
Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

How Lifting Your Legs up Against the Wall Can Calm Your Mind and Reduce Stress

Looking for a simple yet effective way to relax after a busy day? Tired after an intense workout or long run? Legs-up-the-wall pose may be the answer, writes Sonam Nundoochan.

Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices

Stretches for Tight Hamstrings

These stretches for tight hamstrings also stretch and strengthen the hip flexors to ensure you find even more release and relief.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Upgrade Your Downward-Facing Dog with the Gokhale Method and SpineTracker™ | Gokhale Method Institute

Studying and teaching yoga has been part of my life for several years. However, after learning the Gokhale Method, I approached the well-known yoga posture “downward-facing dog” (Adho Mukha Svanasana) in a new way. Hip-hinging with my even spinal gro

Advice & Self-Help | advice and self help

Yoga Slideshow: Basic Poses for Your Workout

From beginners to yogi pros, anyone can make these basic poses part of a daily yoga practice.

Advice & Self-Help | Meditation and Other Practices

The Wim Hof Method - How to Consciously Control Your Immune System

We previously published an article about Wim Hof, holder of 20 Guinness World Records for withstanding extreme temperatures. He has climbed Everest and Kilimanjaro in only shorts and shoes, stayed comfortably in ice baths for hours, and run a marathon in

Health & Fitness | Health

11 Yoga Poses You Can Do At Your Desk | Work Money

Try these stretches at your desk to break up your workday—and get in a mini-workout.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Hot Milk Health Benefits | Health Benefits of Drinking Milk

Milk is considered as the best diet because it has number of health benefits.It is helpful for a sound sleep.Visit us to know more health benefits of milk.

Health & Fitness | Sleep

Calming Rituals to Help You Fall Asleep

Tips for help to fall asleep fast by using calming rituals like yoga, deep breathing, meditation, and other relaxation methods.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

11 Yoga Poses for Non-Flexible People - Kalimukti

​​​​​​​‘I’m not flexible enough for yoga’ and many variations of this excuse plague the ears of yoga teachers, and I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count the number of times I have replied with ‘but then you definitely NEED

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

How to choose between Pilates and Yoga - Kalimukti

Tough call. The simple answer? Depends what you’re looking for. Whilst these two wonderful practices are often provided by the same organisation, or put into the ‘wellness’ group when we’re looking for a ‘fitness class’, they are in fact quite

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Yoga Poses for Beginners

New to yoga? Try these basic yoga poses to get stronger and more flexible.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Easy entry into yoga for people with aging joints

‘Relax Into Yoga for Seniors’ offers a simple, six-week route to better flexibility and balance.

Business & Finance | Marketing

Breathing Based Yoga Helps to Relieve Major Depression

When depression chooses a life to shadow, its hold can be fierce. Research finds that a form of yoga significantly reduces symptoms of severe depression.

Health & Fitness | Mind & Body

12 Minutes of Yoga for Bone Health - The New York Times

Dr. Loren M. Fishman of Columbia University has been gathering evidence for years, hoping to determine whether yoga might be effective therapy for osteoporosis.

Health & Fitness | Mind & Body

Memory Enhancing Meditation

I was not surprised when I recently read the New York Times article, “Yoga May be Good for the Brain.” Gretchen Reynolds highlighted a newsworthy UC...

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Yoga May Be Good for the Brain

A weekly routine of yoga and meditation may help to stave off aging-related mental decline, according to a study of older adults with memory problems.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Best Yoga Poses for Your Trouble Spots

Yoga moves that help you tone and slim your belly, butt, legs, and hips.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

How I Finally Found Friends That Get My Spiritual Side

I had just started my journey into spirituality when I was at dinner, and I heard a woman talking about Doreen Virtue's angel cards. I immediately got up to introduce myself, and she was beyond excited to talk to me. We’re still friends today.

Family & Parenting | Kids

Just Opened: Happy Baby Yoga

City living means stress from time to time. So does parenting! So everyone, from babies on up can use a way to get zen and move their bodies. Do it together, at the South Bay's newest peaceful spot, Happy Baby.

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

Ask Well: The Best Exercises to Improve Balance

Tai chi, dancing, even brushing your teeth on one leg can work your balance pretty well.

Health & Fitness | Health and Nutrition

Why Special Ops Are Doing Yoga—and Why You Should, Too

I started doing yoga in 2011, when I was shutting down Iraq as part of Operation New Dawn. Eight other Special Forces guys and I were the last American soldiers north of Baghdad, and our job was to represent U.S. support for a sovereign Iraqi state. The a

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

31 Yoga Photos by Robert Sturman to Inspire Transcendence

As you meet your true Self, you will begin to transcend attitudes, reactions, and ways of being you were previously accustomed to. Open up to the true you.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

10 Reasons Why You (and Everyone) Should Meditate this Holiday Season | Gaia - My Yoga

Here are 10 simple reminders of how a daily dose of mindfulness can help you navigate the holidays with ease, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day.

Travel | Travel

Yoga Ashrams in India & Meditation Centers India

Find best ashrams, yoga ashrams and yoga treatment & meditation centers in India and courses or programs conducted by them at various training centers.

Advice & Self-Help | Empowering Tools for Growth

Cultivating the Opposite Thought (The Most Challenging Inversion in Your Practice)

To find freedom, cultivate the opposite.

Health & Fitness | Clean Living

Autobiography of a Yogi

This is not an ordinary book. It is a spiritual treasure. Rarely does a sage of Paramhansa Yogananda’s stature write a firsthand account of his life experiences. This spiritual classic has been read by millions. Followers of many religious traditions ha

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness Info

Fitness Quiz: Tips on Cardio, Strength-Training, and Getting in Shape

This WebMD fitness quiz will test what you know about the dos and don’ts of cardio, strength training, and getting in shape

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

A Mini-Guide For Anyone Who Wants To Start Meditating - mindbodygreen.com

The popularity of meditation is a wonderful thing. What could be better than a more peaceful and mindful planet!? But there's also a lot of confusion going around about how to practice. In response

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

4 Ways to Heal in Nature | Yoga International

You don’t have to travel far to allow nature to bring a little more light into your day.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Laughter Yoga: Can Happiness Heal?

When it comes to laughter yoga, faking it ‘til you make it is just fine. At least, that's what Vishwa Prakash said at the start of the session that HuffPost's health news editor Amanda Chan a

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Terrapins turn to yoga for rejuvenation, recovery - The Washington Post

“Yoga’s one of those things, you don’t really want to do it. But we know it’s good for you," Maryland DL A.J. Francis says.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Yoga May Help Ease Prenatal Depression | Psych Central News

Pregnant women are often concerned about the use of pharmaceuticals to reduce symptoms associated with depression. A small pilot study from Brown University,