footage of Mama Bear Pulling Cub Off Highway To Safety

Shot by driver Ricky Forbes - Driving through British Columbia's Kootenay Nati...

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What's the Difference Between Seals and Sea Lions?

There's a good reason seals and sea lions look so similar—they're both members of the pinniped taxonomic group, a name which refers in Latin to their

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This Kitten Thinks She's A Pit Bull, And It's Too Cute For Words

From the day she came home, Matilda the foster kitten has been obsessed with Lisa Revella Morabito's pit bulls. And Morabito has a lot of pit bulls to capture this girl's not-always-completely-useful attention.

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Moms, Human Or Not, Are Incredible! And These 6 Videos Prove It

Mothers are incredible. They do so much for their children. As if bringing them into this world wasn't enough, they also love them, feed them, clean them and make sure they survive to adulthood. And it's not just human mothers who dedicate themselves...

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Oregon's Legendary Wandering Wolf May Have Met A Mate

OR-7, as he is known, traveled from northeast Oregon all the way to California for years in search of a new home and a chance for a mate. Now, biologists say, he may have found a mate.

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Blue-Footed Booby Threatened in the Galápagos

As their fishy food source has declined, so has breeding among the bright-footed birds, a new study says.

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This Swimmer Noticed A Shark Was Following Him; The Dolphins Noticed, Too

A group of dolphins apparently came to the aid of a British long-distance swimmer just in the nick of time. Adam Walker was on a 16-mile swim in the choppy waters of New Zealand's Cook Strait on April 22 when he spotted a great white shark beneat...

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    9 Reasons to Love the Amazing Snow Monkey

    Snow monkeys (also known as Japanese macaques) are a cute, fun-loving bunch. Adorable as they may be, there’s much more to this primate than just a pretty face.

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      Photographer shoots wild meerkats, gets climbed on and used as lookout post instead - Lost At E Minor: For creative people

      Tree-climbing goats, move over now. Photographer Will Burrard-Lucas was minding his own business in the Makgadikgadi Pans region of Botswana and shooting a

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        22 Hilariously Derpy Animals | Bored Panda

        Many of us tend to put animals on a pedestal, admiring them for their effortless grace and beauty and what seems like a certain purity of spirit. However, they are just as prone to mistakes and moments of uncharacteristic stupidity as we are, as this list

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          16 Fun Facts About Hedgehogs

          After cats, hedgehogs might be the internet's favorite animal. But how much do you know about these spiky mammals—other than how cute they look when getting a bath?

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              Baby Hippo and Dogs Are Best Friends

              (Photos: Born Free)Conservation Lower Zambezi, a wildlife conservation organization in Zambia, found Douglas the hippopotamus when he was just 2 weeks old. His mother had abandoned him, so they took him in. He now lives at Chipembele Wildlife Rescue and,

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                Emotional reunion between two elephants after 22 years apart will bring tears to your eyes (VIDEO)

                Shirley and Jenny, two crippled elephants, are reunited for the first time in 22 years at the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. The two former circus elephants are elated to see each other and it is one of the most heartwarming and unforgettable reunions I