
Politics | Opinion

Israel’s Great Strategic Failure

It wasn’t October 7. It's the continuing avoidance of military action against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

News | Israel At War

18 Israelis wounded in Hezbollah attack from Lebanon

The Iranian terror proxy said it launched a combined assault with guided missiles and drones.

News | Interesting Stories

Hezbollah rocket hits Israeli factory, killing one

A barrage of 30 rockets hit the town and its environs after an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon killed seven terrorists Tuesday night.

Politics | Politics

WATCH: Hezbollah attacking Iron Dome batteries in northern Israel

Fmr. IDF Special Forces Cmdr. Lt. Col. (Res.) Doron Avital breaks down the current status of fighting on the Israel-Lebanon border after Hezbollah targeted Iron Dome batteries.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

‘We Should Salute Them’: Hezbollah Leader Expresses Gratitude for American Anti-Israel Activists

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday praised Americans who are putting pressure on US President Joe Biden to limit support for Israel because they are helping the Lebanese terrorist group's cause. "Today, what many people demonstrating in Americ

News | Israel At War

IDF striking ‘deep inside Lebanon' after Hezbollah downs drone

An Israeli was wounded when a rocket fired from Lebanon hit a chicken coop in the border village of Shtula.

News | Israel At War

Hezbollah rocket kills one, wounds eight in Safed

A dead woman was found during searches of the damaged building.

Politics | Opinion

Matti Friedman: What If the Real War in Israel Hasn’t Even Started?

Take the current war with Hamas and multiply it by ten. That’s what war with Hezbollah would look like. And Israelis are not asking if it will begin, but when.

News | News Items

Elderly woman and her son killed at home in Hezbollah anti-tank missile attack | The Times of Israel

Barak Ayalon, 45, member of Kfar Yuval security team, killed alongside mother Miri Ayalon, 76, when projectile from Lebanon slams into northern town

News | Israel At War

Israel Needs to Start Fighting to Win Against Hezbollah and Hamas

Hezbollah attacks army base in a major escalation of the conflict, back peddling in the war against Hamas and the rift between the army and the leadership gr...

Politics | Opinion

To earn America’s respect, Israel must strike first

  Whenever America tells us "Don't go to war" and we reply "Yes, but" – in 1948, in 1956, in

News | National News

U.S. Launches Air Strikes in Iraq In Response to Hezbollah Attack on Military Base | National Review

Joe Biden ordered retaliatory air strikes on three sites in Iraq on Monday after terrorists launched a drone attack on a U.S. military base, wounding three Americans.

News | News

Political Reprobates Of The Left Prove Their Lust For Power Eclipses All

As if the world needed any more proof that the globalist-aligned, neo-fascist American Left has a debilitating addiction to power, now comes the 2023 “selling of the souls” in the politically-motivated packaging of aid to Israel and a new traunch mone

News | News

PODCAST | Are Tinfoil Hats Becoming A Fashion Statement?

Listen now (32 mins) | As a precursor to today’s segment on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, I wanted to mention two things. First, please take some time to read The Anti-Freedom Movements Aren’t So Different, the featured story at Undergroun

News | News

The Anti-Freedom Movements Aren’t So Different

As misinformed and indoctrinated college students continue to fall prey to the poison of Islamic totalitarian propaganda regarding the victim status that has been bestowed on Hamas, it would be prudent to push back against the false narratives flooding ou

News | News

PODCAST | In An Official Capacity, It’s Irresponsible & Actionable

Listen now (29 mins) | Before we get into this morning’s segments on America’s Third Watch, in which we discuss not only Squad member and US Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI), incendiary X post published Friday but some of the lesser-known violent directi

News | News

It’s Can’t Be A Same-Old-Same-Old Response This Time

Listen now (31 mins) | Before we get into Friday’s segment of Amerca’s Third Watch in which Kyle Warren and I discuss a variety of subjects – from the worthlessness of the United Nations in the Middle Eastern conflicts, to the very real fact that re

News | News

How About We Enforce The Laws We Have…Everywhere?!

Listen now (30 mins) | In this episode of America’s Third Watch, Kyle Warren and I discuss a variety of topics including how retailers – especially in California and up the West Coast – are lobbying Congress to create federal law that would combat t

News | News

The Death Of Mainstream Media Credibility

If the ongoing Israeli-Hamas war has reiterated any one point – besides the fact that the Arab world will never leave the Israelis to enjoy peace in the land the international community codified to them in 1947 – it is this. No one, anywhere, believes

News | News

PODCAST | The Cancerous Metastasizing Of The Neo-Axis Powers

Listen now (30 mins) | Before we get into this morning’s segment on America's Third Watch, in which we talk at length about the coalescing of a new neo-Axis power joining Iran, Russia, China, South Korea, and a gaggle of lesser satellite nations to

News | News

PODCAST | Ineptitude, Opportunism & Corruption vs. Some Common Sense

Listen now (52 mins) | After our regular segment on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, we’re going to try something a little new. This is what I was referring to in my last mailout about trying something a little different; a little unique.

News | News

PODCAST | There’s Something Happening Here…What It Is Ain’t Exactly Clear

Listen now (25 mins) | As we watch the atrocities committed by Hamas play out, it is hard not to believe that there is something much more nefarious underway. It is obvious that Iran is playing a significant role in the mass murder that has taken place in

News | News

Israeli Ground Offensive In Gaza Delayed Over New Alleged Plot: Report

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has reportedly delayed its ground operation into Gaza for a variety of reasons including the belief that an Iranian-backed terrorist group might be planning a surprise attack the moment Israel deploys its forces.

News | News

The Cowards Of The Collegiate Left: Ignorant & Entitled

In the aftermath of the Hamas terror attack on Israel last weekend, the Leftist university population protested in support of Hamas. Student groups at Arizona State University and Indiana University took to their school's commons

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Team Biden Mainstreams Terror Financing in Lebanon

Fifteen years of U.S. aid to ‘state security’ arms like the LAF and ISF have cost American taxpayers billions while harming Israel and strengthening Hezbollah

News | News

Hezbollah blinding Israeli drivers, pedestrians nightly with lasers

The cross-border harassment aimed at Metullah residents has been going on for weeks.

News | News

UNPACKED – What Is Hezbollah?

UNPACKED – What Is Hezbollah? When Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini took control of Iran in the Islamic Revolution of 1979, no one could have predicted that would be a catalyst for the formation of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, or “Party of God

News | News

The mezuzah on the Hezbollah tunnel

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

News | News

US Executes Airstrikes Against Facilities in Syria Used by Iran-Backed Militia

The United States launched airstrikes in Syria Thursday in retaliation for rocket attacks on US assets in Iraq earlier in the month...

News | News

Rami Dabbas – Hezbollah is involved in the drug trade in Damascus and other countries in the Middle East

Rami Dabbas – Hezbollah is involved in the drug trade in Damascus and other countries in the Middle East Numerous media and security reports confirmed the involvement of the Lebanese Hezbollah in the manufacture and trade of drugs on a regional and

News | News

Khaled Abu Toameh - Arabs Warn Biden: Do Not Embolden Hezbollah

Khaled Abu Toameh – Arabs Warn Biden: Do Not Embolden Hezbollah Gatestone Institute The message they [nationals of Lebanon] are sending to a new US administration is: The Lebanese people are hoping that you will help them get rid of Hezbollah. Cozyi

News | News

Elder Of Ziyon - France assures Hezbollah, don’t worry, we got your back

After the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafic Hariri and 21 others in 2005, the UN set up a special tribunal to investigate the attack and to try the suspects behind it in absentia. The four people on trial are members of Hezbollah and the verdict is expected this week.

News | News

Twitter Falls for the Terrorist Wing Scam

Twitter has just fallen for the oldest trick in the terrorist organization playbook. It's resisting a bipartisan congressional call to exclude Hamas and Hezbollah from operating freely on its platform on the grounds that it allows only the "political"

Politics | Iran

Hezbollah Attacks Israeli Army Base in Northern Israel

Israel responded immediately by attacking the location where Hezbollah terrorists launched the RPG rockets.

Politics | Iran

The IDF foils a massive Iranian/Hezbollah attack on Israel

Hezbollah planned a massive attack. Thank you G-d above. Thank you PM Netanyahu and thank you IDF for stopping it!

News | News

Howard Epstein - Hezbollah Trumped?

Howard Epstein – Hezbollah Trumped? According to an article today in The Times (of London), Israel’s “northern neighbour [Lebanon] is historically one of the hardest-line of Arab countries in not recognising or dealing with the Jewish st

Politics | Politics

Al-Quds Terror Organization Call for the Destruction of Israel and America in the Hague

This was a march that took place in The Hague (next to the Peace Palace). It was organized by pro-Iranian groups.

Politics | Media Watch

New York Times Celebrates Christmas With Hezbollah

A New York Times article about how the blood-drenched terrorists of Hezbollah celebrate Christmas is drawing intense criticism from readers...

News | News

Soldiers to be laid to rest after quiet night in Israel's north | The Times of Israel

As Jerusalem weighs its options and UN debates possible measures to restore calm, Cpt. Yochai Kalengel and Sgt. Dor Nini will be buried near their homes Thursday

News | News

Report: Iron Dome deployed to northern Israel after alleged Syria strike - Jerusalem Post

Foreign media reports move is in light of possible retaliation for purported Israeli strike that killed Hezbollah members, Iranian soldiers.

News | News

'Six Iranians, including a general, killed in Israeli strike' | The Times of Israel

Sources close to Hezbollah say 3-car convoy was hit Sunday, killing 12 people in all; Iran names one of the dead as General Mohammad Ali Allahdadi

News | News

How Hezbollah indoctrinates preschoolers to embrace 'resistance' against Israel

An Arab blogger posted images of Mahdi magazine, a children

News | News

IDF strikes Lebanon after Hezbollah bomb wounds two soldiers

Two bombs were planted and detonated on Israeli side of the border.

News | News

Report: US weapons Reaching Hezbollah (VIDEO) in Fight Against ISIS in Syria

While the United States considers Hezbollah a terrorist group, the two may be indirectly working together to keep ISIS fighters in Syria out of Lebanon, Israel’s NRG News reported Monday. A week after Hezbollah fighters repulsed ISIS forces in Arsal, in

News | News

Hezbollah planning 'large raids' into Galilee, senior army source says

Although war is unlikely now, small incidents can quickly escalate, officer warns; IDF will defeat Hezbollah, but conflict could drag out for as long as four months, he says.