
Politics | Politics

The Beginning of the End for the Soros Revolution? - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

What is remarkable is that the Soros project appears to have left a sour taste in the mouth of even the most left-wing voter bases.

Politics | Politics

Soros nonprofit drops massive 8-figure donation to super PAC bankrolling left-wing groups | Fox News

Liberal mega donor George Soros funneled $60 million into a liberal Super PAC last quarter that was disbursed to a variety of far-left groups, including Planned Parenthood.

Politics | Politics

Erasing Trump from 2024 Ballot Is an Inside-the-Beltway Job › American Greatness

Credit Activism Inc. for taking the nation one step closer towards dictatorship. While all eyes are on the Colorado Supreme Court—which voted 4–3 on Dec.

News | News

PODCAST | Trumping The Soros Bright Shiny Thing

Listen now | This George Soros-funded attack on an ex-president – and you didn't see him looking into the past actions of Barack Obama; you didn't see his surrogates looking into Bill Clinton, ironically for the same thing that they're tr

News | News

PODCAST | What’s Good For The Trump Goose Is Good For The Clinton Gander

Listen now | I don't care whether you like Donald Trump, voted for him, didn't vote for him, have problems with him, or hate his guts (like Rob Reiner), but we can't turn into the Banana Republic that the radical Left wants us to become...

Politics | Politics

George Soros pushes $1 million to Wisconsin Democrats ahead of pivotal state Supreme Court election

Liberal billionaire George Soros provided the Wisconsin Democratic Party with one of its biggest contributions in recent months ahead of a pivotal election.

News | National News

Missouri AG Begins Legal Proceedings to Oust Radical St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner › American Greatness

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner’s turbulent six-year reign as the city’s top prosecutor may finally be coming to an end. On Thursday, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey began legal…

Politics | Politics

The Story About DeSantis Removing Woke, Soros-Backed State Attorney Just Got Even Better

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday announced he had suspended woke, Soros-backed State Attorney Andrew Warren for failing to enforce state laws.“State Attorneys have a duty to prosecute crimes as

News | National News

DeSantis Suspends State Attorney Who Said He Won't Enforce Law

'We are not going to allow this pathogen of ignoring the law get a foothold in the state of Florida,' DeSantis said.

Politics | Politics

Adios, Mambí - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

It’s by now an established trope in books and films, but the first thing the communist revolutionaries do when toppling...

News | News

Soros Calls for Regime Change; Wants a Culled Field for the Great Reset

In an eyebrow-raising moment, George Soros – a fascist, globalist, and a habitual supporter of the radical Left in the United States, has penned an opinion editorial that calls for regime change in both Russia and China. His declaration comes as Vladimi

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Former Soros Activist Explains How Progressives Ruined San Francisco

In his new book "San Fransicko,” Michael Shellenberger explains how progressives ruin cities, focusing on several on the West Coast.

Politics | Politics

Soros Heavily Finances 'Defund the Police' Movement Contradicting Biden

Betraying a statement by President Biden and a Democrat narrative currently being floated, George Soros, according to Federal Election...

News | News

Group Targets the Hosting of Right-Leaning Org Sites Citing Capitol Hill Unrest

A Soros-connected Progressive group is trolling GoDaddy about their company's hosting of Right-leaning groups who have any connection to the

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Attorneys General From 16 States Push Back on Soros-Funded New York AG’s Plot To Dismantle The NRA

The State of New York’s Attorney General, Letitia James (D), who was aided in her election bid by groups funded

Politics | Politics

Soros Pick for LA District Attorney Sworn In, Immediately Ends Cash Bail, Pushes Back On Death Penalty Cases

The newly sworn in District Attorney for Los Angeles, who was heavily supported by Progressive billionaire George Soros, immediate embarked

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SGO Chairman Appointed to Lead Open Society Foundations Amid Allegations Against Their Smartmatic Voting System

George Soros announced that British Lord Mark Malloch-Brown the chairman of SGO Corporation, the holding company that owns ...

News | News

UN Declares Itself a ‘Trusted’ COVID Info Source; Seeks ‘New Social Norms’

In a move that leaves most of the world slack-jawed in disbelief, the United Nations is floating the idea that

Politics | Politics

FRAUD: Native Americans Were Bribed With Gas Cards, Vacations To Vote Biden – Soros Money Involved

As if illegally programmed voting machines, ballot tampering, and corrupt election officials weren’t enough to steal an election for the

News | News

Progressive Voter-Advocacy Groups Probed for Illegal Registrations Ahead of Georgia Run-Off

Several Progressive and Left-leaning voter advocacy groups have come under scrutiny for the actions in the State of Georgia. With

News | News

BERNIE’S OUT: Union Bosses Veto Sanders As Labor Secretary In Hypothetical Biden Administration

He wanted it. He quietly lobbied for it. In the end, though, failed Democrat presidential candidate, US Sen. Bernie Sanders

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Possible Biden Presidency Sees Surge in Illegal Border Crossings

The possibility of a Biden presidency is seeing a spike of illegal entries into the United States along the US

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Georgia Pushes Forward With Mail-In Voting Rule Changes Even As Lawsuits Question Legality

At the center of several of the lawsuits currently being pursued by the Trump campaign is this question. Can a

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House Democrat Seeks To Disbar Rudy Giuliani, 22 Trump Election Lawyers

In a wholly partisan move that is fueled purely by politics, one Democrat House member has filed Bar Association complaints

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Apple Lobbies Congress To Weaken Bill Banning Use Of Chinese Slaves To Make iPhones

Apple, a pioneer in the world of digital censorship and progressive virtue signalling, has dispatched a team of lobbyists to

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PUPPET: China’s Top Propaganda Paper Issues Orders to ‘Incoming Biden Administration’

The American mainstream news media may not want to touch the story about the Biden-China connection with a ten-foot poll,

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BLM Founder Tells Biden to ‘Abandon Police, Prisons, and Punishment Paradigms’

As the nation tires of the political opportunism and self-centeredness of the Black Lives Matter movement, one of its founders

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CORRUPTION?: Ilhan Omar Paid Her New Husband’s Political Consulting Firm Nearly $2.8 Million

Progressives – and especially Marxist-Progressives – are always quick to castigate the Capitalist system. They always want to extoll the

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BLACKLIST: Harvard Students Spread Petition To Ban Trump Administration From Teaching, Speaking, Attending University

As if obstructing the investigations of the multitude of vote fraud and ballot tampering claims weren’t enough, now the Progressive

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California Exempts Hollywood Movie Studios From COVID Lockdowns, Restrictions

In the aftermath of getting caught red-handed violating his own travel and gathering restrictions, California Governor Gavin Newsom has exempted

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ILLINOIS: Chicago Election Board Provided Dominion Complete Access for 2020 Election

As the nation is focused on the lack of system security in the 2020 General Election, now comes news that

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World Economic Forum-Endorsed ‘Great Reset’ Seeks to Eliminate Currency, Private Property

With the results of the 2020 General Election soon to be discovered, the next great threat on the horizon –

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Yale Trained Mathematician Flags 100,000 Pennsylvania Ballots As Likely Fraudulent

As the days count down to the ultimate deadline – the seating of the Electoral College, a flood of evidence

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Soros, Bloomberg-Funded Group Pushes Cash into Georgia Runoff

With the eyes of not only the nation but of the world focused intensely on the State of Georgia and

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Bermuda-Based, Democrat-Tied Dark Money Machine Aids Dems In 2020 Election

A foreign-owned group based in Bermuda has been financing Progressive organization in the United States in an effort to transform

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Study: Up To 95 Percent Of 2020 U.S. Riots Linked To Black Lives Matter

A report accompanying the data project, however, reads like an upscale attempt to blame the police for criminals’ decision to steal, kill, and destroy.

Politics | Politics

Soros calls Trump’s China stance his ‘greatest’ foreign policy achievement, warns on Huawei

George Soros, the left-wing billionaire, offered partial praise for President Trump in an op-ed published Monday night over his tough stance on China but went on to urge Congress not to allow the president to use Huawei—the second-largest smartphone

Politics | Politics

Left-wing billionaire George Soros accused by Albania's president of 'conspiracy' aimed at destabilizing country | Fox N

The president of Albania on Tuesday denounced municipal elections that took place on Sunday as a “farce”, accusing left-wing billionaire philanthropist George Soros of being involved in a “conspiracy”

Politics | Politics

Mega-Donor George Soros Began Targeting Arizona and Georgia Elections in 2015

Billionaire activist George Soros helped fund Democratic efforts to flip Georgia, Arizona, and Florida in the recent midterm elections, and he nearly ran the table. All three states had razor-thin margins of victory in either U.S. Senate or gubernatorial

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Chinese Subversion of the United States Is Deep and Far Reaching

News Analysis For decades, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been subverting the United States by infiltrating, undermining, and influencing its key institutions. This topic is only recently coming to the surface. Vice President Mike Pence said on Oct

Politics | Politics

UPDATE: Soros Elevator Activist and Illegal Alien Ana Maria Archila Made $178,071 in 2016 as a Far Left Activist

A week ago on Friday Senator Jeff Flake announced he would vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh out of the Judiciary Committee. Then he got cornered in an elevator by screaming leftists for 4 minutes. About an hour later and after several private talks with De

Politics | Politics

Was Former Feinstein Staffer Involved With Fusion GPS During 2016 Elections?

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

Politics | Politics

Soros-Funded Groups Behind Anti-Trump Corporate Targeting Campaign

The groups leading a campaign targeting corporations that may benefit from Trump administration policies have received millions from liberal billionaire George Soros.

Politics | Politics

George Soros calls Obama 'greatest disappointment,' says he doesn't 'particularly want to be a Democrat' | Fox News

New York billionaire and philanthropist George Soros said Barack Obama was his “greatest disappointment,” during a wide-ranging interview with the New York Times published on Tuesday, while also appearing to try to distance himself from partisan polit

News | Interesting Links

George Soros Bet Big on Liberal Democracy. Now He Fears He Is Losing. - The New York Times

His enemies paint him as all-powerful, but the billionaire philanthropist believes that his political legacy has never been in greater jeopardy.

News | The News

Catholic Bishop: Europe Migrant Crisis ‘Orchestrated’ by International Powers

The Cathollic church is being used as a pawn to radically alter Europe's identity through immigration, said Bishop Athanasius Schneider.

Politics | Immigration

Salvini: ‘Soros Wants to Fill Italy with Migrant Slaves'

Italy's Matteo Salvini has infuriated billionaire plutocrat George Soros, claiming he wants to flood Europe with migrant "slaves".

News | News

The Business Behind the Left’s Pay-to-Protest Scheme

When left-wing organizers were recruiting people to travel to Washington, D.C., to try to “shut down the inauguration of Donald Trump” and “paralyze the city itself,” they offered a number of incentives — free housing, food, and

Politics | The American Experiment

More Proof Of Paid Protesters: Ad Asking For Protesters To Travel To Protest, List Of Payouts To #Ferguson Protest Organ