
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

How to Loosen and Clear Mucus From Your Chest

Here’s how to get rid of chest congestion medically and naturally, according to experts.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

The Powerful Relationship Between Sleep and Memory - Benefit of Sleep

Learn about how sleep can improve your memory and how it benefits our productivity at work, our motivation, and discipline in reaching our goals

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Lisa Victoria - Healthy Mind, Body & Energy

Lisa Victoria inspires others to create the change they desire. She works with both individuals and corporate companies to realise their potential. When people are thinking good, feeling good, their behaviour changes and everything around them. Expect inc

Health & Fitness | Sleep

Hypnosis Changed My Life and my Sleep

When my anxiety and insomnia returned, my therapist suggested a new form of treatment. The results challenged my inner skeptic.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

The Best Essential Oils For Perimenopause

The best essential oils for perimenopause, including peppermint, clary sage, and geranium.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

ADHD Help for Kids: Try Omega-3 Fish Oil

A new international study finds that omega-3 fish oil can actually treat ADHD symptoms in certain children just as much as leading ADHD medications.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Research Shows Chili Peppers May Slow Progression of Lung Cancer

A new study finds that chili peppers may have a much more important benefit than making your dinner taste better: the ability to fight lung cancer.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Stem Cells for Lyme Disease | A Natural Alternative

Over 329,000 people get Lyme Disease every year. Stem cell therapy helped celebrities and Kelly Osbourne fight it. Could it help you, too? (702) 547-6565

Psychology | Hypnosis Information

Is Hypnosis Real? Here's What Science Says | Time

Does hypnosis work? There’s evidence backing it up for weight loss, addiction and more. But legitimate hypnosis defies pop culture clichés.

Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices

Meditation can change your brain! - Somatic Psychotherapy Today

Cultivate this variety of happiness, that at the neurological level grows on its own once the seeds have been planted, is to start a daily meditation.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

11 Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Here are the 11 best natural remedies for anxieties, from walking meditation to CBD oil to herbal medicine, according to experts.

Pets & Animals | Allergy

Pictures: Natural Ways to Ease Asthma Symptoms

You can do more than take medication to manage your asthma. Several other things can help you breathe more easily.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Does lavender really help with anxiety?

A study of mice reveals that the scent of linalool, a natural alcohol found in lavender, relieves anxiety through its effect on olfactory nerve cells.

Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices

Doctors in Shetland can now prescribe a walk in nature

Since October 5, doctors in Shetland, Scotland have been authorized to prescribe nature to their patients. It's thought to be the first program of its kind in the U.K., and seeks to reduce blood pressure, anxiety, and increase happiness for those with

Health & Fitness | Health News

Reiki to Ease Pain: What Should I Know?

People around the world have been helped by Reiki, but a lot is still unknown. WebMD explains what we do know about this Japanese folk treatment and how it may help you.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

6 ways to use your mind to control pain - Harvard Health

Mind-body techniques can help reduce the need for pain medication. Techniques include deep breathing, eliciting the relaxation response, meditation with guided imagery, mindfulness, yoga and tai chi, and positive thinking.

Psychology | Hypnosis Information

Hypnosis: An Underused Technique

When integrated into a behavior modification strategy and used by a trained therapist, hypnosis can be a powerfully effective tool for treating many disorders. 

Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices

Meditation may help adults with back pain

A new research shows that quieting the mind with some meditation may be a non-drug alternative to help decrease chronic low back pain.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

In a Bad Mood? Scientists Say You Should Bake

And not just because you’ll end up with a homemade batch of double chocolate chip cookies.

Psychology | Hypnosis Information

Has Hypnosis Finally Been Vindicated by Neuroscience?

It may be all in your mind, but brain scans suggest the effects are real.

Psychology | Hypnosis Information

#Hypnosis: You are getting sleepy ... and calm, and thin, and ...

Ever wonder why some people, even under adverse circumstances, set goals and achieve them effortlessly? Some of them, undoubtedly, are hard-wired to succeed. They just set themselves in a direction and their mind handles the rest.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

3 Simple Ayurvedic Strategies That Totally Transformed My Sleep

My quest for better sleep finally brought me to the ancient science of Ayurveda, the world's oldest healing system. By following three simple Ayurvedic solutions, I finally cured my insomnia.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Essential Oils For Cancer Support

Cancer. Just writing the word gives me goosebumps as I think of people I know who have been affected by this disease. Statistics show that one in every two men and one in every three women will

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Remarkable Healing Power of Reiki as Cancer Treatment

Some patients with serious conditions and cancers like mesothelioma often turn to Reiki, an alternative therapy that provides symptom relief and healing.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Vanquishing Viruses - 10 Natural Antiviral Remedies | Institute for Optimum Nutrition

News | Interesting Links

A Little Boy’s Burn Miracle

 My grandson MT had grabbed a hot cup of tea and poured it all over his face and shoulders.  He was hospitalized at the ICU of Loyola Hospital. I grabbed a glass bottle, filled with about 2 of water, dropped in Lavender, Helichrysum, Roman Chamo