Internal Medicine, Allergy & Immunology integrating prescription medicines, herbals, homeopathics, and other appropriate alternate modalities.

Portner Medical Corporation

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Health Articles | Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Pictures: Urinalysis: Your Pee and Your Health

Your pee -- you see it every day, and you might not think twice about it. Find out what it can tell you about your health.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Mutation in blood clotting gene may extend human life span | Science | AAAS

Study of Amish community suggests that alteration protects against age-related diseases

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Telemedicine is as effective as in-person visits for children with asthma

New study shows patients who live far from allergists can still get specialty care.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

WebMD Slideshow: Causes of Tooth Enamel Erosion and Damage

Enamel protects the soft inner part of a tooth. But many things we do every day can erode tooth enamel. See the biggest culprits in this WebMD slideshow.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Reducing Asthma Exacerbations, Improving Patient QoL With Azithromycin

Azithromycin reduced exacerbations and improved quality of life in adults with asthma in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Parkinson's disease 'may start in gut' - BBC News

The brain disorder Parkinson's disease may actually start with bacteria living in the gut, according to scientists.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

More clues link immune system imbalance with chronic fatigue syndrome | Science | AAAS

Patients with severe symptoms have more immune molecules circulating in their blood than healthy people

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Pictures: Dry Eyes and What You Can Do About Them

Check out these things that make your eyes irritated and uncomfortable, and find out how to treat and prevent them.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Skin Cancer Symptoms: Pictures of Skin Cancer and Precancerous Lesions

Like many cancers, skin cancers -- including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma -- start as precancerous lesions. This WebMD slideshow tells you how to spot the early warning signs of skin cancer and seek treatment.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Greater Benefit With Azithromycin in COPD Patients With H pylori

Azithromycin therapy is more effective at preventing COPD exacerbations among patients with Helicobacter pylori infection than among those who are H pylori seronegative.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Pictures: Stomachache? What Could It Be?

A belly ache can be a sign of so many things -- some serious, some not-so-serious. Check out a few possibilities.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Surprising Ways You Can Damage Your Liver in Pictures

Alcohol and acetaminophen are well-known liver dangers, but what else can be harmful? WebMD says some of them may surprise you.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Melatonin: Benefits and Uses

Learn more about melatonin, its benefits, uses and side effects before you consider taking this supplement.

    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

    Cancer Symptoms: Skin Spots, Weight Loss, Fatigue, and More

    From lumps and redness to weight loss and fatigue, WebMD shows you possible cancer symptoms, what these signs might mean, and when it could be time to call your doctor.

    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

    Pictures: Your Breath and Your Health

    If your breath smells weird, it’s probably just something you ate, like garlic or onions. But sometimes it can be something more. Find out what your breath can tell you about your health.

    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

    New Study: Marijuana’s CBD Reduces High Blood Pressure

    The scientific debate has been going on for years whether marijuana has an effect on the cardiovascular system. Marijuana and blood pressure debacle.

      Health & Fitness | Health Articles

      Vitamin D3 and Your Health

      Learn why vitamin D is essential for the heart, bones, and nearly everything in between. Here are two studies that show why you need to boost your intake.

        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

        Vitamin C - A Game Changer in Treatment of Deadly Sepsis

        An estimated 1 million Americans get sepsis; giving patients IV vitamin C with hydrocortisone and thiamine reduced mortality from 40 percent to 8.5 percent.

        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

        Popular Heartburn Drugs May Boost Death Risk: Study

        Popular heartburn drugs known as proton pump inhibitors may raise the chance of death, new research shows.

        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

        Ketamine And Depression: FAQ

        Doctors are using ketamine, first approved as a anesthetic, to treat depression.

        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

        What Is a Spirometry Test?

        Breathe easier with step-by-step instructions on how to combat an attack.

        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

        How to Use Your Inhaler

        Breathe easier with step-by-step instructions on how to combat an attack.

        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

        How To Sleep Better During Allergy Season

        If hay fever is keeping you awake at night during allergy season, try these techniques to help you sleep better.

          Health & Fitness | Health Articles

          Anxiety Disorders and How to Treat Them

          Anxiety can take many forms, from panic attacks to phobias. Find out more about common anxiety disorders and how to treat them.

          Health & Fitness | Health Articles

          Pictures: Things That Can Affect Your Medication

          You’ve been to the doctor, picked up your prescription, and are taking your medicine as directed. But if it’s not working like it should, check out these things you eat and drink that can change the way some medications work.

          Health & Fitness | Health Articles

          7 Sleep Mistakes You Don't Know You're Making

          22% of people complain they have trouble sleeping, but are they working to fix that? Here are 7 solutions to the sleep mistakes you don't know you're making

            Health & Fitness | Health Articles

            Slideshow: Hormone Imbalance: Symptoms and Treatment

            Do you always feel tired? Find out if you have a hormone imbalance.

            Health & Fitness | Health Articles

            Slideshow: Indoor Air Pollution Sources: Radon, Fumes, Chemicals, & More

            Air pollution is likely worse inside your home than out. See how radon, secondhand smoke, and even air fresheners can harm your family's health.

            Health & Fitness | Health Articles

            Can You Change Your Gut Bacteria?

            WebMD explores probiotics and prebiotics, and what they can and can't do for health.

            Health & Fitness | Health Articles

            Where CDC Guidelines Fail, Leading Lyme Doctor Succeeds

            Dr. Steven E. Phillips is a Yale-trained, world-renowned Lyme specialist who has treated over 20,000 patients in the last two decades. He is well-pub...

              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

              Coping Tips to Fight Fibromyalgia Pain, Fatigue, and Stress in Pictures

              Fight fibromyalgia fatigue, pain, and stress with these tips from WebMD. See how to get the rest you need, talk with your family, get energy from exercise, and more.

                Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                6 Motion-Sickness Remedies | Real Simple

                If you’re susceptible to motion sickness, grab a doctor-approved solution before stepping onto your next plane, train, or automobile.

                Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                Heart Attack Pictures: Anatomy Diagrams, Symptoms, and What to Do

                Learn the symptoms of a heart attack, diagnosis, treatment options, and what you can do to lower your risk and prevent one. WebMD explains.

                Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                Quiz: Are You at Risk for Sleep Apnea?

                Sleep apnea can prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. Take this WebMD quiz to learn about the risks of sleep apnea and treatments for the condition.

                  Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                  Don't Scratch! Pictures of What to Do for Eczema Itching

                  When you're tempted to give in to eczema itch despite the harm scratching can do to your skin, try these soothing ideas instead.

                  Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                  Don't Scratch! Pictures of What to Do for Eczema Itching

                  When you're tempted to give in to eczema itch despite the harm scratching can do to your skin, try these soothing ideas instead.

                  Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                  Considering cataract surgery? What you should know - Harvard Health

                  Cataract surgery is low-risk, fast, and effective. There are a variety of artificial lens replacements, and finding the best option may depend on cost of the…

                  Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                  Cancer Symptoms: Skin Spots, Weight Loss, Fatigue, and More

                  From lumps and redness to weight loss and fatigue, WebMD shows you possible cancer symptoms, what these signs might mean, and when it could be time to call your doctor.

                  Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                  How a Single Gene Could Become a Volume Knob for Pain—and End America's Opioid Epidemic | WIRED

                  Her skin is perpetually on fire. He can't even feel a bone break. Together they might hold the key to ending America's opioid epidemic.

                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                    Pictures: 9 Body Parts You Can Damage by Smoking

                    Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Here’s how it damages different parts of your body.

                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                    Sneaky Allergy and Asthma Triggers With Pictures

                    You know pollen and pet dander can set off asthma and allergy problems, but what are some of the more surprising triggers?

                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                    It’s Not Just You — Allergy Brain Is Real

                    Scientists aren’t entirely sure why allergies make you fuzzy-headed, but they have a theory.

                      Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                      The Troubling Link Between Allergies and Suicide - The Atlantic

                      Pollen can cause inflammation that leads to impulsive, fatal behavior, researchers say.

                      Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                      Inhaled corticosteroids and the risk of pneumonia in people with asthma: a case-control study. - PubMed - NCBI

                      Chest. 2013 Dec;144(6):1788-94. doi: 10.1378/chest.13-0871. Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

                      Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                      Smoking affects women more than you think | Fox News

                      Having centuries of experience appealing to customers, tobacco companies know how to play the marketing game.

                      Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                      Do You Know How to Take Care of Your Ears?

                      Find out how to handle earwax, swimmer’s ear, pierced ears, and more with this quiz.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Tips to Calm Your Cough in Pictures

                        Can't stop coughing? See which home cough remedies and other cough treatments work. And find out when it's time to see a doctor for your cough.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Cholesterol Drugs Quiz: Statins, Benefits, and More

                        When it comes to cholesterol meds, can you tell facts from fiction?

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Constipation Slideshow: Worst Foods for Digestion

                        Find out what foods are worst for your constipation in this WebMD slideshow.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Surprising Sources of Hidden Sugar in Pictures

                        WebMD shows you where sugar may be hiding in what you eat.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Cancer Symptoms: Skin Spots, Weight Loss, Fatigue, and More

                        From lumps and redness to weight loss and fatigue, WebMD shows you possible cancer symptoms, what these signs might mean, and when it could be time to call your doctor.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        When Allergies Threaten Lives: Tips to Help You Manage Anaphylaxis

                        You need to be prepared when your child has severe or life-threatening allergies. Here's how to help your son or daughter thrive.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Correlation of Tourette syndrome and allergic disease: nationwide population-based case-control study. - PubMed - NCBI

                        J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2011 Feb-Mar;32(2):98-102. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0b013e318208f561. Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        New Research Suggests Sinus Problems & Depression Are Linked « CBS Pittsburgh

                        New research suggests that chronic sinus problems may be linked to depression.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Pictures: Nondrug Treatments for ADHD

                        Medication isn’t the only way to treat ADHD. Learn about different treatment options in this slideshow.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Slideshow: What Caused Your Cough?

                        You have an annoying cough, and you’re not sure why. Many things can be behind it. Find out about some of those here.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Drugging the Environment | The Scientist Magazine®

                        Humans have spiked ecosystems with a flood of active pharmaceuticals. The drugs are feminizing male fish, confusing birds, and worrying scientists.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        ​Fearing Germs Is Making Us Sick | Men’s Health

                        Biologist and father Rob Dunn, Ph.D., says it's time to let our kids—and ourselves—get dirty again​.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Blood test detects cancer and pinpoints location...before symptoms appear

                        A blood test which not only detects cancer but identifies where it is in the body, has been developed by scientists.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Pictures: Things That Can Affect Your Medication

                        You’ve been to the doctor, picked up your prescription, and are taking your medicine as directed. But if it’s not working like it should, check out these things you eat and drink that can change the way some medications work.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        A Drug Recall That Should Frighten Us All About The FDA

                        US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Margaret Hamburg Pay attention, as I can’t say this seriously enough. Last week, the FDA took a drug off the market, and the reasons should send shivers of fear down the backs of consumers, investors,

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Pictures: 15 Herbal Supplements You Shouldn’t Try

                        Not all herbs and supplements are safe, especially if you have certain medical conditions or take some drugs. Find out which ones you may need to skip.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Drug Expiration Dates — Do They Mean Anything? - Harvard Health

                        With a splitting headache, you reach into your medicine cabinet for some aspirin only to find the stamped expiration date on the bottle has passed - two years…

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Pictures: What You Should Know About Processed Meat

                        Processed meat: It’s not all in tubes, cans, or plastic packaging. Find out what you need to know about it.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Cholesterol Quiz: LDL, HDL, Fats, & Statins: What You Need to Know

                        Take this WebMD quiz on what you need to know about cholesterol. Find out more about LDL, HDL, fats, and statins and how they affect your good and bad cholesterol.

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Mumps outbreaks reported across USA

                        Hundreds of cases of mumps have been reported across the country since the start of 2017. 

                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                        Healthy Fat' Foods for Your Diet in Pictures

                        From fish to avocados, nuts to beans, WebMD shows you what tasty foods have healthy fats. See the benefits of adding omega 3s and other good fats to your diet.

                          Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                          Some Lesser Talked About Blood Sugar-Regulating Herbs

                          Many botanicals are being studied for their therapeutic effects on glucose and insulin management including fenugreek, gymnema, and kudzu.

                            Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                            10 Ways to Reduce Mold Allergies (No. 4 Can Make a Big Difference)

                            WebMD shows you 10 ways to fight the fungus and reduce mold allergy symptoms from dust masks to bottles of bleach.

                            Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                            Top 10 Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in Pictures

                            Get the WebMD list of the top 10 vaccine-preventable diseases, including measles, whooping cough, flu, polio, pneumococcal disease, meningococcal disease, mumps, Hib, tetanus, and hepatitis B.

                            Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                            Quiz: Are You at Risk for Sleep Apnea?

                            Sleep apnea can prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. Take this WebMD quiz to learn about the risks of sleep apnea and treatments for the condition.

                            Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                            Leaky Gut Implicated in Autoimmune Disorders

                            Reducing gut inflammation may reduce symptoms and improve overall health.

                            Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                            Feed a virus but starve bacteria? When you're sick, it may really matter

                            Does it matter whether you feed a virus or starve bacteria? A recent study suggested that it might. Our bodies react differently to the collateral damage of an anti-immune response and anti-viral one.

                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                              By squeezing and twisting, new robot could keep hearts pumping | Fox News

                              Like Wall–E, a new robot may soon find its way into– or rather onto– your heart.

                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                              Breath test could save lives by diagnosing deadly cancers earlier

                              A simple breath test could save lives by diagnosing deadly cancers early.

                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                              Mindfulness meditation lowers stress hormone and decreases inflammation in body, scientists find

                              Mindfulness meditation, the practice of paying more attention to the present moment, helps lower stress hormones and decreases inflammation in the body, scientists have proven for the first time.

                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                              Half of young people have so many 'emotional problems' they cannot focus at school, study finds

                              Half of young people have so many emotional problems they cannot focus at school, a study has found.

                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                              New NIH guidelines on infants and peanuts may contradict everything you’ve heard before - The Washington Post

                              Infants at high risk for allergies should be given peanut products when they are as young as 4 months old.

                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                              1,565 Refugees Diagnosed with Active TB Since 2012

                              Between 2012 and 2015, 1,565 refugees were diagnosed with active tuberculosis (TB) in the United States, according to the CDC.

                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                              News - Apple

                              News helps you stay on top of all the top stories. And a new For You section makes sure you’re seeing the stories you care about most.

                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                              Birth Defects Among Offspring of Women With Possible Zika Virus Infection | Congenital Defects | JAMA | The JAMA Network

                              This study uses 2016 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Zika registry data to describe the proportion of fetuses or infants with birth defects following

                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                              Move to a leafy suburb to cut cancer risk 

                              Living in the leafy suburbs or the peace of the countryside may invite disdain from inner-city urbanites but it might just save your life, according to Harvard University.

                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                              BioMin bioglass toothpaste may better protect sensitive teeth and find its way into US market | The American Ceramic Soc

                              [Image above] BioMin Technologies has already manufactured thousands of tubes of its new bioglass toothpaste. Credit: BioMin   People with sensitive teeth, rejoice—bioglass toothpaste is

                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                              7 weird things that happen when you're breast-feeding | Fox News

                              Alongside pregnancy and childbirth, breast-feeding is one of the most normal, natural things your body is capable of.

                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                              Mumps Outbreaks Are Worst in a Decade - WSJ

                              The number of mumps cases has nearly tripled in 2016, making it the worst year for outbreaks in a decade. Despite widespread vaccination requirements, college campuses are bearing the brunt of the attack.

                                Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                Anti-inflammatory medications and the risk for cardiovascular disease: A new study, a new perspective - Harvard Health Blog

                                Newly released results from a large study suggest that the anti-inflammatory drug celecoxib may not pose risks to cardiovascular health as once believed.

                                Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                Learn the Differences Between Probiotics and Cultured Foods

                                What are the benefits of taking probiotics or eating cultured foods? Learn all about what is in probiotics that are healthy.

                                Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                Invisible Bugs Are Falling From the Trees in Kansas City—and They Bite - WSJ

                                Kansas City, Mo., is seeing an invasion of tiny itch mites, falling from oak trees at a rate of up to 300,000 a day per tree, causing bites that can be more painful than poison ivy.

                                  Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                  Many ways to lower cholesterol will reduce heart disease risk - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publications

                                  A variety of ways to lower cholesterol — several drugs and also diet — lower the chances of having a cardiovascular events, including a heart attack.

                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                    Get Your Children Good and Dirty - WSJ

                                    Researchers are discovering how crucial microbes are to our health and to avoiding a range of newly common diseases. So it’s time to get dirty, eat better and stop overusing antibiotics.

                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                    Things You Might Not Know About Fall Allergies

                                    (ARA) As most allergy sufferers will tell you, allergy symptoms can always be bothersome, turning any time of year into sneezing season. A runny nose, itchy eyes and scratchy throat can arise as the days get shorter and the leaves

                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                    Shining a light on migraine relief - Harvard Health Blog - Harvard Health Publications

                                    A study tested how certain types of light affected migraine pain. In this research, some people said that green light eased their pain somewhat.

                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                    Cancer breakthrough: Scientists develop 'smoke detector' test that can spot disease before symptoms are noticeable | The

                                    A simple blood test that can detect cancer before any symptoms are noticeable has been developed by researchers in a breakthrough that could save thousands of lives. The scientists, who unveiled the test at the British Science Festival in Swansea, compare

                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                    Modern life is killing our children: Cancer rate in young people up 40 per cent in 16 years 

                                    Modern life is killing children with the number of youngsters diagnosed with cancer rising 40 per cent in the past 16 years because of air pollution, pesticides, poor diets and radiation, scientists have warned.

                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                    Italy's '100 club' to reveal its secrets

                                    Some of the secrets of an Italian village that has long fascinated scientists because of its high number of active centenarians are set to be revealed this weekend. Scientists have spent the last six months looking into why residents of Acciaroli and nea

                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                    Italy's '100 club' to reveal its secrets

                                    Some of the secrets of an Italian village that has long fascinated scientists because of its high number of active centenarians are set to be revealed this weekend. Scientists have spent the last six months looking into why residents of Acciaroli and nea

                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                    How to Help With Anxiety. What To Do When Someone Close to You Has Anxiety.

                                    Here's how to help with anxiety, that will make you seem as though you're made of sunlight and beautiful things, with a little bit of magic thrown in.

                                      Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                      Didgeridoo for Sleep Apnea: First Clinical Study - Didge Project

                                      This 2005 study showed that playing the didgeridoo for sleep apnea was beneficial for a number of participants. The sleeping disorder is characterized by...

                                      Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                      Border Agent: We’re Ordered to Release Illegals with Diseases » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

                                      Exclusive: Officer discusses infectious diseases coming across border and more

                                      Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                      Nasal Irrigation Beneficial for Sinus Symptoms, RCT Shows

                                      Nasal irrigation was more effective than steam inhalation for patients with chronic or recurrent sinus symptoms, a new randomized controlled trial has found.

                                      Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                      Do Seasonal Allergies Make You More Likely to Get Sick? - WSJ

                                      An allergist explains how those with allergies can take steps to avoid summer colds.

                                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                        Drugs Past Their Expiration Date | The Medical Letter, Inc.

                                        Healthcare providers are often asked if drugs can be used past their expiration date. Because of legal restrictions and liability concerns, manufacturers do not sanction such use and usually do not even comment on the safety or effectiveness of their products beyond the date on the label.

                                        Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                        Six Refugees in Wisconsin Diagnosed with Multi-Drug Resistant TB Since 2014 - Breitbart

                                        Six Refugees in Wisconsin Diagnosed with Multi-Drug Resistant TB Since 2014

                                          Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                          Border Agent: Vast Majority of Illegals Released into Country – Disease or No Disease » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's

                                 the home of the #1 Internet News Show in the World.

                                          Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                          People with higher levels of IgG/IgM antibodies less likely to have heart attack

                                          Measuring antibody levels in the blood could be used to detect a person's heart attack risk after researchers, part-funded by the British Heart Foundation, discovered that higher levels of these antibodies are linked to a lower heart attack risk.

                                            Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                            Do Seasonal Allergies Make You More Likely to Get Sick? - WSJ

                                            An allergist explains how those with allergies can take steps to avoid summer colds.

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              Six Diseases Return To US as Migration Advocates Celebrate 'World Refugee Day' - Breitbart

                                              Six Diseases Return To US as Migration Advocates Celebrate 'World Refugee Day'

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              Rowan Led Research Team Develops Highly Accurate Blood Test For Alzheimer’s Disease « CBS Philly

                                              Early detection of Alzheimer's Disease may be more possible than ever thanks to a group of researchers from Rowan University.

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              The Diabetes Drug That Could Be an Anti-Aging Miracle

                                              Big Pharma is reluctant to test a cheap, generic diabetes pill that could be the fountain of youth.

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              Alzheimer's could be helped with meditation, Jena University Hospital say | Daily Mail Online

                                              Researchers at Jena University Hospital in Germany found chemicals behind the feel-good feeling produced by meditation may also provide a boost.

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              Is Your Medicine Right for Your Metabolism? - WSJ

                                              A drug that brings relief for some patients might cause harmful side effects in others. More genetic tests aim to help predict how people might respond to many common medications.

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              How Gut Bacteria Are Shaking Up Cancer Research - Bloomberg Business

                                              Top scientists at Roche Holding AG and AstraZeneca Plc are sizing up potential allies in the fight against cancer: the trillions of bacteria that live in the human body.

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              Organic Milk, Meat Have Higher Nutrient Levels

                                              Research suggests these products could boost intake of omega-3s, other healthy fatty acids

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              Anxiety Drug Overdoses in U.S. Hit Record Levels | TIME

                                              The number of overdoses has quadrupled over the past two decades.

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              Common Allergic Reactions and Allergy-Trigger Pictures

                                              From pollen and pets to food and bugs, find out the most common things that can trigger allergy symptoms in this WebMD slideshow.

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              Blood Thinners Slideshow: Tips for Taking Them Safely

                                              Find out what you can do to can stay safe and lower your risk of bleeding when you're taking blood thinners.

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              Binge Eating Disorder Complications Slideshow: How Binge Eating Harms Health

                                              Binge eating disorder can cause many other kinds of health problems. Which ones are important to know about?

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              10 Simple Exercises for Hands and Fingers With OA in Pictures

                                              WebMD shows you easy hand exercises and finger exercises to help with range of motion and joint pain.

                                              Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                              Our 'Second Brain' - And Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Mood

                                              Hidden in the walls of our digestive system is something extraordinary. Scientists have known about the 'second brain' for a while, but new technology is taking the researc

                                                Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                Mysterious Syndrome Can Cause People to Become 'Drunk' Without Drinking - ABC News

                                                Mysterious Syndrome Can Cause People to Become 'Drunk' Without Drinking

                                                Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                To Lower Cholesterol, Try a Foray Into the Mediterranean Diet

                                                Even when taking a cholesterol-lowering drug, healthy eating, such as the Mediterranean diet, and exercise are needed to maximize benefits, experts say.

                                                Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                Inflammation Pictures for Women: Causes and Concerns With Pictures

                                                WebMD explains what inflammation is and how it affects your body.

                                                Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                Quiz: What Dreams Mean, Nightmares, Recurring Dreams, Remembering Dreams

                                                What do your dreams and nightmares say about you? Take this WebMD quiz and find out.

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                  Germs Slideshow: Dirty Public Places

                                                  A lot of public places have more germs than a toilet seat. WebMD shows you where the bacteria and viruses lurk, from playgrounds to elevators to hotel rooms.

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                  Experts Link Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals to Diabetes, Obesity

                                                  People who are trying to lose weight or manage diabetes should try to change their lifestyle not only to exercise or cut calories, but also to avoid hormone-disrupting chemicals that may be contributing to their condition, experts say.

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                  Taking Blood Pressure Drugs at Night May Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes: MedlinePlus

                                                  Taking Blood Pressure Drugs at Night May Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

                                                  Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                  The Sleeping Position That's Best for Brain Health?

                                                  While you're sleeping, your brain restores, recharges and cleanses itself of brain toxins. Research has found the best sleeping position for this.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Is Our Identity in Intellect, Memory or Moral Character?

                                                    A new paper looking at Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases finds a surprising answer to where our identity lies.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Quiz: Myths and Facts About Spreading Germs

                                                    Take this quiz to find out how much you know about spreading germs.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Test for early stage pancreatic cancer could help save lives - University of Liverpool News - University of Liverpool

                                                    University of Liverpool scientists, collaborating with a team at Bart’s Cancer Institute, have developed a urine test which could give an early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Slideshow: Medical Marijuana

                                                    See the types of medical marijuana and find out what conditions it can treat.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Siblings Now Main Source of Infants' Whooping Cough: CDC: MedlinePlus

                                                    Siblings Now Main Source of Infants' Whooping Cough: CDC

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Frankenvirus emerges from Siberia's frozen wasteland - Yahoo News

                                                    From Yahoo News: Scientists said they will reanimate a 30,000-year-old giant virus unearthed in the frozen wastelands of Siberia, and warned climate change may awaken dangerous microscopic pathogens. Reporting this week in the flagship journal of the US N

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Slideshow: Sinusitis Symptoms and Treatments

                                                    What's causing your sinusitis? See common sinusitis symptoms and treatments in this WebMD slideshow.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Wag more: A tale of healthy living - Harvard Health

                                                    Owning and caring for a dog can lead to better heart health. As a group, people with dogs are more likely to get the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week. In addition, benefits include reductions in weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol lev...

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Super Foods Quiz: Weight Loss, Immune System Health, and More

                                                    Test your knowledge of “super foods” with this WebMD quiz.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Quiz: Don't Be Fooled by Food Labels

                                                    Do you know how to read a food label? WebMD shows you what words like

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Brain drain: ‘Missing link’ discovered in the brain - The Washington Post

                                                    Lymph vessels connecting brain and body should aid understanding of many neurological diseases.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Quiz: Asthma Facts, Treatments, and Triggers

                                                    Coughing, wheezing, trouble breathing? Test how much you know about asthma facts in this WebMD quiz.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Earwax quiz: Why you have it and whether to keep it or get rid of it

                                                    Quiz: All About Earwax. How much do you know about that gross stuff inside your ears?

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Slideshow: Sinusitis Symptoms and Treatments

                                                    What's causing your sinusitis? See common sinusitis symptoms and treatments in this WebMD slideshow.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Quiz: Do You Know What Causes Your Bad Breath?

                                                    Do you know what causes your bad breath? WebMD quizzes you about bad breath, its causes and prevention, good dental hygiene, and diseases that give you bad breath.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Child Illness Pictures: Symptoms of RSV, Strep, Meningitis, Whooping Cough, and More

                                                    Croup, strep, glue ear, and Kawasaki disease are among 24 illnesses parents must know. Symptoms and pictures help parents know when to call the doctor.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Headaches?

                                                    Have a headache? Take this WebMD quiz to see if you know headache symptoms, treatments, and how to tell the difference between migraines, cluster headaches, tension headaches, and sinus headaches.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Why Some People Are More Resilient Than Others | Psychology Today

                                                    Everyone suffers at least one negative life event. A recent study discovered two factors that characterize resilient people following negative or even traumatic life events.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Common Antibiotic May Fight Superbugs After All - MPR

                                                    Is a common antibiotic being overlooked for the treatment of multi-drug resistant bacterial infections? Research published in the journal EBioMedicine suggests that azithromycin may be an effective therapy against Gram-negative bacteria after all.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Truth About Body Noises: Burps, Farts, Cracking Knuckles, Gurgling Stomachs

                                                    Find out the facts about the noises your body makes in this WebMD quiz.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Poor sleep is associated with buildup of toxic Alzheimer’s protein

                                                    Restful sleep is required for us to store and save our memories. If you are not getting enough sleep each night, you may be at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. This is something that I feel equally applies to many other chronic disea

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Fibromyalgia Pictures: Symptoms, Pain, Treatments, Diet, Causes

                                                    What is fibromyalgia? See pictures explaining symptoms, muscle pain, fatigue, tests, causes, and treatments.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Omega-3 Slideshow: Benefits of Fish Oil, Salmon, Walnuts, & More

                                                    Can algae capsules or a salmon meal boost brainpower, save your heart, or ease depression? WebMD looks at omega-3 benefits, hype, and best sources.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Adult ADHD Slideshow: ADHD Time Management and Organization Tips

                                                    If you have ADHD or you just need to get yourself and your family organized, use these WebMD tips to make your day flow smoothly.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    The Breathing Trick That Puts You to Sleep in Seconds

                                                    Warm milk, lavender oil, and counting sheep — we’ve all tried them.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Salt May Be Bad for More Than Your Blood Pressure – WebMD

                                                    Study found damage to organs and tissues, even with no sign of hypertension

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Test Your Vitamin Knowledge -- Benefits of Vitamins Quiz

                                                    Discover the benefits of vitamins and test your knowledge in this WebMD quiz. How much do you know about the vitamins you get, and are you getting all the vitamin benefits in your daily food?

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Protect Yourself - American Lung Association

                                                    You can reduce the harm that dirty air can do to you and your family. Here are some tips to minimize your exposure to dangerous air pollutants. The more information you have, the healthier you can be.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Could a Noisy Neighborhood Make You Fat?: MedlinePlus

                                                    Could a Noisy Neighborhood Make You Fat?

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Houseplants That Purify Air - Air-Filtering Houseplants

                                                    NASA research has shown that these houseplants purify the air in your home.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Pictures of Foods That Wreck Your Diet: Smoothies, Latte, Popcorn, and More

                                                    WebMD lists 21 foods that seem healthy but can be shockingly high in fat, sugar, and calories. Tips show better options that still taste great.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Cancer Myths and Facts Quiz: What Causes and Doesn't Cause Cancer

                                                    Are artificial sweeteners, deodorants, or alcohol linked to cancer? Take this quiz on cancer myths and facts and find out.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Weight-Loss Surgery Might Reduce Serious Asthma Flare-Ups – WebMD

                                                    Emergency visits, hospitalizations for airway disease dropped by half after procedure, study finds

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Sun Damage Pictures Slideshow: Sunburn, Melanoma, Carcinoma, and More

                                                    WebMD shows you how getting too much sun can take a toll on your skin, from sunburn to wrinkles to skin cancer.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Mucus Quiz: Color, Thickness, and More

                                                    Quiz: All About Mucus. Do you know why your body makes snot?

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Wireless Medicine: From Wearable Fitness Devices to Digital Otoscopes to Smart Beds

                                                    Through an innovative new series, WebMD and Good Morning America co-anchor Robin Roberts help us understand some potential breakthroughs in health that may deliver hope for the future.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Pictures of Things That Cause Cancer -- and Things That Don't

                                                    Cell phones, X-rays, plastic bottles. The list of things that does -- and doesn’t -- cause cancer seems to change every day. Get the latest news here.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    Quiz: Protecting Your Child From Anaphylaxis

                                                    Does your child have dangerous allergies? Take this quiz to see if you're protecting your child from anaphylaxis.

                                                    Health & Fitness | Health Articles

                                                    High Blood Pressure Pictures: Symptoms, Causes, Tests and Treatments

                                                    See inside the arteries where high blood pressure can lurk without outward symptoms. WebMD explains the causes, tests, treatments, and remedies to stop this