
Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

EPA's Power Plant Carbon Standards: 10 Questions & Answers

Ten questions and answers about EPA's new carbon pollution standards for America's power plants.

News | News Items

13 Ways the World Got Better in 2023 | TIME

The past year saw multiple wars, increasing climate-change disasters, and public-health challenges. But here are some ways things improved.

Science & Technology | Science

The closest planet to Earth? Probably not the one you’re thinking of

There has recently been some confusion over which of the planets of the Solar System is closest to Earth.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Scientists Found Something Extraordinary In A Hole On Their Way To The Center Of The Earth

Working across three decades, Soviet scientists dug the deepest hole on planet Earth. But tens of thousands of feet down, they stumbled across some unusual things...

Science & Technology | Science

At just 1,600 light-years away, this is now the closest known black hole to Earth

The dormant black hole, dubbed Gaia BH1, sits 1,600 light-years away, three times closer than the last black hole to hold the record.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

New Federal Report on Microfiber Pollution Spotlights Textile and Fashion Industries - Lexology

A new draft report to Congress by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on behalf of the…

Science & Technology | Science

NASA's planetary defense mission will test asteroid deflection, but how realistic is it?

NASA's DART mission mimics what scientists would do if an asteroid were headed toward Earth, but there are a few differences compared to defense against a real asteroid impact.

Science & Technology | Science

The fastest-growing black hole eats one Earth of mass every second

Scientists have discovered the fastest-growing black hole and it eats the equivalent of 1 Earth every passing second.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

2021 was the year clean energy finally faced its mining problem - The Verge

Climate pledges are driving an enormous hunger for lithium, cobalt, and critical minerals that are used in everything from EV batteries to wind turbines. 2021 was a big year for the new clean energy mining boom.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

The Five Biggest Climate Stories of 2021 - Scientific American

Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.

News | Animal Links

How to regrow a wrecked coral reef - BBC Future

When Hurricane Iris hit southern Belize in 2001, the country's magnificent corals were wrecked. But within 10 years, a radical restoration project brought the reef back to life.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars (Official NASA Video)

NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance mission captured thrilling footage of its rover landing in Mars' Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021. The real footage in this vide...

Science & Technology | Science & Space

After 300 million miles, NASA's Perseverance rover set for Mars landing

NASA's Mars Perseverance rover is on the cusp of landing on the red planet after a 300 million-mile journey. Here's what happens next.

Science & Technology | Science & Technology


Science & Technology | Science

Why Doesn't the Earth Have a Bunch of Mini Moons? | WIRED

To answer this question, let's take a look at something called the Three-Body Problem.

News | News Items

Jane Goodall Says Pandemic Is Due to 'Little Respect for the Natural World' but There's Hope for This Planet Yet

Goodall talks to Newsweek about the pandemic, her new documentary and the most important message she hopes her life's work leaves behind.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Five Impossible Facts That Would Have To Be True If The Earth Were Flat

It isn’t flat, and these simple observations that you can make from the ground can demonstrate it to anyone.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

The Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Acidified the Ocean in a Flash

The Chicxulub event was as damaging to life in the oceans as it was to creatures on land, a study shows.

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

Maps of Water, Crops, and Coasts Reveal the Truth About Human and Earth Interactions

To our detriment, if we continue on current trajectories, and global modelling shows just how. Natalie Parletta reports.

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

Here's Some Ways to Help the Planet and Your Wallet

An estimated one-third of all the food produced in the world goes to waste. Food waste is both a humanitarian concern and drives climate change. Here are some tips to prevent food waste. 

Science & Technology | Science

Earth's magnetic north pole is moving too fast for experts to keep up. Now scientists might know why.

Scientists have modeled the jerks inside our planet's core that cause magnetic north to go haywire. Accurate models of magnetic north inform our GPS.

Advice & Self-Help | Products with Integrity

A Shopper’s Guide to Home Tissue Products

In the United States, we consume more than 15 billion pounds of tissue each year—more than 50 pounds per person. It’s taking a major toll on forests like the Canadian boreal.

Science & Technology | Science

If the Moon is Gradually Moving Farther Away From Us, Will Its Gravitational Pull Ever Cease on Earth? | Mental Floss

Theoretically, the Moon could move far enough away to no longer have a hold on Earth. But quite a number of other big events would likely take place first.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

Fast north magnetic pole shift prompts navigation update

Planet Earth is alive. Deep beneath its skin, its life blood — rivers of molten iron — pulse around its core. And this mobile iron is what generates the magnetic field that causes auroras — and keeps us alive.

News | News Items

A Vicious Cycle: Air Conditioners Making Global Warming Worse, Warns Study - Study Finds

Researchers from the University of Wisconsin say air conditioners further degrade air quality and generally compound the toll on human health created by air pollution

News | News Items

Alaska Over a Century: From Natural Wonders to Government Plunder

Retracing a famous environmentalist's journey almost 120 years ago, an author discovers a very different Alaska.

News | News Items

What’s Happening to the North Atlantic Right Whale Is Just Plain Wrong | NRDC

Scientists say the species could be functionally extinct in as little as 20 years—but there are some solutions within reach.

News | Animal Links

Monarchs: Poetry in Motion

It's hard to justly express the magnitude and majesty, the sheer scale of what this experience can be, literally millions of butterflies dancing around you.

News | News Items

Future offshore drilling could wreak havoc on deep sea ecosystems

Marine scientists say that opening up more areas to drilling means disruption for marine ecosystems and an even greater increased risk for oil spills.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Tick Season Facts: How to Prevent Parasite-Borne Diseases

Most of the bites that lead to disease come in the spring and summer seasons, and more people are moving to tick territory.

News | The News

Huge solar storm set to slam Earth tomorrow | Daily Mail Online

The storm was created by a solar flare - a large explosion in the sun's atmosphere - which generated charged particles, according to the Washington, DC-based NOAA.

News | Interesting Links

What scientists found trapped in a diamond: a type of ice not known on Earth - Orlando Sentinel

Trapped in the rigid structure of diamonds formed deep in the Earth’s crust, scientists have discovered a form of water ice that was not previously known to occur naturally on our planet.

Advice & Self-Help | Products with Integrity

Green Rankings - Top 10 US Companies for Environmental Performance

Newsweek Green Rankings are one of the most recognized measures of corporate environmental performance and responsibility. Find out the top 10 US companies.

News | News Items

Artist Ai Weiwei visited Puerto Rico as part of research into mass migration

The artist was drawn to Puerto Rico because more than 410,000 people have left the island.

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

The Household Products That Cause Air Pollution

A new study finds that many household goods degrade air quality more than once thought.

News | Animal Links

Artificial nests bring new hope for vulnerable shy albatross

Dozens of fluffy shy albatross chicks sitting on artificial nests are a promising sign for scientists behind an innovative plan to give the vulnerable species a boost to help counteract the negative impacts of climate change.

News | News Items

What Exxon Mobil Didn’t Say About Climate Change

Company scientists raised concerns about greenhouse gases and the climate, but executives told the public a very different tale.

News | News Items

The REAL Cost Of Losing The Great Barrier Reef

A report says the landmark is "priceless," but if the reef were given a value, it'd be worth billions.

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

11 easy ways to reduce your plastic waste today

Maybe you’re not ready to breakup with plastic altogether, but here are some simple ways that can make a big difference in reducing the amount of disposable plastic in your life.

News | News Items

How The Oceans Became Choked With Plastic

The problem is staggering, and it'll get worse if we do nothing.

Miscellaneous | Interesting & Helpful Information

3 Ways to Make Your Diet More Sustainable

Sustainability is a very hot topic in the food and nutrition world these days and for good reason.  Every year, we have about 80 million more people to feed than we did the year before.

News | News Items

With #Trump’s election, science and the global environment will lose

Diplomats and environmental scientists from nearly all the nations of the world are meeting in Marrakech, Morocco , to figure out how best to fulfill the promises made in last December’s  Paris climate agreement to limit global warming. But with Tuesd

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

There's a black hole in our galaxy, and it's not far from Earth

Black holes are more common than you may think. There’s even one in our galaxy. Close enough for scientists to actually observe its destructive nature.

Science & Technology | Science

How Fast Does Earth Move Through The Universe? - Forbes

According to relativity, there’s no universal frame of reference. But the Big Bang gave us one anyway.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Here are astronaut Scott Kelly's most jaw-dropping photos from his year in space

Official site of The Week Magazine, offering commentary and analysis of the day's breaking news and current events as well as arts, entertainment, people and gossip, and political cartoons.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

NASA Studies High Clouds, Saharan Dust from EPIC View | NASA

From a dusty atmosphere stretching across the Atlantic Ocean to daily views of clouds at sunrise, a new NASA camera keeping a steady eye on the sunlit side of Earth is yielding new insights about our changing planet.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

NASA Captures EPIC Views Of Earth

Think you've seen an accurate image of Earth from space? Think again.

Science & Technology | Cosmic Research

To Scale: The Solar System on Vimeo

On a dry lakebed in Nevada, a group of friends build the first scale model of the solar system with complete planetary orbits: a true illustration of our place in…

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Must See: The World's Wonders from Space

Three astronauts returned to Earth from the International Space Station after taking amazing space photos.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

NASA just discovered an Earth-like planet - Business Insider

Some scientists believe we're most likely to find life outside of Earth if we look beyond our solar system. Life, they think, could be present on some Earth-like planet orbiting a different sun thousands of light years away.

Food & Drink | Food

No, You Don’t Have to Stop Eating Nutella; Greenpeace Says It’s OK

Greenpeace says French ecology minister Segolene Royal is wrong — Nutella is not destroying the planet and a ban wouldn’t solve the world’s environmental problems.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Here's How Long It Would Take To Fall Through The Center Of Earth

Just how long would it take to fall through the center of the Earth, traveling from one side of our planet to the other? Physicists have long calculated the answer to that question as being 42 minutes, but now, new calculations show that the theo...

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Scientists Discover Another Earth!

NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope recently discovered an Earth-like planet orbiting a nearby star within the habitable zone of our galaxy. Kepler-186f is approximately 500 light-years from Earth in the Cygnus constellation. The habitable zone, also known as

Science & Technology | Medicine, Science & Technology

Asteroids Had Magnetic Fields That Could Have Protected Hitchhiking Lifeforms

New research that shows that the rubble of our solar system, asteroids and meteoroids, once had long-lasting magnetic fields that perhaps could have protected life stowing away on them.

Science & Technology | Cool Stuff

Scientists: Water on Earth is older than the sun and solar system - The Week

Some 30 to 50 percent of the water on Earth was created more than 4.5 billion years ago and is older than the solar system and the sun, researchers say.

Science & Technology | Science

Video: Modern Day Earthrise in HD, as Seen by the Japanese Lunar Orbiter

Forget sunrises... what we need to see more of on Instagram and our Facebook newsfeeds is Earthrises. Of course, they're a bit harder to capture, but spect