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Your Cat Is Probably More Attached to You Than You Think

Unlike dogs, cats are not known for their attachment issues. But science tells a different story.

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Are Cats Good for Our Health?

Some cat owners say ‘providing for the cat’ increases their feelings of enjoyment and sense of purpose.

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Geckos Use Hidden Inner Ear "Sixth Sense" to Detect Vibrations - Neuroscience News

Researchers have discovered that geckos use their saccule, a part of the inner ear associated with balance, to detect low-frequency vibrations.

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Five Shocking Animal Hybrids That Truly Exist in Nature, From Narlugas to Grolar Bears to Coywolves

The now-famous “virgin” stingray Charlotte is not having hybrid babies, scientists say. But in nature, distinct species sometimes interbreed to produce surprising offspring.

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Why Mourning a Pet Can Be Harder Than Grieving for a Person

Disenfranchised grief refers to losses that society doesn’t fully appreciate or ignores. This makes it harder to mourn, at least in public.

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How to Tell if a Tick Head Is Still in Your Skin and How to Remove It | SELF

Ticks can carry tick-borne diseases like Lyme Disease, so it’s important to remove all parts of the tick if you get bit. Learn more about removing tick heads.

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21 Plants That Are Safe for Cats and Dogs

Ease your mind—and trips to the vet—with these perfectly pet-friendly plants.

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Summer Pet Guide: Hot Weather Pet Safety Tips | Pets Best

Ensure your pets stay safe this summer by learning the signs of heatstroke, dehydration and more with our essential summer pet safety tips.

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Vessel Strike Severely Wounds Right Whale Calf

One of the endangered North Atlantic right whales calves born this season has been found with serious injuries caused by a vessel’s propeller.

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The 2023 Audubon Photography Awards: Winners and Honorable Mentions | Audubon

We pored through thousands of entries for this year’s contest. The best images show birds going about their business in the most glorious ways.

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Finally, a High Seas Treaty to Protect the World’s Oceans

A new U.N. agreement aims to bring order and conservation to what has—up to now—been an ocean of mismanagement and neglect.

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Inside the World of Guide Dog Dropouts

In this highly competitive training, pup perfection is demanded—and not every student can make it to graduation. Here's what happens to the still very good boys who need a sudden ‘career change.’

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7 plants that repel mosquitoes and keep them out of your home | Tom's Guide

Are mosquitoes a common sight in your home? There are 7 plants that can help keep them at bay.

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Veterinarian Karen Fine says we can learn a lot from pets : Shots - Health News : NPR

Karen Fine says "I feel like I learn from my patients all the time. ... They really have skills and senses that we don't." Her new memoir is The Other Family Doctor.

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Pet Spring Allergies Checklist | Trupanion Blog

How can you tell if your pet has allergies? Spring allergies are common in both dogs and cats, and there are signs every pet owner should check for.

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Sanctuary - The Atavist Magazine

The battle to own one of America's most famous elephants.

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Fungus Gnats: How to Stop Those Annoying Little Flies Taking Over All Your Houseplants

Are your houseplants attracting lots of small, annoying flies? They’re called fungus gnats—and this is how to get rid of them, for good.

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7 Essential Reads About Groundhog Day

Everything you ever wanted to know about one of North America’s weirdest traditions (and also the Bill Murray classic).

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Ugly Cats and the Loneliness of Man

Lauren Collee reflects on the history of cats as companions and as subjects of internet memes....

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The Surprisingly Strange History of Thanksgiving (and Other Turkey Day Trivia)

Dig into this collection of fascinating Thanksgiving reads while you’re waiting for dinner to cook.

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Crows Perform Yet Another Skill Once Thought Distinctively Human - Scientific American

Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.

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How to stop mass shootings

Jillian Peterson, PhD, talks about what drives most mass shooters, why thinking of mass shootings as suicides as well as homicides can suggest new ways to combat them, and what can be done in schools, workplaces, and elsewhere to make them less likely.

News | Animal Links

The Hidden World of Cats: What Our Feline Friends Are Doing When We’re Not Looking

Most pet cats are free to roam, but where do they go and what do they get up to? We fitted six cats with GPS trackers and found out.

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Visiting Mariah Carey’s Cat’s Grave: Reflections on Disenfranchised Grief ‹ Literary Hub

The grave I was looking for was in a quiet back corner of the cemetery, surrounded by trees. I was grateful for the shade—it was August in Westchester County, and the place was hot. Asphalt pathway…

News | Animal Links

The Right Way to Pet a Dog, According to Veterinarians

Yes, that German shepherd is adorable, but there’s a specific protocol you should follow when approaching dogs you haven’t met before.

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Vaquita porpoise could survive … but only if illegal fishing stops immediately | Environment | The Guardian

DNA study finds rarest cetacean, only found in Gulf of California, has enough genetic diversity to recover – if gillnet ban is enforced

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What Our Feline Friends Really Think About Hugs, Happiness and Humans

They do what they want, all the time—and can teach us a lot about how to live in the present, be content and learn from our experience

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Can a Cat Have an Existential Crisis?

Treating my cat for depression caused me to question the state of anxiety in animals and us.

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Prickly Business: The Hedgehog Highway That Knits a Village Together

With their miniature ramps, stairs and holes cut into fences and stone walls, the gardens of Kirtlington in Oxfordshire are a haven for wildlife.

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A Zombie Gene Protects Elephants From Cancer

Elephants did not evolve to become huge animals until after they turned a bit of genetic junk into a unique defense against inevitable tumors.

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Breaking down the skills required for dealing with 40 different creatures.

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How to regrow a wrecked coral reef - BBC Future

When Hurricane Iris hit southern Belize in 2001, the country's magnificent corals were wrecked. But within 10 years, a radical restoration project brought the reef back to life.

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The mystery of the world’s loneliest penguins | WIRED UK

King penguins have started popping up on Martillo Island in Argentina. Where they came from, and whether they will stay, is a mystery

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After Years of Caring for and find homes for Cats, Cancer Patient's Home In Danger Of Foreclosure

I have recently come into incredibly hard times.  I was diagnosed with … Cheryl Orlinsky needs your support for Cancer Patient's Home In Danger Of Foreclosure

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Benefits of Pet Therapy for Seniors

The companionship of a pet can be an invaluable tool bringing purpose and engagement for people of all ages, and especially for seniors. Learn about the benefits of pet therapy for seniors.

News | Animal Links

Pup In The Rye: Dogs Go Through 'Teenage Angst' Just Like Humans - Study Finds

Teenage angst is considered a rite of passage, at least among humans, but a new study finds that dogs tend to get pretty stand-offish during their "teenage" years as well.

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Restoring eucalyptus trees to secure a future for koalas

IFAW and Bangalow Koalas held a eucalyptus tree planting event to secure habitat for koalas.

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Plants 'Talk' To Each Other When A Threat Is Nearby, Study Finds

Researchers at Cornell University have discovered that plants can indeed communicate among each other to warn of nearby threats and pests.

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Turtle Power: Giant Tortoises Have Strong Memories, High Intelligence

A new study suggests that both the overall brain power and memory skills of giant tortoises have been greatly underestimated.

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Strep Throat Could be Linked to Eating Disorders

Common infections such as strep throat might have a mysterious link to anorexia and bulimia.

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Parenting Programs Aim to Reduce Girls' Suicide Rate

Mental health is not just an adult issue. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide rates have tripled over the last 15 years among girls 10 to 14 years of age in the United States. More detailed analyses of the data only paint

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Depressive Symptoms Lessened by Anti-Inflammatory Agents

Anti-inflammatory agents, such as aspirin/paracetamol, statins, and antibiotics, can safely and effectively curb the symptoms of major depression, finds a pooled analysis of the available evidence.

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New Research Shows Great apes Have Abstract Empathic Thinking Like Humans

Study shows they can anticipate others’ actions, an ability thought to be uniquely human. Tanya Loos reports.

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    Owning a Dog (or a Pet!) Improves Heart Health

    Researchers say that pet owners in general seem to be in better cardiovascular health, but dog owners were a cut above the rest.

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    Dogs are Better at Communicating Emotions to Owners than Cats

    A new study conducted in Denmark concludes that pet owners develop a special sensitivity to all dogs' and cats' whines, whimpers, barks, and meows.

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    Grizzly Bears on Threatened List Again

    Court reverses agency action that cited a rising population

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    Stress Lessens from Just 10 Minutes of Time with Animals

    Researchers from Washington State University have found objective, physiological evidence that just 10 minutes spent petting a cat or dog will lower stress levels.

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    Some interesting info on biodiversity and why it matters to humans

    Biodiversity is all the different kinds of life you’ll find in one area -- the variety of animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganisms like bacteria that make up our natural world.

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    Study: Dogs Experience Profound Personality Changes As They Age - Study Finds

    It's probably no surprise to their owners, but dogs, much like people, have distinct personalities (canine-alities?) that shift and change over time, according to a new study.

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    People with depression, all treatment failed, until they adopted a pet

    By Christian Jarrett. The companionship and responsibilities involved in looking after a pet may help combat depression.

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    For these people with depression, all treatment approaches had failed, but then they adopted a pet … – Research Dige

    By Christian Jarrett. The companionship and responsibilities involved in looking after a pet may help combat depression.

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    Tackling plastic pollution in the Galápagos | Stories | WWF

    Around the world, humans produce an estimated 1.3 billion tons of plastic waste per year, a number that is set to increase to 2.2 billion by 2025. In countries such as Ecuador that have limited garbage collection services, some of this plastic waste inevi

    News | Animal Links

    #TurtleStrong Malibu Fire Relief

    Susan Cain Tellem needs your help today! #TurtleStrong Malibu Fire Relief - Hello turtle friends from Susan and Marshall at American Tortoise Rescue. Our house and the turtle hospital in Malibu burned down Friday, November 10, during one of California’s

    News | Animal Links

    Sunscreen, Clothing, And Other Coral Reef-Safe Alternatives

    Harmful chemicals from sunscreen can leach into the ocean and damage coral. Here are some sun-blocking alternatives.

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    Colleges Can Reduce Stress Among Students With Therapy Dogs - Study Finds

    A recent study by the University of British Columbia shows that therapy dogs are an effective way to help bring much-needed relief to our often-stressed student bodies.

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    Why Do Cats Meow at Humans? | Psychology Today

    Have you ever seen your cat at meow at other cats? Probably not. But your cat meows at you, right? Sometimes non-stop? There's a reason for this.

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    Butterfly Lands On Husky’s Nose, And She Has The Most Adorable Reaction

    Everyone loves butterflies. They are beautiful, they’re graceful and many people associate them with being connected to lost loved ones.

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    How do cats contribute to your health and well-being?

    Cats are loved for their elegance, their calming purrs, and the sweetness of their cuddles, but do you know how they can actually improve your health?

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    Dogs rush to help when owners cry, study suggests - CNN

    Dogs will move faster to be with their owners, on average, if the owner is crying versus humming a tune, a small study finds.

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    Survey: Pet Owners Happier, Wealthier, More Fit Than Non-Owners - Study Finds

    If you think pets are the pits, you may not be living to your potential. A new survey finds that people who own pets are happier, earn more money, and exercise more frequently than those who don't.

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    Historic Cat Photos on International Cat Day - The Atlantic

    Fashions and technologies may change over time, but cats never go out of style.

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    Liquid Cats That Take Shape of Their Containers

    Once you realize all cats are actually liquid, you'll never see world the same way as before.

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    Dogs Use 19 Referential Signals to Communicate With Humans

    These are the gestures our pets use to tell us they want food, toys, and love.

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    Without Bees, the Foods We Love Will Be Lost | NRDC

    Bees, which pollinate crops like apples, blueberries, pumpkins, and watermelon, are facing huge challenges to their survival, such as the overuse of neonic pesticides.

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    Dogs Understand Emotions Behind Human Facial Expressions, Get Stressed By Bad Moods - Study Finds

    A new study finds that dogs can read the emotions tied to their owners' facial expressions, and a bad mood can cause their heart rates to spike.

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    Adorable Cat Video!

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    Monarchs: Poetry in Motion

    It's hard to justly express the magnitude and majesty, the sheer scale of what this experience can be, literally millions of butterflies dancing around you.

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    Dogs Use Various Gestures To Get What They Want From Us

    New research shows the four requests most commonly used that result in dogs being satisfied are “Scratch me!”, “Give me food/drink”, “Open the door” and “Get my toy/bone.”

    News | Animal Links

    Kangaroos High on Carrots Are Attacking Tourists

    Addicted to sugar, the animals have been hitting and slashing at tourists who tease them with the surprisingly harmful snacks.

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    Watch Butcher Politely Show Meat Cat Before Giving it a Free Sample

    Even though his customer was a bit shorter than his average visitor, this butcher was unfazed by the furry visitor. In fact, he seemed delighted to share his knowledge of deli cuts with an interested customer.

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    World Turtle Day!!

    Meet Susan and Marshall as they take you on a trip through World Turtle Day® at American Tortoise Rescue. Learn more at www.worldturtleday.org

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    Artificial nests bring new hope for vulnerable shy albatross

    Dozens of fluffy shy albatross chicks sitting on artificial nests are a promising sign for scientists behind an innovative plan to give the vulnerable species a boost to help counteract the negative impacts of climate change.

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    Every Year, Photographer Sends Out Family's Holiday Card Staring His Adorable Dog

    He first began the tradition in 1990. Paddy, his rescue terrier, was the star of these cards until he passed away after the 2002 edition was sent out. Raggle is another rescue terrier who has since taken his place.

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    the 3 Most Critical Things Hurricane Harvey Teaches Us About Pet Care

    What are the known facts about Hurricane Harvey?  Harvey dumped 11 trillion gallons of rain on Houston, a city of 2.3 million people.  At least 31 people died and 100,000 homes were damaged or destroyed.  What don’t we know?  How many…Read m

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    Best Insect Repellent Buying Guide - #ConsumerReports

    Shopping for insect repellent? Read about types, features, and other must-know topics in our insect repellent buying guide to make an informed choice.

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    Heartbreaking Photos Show What Your Trash Does To Animals

    They mistake it for food, they get tangled in it, they die from it.

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    Your Dog Can ‘Catch’ Your Feelings

    A new study looks at emotional contagion between dogs and humans.

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    Pet Poison: Lilies

    Learn which parts of the lily plant are toxic to cats; and the signs and symptoms that your cat has been poisoned by a lily. From Pets Best pet insurance.

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    How to Recognize Dental Disease in Your Pet

    Learn how to recognize dental disease in your dog from veterinarian Dr. Fiona, for Pets Best pet health insurance for dogs and cats.

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    Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog Is So Intense

    Those of us who have loved a dog know the truth: Your pet is never "just a dog," which explains why we miss them so much when they pass away.

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    Petzi – Lemonade To Lace

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    Surprise! Giraffes fall under 4 species, not one

    For centuries, scientists believed all giraffes fall under one species.

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    Help River get the Surgery he Needs by Shelly Baer - GoFundMe

    Help River get the Surgery he Needs by Shelly Baer - River came into our lives 5 years ago.  He was rescued from a bleak parking lot after he was abandoned by his mother.  River chose me.  As soon as I picked him up he was kissing me and climbing on me

    News | Animal Links

    Dogs Can Understand Both What We Say and How We Say It

    "Asking questions is one of the best ways to ensure you and your doctor are on the same page."

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    20 Heartwarming Pictures of #Hugging #Kittens

    hugging kittens

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    An #Orangutan’s Mimicry Offers Clues to #Language’s Origins

    Rocky lives in the Indianapolis Zoo and can accurately copy the pitch and tone of human sounds, researchers found.

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    6 Tips for Happy & Healthy #IndoorCats

    From Pets Best, a U.S. dog and cat health insurance agency founded in 2005. As pet owners, you want the very best for your furry family member. By keeping

    News | Animal Links

    2 Ways Cats Get Sick from Dog Flea & Tick Products

    Did you know some dog-specific flea and tick medications are actually toxic to cats? Learn which products are safe (and not safe) for cats.

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    Guinness World Records announces 30-year-old Scooter as oldest living cat

    It has just been confirmed that a 30-year-old Siamese from Mansfield, Texas is the new oldest cat alive.

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    Scientific Reasons Why Your Cat Acts So Weird

    The internet loves cats. If the internet were Superman, cats would be the Sun. But even though cats are cute and fluffy (and always ready to start something),

    News | Animal Links

    Los Angeles Permanently Bans Sale of Non-Rescue Cats, Dogs, & Rabbits

    The city of LA has banned the commercial sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits to reduce the number of strays and euthanized animals.

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    For The First Time In A Century, Wild Tiger Numbers Are On The Rise

    For wild tigers, the numbers have not been kind. In 1900, an estimated 100,000 tigers roamed free on our planet. Yet within a hundred years, that number plummeted by more than 95 percent — the result of rampant poaching and widespread habitat loss.

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    How Pets Improve Your Health

    Learn about the positive benefits pets have on our human health from veterinarian Dr. Eva Evans for Pets Best pet health insurance.

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    How to Brush Your Pet's Teeth

    Learn how to brush your dog or cat's teeth, from veterinarian Dr. Fiona.

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    What Happens When a Young Rescue Elephant Sees Her Favorite Person Each Day (Video)

    The sweet elephant in the video above is named Kham La. At not quite six years old, she’s still a youngster. It’s obvious Kham La’s got a thing for one ...

    News | Animal Links

    Start a Pet Insurance Quote from Pets Best

    Start a pet insurance quote from Pets Best for your dogs and cats.

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    American Tortoise Rescue

    American Tortoise Rescue is a nonprofit organization established 20 years ago for the protection of all species of tortoise and turtle.

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    Scientists Hope to Bring a Galápagos Tortoise Species Back to Life

    Close relatives of Lonesome George, who died in 2012, have been found by geneticists who plan to resurrect his species.

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    Stray Cat Alliance

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    Available Dogs

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    7 Tips to Keep Cats from Dashing Out the Door

    Learn seven tips to keep your indoor cat from dashing out an open door to outside, by certified cat behaviorist Arden Moore for Pets Best pet insurance.

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    New Study Shows Dogs with Low Vitamin D Are At Risk For Cancer

    Human research shows we don't get enough vitamin D and that’s bad for our health. And now research is showing the same thing is happening in our dogs.

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    Scientists Tap Dragonfly Vision to Build a Better Bionic Eye

    Researchers have developed an artificial-intelligence system based on a dragonfly’s vision that they say could aid the blind and help create a better driverless car.

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    Whale 'Pop Songs' Spread Across the Ocean

    Humpbacks propagate popular tunes from west to east

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    Cat Gives A Dog Hypnotherapy - The Translation

    The original clip can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbVhRBt1lkM I am only responsible for the voice-over.

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    Health Freedom Alliance – Costa Rica Is Shutting Down Its Zoos And Freeing All Animals In Captivity

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    Watch Adorable Baby Turtles Crawl to the Ocean

    Their perseverance will remind you not to give up

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    The Algonquin Hotel's Cat Fashion Show Returns This Summer

    The event takes place August 5th.

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    Beautiful Video of Pufferfish making design on Ocean Floor

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    Baby Tortoises Show Up In The Galapagos Islands For The First Time In 100 Years!

    The first live tortoise births on the Galapagos Islands in over 100 years!

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    Humans' Use Of Pain-Relief Creams Proves Fatal To Felines

    Three cats died after their owners used an anti-inflammatory cream used to treat arthritis. The Food and Drug Administration warns to keep drugs away from pets; a tiny bit can be toxic.

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    Child’s Best Friend: The Dog Unleashed as the Surprising Allergy Preventer | Allergic Living

    Allergic Living is the leading magazine for those with food allergies, celiac disease, gluten sensitivity or environmental allergies. It features in-depth articles, news and safe recipes.

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    10 Cat Household Poisons

    Learn about ten common items that may be found in or around your house that can make your cat very ill, many are toxic. By veterinarian Dr. Eva Evans.

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    Why Your Cat Thinks You're a Huge, Unpredictable Ape | WIRED

    Tony Buffington is a cat expert who wants to help you harmonize your relationship with your favorite feline.