
Politics | Opinion

Some on the Right Are Having a Moral Meltdown

My disdain for the left began at a young age. From as early as I can recall, I hated evil, and I therefore always hated communism. When I realized the left…

Politics | Opinion

Goodbye Candace Owens

A statement by the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Politics | Opinion

Jews have a home in the conservative movement

The left’s betrayal is an opportunity for Jews to reassess which side truly embraces their most essential values.

Politics | Opinion

How dangerous are the anti-Israel conservatives?

Unlike most Republicans and their voters, Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens and friends are defending antisemites in the wake of Oct. 7. Do they have Trump’s ear?

Politics | Opinion

My Fellow Conservatives: We, Too, Have an Antisemitism Problem

I'm just asking you to recognize that truly caring about Jews means not abandoning us the second there is a bit of difficulty.

Politics | Op-Ed

Bring on the Counterrevolution

Conservatives need a national agenda that reclaims American institutions from the Left. A blueprint exists, from a surprising source.

Politics | Polling

Number of Socially Conservative Americans Hits Decade High: Poll

For the first time in a decade, Americans are more likely to identify as conservative on social issues, according to a Gallup poll released Thursday.

Politics | Op-Ed

Victor Davis Hanson: Is the Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up?

Conservatives and traditionalists are often exasperated at the ongoing woke cultural revolution in their midst. How can America be turned upside down, as it is…

Humor | Humor

With All Other Companies Going Woke, Conservatives Make Last Stand At Texas Buc-ee's

NEW BRAUNFELS, TX — In the wake of many popular retail chains, restaurants, and merchandise vendors falling to the ever-growing trend of woke ideology, conservatives nationwide have hastily holed themselves up at a local Buc-ee's to make their last

Politics | Op-Ed

Victor Davis Hanson: The Left Has Pushed the Envelope

The Left is waging a full-fledged cultural revolution against traditional America. And the Maoist results are often as absurd as they are terrifying.

Politics | Opinion

Trashing nationalism isn’t a defense of the Jews

Demonizing those who march with Israeli flags on “Jerusalem Day” and conservatives who push back against the Marxist war on the West is equally disingenuous and wrong.

Politics | Politics

Conservatives Won The Word ‘Woke.’ Now It’s Time To Reclaim Accurate Language Everywhere

There is nothing to be gained by good-naturedly going along with linguistic charades. There is the entire discourse to be lost.

Politics | Op-Ed

Realigning California Would Realign America

The conventional wisdom on the Right in most of the rest of America is that California is a lost cause. Rather than fight inside California, where you are up…

Politics | Politics

Twitter Is Censoring Republicans Again

Elon Musk should probably figure out what's going on here.

Politics | The Left

Nary a politically conservative Jewish woman to be seen at inaugural White House Forum

Still, attendees hailed the event, which was held two days after Purim, for its diversity.

Politics | Opinion

The ADL’s woke war on the right won’t stop antisemitism

The group’s hyping of statistics about hate downplays the threat from the left while attacking conservatives on issues that have nothing to do with its mission.

Politics | Politics

Opinion | How Liberal Campuses Are Pushing Freethinking Students to the Right - The New York Times

No longer moderating influences, universities have become breeding grounds for conservative firebrands.

News | Antisemitism Watch

The new Jew hatred

America’s small Jewish community endures nearly two-thirds of all anti-religious hate crimes annually.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Why is conservative media defending anti-Semitism?

Does the reaction to Kanye West’s statements show that American Jew-hatred has been mainstreamed?

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

'The View' Co-Host: Women Voting Republican Are 'Almost Like Roaches Voting for Raid'

Leftist women are claiming that without abortions, women will die. Exactly what they'll die of is unclear. Maternal mortality rates are disturbingly high in the U.S.

Politics | Politics

How Conservatives Transcend Ideology - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

A few weeks ago, I was delighted to see an author writing in the pages of The American Spectator and...

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

Facebook Bans Conservative Children’s Book Publisher

Facebook banned a conservative publishing company from advertising children's books on the site, claiming its ads were "disruptive content."

Politics | Covid 19

Vaccine And Mask Coercion Is A Purge, And The GOP Letting It Happen

Republicans are allowing their own voters to be purged from employment based on their evidence-informed convictions that oppose leftist groupthink.

Politics | Politics

Right-of-Center Books Hidden from Amazon Search Results

Notable upcoming books released by conservative authors have suddenly disappeared from Amazon’s search results.

Politics | Politics

A New Conservative Champion on the British Political Stage | The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

I don’t follow British politics closely. But it’s clear enough that the Conservative Party in the UK isn’t very conservative....

Politics | Politics

South Dakota Gov. Noem: COVID Didn't Crush the Economy, Government Did

ORLANDO—South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) told the audience at an annual conservative conference on Feb. 27 that ...

News | News

Top Democrat on Anti-Trust Panel: Censorship of Conservatives Doesn't Exist

Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI), said Republican claims of conservative censorship on social media is "not a real problem" and a waste of...

History | History

I Was There the Day of Rush Limbaugh's Debut

It is hard to say something about Rush Limbaugh that hasn’t already been said, but I’ll try.
I was there on the day of his debut.
I was working at WPBR, an ocean-front radio station in Palm Beac...

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

Social Media Bias Just Got Even More Orwellian

A study by the New York University Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, titled “False Allegation: The Unfounded Claim that Social Media Censors Conservatives,” is downright chilling...

Politics | Politics

Nolte: CNN Demands Cable Companies Blacklist OAN and Newsmax TV

Far-left CNN is straight-up calling for the big cable TV companies to rip OAN and Newsmax TV off of their bundles.

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

How Big Government And Big Tech Conspire Against Voters

Allum Bokhari's book, '#DELETED,' warns of the insidious ties between the incoming Biden administration and the tech oligarchs.

News | The News

Conservatives mourn the death of economist Walter E. Williams: 'Punch in the gut'

Conservatives reacted to news of the passing of world-renowned economist Walter E. Williams, with radio host Mark Levin describing it as a “punch in the gut.”

Politics | Politics

Where Do You Want to Live: Red State or Blue State? | PragerU

We're supposed to be the United States of America. But in many ways, we're now divided into two very different nations: red states and blue states. Which ones are succeeding? Which ones are failing? And why? To answer these questions, economist Stephen Mo

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

Censored! Big Tech Silences Over 260 Biden Critics Before Nomination

Former Vice President and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is a popular target on social media. But Big Tech companies have responded by deleting mocking posts and suspending critics. 

Miscellaneous | Interesting

Only 1 of the Top 100 Universities Feature Conservative Commencement Speaker for Class of 2020

Only one of the United States' top 100 universities has invited a Republican a guest speaker to address the class of 2020 at their graduation ceremonies.

Politics | The SCOTUS

Liberal Opinions from Conservative Supreme Court Justices: What Went Wrong?

Haven’t we seen this before? Call it the Souter Switcharoo. Purportedly conservative jurists get on the Supreme Court and write opinions that sound like leftist jurists.

Politics | Conservatism

5 Examples of How the Conservative Movement Is Leading the Way

As the stock market swings wildly up and down, as a virus casts a shadow across the country, and as politics resemble mud-wrestling more with each passing day...

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

National Review & Bias Against The Chasidic Community: Yes, Jewish Lives Matter

Like mainstream newspapers, Zachary Evans’s article recycled many tropes about Chassidim. More concerning is National Review’s institutional response.

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

YouTube Stops Impeachment Trial Livestreams from Conservative Organizations

Two conservative outlets have complained that their livestreams of the Senate impeachment trial have been taken down—for no apparent reason. Judicial Watch’s president, Tom Fitton, noted that the organization’s livestream of the impeachment trial was halt

Politics | Conservatism

When Will Conservatives Understand That It’s Not a Contest of Ideas? – American Greatness

Even as Donald Trump continues to frustrate #TheResistance after three years of ceaseless fabrication and hysteria, conservatives must not forget just how close they are to the edge. We have a defender in the White House, but the social ideas of the Left

Politics | Opinion

Conservative Voices Turning Against Israel is a Dangerous Development

The isolationist voices on the right are not necessarily anti-Israel, however, their opinions about the Middle East lead some to turn against Israel.

Politics | Conservatism

Demographics and the American Prospect – American Greatness

In the summer of 2018, journalist Vivian Yee amused herself with the thought that Orange Country, California, was once an agricultural, “conservative (think Richard Nixon and the John Birch Society) and white (very, very white),” slice of America. But “Ch

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

Conservative Heavy Hitters Launch Nonprofit Taking Aim At Big Tech

On Wednesday, the "Internet Accountability Project," a nonprofit taking aim at the "bad acts" of Big Tech, officially launched.

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

The Real Reason Most Conservative Elites Ignore Free Speech Concerns

Instead of waiting for elites to lead the way, the silent majority of moderate and conservative Americans must break their silence before it’s too late.

News | News

Young Conservatives at Turning Point: We're Being Censored

Young Conservatives Feel They Can't Express Themselves on Social Media

Politics | Op-Ed

A ‘Green Book’ for Conservatives? – American Greatness

Last year, an Oscar-winning movie made known to many of us what the “Green Book” was—a guidebook listing accommodations for the African American traveler during the days of Jim Crow segregation. 

Today, I fear, we may need a

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

Whistleblower: Here’s How Google Functions As A ‘Highly Biased Political Machine’ | Daily Wire

On Monday, Project Veritas released a video report featuring testimony from a Google whistleblower, along with leaked documents and undercover f

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

WATCH: YouTube CEO Apologizes To LGBTQ Community After #VoxAdpocalypse

On Monday, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki apologized to the LGBT community for not taking "more definitive action against conservative pundit Steven Crowder’s channel," according to The Verge

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

Don't Minimize Conservative Concerns About Big Tech Censorship

To assert with such confidence that 'most red Americans either don’t know or don’t care about social-media censorship' seems very unwise indeed. 

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

WATCH: Whistleblower: Pinterest Censors Conservative, Pro-Life Content; Pinterest Reacts | Daily Wire

A new report by Project Veritas presents a series of accusations of political and ideological bias against conservatives, Christians, and pro

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

WATCH: Laura Loomer Breaks Down In Tears Over Social Media Bans | Daily Wire

Last Thursday, Facebook and its subsidiary Instagram permanently banned some individuals and organizations the company deemed "dangerous." Among the permanently deplatformed are Infowars' Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson, right-wing provocateur Milo Yian

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

'Different Rules for Different Politics': Conservatives Slam Twitter for Suspending AOC Parody Account

Twitter took down a parody account of freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) for being too similar to the congresswoman's even though the account was marked as a "parody," catching the ire of conservatives on the site.

Politics | Big Tech vs Conservatives

Twitter Conservatives: Don’t Cede Ground!

Well, conservatives, we can rest assured now. A recent Pew Research Survey confirms what we’ve long suspected: Twitter is not remotely representative of American public opinion.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

EXCLUSIVE: Google Leftists Panic About Leaks, Threaten Employment of Colleagues

Left-wing employees at Google are threatening the employment of their colleagues amid a panic about frequent leaks revealing political bias in the company’s products and working atmosphere.

Politics | Interesting Links

Reagan at CPAC | National Review

Edwin Meese recalls Reagan’s speeches at CPAC. An excerpt from a new book.

Politics | Conservatism

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party | PragerU

When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind? If you’re like many Americans, you may associate the GOP with racism, sexism, and general inequality. It’s a commonly pushed narrative by left-leaning media and academia, but as former Vander

News | Israel/Jewish Community

A campus infected with hostility: A professor says he's been targeted for being a conservative Jew

Each time I walk into my office at Kingsborough Community College, I draw inspiration from a picture of my father, Leon Goldstein, the school’s president for 29 years and the man who built the college’s modern-day campus.

Politics | Op-Ed

The Right Should Reject Tucker Carlson’s Victimhood Populism | National Review

Carlson accurately identifies certain maladies, but they are maladies that public policy can’t cure.

Politics | Politics

'F***. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL': Google Lead Designer Attacks GOP, Conservatives, Christians Over Kavanaugh Vote

Imagine for just a moment if you were a conservative employee, and this man was your supervisor. How do you think an employee at Google would feel knowing that the company's leaders publicly wish for them to violently burn in flames while people chee

News | The News

Generation Shapiro | National Review

Shapiro is someone that both Trump’s right-leaning opponents and right-minded friends respect.

Politics | Interesting Links

You Know Those Studies That Say Conservatives Are More Authoritarian Than Leftists? They’re Basically Garbage.

You’ve undoubtedly seen those preening headlines from major outlets about how conservatives are more “authoritarian” by nature than Leftists.

Politics | Op-Ed

PRAGER: If We're Nazis, Expect More Violence

Because of the ever-descending moral and intellectual state of the mainstream news media, there has been no outcry against the leftists who call President Donald Trump and all Americans who support him Nazis. Indeed, members of the media now regularly do

Politics | Interesting Links

POLL: 85% Of Conservatives Say Social Networks Censor Their Political Speech | Daily Wire

A shocking new poll from Pew Research shows that a vast majority of conservatives who regularly post on social networks believe technology companies and websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google regularly censor political posts and silence conservative

Politics | Trump Politics

They’re Trump-strong in rural Iowa — and not changing their minds

Trump honored the heroes of Las Vegas — police officers and first responders. Democrats elevate thugs and view our protectors in blue with disdain.

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Leftists and the Jews | Frontpage Mag

Where the real war on the Jewish people isn't coming from.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

'I'm done': Fed up with California, some conservatives look to Texas

Fed up with life in liberal California, some conservatives want out. So they turned to Paul Chabot, a Republican who says he’s discovered the perfect place for them: Collin County in north Texas.

Politics | Interesting Links

Researchers Were ‘Very Surprised’ to Discover Few Right-Wingers Sent Anti-Semitic Hate Mail, but Here’s Who Did

"We thought that most of the letters would be sent by right-wing extremists."

News | News

Dennis Prager: Note to the Left — Four Years Ago, Conservatives Were Just as Depressed

Here's a news flash for Democrats and other Americans on the left: Four years ago, when Barack Obama was re-elected president, conservatives were just as

Politics | Woke Insanity

Google Redefines The Word ‘Fascism’ To Smear Conservatives, Protect Liberal Rioters

Has Google, the world's most popular search engine, changed the definition of the word "fascism" to protect liberal mobs using violence to silence those who disagree with them politically? The evidenc

News | Interesting Links

How Donald Trump’s Army Is Transforming the GOP

Capital Journal: Washington Bureau Chief Gerald F. Seib peels back the curtain on the new breed of Republican voter who backs Donald Trump and eschews traditional conservative ideologies in favor of a populist agenda.

Politics | Other Politics

Ben Carson Does Not Believe a Muslim Should Be President

GOP candidate Dr. Ben Carson tells Chuck Todd that the faith of a candidate should matter to voters and that Islam is not consistent with the Constitution.

Politics | Op-Ed

Is Reagan Optimism Passé For Conservatives? | The Daily Caller

Over at The Week, I’ve penned a short essay on the border crisis.

But that’s really just the timely hook. It’s also about a much broader concern I have regarding the current state of conservatism.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Is banning 'fringe views' from the media how liberals want to deal with conservatives?

First they came for freedom of speech (speech codes on campus). Then it was freedom of religion (employers can't practice their religious beliefs at work). Is freedom of the press for fringe voices next?