
News | Israel Around The World

Pro-Hamas rioters set fire to Israeli embassy in Mexico City

Police clashed with protesters at the ‘Action for Rafah’ event in the Mexican capital

News | Israel At War

“Both Sides” and “Innocent Civilians”: The Psychological Effect of Language in the Gaza War

Why the U.S. diplomatic concept of “evenhandedness” is morally wrong - “Both Sides” and “Innocent Civilians”: The Psychological Effect of Language in the Gaza War

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Report: ICC mulling Israeli arrest warrants with US consent

Senior officials associated with the tribunal in The Hague said that the Americans had green-lit the move.

News | News

Three Israelis injured in car-ramming attack in Jerusalem

The assailants were arrested in a nearby furniture store.

News | News

Anti-Israel NGO behind impending US sanctions on IDF battalion

DAWN, a U.S.-based NGO, "has intensified its legal attacks against Israeli officials," says NGO Monitor's Gerald Steinberg.

News | Israel At War

What Is Israel’s Innovative Air Defense System? 

Israel’s air defenses today are multi-tiered - providing layers of protection that are an overwhelmingly successful answer to the threat

News | Israel At War

Israel strikes deep inside Iran

Iranian media denied any Israeli missile strike, writing that the Islamic Republic was shooting objects down in its airspace.

Politics | American Politics

House Measure Would Bar Biden Admin From Funding Gaza Reconstruction

A measure circulating in the Republican-controlled House would block the Biden administration from spending taxpayer cash to rebuild the war-torn Gaza Strip amid mounting concerns this cash will empower Hamas to reestablish its network of tunnels beneath

News | Iran

Thwarting Iran's attack was not a 'win' for Israel

The Biden administration remains disdainful of Netanyahu and critical of Israel’s handling of its military operation against Hamas.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden's Bad Advice for Israel—And America

As I write, Israel has yet to respond to last week's Iranian drone and missile attack. The situation is fluid, but we do know that President Biden opposes an Israeli response. He's told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to escalate against Iran. "You

Politics | Opinion

What happens when children seize the wheel

The U.S. posture in this war has rattled Israel and the U.S.’s Sunni allies to their core.

Politics | Iran

Victor Davis Hanson: Are Iran’s Nine Lives Nearing an End?

The theocracy of Iran has been the world’s arch-embassy attacker over the last half century. So it has zero credibility in crying foul over Israel’s April 1…

News | Israel At War

18 Israelis wounded in Hezbollah attack from Lebanon

The Iranian terror proxy said it launched a combined assault with guided missiles and drones.

Politics | Media Bias

Iran Attacks Israel: CNN's Amanpour Minimizes Barrage & Fake News Goes Viral

Iran launched an unprecedented direct attack on Israel overnight on Saturday, launching at least 300 drones and missiles towards the Jewish state. The

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Let Sanctions Against Iran Expire Before Attack on Israel

In the aftermath of the unprecedented Iranian strike against Israel over the weekend, Joe Biden’s policies towards Iran have come under greater scrutiny…

Politics | Opinion

Strangling Israel slowly

A remarkable realignment may be under way: Israel and the Arabs v America and Iran

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Tells Bibi No US Offensive Action, US Dinging Israel Behind Scenes

 As we reported earlier, there was an official statement released in the name of Joe Biden on the Iran attack on Israel condemning Iran for their actions and saying how the U.S. had helped Israel take down the drones and the missiles of the attack.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

HOLY CRAP: Joe Biden Approved Iran's Assault on Israel 'Within Certain Limits'

 On Saturday, Iran initiated a barrage of drones and ballistic missiles at Israel.

News | News

Biden Probably Knew an Iranian Attack Would Happen, But Went on Vacation Anyway

 Israel endured an unprecedented attack from Iran, and Joe Biden was on vacation. Yes, this isn’t the first time Iran and Israel have duked it out, though their shadow war was always fought through their proxies.

News | News

Here's What Trump Had to Say About Iran's Attack on Israel

 Former President Trump argued Iran’s attack on Israel would never have happened if he were in office.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden said to tell Netanyahu US won't support Israeli response to Iran attack

The U.S. president will convene G7 leaders to coordinate a "united diplomatic response" to the Iranian assault.

Politics | Debunking Lies

The surreal echo-chamber of lies

As Israel braces for yet more horrors, the world has turned against it.

News | Iran

Iran’s Plans for an October 7 in the West Bank

Knowing what we know now, if the international community had the opportunity to prevent another October 7 from materializing, would it? The answer seems to be no. In the lead-up

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Blinken, in Pandering Eid Message, Links Palestinians to Uyghurs in Chinese Concentration Camps

Secretary of State Antony Blinken compared Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza to Uyghur Muslims forced into Chinese concentration camps.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

The Biden administration’s war against the government of Israel

Before Oct. 7, rioters demanded the overthrow of Netanyahu’s coalition due to its “anti-democratic” policies and “corruption.” The new rallying cry is to free the hostages.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Joe Rogan to Israel: ‘You went through the Holocaust and now you’re willing to do it?’

Democratic Majority for Israel called the prominent podcaster’s statement “wholly false and dangerous.”

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

US Gaslights Israel At The UN | The Caroline Glick Show

The US fails to veto a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, then denies that anything has changed, and Donald Trump gives a less than comforting...

Politics | Opinion

Feeble Britain is now letting Hamas win the propaganda war

In a sane universe, the democratic world would pull behind Israel until the war is won

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Israel alone - Melanie Phillips

Weep for America. In my article here last week, I wrote that America was abandoning Israel. Today, the Biden administration wrote its name in the annals of infamy by openly joining the axis of evil against those defending civilisation.

Politics | Opinion

The American betrayal of Israel

Astoundingly, the US is feeding its beleaguered ally to its enemies

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Israeli officials blast new Biden admin sanctions over 'settler violence'

Gush Etzion Regional Council mayor calls the sanctions "another scandalous decision from the chairman of Joe Biden's election campaign."

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

If This Is True, Biden's Incompetence Cost American and Israeli Lives

 While this question has become peripheral, it’s still relevant and needs answers. There have been pieces here and there pointing to the intelligence failures that occurred leading to Hamas’ barbaric October 7 terrorist attack against Israel.

Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority

Hamas operative boasts he ‘can leave with any ambulance,’ in call overheard by IDF

Shin Bet releases footage of captured terrorists describing group's use of ambulances, hospitals, school; IDF spokesperson says Hamas commander preventing evacuation of hospital

Politics | American Politics

Senate Democrats block bill providing aid to Israel

The bill passed the House last week, but Democrats are opposed to it since it does not include Ukraine aid as well.

News | Israel At War

Did Israel's Arrow missile interception transform the Middle East?

Iron Dome has gotten most of the media coverage for the last decade, but the Arrow is the top tier of Israel's missile shield.

Politics | Politics

We’re Not All Complicit—But Obama Sure Is

Barack Obama hasn’t commented on many serious matters since he left the White House. So when he interrupts his showbiz and cocktail duties to speak up,

News | Israel At War

Hamas planned for massacre during Passover, Iran forced delay

The report noted that the information was uncovered during the interrogation of Hamas terrorists who participated in the October 7 massacre.

Politics | The Left

People BLAST Cori Bush for Accusing Israel of 'Ethnic Cleansing'

 The Squad has put on a disgraceful display, starting the very day Hamas terrorists committed unspeakable acts of violence against Israel, murdering over 1,400 civilians.

Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority

Attacks on Israel have 'not stopped' since Hamas' terrorist attacks

Israeli author and activist Noa Tishby says Hamas' attacks on Israel have not stopped since its first terrorist attack on October 7.On October 7, Israel decl...

Politics | Opinion

Elder Of Ziyon - Who Paid for the Simchat Torah Massacre?

Joe Biden says that the unfrozen $6b did not fund the Simchat Torah Massacre. Logic suggests that may not be true.

Politics | Opinion

Gaza: The "humanitarian" fallacy

Pressure on Israel to allow aid into Gaza is pressure to allow aid to Hamas

Politics | Politics

Iran trained 500 Hamas, PIJ fighters prior to Oct. 7 terror attack

The Iranian Quds Force conducted September exercises in which Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad fighters took part, according to a news report.

Politics | Opinion

My Fellow Conservatives: We, Too, Have an Antisemitism Problem

I'm just asking you to recognize that truly caring about Jews means not abandoning us the second there is a bit of difficulty.

News | The UN

Israeli officials assail UN chief for stance on the Hamas war

“Shame on him,” Foreign Minister Cohen tells JNS in response to the secretary-general’s apparent blame of Israel for the terrorists' massacre.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Why is Biden Protecting Hamas?

 Joe Biden and White House validators are counseling the Israelis not to make the same mistake US leadership did after 9/11 by lashing out angrily and without a long-term plan. But that’s not Israel’s real problem. Jerusalem’s strategic dilemma is that it

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Ceasefire advocates are Hamas’s useful idiots

Those opposing a Gaza ground invasion aimed at the terrorist group’s destruction cite humanitarian concerns. Such appeals will only preserve a criminal regime.

News | Israel At War

Three generations wiped out by Hamas in Kibbutz Be'eri

An estimated 10% of Kibbutz Be'eri's 1,100 residents were killed and an equal number kidnapped during Hamas's Oct. 7 assault on southern Israel.

Politics | Opinion

The only choice Israel has

  "A War of Annihilation" – this is how James Mattis, who served as the US Secretary of Defense in

Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority

There are no "innocent" Gazans

Nuts: Israel is cautioned to do no harm to “innocent” Gazans.

Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority

Hamas Terrorists Planned, In Notebooks, To Take Children Hostage

Currently around thirty children are detained in Gaza, the IDF announced Thursday - Click the link for more.

News | Israel At War

THE LATEST: Massive barrage on central Israel as UK PM visits; IDF says 203 abductees held by Hamas

  Operation Swords of Iron entered its 13th day on Thursday as Israel continued to strike Hamas in Gaza and

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

‘Breaking Biden’ Author: All the Ways Joe Biden Has Harmed Israel

He has been a horrendous ally to Israel, the world’s lone Jewish state, a beacon of democracy and freedom in a region of the world known for anything but.

Politics | Opinion

Drinking a cup of Starbucks is drinking a cup of Jewish blood

It is with a heavy heart that the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce, along with our esteemed partners, calls for a widespread boycott of Starbucks. Opinion.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Israel: "I Am Captain of My Home Front" - Chabad

Following Major Ezzy Morgenstern’s report from the front lines, we contacted his wife, Michal Morgenstern, who is home with the couple’s eight children, director of a not-for-profit, and a force of goodness in a world gone mad.

News | News

Shocking pictures of Hamas blockading roads to stop civilians from fleeing to safety emerge

 While Israel does its best to ensure civilians are not harmed in this war, Hamas is doing all it can to put innocents in harm's way.

Politics | Politics

DERANGED: Liberals Scramble To Blame Trump for Hamas Atrocities

Hamas terrorists murdered hundreds in a coordinated attack on Israel over the weekend. Some liberals blamed Donald Trump.

News | News

Survivor Of Israel Music Festival Massacre: Hamas Was ‘Shooting And Laughing,’ They Were ‘Having Fun’

A woman who attended an outdoor music festival in southern Israel last weekend that became the site where hundreds of people were murdered in an Islamic terror attack said in an interview this week that the terrorists were “laughing” as they shot people.

News | News

Beware of fake news: Hamas and supporters promote disinformation about war

X's lax disinformation policies, together with advanced AI and animation technologies, make it easier to spread fake news.

News | Interesting Stories

What a Hero Looks Like

Meet Lieutenant Colonel Guy Madar. A career army officer, Guy lives further north and was celebrating Simchas Torah in Kiryat Gat, a 30-minute drive from Re’im.

Hearing about the terrorist incursion, Guy got in his car and hurried south, carrying only his personal pistol.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Biden Tapped This Group to Fight Anti-Semitism. It’s Defending Hamas’s Attack on Israel.

The Biden administration earlier this year tapped the Council on American-Islamic Relations for an initiative to curb anti-Semitism. This week, the anti-Semitic group and its leaders defended Hamas attacks that have killed more than 1,000 Jews.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

VIDEO: Rashida Tlaib Has No Comment When Asked About Hamas Beheading Israeli Babies

 On Tuesday morning we learned that the bodies of 40 babies slaughtered by Hamas had been found in the southern Israeli town of Kfar Aza, some of them having been beheaded.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

‘The Babies, The Mothers, The Fathers’: Israel Shows World Aftermath of Hamas Massacre

Bodies of Israeli residents and Hamas militants lay in the grounds of the Kfar Aza kibbutz among burned out houses, strewn furniture, and torched cars, as Israeli soldiers went from house to house to take away the dead.

Politics | Joe Biden/Biden Administration

What Was the Role of the Iranian Spy Ring in the US Government in the 'Intelligence Blunder' With Hamas?

 The brutal war Hamas launched against Israel is going into its third day. As the battlefield shifts from Israeli living rooms to the streets of the terrorist enclave of Gaza, many people are trying to understand what has happened. A logical first stop on the trail to understanding what appears to be an intelligence blunder dwarfing 9/11 is to find out why Iranian agents heavily infiltrated the Biden defense policy apparatus.

Politics | Iran

Iran Has Made $80 Billion in Illicit Oil Sales Since Biden Took Office

Iran has made around $80 billion from its illicit oil sales since the Biden administration took office and relaxed sanctions on the hardline regime, cash that has helped Tehran keep its terror allies like Hamas afloat.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

I Am an IDF Fighter and My Faith Will Carry Me Through

God has handed us a mission, and with your support, we will do what we need to.


Palestinian Islamic Jihad Officials: Iran Is Giving Us The Rockets We Use To Attack Israel

Multiple officials with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a designated terrorist organization, have said in recent days that the rockets and weapons

News | Pallywood

HURRAH for 'blood-stained' SHIRTS!: Daily Mail leads with ISM propaganda

You really have to question the judgment of Daily Mail editors in not only publishing the following selectively edited anti-Israel propaganda video released by the pro-terror group, International S...

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

No, It’s Not The Occupation, Stupid

The entire history of the Arab-Israeli conflict is a history of Arabs putting Israel in a position from which it must defend itself, and then blaming Israel for the way it defends itself.

Sports | SPORTS

Israel must be permitted to crush Hamas

In the interest of peace, the world must step back and allow this war to happen.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Two Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza grew up in Texas and California

A man from Texas was one of at least two Israeli soldiers from the United States to be killed in Gaza this weekend as fighting between Israelis and Palestinians intensified.

Politics | POLITICS

‘My bad’: State Dept. official apologizes for #UnitedForGaza tweet

Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy Richard Stengel gave a peculiar apology to outraged Twitter users on Sunday after he tweeted #UnitedForGaza to his 15,000 followers.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

IDF set to open field hospital for wounded Gazans

Border facility will include emergency clinic, pediatrician and other services for Palestinians injured in clashes

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

UN agency handed rockets back to Hamas, Israel says

UNRWA says it gave 20 missiles found in Gaza school to 'local authorities' that are under the 'government of national consensus in Ramallah'

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Peace? Not at this street protest

“The Jews control the media, control the banks, control governments, control everything,” shouted the man in front of me, cheered on by a mob of men and women who quickly assembled around him.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Gaza terrorists attempt to attack IDF forces with explosives-laden donkey

Terrorists in Gaza tried to attack soldiers using a donkey strapped with explosives on Friday, the military said.

Politics | Corruption

Vox.com employs anti-Israel propagandists | RedState

Beauchamp and Fisher are propagandists, and they hate Israel.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

US Jews furious over 'Washington Post' cartoon showing Netanyahu punching Palestinian infant

The caricature is aimed at apportioning blame equally between Israel and Hamas for the suffering of Gazan civilians.

News | NEWS

Israel Invaded Gaza Because of Palestinian Rocket Fire, Says Netanyahu

Gazans girded for heavier Israeli shelling and air attacks on Friday night as Israel's prime minister ordered the military to prepare for the possibility of significantly expanding the newly launched ground invasion.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Bill Clinton: Hamas' “Crass Strategy” is to Kill Palestinians - The Tower

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton laid the blame for Palestinian civilian casualties squarely on the heads of Hamas leaders, saying their policy was designed to kill Palestinians. Interviewed on India’s NDTV, Clinton was blunt in his assessment: Hamas

Advice & Self-Help | Advice

Hamas Firing Rockets? There’s an App for That

English speakers across the globe are getting a real-time glimpse of what it is like to live under the constant threat of terrorist rocket attacks thanks to a hugely popular smartphone app that sends

News | NEWS

Top US firefighters help Israel amid rocket fire

News: Delegation of firefighters from US, including 9/11 first responders, arrive in Israel to help Israeli counterparts deal with fires caused by ongoing rocket fire.

News | The News

Assad kills hundreds in gas attack - 426 kids among dead: Kerry

The Obama administration unveiled its indictment of Bashar al-Assad’s regime yesterday, showing the world newly declassified intelligence files that revealed how Syria slaughtered at least 1,429 of...

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

FM: West Bank status quo can be model for Gaza reoccupation

The PA would administer civilian areas, whereas Israel would have a 'free hand' to uproot terrorism, Liberman suggests

News | NEWS

Netanyahu Spokesman Schools Ronan Farrow on Israel-Hamas Situation

Ronan Farrow, who used to report to Hillary Clinton at the State Department, was taken to school on the Tuesday edition of his eponymous program by Mark Regev, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Dennis Prager - The Jewish State in a Morally Sick World

The Jewish State in a Morally Sick World - The absence of basic freedoms among Israel’s enemies means nothing to the Europeans.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Israel accepts Egyptian ceasefire proposal, Hamas rejects deal

Cabinet votes 6-2 to end hostilities, but Gazan organization uninterested; Rockets hit Eilat, lightly injuring four people

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Israeli Security Cabinet accepts Egypt's proposal for Gaza cease-fire

The armed wing of the Islamic militant group Hamas said early Tuesday that it was rejecting an Egyptian cease-fire proposal aimed at ending a week of cross-border conflict.

Politics | POLITICS

BDS: The Attempt to Strangle Israel - Prager University

The latest strategy employed by those who wish to strangle Israel is called BDS. It may sound harmless, but do not be fooled. It stands for Boycott, Divestment�and Sanctions, and not only is it poisonous for Israel, but for the world as well. Israel is on

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Hamas’ Use of Human Shields is a War Crime

International law explicitly forbids directing civilians to shield military objectives from attack.

News | The News

Netanyahu vows 'any means necessary' to stop Hamas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday he will use “any means necessary” to stop Islamic militant group Hamas from bombing civilians but decline to say when his military action will stop or whether he will continue using ground troops.

Politics | Op-Ed

The New York Times' Wretched Anti-Israel Bias Comes in All Too Clear

Three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped on June 12 while hitchhiking home in the West Bank. They were found dead on June 30, murdered by Hamas militants. Palestinians attacked the ambulance carrying their bodies. Later Hamas launched rocket attacks on Isra

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

WATCH: Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder launches anti-Israel diatribe during concert

Famed rocker denounces “those who go across borders and take over land that doesn’t belong to them.”

News | The News

Hamas Is Effectively Ordering Civilians to Die in Israeli Airstrikes

Hamas' Interior Ministry has ordered residents of the Gaza Strip to remain in their houses if they are about to be bombed by the Israelis, a move that effectively turns citizens into human shields and

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Pro-Israel Students Need to Watch This

Do you have an active anti-Israel group at your campus? If you do, a malicious new campaign called Divestment may be coming your way next. Learn the basics a...

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

What is Hamas? Quick facts.

10 Unknown Facts About HAMAS For more info on HAMAS - http://www.standwithus.com/factsheets/?type=focus&wc=7 For more info on Pillar of Defense - http://www....

News | NEWS

US Embassy in Tel Aviv partially closed due to rocket fire

While routine appointments for visa and services will not be available on Thursday, emergency requests will be considered on case-by-case basis.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

BBC Investigation: #GazaUnderAttack Images Are Not Reliable

The BBC has investigated, and found inaccurate, numerous graphic images which are being shared on social media to show how people in Gaza have been affected by the renewed tensions with Israel.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer Rips New York Times Editorial as 'Embarrassment to Journalism' | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer, attacked The New York Times for an editorial it published on Monday entitled Four Horrific Killings. Questioning the integrity of the paper in a BuzzFeed post, Dermer highlighted five key points

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Where is the outrage over the bombardment of civilians in Israel? - Telegraph

Hundreds of rockets have been fired and a million citizens are forced to run for cover. Imagine if London suffered this bombardment