
News | Interesting Stories

CDC Found Evidence COVID-19 Vaccines Caused Deaths

Internal documents contradict claims from the CDC, which refused to explain the discrepancy.

Health & Fitness | Health

Children who received mRNA Covid shots died SIX TIMES as often as unjabbed kids in a very large database

Why? The most comforting (and likely) explanation is that the jabbed kids were sicker at baseline. But the signal is real. And it should be investigated.

Health & Fitness | Health

Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccines’ Efficacy Exaggerated, Effectiveness ‘Well Below’ 50 Percent, Researchers Say

A key problem with the clinical trial is that the definition of vaccinated and unvaccinated is unclear, the paper says.

News | Interesting Stories

Vaccinated People Can Still Transmit Disease, FDA and CDC Officials Admit

A CDC official was asked why the CDC lists COVID as a vaccine-preventable disease if vaccinated people can still both be infected and transmit COVID.

Politics | Politics

Flu Vaccine Ad From 1970's

If you want to understand just how long your government and health institutions have been using fear and trauma based mind control techniques to make you do things not in your best interest and make pharmaceutical companies immense profit, then you should watch this vaccination advertisement from 1976.

Health & Fitness | Health

Tinnitus: A Common Incurable COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event, Doctors Share Ways to Help

In this series, we evaluate some of the lesser-known yet common adverse events that are appearing in the research literature as well as in doctors’ clinics and, more importantly, how to deal with them ...

Health & Fitness | Health

After Long Silence on ‘Long Vax,’ Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders to COVID Shots • Children's Health D

After years of organizing and advocacy by people suffering autoimmune injuries from the COVID-19 vaccine, one of the world’s top scientific journals reports on the existence of “Long Vax.”

News | News

CDC Quietly Removes COVID Vaccine Adverse Events Collection From Website | The Epoch Times

Even as many Americans suffer from COVID vaccine-related conditions, the CDC has removed the section from its website where such adverse reactions could be reported.

Politics | Politics

Facebook suppressed information on vaccines to avoid 'vaccine negative environment,' files show | Fox News

Newly released Facebook files show employees admitting they would issue "demotions" to some posts about vaccines to avoid a "vaccine negative environment."

Politics | Politics

How the ‘Unvaccinated’ Got It Right

Scott Adams is the creator of the famous cartoon strip, Dilbert. It is a strip whose brilliance derives from ...

News | Antisemitism Watch

How Surging Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Introduced Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan to the Anti-Vaxx Movement

Robert Kennedy Jr., who has won a substantial amount of Democratic support since announcing his run for president, is a longtime ally of the notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, who credits the candidate with turning him on to anti-vaccine theories.

Politics | Politics

The Great COVID-19 Vaccine Bribe

Many readers of this Substack have doubtlessly wondered why their “health care providers”—i.e., doctors, repeatedly exhorted them to ...

Politics | Politics

US Compensates People Injured by COVID-19 Vaccines for First Time

The United States has for the first time paid people who were injured by COVID-19 vaccines. Three people received ...

Politics | Politics

America's COVID Response Was Based on Lies | Opinion

We have seen an Orwellian attempt to rewrite history and to blame the failure of widespread lockdowns on the lockdowns' critics.

Politics | Politics

The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated

The U.S. government has been secretly tracking those who didn't get the COVID jab, as well as those ...

Politics | Politics

Bret and Heather 161st DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: They’re Making Our Point - YouTube

In this 161st in a series of live discussions with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying (both PhDs in Biology), we discuss the state of the world through an evo...

Health & Fitness | Health

Elevated Rate of Facial Paralysis Identified After Pfizer COVID-19 Booster in Elderly: FDA

An elevated rate of Bell's palsy, a type of facial paralysis, was identified among elderly people after COVID-19 ...

Politics | Politics

Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein: COVID-19 Blunder

An evolutionary theorist dropped this bombshell on Joe Rogan, referring to it as the biggest blunder in human ...

News | News

VIDEO | Pfizer Executive: ‘Mutate’ COVID to Continue Profiting Off Vaccines

Once again, the people over at Project Veritas have exposed the Swamp confederacy for what it is: a desperately greedy, soulless group of power-hungry profiteers who not only want to control you but who are quite alright with rolling the dice on the futur

Health & Fitness | Health

CDC Finds Hundreds of Safety Signals for Pfizer, Moderna COVID Vaccines • Children's Health Defense

Information obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request reveals the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified hundreds of safety signals for the two most widely administered COVID-19 vaccines.

Science & Technology | Science & Medicine

Pfizer’s Shots Aren’t Safe and Were Never Shown to Be

mRNA spike protein wasn't the only thing autopsies found in people who died shortly after getting the jab. ...

Health & Fitness | Health

Former Senior Researcher: 'It was a mistake to take the COVID vaccine' | Israel National News - Arutz Sheva

'Pfizer vaccine is neither safe nor effective,' says ex-head of Israel Institute for Biological Research, drawing rebuttal from Health Min.

Politics | Healthcare

The Most Important Dataset of the Pandemic Was Just Released

Germany Has Provided The Means To Quantify The Human Cost Of The Experimental Vaccination Program

Politics | Politics

It seems clear Dems pressured the FDA to delay the COVID vaccine to hurt Trump

Democrats claim the Trump administration undermined public trust by irresponsibly trying to “rush” the vaccine for political gain.

Health & Fitness | Coronavirus COVID19

Covid Vaccines Shouldn't Be 'Routine' for Kids

The CDC’s latest guidelines could wind up lowering vaccination rates for truly dangerous diseases, like polio and measles. Dr. Vinay Prasad writes.

News | News

BREAKING: CDC Advisory Committee Votes Unanimously to Add COVID-19 Vaccines to the Vaccines for Children List Children's Schedule

The CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted unanimously to add the COVID-19 vaccines to the Vaccines for Children program.

News | News

Inflammatory mRNA Nanoparticles Inhibit and Alter Immune Response: Pre-Print Study

A recent preprint study has shed light on why adverse events have been observed following a COVID-19 messenger ...

Business & Finance | NFTs

When Credibility Is Shot

The politicization of the Center for Disease Control & Prevention found political operatives deceiving both the medical community and the American public about COVID and the COVID vaccines. Only a fool would believe anything they have to say until that ag

Business & Finance | NFTs

One in a Series: Green-Eyed Megalomania

As the truth trickles out about Bill Gates and the crimes against humanity his organization has perpetrated on the world through his vaccination programs, we begin to see what is really in his soul...

Science & Technology | Science

CDC Study of VAERS Data Finds High Incidence of COVID Vaccine Side Effects, Including Death

Ever since the COVID-19 vaccines were first made available, open and honest discussion about them, their efficacy, and their potential side effects has been subject to big-tech censorship—particularly...

News | News

Deaths represent 1.3% of side effects reported for COVID vaccines: peer-reviewed CDC study

Vaccine experts are skeptical of agency's reliance on Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, however. Study's time period excludes nearly all minors.

Health & Fitness | Health News

New Data Kills Case for Universal Covid Vax for Kids

A recent study of the efficacy of Covid vaccines for children in New York state provides a striking reminder of how rarely children and adolescents are hospitalised when they get Covid. The study tracked vaccinated and unvaccinated children in New York st

Politics | Covid 19

Did a Va. Pediatrician Post a Warning About the COVID-19 Vax Putting Kids in Sports at Risk of Cardiac Arrest?

A viral post on Facebook shows a sign purported to be posted in a Virginia pediatrician’s office that says the following:
Sports physicals are done primarily to make sure you are not at high ris...

Health & Fitness | Coronavirus COVID19

Pandemic Lessons Learned: Omicron Versus Bill Gates

Commentary At the Munich Security Conference on Feb. 18, Bill Gates was asked to assess where we are ...

Science & Technology | Science & Technology

When Are We Going to Stop Putting Our Young Men at Risk With mRNA Vaccines?

How many more studies need to find mRNA vaccines pose unacceptable risks to boys and young men before we stop?

News | In The News

Report: Johnson &Johnson suspends production of COVID vaccine

Johnson & Johnson has temporarily suspended production of its COVID-19 vaccine at plant in the Dutch city of Leiden.

News | News

You Either Believe in the Guaranteed Right to Free Speech Or You Support Oppressive Totalitarianism

While the mainstream media showcases its hypocrisy in the cancel culture’s attempt to force Joe Rogan’s podcast off Spotify, we should all use this moment constructively – and, in fact, instructively – to clearly identify the divisive elements in

News | News

PODCAST: Putin's Personal Pandemic on Ukraine...and COVID, Too

If anyone actually thought the Biden administration was serious in their response to Russian President Vladimir Putin's eventual taking of Ukraine I have some Chinese real estate stock to sell you. Then, if you are Ukraine your $8+ Billion investment

News | Military

Inside the Secretive Networks of Military COVID-19 Vaccine Refusers

Throughout the military, there are more than 15,000 service members who have refused to comply with the vaccine mandate.

Politics | Politics

Whistleblower bombshell: DOD medical data reveals surges in oft-cited vax 'adverse events' in 2021 | Just The News

Three military doctors say medical billing code data captured by Defense Medical Epidemiology Database shows sharp spikes in miscarriages, myocarditis, cancer diagnoses, Bell's palsy, female infertility.
According to the data found by the military doctors

Science & Technology | Science & Medicine

Mayo Clinic Fires 700 Unvaccinated Employees Weeks After Nurses' Warning

The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota fired 700 unvaccinated health care workers on Tuesday, despite nurses at the clinic ...

Politics | Covid 19

New Vaccine Study Suggests mRNA Vaccines Actually Increase Probability of Being Infected With Omicron After 90 Days

We certainly know the vaccines are nowhere near as effective as they claim, but could they put you at a higher risk of infection with Omicron? This data says yes.

Politics | Politics

Biden: 'It's Your Patriotic Duty' to Get Vaccinated This Holiday Season

Federal government setting up more vaccination and testing sites, boosting hospital supplies

Science & Technology | Science & Medicine

Virginia Hospital Provides Update After Court Holds It in Contempt

Update as of 3 p.m. ET Wednesday: A spokesperson for Virginia's Fauquier Hospital told The Epoch Times on Wednesday ...

Science & Technology | Science & Medicine

Truth for Health Foundation

A 501(c)(3) public charity incorporated in Arizona, USA

Science & Technology | COVID-19 Scientific Literature Updates

COVID-19 Literature Document

Introduction The goal of this document is to provide information pertaining to the various aspects that relate to COVID-19, its treatment and the COVID-19 vaccines. Its goal is to challenge the nar…

News | In The News

Federal vaccine rules remain blocked as first deadline passes : NPR

By the end of the month, workers in New York City must be vaccinated against COVID-19, but nationwide, federal vaccine rules are on hold due to numerous legal challenges.

Politics | Covid 19

Why Are More Vaccines The Answer To Covid Outbreaks Among Vaccinated People?

The vaccines were supposed to help end COVID-19, and now the pandemic is always framed in a way that serves vaccines, no matter what the data tells us.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

A Surprising New View on the Risk Employers Take When Terminating Employees for Refusing Vaccines - Workplace Coach Blog

A surprising new view from an attorney on the risk employers take when terminating employees that refuse vaccinations

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

The Reality of Vaccine Mandates in the Workplace - Workplace Coach Blog

The reality of vaccine mandates in the workplace: the facts, the pros, the hows.

Politics | Op-Ed

Why the Mandate is Illegal And Why It Will Still Be Imposed

Yesterday's ruling in a federal appeals court in New Orleans granting a temporary injunction against the vaccine mandate was encouraging.

Politics | Politics

CDC Changed Definition of ‘Vaccine’ Because of COVID-19 Vaccines: Emails

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) altered the definition of "vaccine" because of concern that its ...

News | News

PODCAST: Changing Your Perception on Holistics, Herbalism & American Individualism | Underground USA | United States

If you thought that all those who are into herbs and holistic medicine are firmly ensconced on the Left side of the aisle, you haven't met Judson Carroll. Introduced to his podcast by my girlfriend, Cj - and after listening specifically to his episode No.

Health & Fitness | Covid vaccine

Positive New Data for Johnson & Johnson Single-Shot COVID-19 Vaccine on Activity Against Delta Variant and Long-lasting Durability of Response | Johnson & Johnson

Demonstrated strong neutralizing antibody activity against the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant Persistent immune responses through at least eight months

Politics | Covid 19

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla: 'Most Likely Scenario Is Annual Revaccination' for COVID

Pfizer CEO Dr. Albert Bourla said Sunday on ABC's "This Week" that he believed "the most likely scenario is annual revaccination" against the coronavirus. | Clips

Psychology | Health & Wellbeing

The tangled history of mRNA vaccines

Hundreds of scientists had worked on mRNA vaccines for decades before the coronavirus pandemic brought a breakthrough.

Science & Technology | Israeli Innovation

Study: COVID Recovery Gave Israelis Longer-Lasting Delta Defense Than Vaccines

The variant was 27 times more likely to break through Pfizer protection from January-February and cause symptoms than it was to penetrate natural immunity from the same period.

Politics | Joe Biden/Biden Administration

US Postal Service workers are NOT included in President Biden’s federal vaccine requirement

So more than 600,000 federal workers are exempt from the vaccine mandate?

Politics | Covid 19

The CDC Just Made an Orwellian Change to the Definition of ‘Vaccine’ and ‘Vaccination'

For your entire life, you’ve known that when you get vaccinated, you’re protected from a particular disease. You’ve probably been vaccinated for such diseases as polio, tetanus, meas...

News | News

18 Reasons I Will NOT Get The C-19 Vaxx

I came across a great article today that I had to share with you. It’s called: 18 Reasons why I won’t get #vaccinated Interesting dialogue herehttps://t.co/IYgkX5XGLX — Eric Iversen (@EricRIversen) September 1, 2021 Follow on Telegram @WeLov

Politics | Covid

COVID-19 Mandates Will Not Work for the Delta Variant

"There is absolutely no good reason to re-enter lockdowns and school closures or masking in response to the Delta variant. We find no evidence that this variant warrants masks in children." ~ AIER Contributing Authors

Health & Fitness | Covid vaccine

Contaminant in Moderna vaccines in Japan suspected to be metallic particles -NHK

A contaminant found in a batch of Moderna Inc's COVID-19 vaccines delivered to Japan is believed to be a metallic particle, Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported, citing sources at the health ministry.

News | News

Rand Paul Issues A 'Call To Arms' To Resist COVID Restriction Tyranny

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), released a video urging the public to resist COVID regulations issued by the Biden administration and the Center...

Politics | Politics

Twitter Suspends Journalist for Repeating CDC Vaccine Data the Big Tech Giant Doesn't Like

Twitter Suspends Journalist for… Sharing CDC Data on Vaccines?
There’s an old saying about shooting the messenger: Don’t.
It’s not a very clever saying, but it’s still go...

Politics | Covid

Opinion | The Power of Natural Immunity

Studies show it’s durable and widespread. If you’ve had Covid, you can get by with one shot of vaccine.

Politics | Politics

The Beauty of Vaccines and Natural Immunity

As scientists, we have been stunned and disheartened to witness many strange scientific claims made during this pandemic, often by scientists.

Music | Music

Eric Clapton pushes back on venues requiring COVID vaccines

Eric Clapton, one of rock's most vocal COVID-19 skeptics, says he reserves to right to cancel any show where vaccination becomes a condition of attendance.

Health & Fitness | Coronavirus Resources

Guillain-Barré syndrome: FDA warns of potential rare neurological complication with Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine

The US Food and Drug Administration updated the label on Johnson & Johnson's coronavirus vaccine Monday to warn of the possible increased risk of a rare neurological complication known as Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Politics | Politics

Nurse Blows the Whistle on the Medical Industry: 'They’re Not Offering Informed Consent'

Last week, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) came to speak in Kansas City, Missouri. AFLDS founder Dr. Simone Gold ...

News | The News

Heart inflammation after COVID-19 shots higher than expected in study of U.S. military

Members of the U.S. military who were vaccinated against COVID-19 showed higher-than-expected rates of heart inflammation, although the condition was still extremely rare, according to a study released on Tuesday.

Politics | Covid 19

Amid Recall Threat, Gov. Newsom Announces ‘$116.5 Million Giveaway for Vaccinated Californians’

On Thursday, California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom announced a new incentive program to motivate residents of the Golden State to get vaccinated

Politics | Trump Politics

‘Digital Hate’ Group CCDH Awakens Ire of the Public in Failed Attempt to Silence & Cancel Health Freedom Advocates

After a globally coordinated campaign involving over 100 mainstream media outlets, 12 state attorney generals, and a Congressional hearing, to discredit, defame, vilify and otherwise deplatform a number of prominent health freedom advocates and whistleblo

Health & Fitness | CORONAVIRUS

Fully Vaccinated People Do Not Need Masks or Physical Distancing: CDC

People who are fully vaccinated can now gather indoors without masks or social distancing, according to the Centers ...

Science & Technology | Israeli Innovation

Israel’s Miraculous Vaccination Campaign

A medical worker prepares to administer a vaccination against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as Israel continues its national vaccination drive, …

News | News

Top 3: How Israel, the UAE, and the UK Have Driven Vaccine Success

This guest post by the head of innovation at Israeli startup Air Doctor looks at the strategies behind the countries with the highest vaccine rates.

Health & Fitness | Covid-19 News

What Happens If You Miss Your Second COVID-19 Vaccine Shot?

Two of the three vaccines with Emergency Use Authorization in the United States require two doses, and skipping the second isn't optional. Here's why.

Health & Fitness | CORONAVIRUS

Defeating Polio and COVID-19: How We Kill Viruses

Commentary For many Americans, the COVID-19 pandemic has resurfaced fears we faced in decades past. Not long ago, ...

Health & Fitness | CORONAVIRUS

Trump administration deserves credit for 'breathtaking' Operation Warp Speed success: NIH director | Fox News

National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins praised the Trump administration on Sunday for the "breathtaking" success of Operation Warp Speed in getting multiple effective coronavirus vaccines developed and tested within one year

Science & Technology | Social Media

Facebook will now take down posts claiming vaccines cause autism - The Verge

Facebook is expanding what kinds of COVID-19 and vaccine misinformation get removed from its platforms, including posts that claim vaccines cause autism. The company is also adding information about COVID-19 vaccines to its Information Center.

Health & Fitness | CORONAVIRUS

Quebec Vaccination Plans Unchanged Despite Israeli Report on Pfizer Vaccine Efficacy

Quebec will continue to administer COVID-19 vaccine doses, despite calls for a change in plans following an Israeli ...

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Can I Use Vaccines Made From Fetal Tissue or Non-Kosher Animals? - Ethics & Morality

We will start off with the question of non-kosher ingredients and work our way to vaccine made with fetal tissue.

Health & Fitness | Covid-19 News

Moderna vaccine gets sign-off from independent FDA committee - The Verge

A second coronavirus vaccine, made by Moderna, has gotten a key endorsement from an advisory committee to the FDA. The regulatory agency will now decide whether it will be authorized.

Miscellaneous | Religion

The FAQs: Are Fetal Cells Being Used in COVID-19 Vaccines and Treatments?

Here is what you should know about fetal tissue cells and the ethical concern about using them to develop therapeutics and vaccines.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Taking the Long View on COVID-19

In the midst of this crisis, there are opportunities to lay the groundwork for a healthier future.

Health & Fitness | Covid-19 News

This coronavirus immunity study is great news for COVID-19 vaccines

A new study about coronavirus immunity indicates that the kind of antibodies that can protect against COVID-19 reinfection can last for at least five months, if not longer.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

Is It Time to Launch an Investigation Into the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for Possible ‘Crimes Against Humanity’? —

Occasionally, humanity is confronted with a series of events, oftentimes accompanied with tremendous human suffering, that appear to be so intricately linked and coordinated that…

Health & Fitness | Health

COVID-19 Vaccine Shipped, and Drug Trials Start | Time

A vaccine and a drug against COVID-19 are closer to human testing

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

Breast Cancer Vaccine Has Eliminated Cancer In Its First Human Patient | The Breast Cancer Site Blog

"We have seen early signals that our vaccines have a very positive impact on disease. We are building on that foundation."

Health & Fitness | Health

Vaccination Rates Rise In California After Personal Belief Exemptions Curbed

It has been no secret that the anti-vaxxer movement found a stronghold in the US in recent years with deadly repercussions. California is working to buck the trend.

Health & Fitness | Health

Kentucky teen who sued over school ban for refusing chickenpox vaccination now has chickenpox

Kentucky teenager Jerome Kunkel, who refused to get chickenpox vaccination, has caught chickenpox.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

Polio Vaccinator Is Shot and Killed in Pakistan

The woman was part of a vaccination campaign. Another worker in her team was injured. A total of three polio workers have been killed this week as unfounded rumors against vaccines spread.

Health & Fitness | Health

How long do vaccines last? The surprising answers may help protect people longer | Science | AAAS

Scientists are developing vaccines that produce more durable immune responses and debating when booster shots are needed

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

An Unvaccinated Boy Got Tetanus. His Hospital Stay: 57 Days and $800,000.

The boy’s harrowing experience with the disease in 2017 was the first pediatric case of tetanus in Oregon in more than 30 years, according to a new C.D.C. report.

Health & Fitness | Health

Top 10 Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in Pictures

Get the WebMD list of the top 10 vaccine-preventable diseases, including measles, whooping cough, flu, polio, pneumococcal disease, meningococcal disease, mumps, Hib, tetanus, and hepatitis B.

Health & Fitness | Health

FDA head says federal government may take action if states don't adjust lax vaccine exemption laws

In interviews with Axios and CNN, U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb said the federal government could intervene in states' vaccine exemptions. Some states are considering proposals that would eliminate vaccine exemptions for pe

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

Washington measles cases rise, leading to a state of emergency - CNN

As of Sunday, there are 35 confirmed cases of measles in Washington state. Gov. Jay Inslee has already declared a state of emergency.

Health & Fitness | Health

School with chickenpox outbreak has high vaccination exemption rate

The Asheville Waldorf School in North Carolina has the state's largest chickenpox outbreak since a vaccine for the virus became available more than 20 years ago. The school has one of the highest vaccination exemption rates in the state.

News | The News

Measles cases hit record high in Europe

More than 41,000 people have been infected with measles in the first six months of 2018.

Health & Fitness | Health

57K Un-Vaccinated Kids Could Cause Texas Measles Outbreak, Says Physician

Up to 57,000 children whose parents who opted out of school vaccinations could fuel an outbreak of measles in Texas.

News | The News

California doctor critical of vaccines is punished for exempting 2-year-old boy from all childhood immunizations

Under the decision, Dr. Bob Sears can keep practicing medicine but will be required to take medical education courses for 40 hours a year, as well as an ethics class, and also be monitored by a fellow doctor. He also must notify all hospital and medical

Health & Fitness | Health

Polio makes comeback in Venezuela after decades

Polio has been reported in Venezuela, a crisis-wracked country where the disease had been eradicated decades ago, the Pan-American Health Organization reports.

News | In the News

CDC: A second flu outbreak may be here

New cases of Influenza B could be the start of a second round of the flu for the country.

Health & Fitness | Health

Measles: Passengers expose fellow travelers at 3 airports to virus

Measles has a 10- to 12-day incubation period, and those infected are contagious a few days before they show symptoms.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

New Canine Vaccine Rules Rolled Out

A rare new set of canine vaccine guidelines was just released, and they contain a stunning departure from their orthodox way of thinking - something holistic vets have advocated for years.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Vaccine Studies Parents and Pediatricians Need to Be Aware of

Research shows the more vaccines an infant receives simultaneously, the greater risk of being hospitalized or dying compared to those receiving fewer vaccines.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Fact or Fiction?: Vaccines Are Dangerous

Overwhelming medical evidence proves that negative side effects are rare and minor

Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous

Dog Vaccine Schedule for Puppies and Adult Dogs

WebMD discusses vaccination types and requirements for adult dogs and puppies.

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Titer Tests for Dogs | Whole Dog Journal

It s always been interesting to me that few people know why young puppies have to be vaccinated several times, a few weeks apart and yet, few question the practice. There s a term for it: puppy shots! The concept is widely accepted and rarely explained. I

Pets & Animals | Cat & Dog Resources

Thankful for Dog Vaccines | Whole Dog Journal

My husband and I were talking about childhood dogs for some reason, and he said, We got a dog when I was little and it died of distemper, and my parents said, That s it, no more dogs. When he said that, I suddenly remembered that my family, too, had lost

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

Former anti-vaxxer felt ‘really guilty’ after her family contracted a deadly disease

“It was awful and it didn’t have to happen because I could have had them vaccinated. I felt guilty, I felt really guilty,” Kristen O’Meara said about her three children catching rotavirus.

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

Free chickenpox jab call after toddler suffers 'worst case' - BBC News

A woman calls for the chickenpox vaccination free for all on the NHS after her son had what is thought to be the "worst ever case".

Miscellaneous | Interesting Links

Wildlife officials want to shoot vaccine-laced M&Ms from drones to save ferrets

U.S. wildlife officials have a problem: How to save the endangered black-footed ferret from a plague. So they’ve come up with a sweet plan. They plan to shoot vaccine-smothered M&Ms over acres of habitat from a drone.

Health & Fitness | Vaccine information

Vaccines Cause Allergies – Dr. Dave Mihalovic

By Dr. Dave Mihalovic   Prevent Disease.com June 8, 2012 ‘Recent evidence indicates that routine childhood vaccinations contribute to the emergence of chronic allergic problems such as eczema…

Politics | The circus we run our country with

Donald Trump Is Totally Incoherent On Health Care Policy Because Policy Is Irrelevant to His Campaign

His flip-flop on Obamacare's individual mandate is an admission that policy details don't matter.

Politics | The circus we run our country with

OPINION: Why Is Donald Trump Reviled By The Anti-Vaccination Movement?

Why does it seem the anti-vaccination movement really doesn't want Trump? I have some ideas on this.

Health & Fitness | Vaccine information

Anti-Vaxxers Aren't Stupid

Doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and the government have a lot of power over children's lives. That can make parents act irrationally.

Health & Fitness | Vaccine information

Pro-life OR pro-vaccine? Not both.

Fetal cell line WALVAX 2 is taken from the lung tissue of a 3 month gestation female who was ultimately selected from among 9 aborted babies.

Health & Fitness | Vaccine information

Simian virus in polio shots tied to cancer / Two studies support widely disputed theory

Scientists have found traces of a monkey virus that contaminated the polio vaccine in the 1950s in a common form of highly malignant human cancer that has mysteriously doubled in incidence over the past 30 years. Two studies, published yesterday in the Br

Health & Fitness | Vaccine information

Government Continues to Pay Damages for Injuries and Deaths Due to the Flu Vaccine in Vaccine Court

While seldom, if ever, reported in the mainstream media, every week cases of vaccine injuries and deaths are litigated in the U.S. vaccine court known as the

Health & Fitness | Vaccine information

Public Health Officials Know: Recently Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease

Washington, D.C., March 3, 2015-- Physicians and public health officials know that recently vaccinated individuals can spread disease and that contact with the immunocompromised can be especially dangerous. A statement on the website of St. Jude's Ho

Health & Fitness | Health and Nutrition

Everything We Know Is Wrong - BBC Radio 4

Most published science papers are untrue, but few ever get tested. Jolyon Jenkins reports.

Politics | Politics

Doctors 'Horrified’ by Republican Candidates’ Outlook on Vaccines

“I watched the debate, and I was kind of horrified when I heard these comments,” a Harvard medical professor told Yahoo Health. During the debate, Donald Trump told the story of an employee whose “beautiful” baby developed a fever after getting a

Health & Fitness | Health News

Measles carries risk of a terrifying, always-fatal and rare complication

Measles is commonly thought to be a one-time deal: Get it once, survive, and you’re immune for life.

News | In the News

Scientists shows AIDS vaccine candidate successfully 'primes' immune system

New research led by scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) and The Rockefeller University shows in mice that an experimental vaccine candidate designed at TSRI can stimulate the immune system acti

News | Interesting Stories

Scientists Crack A 50-Year-Old Mystery About The Measles Vaccine

When the U.S. introduced the measles vaccine, childhood deaths from all infections plummeted. Scientists think they might know why: Benefits of the measles vaccine go way beyond the measles.

Miscellaneous | Potpourri

No association found between MMR vaccine and autism, even among children at higher risk

In a study that included approximately 95,000 children with older siblings, receipt of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine was not associated with an increased risk of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), regardless of whether older siblings had ASD, find

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

CDC: Save yourself a lot of pain and get shingles vaccine

Everyone over 60 should be vaccinated against shingles, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends in a report Tuesday.

News | In the News

Scientists announce anti-HIV agent so powerful it can work in a vaccine

In a remarkable new advance against the virus that causes AIDS, scientists from the Jupiter, Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have announced the creation of a novel drug candidate that is so potent and universally effective, it migh

Politics | From the HuffPost

Here's Where 2016 Candidates Stand On Vaccinations

WASHINGTON -- Gov. Chris Christie (R-N.J.) caused a stir on Monday after he called for “balance” on the issue of vaccinating children against disease. (For the record, the scientific community overwhelmingly supports childhood vaccination...

News | In the News

Disneyland measles outbreak spreads

An outbreak of measles that began at Disneyland before Christmas is now disrupting lives in six states. Contributing: Associated

News | That's News to Me

Doctor behind vaccine-autism link loses license | TIME.com

It took nearly six months but the General Medical Council (GMC) in the U.K. has pulled Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s license to practice medicine in the United Kingdom. Wakefield is the researcher who nearly single-handedly fueled parental concerns about the l

Family & Parenting | Kids

Pediatrician: Vaccinate Your Kids—Or Get Out of My Office

If you won’t trust your doctors on vaccinating your kids, will you ever really trust them at all?

Family & Parenting | Kids

'Are Your Children Vaccinated?' Is the New 'Do You Have a Gun in the House?'

Most of your parenting choices don't affect me. Having a loaded weapon in your house does. The same is true when you don't immunize your children.