
News | News

Jonathan Sacks – The Rejection of Rejection BECHUKOTAI

Jonathan Sacks – The Rejection of Rejection BECHUKOTAI There is one aspect of Christianity that Jews, if we are to be honest, must reject, and that Christians, most notably Pope John XXIII, have also begun to reject. It is the concept of rejection i

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Jonathan Sacks – Minority Rights BEHAR

Jonathan Sacks – Minority Rights BEHAR One of the most striking features of the Torah is its emphasis on love of, and vigilance toward, the ger, the stranger: Do not oppress a stranger; you yourselves know how it feels to be strangers, because you

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Jonathan Sacks – The Duality of Jewish Time EMOR

Jonathan Sacks – The Duality of Jewish Time EMOR Alongside the holiness of place and person is the holiness of time, something parshat Emor charts in its deceptively simple list of festivals and holy days (Lev. 23:1-44). Time plays an enormous par

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Jonathan Sacks – Judaism’s Three Voices

Jonathan Sacks – Judaism’s Three Voices The nineteenth chapter of Vayikra, with which our parsha begins, is one of the supreme statements of the ethics of the Torah. It’s about the right, the good and the holy, and it contains some of Judaism’

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Jonathan Sacks: Holy People, Holy Land Acharei Mot

Jonathan Sacks: Holy People, Holy Land Acharei Mot   I had been engaged in dialogue for two years with an Imam from the Middle East, a gentle and seemingly moderate man. One day, in the middle of our conversation, he turned to me and asked, “Why do

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Jonathan Sacks: Is there such a thing as Lashon Tov? METZORA

Jonathan Sacks: Is there such a thing as Lashon Tov? METZORA The Sages understood tsara’at, the theme of this week’s parsha, not as an illness but as a miraculous public exposure of the sin of lashon hara, speaking badly about people. Judaism is a s

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Jonathan Sacks – Othello, WikiLeaks, and Mildewed Walls TAZRIA

Jonathan Sacks – Othello, WikiLeaks, and Mildewed Walls TAZRIA It was the Septuagint, the early Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, that translated tsara’at, the condition whose identification and cleansing occupies much of Tazria and Metzora

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Jonathan Sacks – Spontaneity: Good or Bad? SHEMINI

Jonathan Sacks – Spontaneity: Good or Bad? SHEMINI Shemini tells the tragic story of how the great inauguration of the Tabernacle, a day about which the Sages said that God rejoiced as much as He had at the creation of the universe, was overshadowe

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Where Is the Ark of the Covenant Today?

The Ark of the Covenant is the holiest item in Judaism. What happened to it?

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Jonathan Sacks – Why Civilisations Die TZAV

Jonathan Sacks – Why Civilisations Die TZAV In The Watchman’s Rattle, subtitled Thinking Our Way Out of Extinction, Rebecca Costa delivers a fascinating account of how civilisations die. When their problems become too complex, societies reach wh

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Jonathan Sacks: The Therapeutic Joy of Purim

Jonathan Sacks: The Therapeutic Joy of Purim “The fate of Haman has been throughout history the fate of individuals and nations: that those who try to destroy the Jewish people end by destroying themselves. Great empires sought to harm the Jewish people

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Jonathan Sacks: The Dimensions of Sin VAYIKRA

Jonathan Sacks: The Dimensions of Sin VAYIKRA Our parsha, which deals with a variety of sacrifices, devotes an extended section to the chattat, the sin offering, as brought by different individuals: first the High Priest (Lev. 4:3-12), then the communit

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Jonathan Sacks : God’s Shadow VAYAKHEL

Jonathan Sacks: God’s Shadow VAYAKHEL In Vayakhel we meet, for the second time, the man who became the symbol of the artist in Judaism, a man by the name of Betzalel. Then Moses said to the Israelites, “Know that the Lord has chosen Betzalel son of Ur

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Jonathan Sacks Between Truth and Peace KI TISSA

Jonathan Sacks Between Truth and Peace KI TISSA Ki Tissa tells of one of the most shocking moments of the forty years in the wilderness. Less than six weeks after the greatest revelation in the history of religion – Israel’s encounter with God at Moun

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RAV KOOK ON PARSHAT TETZAVEH: HOW TO ILLUMINATE LIFE  RAV KOOK ON PARSHAT TETZAVEH:      HOW TO ILLUMINATE LIFE וְאַתָּ֞ה תְּצַוֶּ֣ה ׀ אֶת־בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל וְיִקְח֨וּ אֵלֶ֜יךָ שֶׁ֣מ

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Jonathan Sacks – Building Builders TERUMAH

Jonathan Sacks – Building Builders TERUMAH As soon as we read the opening lines of Terumah we begin the massive shift from the intense drama of the Exodus with its signs and wonders and epic events, to the long, detailed narrative of how the Israeli

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RAV KOOK ON MISHPATIM: THE ISRAELITE WAY OF LIVING LAWFULLY RAV KOOK ON MISHPATIM: THE ISRAELITE WAY OF LIVING LAWFULLY “וְאֵ֨לֶּה֙ הַמִּשְׁפָּטִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר תָּשִׂ֖ים לִפְנֵיהֶֽם:-And these are the la

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Jonathan Sacks – God’s Nudge MISHPATIM

Jonathan Sacks – God’s Nudge MISHPATIM First in Yitro there were the Aseret Hadibrot, the “Ten Utterances”, the Ten Commandments, expressed as general principles. Now in Mishpatim come the details. Here is how they begin: If you buy a Hebr

History | History

The Search for the Ten Lost Tribes

What happened to the ten tribes and where are they today?

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RAV KOOK ON PARSHAT YITRO: BECOMING A HOLY NATION BY ESTABLISHING A HOLY GOVERNMENT “וְאַתֶּ֧ם תִּֽהְיוּ־לִ֛י מַמְלֶ֥כֶת כֹּֽהֲנִ֖ים וְג֣וֹי קָד֑וֹשׁ” “And you will be a kingdom of priests a

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Jonathan Sacks – Deed and Creed YITRO

Jonathan Sacks – Deed and Creed YITRO The parsha of Yitro records the revolutionary moment when God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, entered into a mutually binding agreement with a nation, the Children of Israel, an agreement we call a brit, a covena

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Jonathan Sacks: The Power of Ruach BESHALLACH

Jonathan Sacks: The Power of Ruach BESHALLACH In September 2010, BBC, Reuters, and other news agencies reported on a sensational scientific discovery. Researchers at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research and the University of Colorado were able

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Jonathan Sacks – The Birth of History – VAERA

Jonathan Sacks – The Birth of History – VAERA The parsha of Vaera begins with some fateful words. It would not be too much to say that they changed the course of history, because they changed the way people thought about history. In fact, they

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Jonathan Sacks – The Challenge of Jewish Leadership SHEMOT

Jonathan Sacks – The Challenge of Jewish Leadership SHEMOT I used to say, only half in jest, that the proof that Moses was the greatest of the prophets was that when God asked him to lead the Jewish people, he refused four times: Who am I to lead? T

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Jonathan Sacks – Grandparents VAYECHI

Jonathan Sacks – Grandparents VAYECHI Every Friday night we re-enact one of the most moving scenes in the book of Bereishit. Jacob, reunited with Joseph, is ill. Joseph comes to visit him, bring bringing with him his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.

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Jonathan Sacks – The Space Between VAYIGASH

Jonathan Sacks – The Space Between VAYIGASH “What do porcupines do in winter?” asked Schopenhauer. “How can they stay warm?” If they come too close to one another, they will injure each other. If they stay too far apart, they will freeze. Li

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Jonathan Sacks – Sibling Rivalry MIKKETZ

Jonathan Sacks – Sibling Rivalry MIKKETZ Listen to these words that are among the most fateful and reverberating in all of Jewish history: Joseph recognised his brothers, but they did not recognise him. Gen. 42:8 The Torah is a deep book. We make a

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Jonathan Sacks – Speech Therapy VAYESHEV

Jonathan Sacks – Speech Therapy VAYESHEV From Vayeshev to the end of the book of Bereishit we read the story of Joseph and his brothers. From the very beginning we are plunged into a drama of sibling rivalry that seems destined to end in tragedy. Al

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Jonathan Sacks – Collective Responsibility VAYISHLACH

Jonathan Sacks – Collective Responsibility VAYISHLACH By any standards it was a shocking episode. Jacob had settled on the outskirts of the town of Shechem, ruled by Hamor. Dina, Jacob’s daughter, goes out to see the town. Shechem, Hamor’s son,

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Jonathan Sacks – Why Did Isaac Love Esau? TOLDOT

Jonathan Sacks – Why Did Isaac Love Esau? TOLDOT   Even before they were born, Jacob and Esau struggled in the womb. They were destined, it seems, to be eternal adversaries. Not only were they were different in character and appearance. They al

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Jonathan Sacks – Abraham: A Life of Faith CHAYEI SARAH

Jonathan Sacks – Abraham: A Life of Faith CHAYEI SARAH Abraham, the Sages were convinced, was a greater religious hero than Noah. We hear this in the famous dispute among the Sages about the phrase that Noah was “perfect in his generations,” mea

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Jonathan Sacks – The Binding of Isaac: A New Interpretation

Jonathan Sacks – The Binding of Isaac: A New Interpretation   It is the hardest passage of all, one that seems to defy understanding. Abraham and Sarah have waited years for a child. God has promised them repeatedly that they would have many de

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Israel and its Arab Neighbors in Light of the Book of Genesis

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Israel and its Arab Neighbors in Light of the Book of Genesis Jews and Muslims consider the Bible to be a major source for teaching personal and national behavior. Unfortunately, Israeli Jews and their Muslim neighbors aren’t re

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Jonathan Sacks – On Being a Jewish Parent LECH LECHA

Jonathan Sacks – On Being a Jewish Parent LECH LECHA The most influential man who ever lived does not appear on any list I have seen of the hundred most influential men who ever lived. He ruled no empire, commanded no army, engaged in no spectacular

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THE LIGHTS OF RAV KOOK: SUKKOT JOY AND UNIVERSALITY THE LIGHTS OF RAV KOOK: SUKKOT JOY AND UNIVERSALITY “Radiant is the world soul, Full of splendor and beauty, Full of life,  Of souls hidden, Of treasures of the holy spirit, Of fountains of strength,

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Jonathan Sacks – The Spirituality of Song HA’AZINU

Jonathan Sacks – The Spirituality of Song HA’AZINU With Ha’azinu we climb to one of the peaks of Jewish spirituality. For a month Moses had taught the people. He had told them their history and destiny, and the laws that would make theirs a

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RAV KOOK ON YOM HAKIPPURIM: THE DAY OF AT-ONE-MENT RAV KOOK ON YOM HAKIPPURIM: THE DAY OF AT-ONE-MENT “In the depths of the human soul the voice of God calls ceaselessly. The tumult of life can confuse the person so that most of the time they will not h

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RAV KOOK ON ROSH HASHANA: RENEWING THE POWER OF RENEWAL  We are beginning the 5784’th year of our human historical experience. Our personal and collective behavior has resulted in a planetary existence that has much good and much bad, many blessings an

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – The Time has Arrived for the Fast of Yitzchak (instead of Gedaliah)

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – The Time has Arrived for the Fast of Yitzchak (instead of Gedaliah) The day after Rosh Hashana, the Jewish calendar commemorates the Fast of Gedaliah. Yet, how many Jews know anything about who he was or why we have a Fasti

History | Archeology

Archaeologists find 'mystery' ducts near biblical Jerusalem relics

The channels may have been used to prepare a commodity "connected to the economy of the temple or palace", said archaeologist Yuval Gadot in the statement.

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Jonathan Sacks z”l – To Renew our Days NITZAVIM, VAYELECH

Jonathan Sacks z”l – To Renew our Days NITZAVIM, VAYELECH The moment had come. Moses was about to die. He had seen his sister Miriam and brother Aaron pre-decease him. He had prayed to God – not to live forever, not even to live longer, but

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Jonathan Sacks z”l – We Are What We Remember KI TAVO

Jonathan Sacks z”l – We Are What We Remember KI TAVO One reason religion has survived in the modern world despite four centuries of secularisation is that it answers the three questions every reflective human being will ask at some time in his

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Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Limits of Love KI TEITSE

Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Limits of Love KI TEITSE In a parsha laden with laws, one in particular is full of fascination. Here it is: If a man has two wives, one loved, the other unloved [senuah, literally “hated”], and both the loved an

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Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Greatness of Humility SHOFTIM

Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Greatness of Humility SHOFTIM At a dinner to celebrate the work of a communal leader, the guest speaker paid tribute to his many qualities: his dedication, hard work, and foresight. As he sat down, the leader leaned ov

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RAV KOOK ON PARSHAT RE’EH-HOW TO BE BLESSEDLY HAPPY RAV KOOK ON PARSHAT RE’EH-HOW TO BE BLESSEDLY HAPPY    “Behold- I am placing before you a ברכה-blessing and a קללה-curse. The blessing will come if you obey the directives of YHVH, your E

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Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Deep Power of Joy – RE’EH

Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Deep Power of Joy – RE’EH On 14 October 1663, the famous diarist Samuel Pepys paid a visit to the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in Creechurch Lane in the city of London. Jews had been exiled from England

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Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Spirituality of Listening – EIKEV

Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Spirituality of Listening – EIKEV It is one of the most important words in Judaism, and also one of the least understood. Its two most famous occurrences are in last week’s parsha and this week’s: “Hear O

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HARAV KOOK ON TISHA B’AV: REPAIRING THE WORLD WITH THE POWER OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE “If we  destroyed [the second Temple], and the world with us, through needless hatred, we will rebuild [the third Temple] and the world with us, through unconditional

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Jonathan Sacks – Seven Principles for Maintaining Jewish Peoplehood

Jonathan Sacks – Seven Principles for Maintaining Jewish Peoplehood “Hope rebuilds the ruins of Jerusalem. The Jewish people kept hope alive and hope kept the Jewish people alive. That is the message of Tisha B’Av.” ~ Rabbi Sacks    

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Jonathan Sacks – To 120: Growing Old, Staying Young DEVARIM

Jonathan Sacks – To 120: Growing Old, Staying Young DEVARIM On 27 March 2012, to celebrate the diamond jubilee of the Queen, an ancient ceremony took place at Buckingham Palace. A number of institutions presented Loyal Addresses to the Queen, thanki

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RAV KOOK ON ISRAEL’S RESPONSIBILITY TO UNITE THE WORLD:PARSHAT MASEI What does Torat HaRav Kook teach us about Parshat Masei’s significance for our day? The Parsha recounts the Children of Israel’s 42 step 40 year journey from the enslavement of Egy

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Jonathan Sacks – The Complexity of Human Rights MATOT-MASEI

Jonathan Sacks – The Complexity of Human Rights MATOT-MASEI The book of Bamidbar comes to a close that is very strange indeed. Earlier in the parsha of Pinchas we read of how the five daughters of Tzelophehad came to Moses with a claim based on just

History | Archeology

American Archeologists Unearth New Mosaic From 1,600 Year Old Synagogue In Israel

Excavations reveal mosaic artwork near the ancient Jewish village of Huqoq, in the Israeli Lower Galilee, led by University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill - Click the link for more details.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

21 Talmud Facts Every Jew Should Know

The bulk of the Talmudic texts contain analysis of Biblical verses and Torah law, but it’s interspersed with everything from medical advice to stories, from folk sayings to fabric dying tips.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Judaism's Stance on Gender Is Clear, Despite Attempts To Rewrite Torah

Judaism teaches that G-d Created male and female so that they might partner with Him in creating a next generation.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

18 Facts About the “12 Spies”

Moses sent 12 spies to Canaan; 10 gave negative reports, causing 40 years of wandering.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Pursuit Of Meaning | Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z"l

For each of us G-d has a task: work to perform, a kindness to show, a gift to give, love to share, loneliness to ease, pain to heal, or broken lives to help mend.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Should We Use Gender Neutral Language for G-d?

Judaism has been understood as the effort to reunite the feminine and masculine aspects of God.

News | Israel Around The World

Ancient Book of Esther scrolls salvaged from Turkey earthquake rubble

A local elder of Antakya, Turkey's Jewish community handed the scrolls over to ZAKA rescuers, who are working on transporting them to safety.

News | Interesting Links

Treasured artifact from 2,800 years ago reveals written references to the biblical King David

Researchers have confirmed that a stone artifact from more than 2,800 years ago has written references to King David in the Bible. The Mesha Stele, also known as the Moabite Stone, dates back to approximately 840 BC. The 3-foot tall stone slab of black ba

History | Archeology

Researchers verify written records of biblical King David found off Dead Sea coast

The Mesha Stele, a basalt stone slab discovered in 1868 east of the Dead Sea that has provided historians the largest source of the Moabite language to date - Click the link for more details.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Does Jacob’s Ladder Symbolize?

Jacob’s simple ladder foreshadows the trajectory of human development.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Levite Choir and Orchestra: What, Who and How?

During the time of year that we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple, it is customary to learn the laws of the Holy Temple as a means to hasten its rebuilding during the final redemption.

History | Archeology

1,600-Year-Old Mosaic Depicting Biblical Heroines Found in Ancient Synagogue in Israel

The Israelite commander Barak depicted in a mosaic in the ancient Huqoq synagogue in northern Israel. Photo: Jim Haberman The …

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Not-So-Dead Sea Scrolls

How the Dead Sea Scrolls, considered by many to be the most significant archaeological discovery of the 20th century, speak to Jews in the 21st century.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

17 Facts About Moses Every Jew Should Know

Moses was born in Egypt during the enslavement of the Jews. His parents, Amram and Yocheved, were from the illustrious tribe of Levi.

History | Archeology

Has the location of Noah’s Ark finally been proven using 3D scans? - The Jerusalem Post

The Torah tells us that the Ark landed on the hills of Mt. Ararat, a dormant volcano near the east border of Turkey. The Durupinar site is approximately 30 km south of that mountain.

History | Archeology

3,000-year-old inscription bearing name of biblical judge found in Israel - The Jerusalem Post

The inscription features the name "Jerubbaal," a Jewish leader from the Book of Judges, as well as dates from around 1,100 BCE.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

13 Facts About Learning Torah - Mitzvahs & Traditions

Torah study occupies a central place in Jewish life, but how much do we really know about this activity?

History | Archeology

Ancient cloth with Bible's purple dye found in Israel, dated to King David's era

3 scraps from 1,000 BCE, earliest such finds in region, point to Edomite kingdom described in Bible; vibrant and lasting 'royal' dye, mark of the elite, comes from murex sea snails

Miscellaneous | Faith

Bishop Robert Barron: Genesis


Politics | Opinion

The Torah Versus the Left

Question: What book is the opposite of the left? Answer: the Torah. The Torah is the Hebrew name of the first five books of the Bible, the “Five Books of Moses.” The Torah is the foundation of the rest of the Bible and the rock on which both Judaism a

Miscellaneous | Jewish Life

Israeli Jewelry Company Partners With TAU Nanoscientists To Make World's Smallest Bible Part Of New Collection

A mother-daughter teamed up with the Center For Nanoscience and Nanotechnology to make a nano-sized Hebrew Bible part of a new luxury jewelry collection. | NoCamels

Miscellaneous | Judaism

A Rift Extending Across History - Chassidic Masters - Parshah

From the rivalry between Leah and Rachel, through the animosity between Joseph and his brothers, the clash between Saul and David, the split between Judah and Israel, to the dual nature of the messianic redemption—a rift and twinship that extends across h

History | Archeology

IDF Paratroopers Accidentally Uncover Ancient Guard Tower from time of King Hezekiah

IDF soldiers connected with their Biblical counterparts when they took part in an archaeological dig, uncovering a guard tower from the era of King Hezekiah

Politics | Judea & Samaria

Jews Celebrate EPIC Building Dedication in Hebron - Beit HaShalom

It finally happened! The Jews have moved into Beit HaShalom (House of Peace), the four-story residential complex purchased by Jews in Hebron.

History | Archeology

Jerusalem: Amazing Biblical archaeological finds in City of David

Two minuscule 2,600-year-old inscriptions recently uncovered in the City of David’s Givati Parking Lot excavation are vastly enlarging the understanding of ancient Jerusalem in the late 8th century.

Politics | Immigration

'I Don't Think It Was an Extreme Position I Took': Jeff Sessions on the Bible, Immigration and His Critics | CBN News

Attorney General Jeff Sessions addressed some of the criticism he and the White House have received in recent weeks regarding the administration's immigration policy in an exclusive interview Thursday with CBN News.

News | Interesting Stories

Archaeological find in Jerusalem ‘proves Bible passage is historically true’

Archaeologists excavating in Jerusalem have found burned artifacts dating from 2,600 years ago – which prove that a passage in the Bible is true. Researchers uncovered charred wood, grape seeds, fish scales, bones and pottery while digging in the City o

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Modern Technology Unlocks Secrets of a Damaged Biblical Scroll - The New York Times

Experts using a computer imaging program have virtually unwrapped a charred ancient scroll and recovered a fragment of the authoritative text of the Hebrew Bible.

History | History

Mummy Mask May Reveal Oldest Known Gospel

A text that may be the oldest copy of a gospel known to exist — a fragment of the Gospel of Mark that was written during the first century, before the year 9...

History | History

Ancient rock adds evidence of King David’s existence | The Times of Israel

Stone slab with earliest reference to House of David, on display at Met, said to be 'one of the most important Biblical artifacts ever found'