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History | History
Gaza’s History with Israel and Jews
Read on to learn about 10 interesting facts about Jewish communities in Gaza, from ancient to modern times.
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500 items uncovered at Auschwitz ahead of 80th anniversary
The woman who turned over the cache, which contains a prisoner's uniform and a ragdoll, said her father had collected it right after liberation.
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Why Israel’s enemies hate cartology
Jordanian Parliament Speaker Ahmad al-Safadi said maps of ancient Israel “express a criminal mentality and malicious ambitions that cannot be tolerated.”
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Elder Of Ziyon - Before Sabra, before Sodastream, Arab antisemites boycotted Topps Chewing Gum Company
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Full text of the first Jewish Thanksgiving sermon in America, by Gershom Mendes Seixas
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Where Did The Name Palestine Come From?
1. Toward the end of the 13th century BCE, the tribes of Israel entered Canaan from the east and
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The Jews of Iran: 10 Amazing Facts
Dive into the rich and surprising history of the Jews of Iran.
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Blood Libels, Then and Now
JNS.org - This past Wednesday was the 20th of Sivan, which was once a fast day that commemorated the first violent blood libel. (The Vaad Arba Aratzot later redesignated it to commemorate the Cossack massacres of 1648-1649.) In 1144, 12-year-old William o
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Abraham Lincoln and the Jews: 10 Fascinating Facts
Snapshots of Lincoln’s remarkable relationship with Jews.
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The Youngest Holocaust Survivor
Erika Nissanoff was born on October 17, 1944 in a Nazi hospital in Austria. Her miraculous birth and survival is a harrowing story that everyone should hear.
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They Criticized the Entebbe Rescue, Too
The Soviet and Chinese governments denounced what they called “the Zionist aggression.” United Nations Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim charged that Israel had committed a “serious violation of the sovereignty” of Uganda.
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Jewish History: 10 Facts You Should Know About Queen Salome Alexandra
A ruler from ancient Judea's Second Temple times, she embodied nobility and righteousness.
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Some Facts About the Holocaust for Those Just Learning
Between the years 1938 and 1945 the German Nazis and their willing collaborators murdered 6 million Jews and millions of others.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Prayer before eating bread on Passover, Bergen-Belsen, 1944
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Muslims don't just deny 10/7 - but every massacre of Jews
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Did the USSR Invent Palestinian Nationalism?
During the Cold War, the Soviet Union spent millions funding Palestinian leaders in a proxy war between the U.S. and the USSR. But why would the USSR invest ...
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Elder Of Ziyon - More photos of weeds on the Temple Mount, 1872
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The Japanese Abraham – Commentary Magazine
There’s a bestselling book by the psychologist Robert Cialdini titled Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade. In one point in this largely non-Jewish book, we are shown a
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When the US supported Zionist territorial claims
One could ask Blinken whether “old” settlements are legal or whether it is only “any expansion” of Jewish communities that would be illegal.
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The Search for the Ten Lost Tribes
What happened to the ten tribes and where are they today?
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Elder Of Ziyon - Arabs say Jewish challah covers were a factor that forced them to murder Jews in 1929. This is the "logic" of today's terrorist defenders.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Does Gaza Belong to the Jews? (Judean Rose)
Is Gaza a part of indigenous Jewish territory as promised to the Jews by God?
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AGHamilton Shares the Beautiful Story of 'Operation Solomon' and It's a Beautiful Start to the New Year
AGHamilton has spent much of his time educating people on the plight of the Jewish people and battling anti-Semites as of late.
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Jews, Muslims, And An “Origin Story” Of The Arab-Israeli Conflict
The October 7, 2023, Hamas attacks on Israeli civilians, and the worldwide moral outrage that that day’s savagery generated were only paralleled by a gleeful schadenfreude that overtook many European capitals and other places around the globe, from the Ar
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Rejection of the UN Partition Plan of November 29, 1947, Was a Prequel to the October 7 Massacre
The more things change in the Middle East, the more they stay the same - Rejection of the UN Partition Plan of November 29, 1947, Was a Prequel to the October 7 Massacre
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Why Aren’t the Arabs the ‘Colonizers’?
The people braying about the alleged “settler colonialism” of Israel conveniently ignore the Arabs' history of conquest and cultural imperialism.
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On Israel and ‘Root Causes’
According to today's Hamasophiles, Gaza's leadership is justified in their terror attacks against Israel because "Zionists stole their land." Before that…
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What You Need to Know About Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Joel Pollak provides a quick run-down of the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has erupted into a full-scale war in Gaza.
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There Is No Such Thing As 'Palestinians'
(This column is Part 1 of a series of articles explaining the fallacies that have led to the world’s leftists supporting Palestine, Gaza, and Hamas’ horrors)
The patterns of the anti-Semitic/Marxist/”...
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The Meaning of Am Yisrael Chai
We always knew how to die together. The time has come for us to know also how to live together.
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Elder Of Ziyon - For some strange reason, Palestinians didn't behead Egyptian babies between 1949 and 1967
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Jews Are Not “Stealing” Judea: How Progressive Myopia Inflames Antisemitism
Recognizing antisemitism is not always easy. It disguises itself behind facades that grant it respectability in different societies and cultures.
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The two main lessons of the Yom Kippur War
Israel learned not to ignore the signs of approaching war and bask in the euphoria of the achievements of the past, however great they may be. But the signs of peace should not be ignored either.
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The Conveniently Forgotten Context of Israel's Six-Day War
In 1967, Israel was invaded in a military assault with the declared goal of wiping the Jewish state off the map.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Nazis insisted on humane cattle cars - for cattle, not Jews. The logic behind it is relevant for "human rights defenders" today.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Elder Of Ziyon - End the Lebanese and Jordanian occupation of Palestine!
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Remembering what happens when Jews rely on others
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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A List of Communities in Ashkenaz Obliterated by Violence During the Black Death
Jewish martyrology from medieval Germany
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Israelis Commemorate Exodus 1947, The ‘ship That Launched A Nation’
On July 18, 1947, some 4,550 refugees - survivors of the Holocaust - set off across the Mediterranean Sea, just two years removed from the destruction of Europe - Click the link for more details.
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The Distorted ‘Nakba’ Narrative
Comparisons to the Holocaust are misleading and appalling.
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Nazism and the Palestinians
Since Amin al-Husseini forged his alliance with Hitler, Nazism has profoundly influenced the Palestinian national movement.
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'Exodus' immigrant's diary shows hardships of post-Shoah refugees
Miriam Sternberg Wechsler was 19 when she boarded the ship alone.
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Elder Of Ziyon - interesting example of Nazi propaganda in the US in 1933
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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The Chassidic Member of Parliament Who Stood Up to the Soviets
When the Sixth Rebbe was arrested, Latvian MP Mordechai Dubin took action
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The Six Day War: Six fateful days for Israel in 1967
The Six Day War saw Israel achieve a momentous victory over its Arab enemies. The ramifications continue to impact the Jewish state to this day.
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The ‘Nakba’ Narrative is Nonsense
JNS.org - In the years since Israel’s rebirth in 1948 a narrative has taken root, a story of well-armed and financed Jewish immigrants overrunning peaceful Palestinian villages, brutally expelling Palestinians from home and country. This narrative is summ
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Elder Of Ziyon - The Jews had every reason to fear genocide in 1948
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Shattering Another Excuse for FDR's Holocaust Apathy
Contemporary defenders of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Holocaust record argue that there was no point in bombing the railways to Auschwitz because the Germans sometimes were able to repair railway lines fairly quickly.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Jews acting like adults while Arabs act like babies - in 1948
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Jewish National Fund reveals photos from Israel's early days of independence
In honor of Israel's 75th Independence Day, the Jewish National Fund revealed this week special photos of the country's
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Jerusalem or Louisiana, the Matter of Title Has Long Been Resolved
From the blog of Leonard Grunstein at Jewish Standard
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Misconceptions about Warsaw Ghetto Uprising abound, says historian Zachary Mazur
Ahead of a lecture commemorating the 80th anniversary of the uprising, Mazur told JNS that “there is plenty of ignorance” about the uprising and its context.
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How the Palestinians got their name
The Palestinians can call themselves whatever they want, but they cannot hijack 3,000 years of history.
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Elder Of Ziyon - According to Arab interpretations of international law in 1930, Jews have the sole right to the Temple Mount today!
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Elder Of Ziyon - 75 years ago: Jewish heroes saving lives - and getting killed for it
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Just where on earth was 'Palestine'?
Exposing the media myth: Palestine - a land of authentic 'splendour' filled with indigenous Palestinians. Or was it? Have a read inside.
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First Came the Zionists, THEN Came the Palestinians...
The Palestinians like to tell everyone they lived in "Palestine" since dinosaur times then the bad Zionists came from Europe and displaced them. This is a ve...
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Elder Of Ziyon - 80 years ago: Nazis massacre Jewish leaders in Tripoli before leaving
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HRC Op-Ed In The Hill Times: History Doesn’t Support Giving Israel An ‘Occupier’ Label
HRC’s Op-Ed entitled: “History Doesn’t Support Giving Israel An ‘Occupier’ Label” was published in The Hill Times on Wednesday, January 25,
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Elder Of Ziyon - To understand today's antisemitism disguised as anti-Zionism, look to the past
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New exhibit on DP camps showcases ‘extraordinary energy’ of the Jewish people
“You see this extraordinary power of their will to live, to create a future for their children and themselves that is connected to their heritage to their traditions,” said Jonathan Brent, YIVO CEO and executive director, of the exhibit at United Nations
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Jewish Soldiers Helped Liberate Palestine From the Ottoman Empire
Tombstones in the Trumpeldor Cemetery in Tel Aviv. Photo: Ovedc via Wikicommons. A recent article from National Library of Israel …
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Israel at 75: The ancient love story between the Jewish people and their homeland
History has not always been kind to the Jewish people, but the ongoing Israel adventure feels downright miraculous, writes Gil Troy
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Elder Of Ziyon - 75 years ago: Another forgotten massacre of Jews
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'The great unpunishment': How, why so many Holocaust perpetrators got away with it
Fewer than 600 of those who enacted the Holocaust received heavy sentences after WWII. David Wilkinson's docu explores how the mass of Nazi criminals, collaborators escaped justice
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Elder Of Ziyon - If anti-Zionism isn't antisemitism, why did Arabs recruit Nazis in 1948?
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Making sense of the great Mizrahi exodus
The history and memory of the Jews expelled from Arab countries has been suppressed in order to demonize Zionism.
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Why Hanukkah Made Western Civilization Possible
Hanukkah made western civilization possible by preserving idea of one God instead of pagan beliefs of many gods. Holiday is more than just a Jewish victory.
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Elder Of Ziyon - 24 years since the PLO fooled Clinton into thinking they amended their charter
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Islamist Terror; Journalistic Error
In a valuable new book, historian Richard Landes argues that Western reporting on the Second Palestinian Intifada helped to seed a misunderstanding of terrorism.
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The Temple Mount: Whose Is It?
Palestinian Arab terror groups charged that the Jewish presence on the Mount was improper, infringed upon Arab Muslim right, had to cease.
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I Was Robbed of 70% of the Land of Israel
This is the kind of information that most people simply don't know and those that do, are too dishonest to discuss it. It is important for you to read and then share it out. It's time to reclaim the n
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The Failed British Double-Cross of Israel
Heretofore overlooked British General Staff documents demonstrate that the oft-marginalized Lehi leader Avraham ‘Yair’ Stern’s assessment of British intentions toward Mandate Palestine was correct
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Israel: What happened to the 1947 UN Partition Plan?
How the Palestinians rejected sovereignty, part 2: The UN partition plan
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Elder Of Ziyon - A short history of "Arabs Threaten Jews" (not "Zionists")
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The One Week of World War II That Gave Rise to the Modern Middle East
This week marks the 80th anniversary of three seismic events in North Africa that would change the shape of the entire Middle East. On November 8, 1942, Britain and the U.S. launched Operation Torch—the invasion of French North Africa (today Morocco and Algeria).
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Peter Bergson - The Unintended Hero of the Holocaust Era
Saving 200,000 European Jews.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Britain Needs To Apologize To The Jews for What They Did During The Mandate, More Than To The Arabs
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Elder Of Ziyon - The King David Hotel Bombing—What Arab Terrorist Ever Warned a Jew, First? (Judean Rose)
Was the King David Hotel bombing an example of "Jewish terror?"
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How Ken Burns Misuses the Holocaust
Ken Burns’s documentaries blend striking visuals of still photos or archival film with colorful and often insightful analysis and narration. But his skill as
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Auschwitz Was Not Bombed Because the World Didn’t Care
The sign “Arbeit macht frei” (“Work makes you free”) is pictured at the main gate of the former Nazi concentration …
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The first Jew to escape Auschwitz helped save 200,000 lives -- but few know his name
Rudolf Vrba should be celebrated for his role in preventing the deportation of many of Budapest's Jews, says UK author Jonathan Freedland in his new book, 'The Escape Artist'
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Elder Of Ziyon - There was a single Muslim poem about Jerusalem written before 1967. It is about revenge against Crusaders.
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American filmmaker Ken Burns has a Palestine problem
Why is Burns trying to disqualify Palestine from the conversation? Why resort to a technicality about sovereignty in order to try to push Palestine out of the discussion?
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The Jewish 'nakba' was greater than the Arab • Point of No Return
The following is an extract from one chapter, including footnotes, from The Industry of Lies by Israeli journalist Ben-Dror Yemini. It is an insightful and concise must-read. The book was published by Norwegian pro-Israel group Med Israel For Fred (MIFF
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Elder Of Ziyon - Seven inconvenient and under-reported facts about the Munich Olympics massacre
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Memo to Secret Police Chief Reveals Hunt for Chabad’s Soviet Underground
What does a top-secret post-war memo to Stalin’s MGB boss tell us about the Soviet campaign against Chabad?
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A Ceasefire Line Is Not a Border for a Palestinian State: Debunking the Green Line Myth
In a recent opinion piece for The Washington Post, noted Israeli activist and journalist Gershom Gorenberg referred numerous times to the Green Line as
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How Did Jews Flee to Israel from the Arab World?
A look at some of the brave souls who risked their lives to reach Israel before and just after the state's founding...
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Elder Of Ziyon - Jewish immigrants weren't "white" in the US as recently as 1952
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Elder Of Ziyon -19th century Arab Palestine was a bunch of squabbling groups who hated each other
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Decades After Serving, Jewish Lieutenant Receives World War II War Medals
Jewish men, women and children march with bundles down the main thoroughfare in Krakow, Poland, during the liquidation of the …
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The Holocaust was not just another genocide
Antisemitism education in schools is not up to the job and requires deep and urgent reform
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Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: Yamit: The Forgotten Expulsion (Judean Rose)
Candid interview with Isser Coopersmith about the evacuation of Yamit.
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Elder Of Ziyon - The Jewish Agency's history destroys the "Palestine was an Arab state" narrative
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Elder Of Ziyon - Did Jews buy land in Transjordan as early as the 1870s?
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Elder Of Ziyon - As the Mufti forbade selling land to Jews, Transjordanian sheikhs WANTED Jews to buy their land
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Ashkenazi Jews Are Middle Eastern - JIMENA
On a genetic level there is virtually no difference between Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews except that Ashkenazi Jews have slightly more European admixture reflecting our long sojourn on the European continent dating back to Roman times and even ea
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History: Who stole Palestinian land? Jordan did!
The Hashemites had no connection to the land until the Arab revolt, and then Abdullah was imposed on the residents by imperial Britain.
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100 Years Ago This Month: When Congress Embraced Zionism—Unanimously
One hundred years ago this week, the United States Congress unanimously embraced Zionism.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Palestine Jews were encouraged to visit Lebanon, Syria, Transjordan and Egypt in the 1920s
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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The 1967 Six Day War: Why it matters
From the blog of David Harris at The Times of Israel
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Elder Of Ziyon - Three minutes of color film footage of the Jews of Nasielsk, Poland, on the eve of the Holocaust
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Massacre of Iraqi Jews Remembered on 81st Anniversary
Young Iraqi Jews who fled to pre-state Israel following the 1941 Farhud pogrom in Baghdad. Photo: Moshe Baruch Jewish groups …
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Elder Of Ziyon - 74 years ago: World compliments Arabs on how humanely they ethically cleansed Jews from Jerusalem
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The Jewish nation's capital throughout history - Jerusalem
Islamists artificially inflate Islam's link to the city, but Islamic terrorism turned Jerusalem, literally the City of Peace, into a bloody battleground and thus forfeited any claim to share in the city's destiny. Op-ed.
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Yom Yerushalayim: Correcting a Historical Injustice
Israel’s first prime minister David Ben Gurion. Photo: Wiki Commons. JNS.org – How are we to understand the meaning of …
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The Untold Story of a Paratrooper Who Captured Jerusalem in 1967
If you appreciate our work, please consider making a donation to support us at https://theisraelguys.com/donate/. Listen to The Israel Guys Daily: https://th...
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Jerusalem's Supreme Muslim Council, Headed By Grand Mufti Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, In 1925: The Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound's 'Identity With The Site Of Solomon's Temple Is Beyond Dispute'
The Haram Al-Sharif Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the old city of Jerusalem, known to Christians and Jews as the Temple Mount, is a focal point of tensions between Israel and the Palestinians.
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Secret UK propaganda campaign stoked Israel hatred to appear authentic
Declassified files show Britain attempted to sow division between Moscow and its Arab allies using fake reports blaming both sides for Egypt's defeat in the 1967 Six Day War
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When Arabs Became Palestinians
Israeli troops overlook Jerusalem’s Old City, during the Six-Day War, June 1967. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. With the recent eruption of …
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The Jewish Nakba: basic facts have been abandoned and forgotten
This week in the run-up to 14 May, the day when Israel’s independence was declared 74 years ago, articles about the Palestinian Nakba are already proliferating. Not one mentions the greater nakba of Jewish refugees driven from Arab countries. In fact on
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Israel, 1948: Vidal Sassoon in Combat
Not long before becoming the world's most famous hairstylist and building a business empire, Sassoon fought for Israeli independence. He lost friends, gained confidence, went weeks without a shower, and literally never learned the Hebrew word for 'retreat
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History of US State Department Shows ‘Jewish White Privilege’ Is a Myth
US State Department Truman Building. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. On April 12, 2022, the State Department published its 2021 “Country Reports …
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Revealing the truth behind al-Aqsa and 100 years of lies
You would think that after nearly 100 years of history repeating itself, the media would catch on, but alas the last few weeks proved otherwise.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Arabs admired Nazi Germany - not in spite of genocide but because of it
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Elder Of Ziyon - In 1938, "Nature" published a paper saying Jews can't easily be good physicists - but Arya
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Elder Of Ziyon - The Holocaust was well documented even by 1943, but the world didn't care
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We're all obligated to remember the victims of the Holocaust
"Dear Berthe, this is already the fourth day. I am on the train car now. I hope, my child,
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The Incredible Tunnel of King Hezekiah
According to the Biblical story, Hezekiah launched one of the most technologically complex operations in all of ancient history.
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Elder Of Ziyon - A large variety of Palestine kosher for Passover wines were imported to North America in 1914
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Why We Don't have to Accept the Palestinian Lie
From the blog of Amy Rosenthal at The Times of Israel
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Elder Of Ziyon - In 1966, Palestinians protested against Jordan - but not to create a state in the “West Bank”
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Elder Of Ziyon - The Holocaust is Not the Reason for the State of Israel
Should the Holocaust serve as justification for the founding of the State of Israel?
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BBC, the revision of history and the invention of Ancient Palestine
Ancient Palestine existed 3000 years ago - that's according to a BBC2 historical documentary that has been seen almost 10 million times.
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Pretending the Kindertransport was a part of a 'noble tradition' is ignorant of history
Special provision was made for children because Britain refused to let in their parents
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Remembering the Anschluss
Adolf Hitler and Hermann Göring. Photo: German Federal Archives Eighty-four years ago — on March 12, 1938 — Austria was …
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Jews fled Ukrainian pogroms for Egypt and the Levant
All eyes are on the war in Ukraine. An overwhelming number of Jews are among those expressing support for its beleaguered civilians – and rightly so. But it must not be forgotten that the Jewish people and the Ukraine have a checkered history. Even befor
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Russia-Ukraine war: Remember the good, bad of Ukrainian Jewish history
Ukraine is home to a rich Jewish history, as well as a dark past of death, pogroms, persecution and more.
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"Surplus Jews" no longer
Eighty years ago this week, 700 Jews drowned because no one in the world would take them in
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The Real Ethnic Cleansing in Sheikh Jarrah That Has Been Struck From Media Reports
When two people were injured and six arrested during clashes in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah/Shimon HaTzadik on February 13,
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Elder Of Ziyon - During the Eichmann trial, Arab media were on Eichmann's side
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The Nazi roots of Arab anti-Semitism must not be denied
It is not Haj Amin al-Husseini’s effect on the Nazis that Yad Vashem chair Dani Dayan ignores, but rather, the Mufti’s impact on the Arabs.
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The Palestinian myth explained and analyzed
Are Palestinian historical claims to the geography a lie? Read and decide for yourself. Opinion.
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Elder Of Ziyon - When was the term "holocaust" first used for the Holocaust?
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Elder Of Ziyon - The British were the first to compare Jews to Nazis as early as 1942. Arabs enthusiastically followed.
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Not Just The Mufti - the real extension of the Palestinian-Nazi collaboration | by Adin Haykin
When did the Palestinian Nazi connection really begin?
Was it limited only to the famous encounter between the Mufti and Hitler?
And how much did this connection affect Palestinian nationalism in the…
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Elder Of Ziyon - Modern antisemitism sounds a lot like Dark Ages antisemitism
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Elder Of Ziyon - 75 years ago: Zionists helped defeat racial segregation in Baltimore
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Teddy Roosevelt's speech to a Jewish group in 1911. They don't make 'em like that anymore.
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Tracing the history of Tel Aviv through its street names
Named for politicians, poets, heroes and heroines, the streets of Tel Aviv tell a fascinating story.
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Desmond Tutu and the Jews
Former Archbishop of Cape Town and veteran anti-apartheid campaigner Desmond Tutu holds a mass at Cape Town’s Anglican St George’s …
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Elder Of Ziyon - Before 1967, Arabs explicitly said ALL of Israel was occupied Palestinian territory at the UN
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A Call to Action: Join the Maccabees
A giant menorah is lit up to celebrate Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Dec. …
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Elder Of Ziyon - To Arafat, Palestinian culture was a weapon to ethnically cleanse Jews
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Deterrence: Anwar Sadat said that fear of a nuclear response is what kept Egypt from pushing its Sinai offensive further in 1973
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World will 'throw us to the dogs': Yom Kippur War papers reveal Golda's despair
48 years on, declassified papers show PM Meir feared abandon by int'l community: 'They don't like Jews, let alone weak Jews'; State Archive publishes 1,300 pages of transcripts
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Pillars and Myths - destroying the false narrative of the 1948 Nakba
The 1948 Arab defeat was a self inflicted disaster and the Nakba narrative spread by anti-Israel activists is a myth - here is the proof.
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Parole for Sirhan B. Sirhan? RFK’s help for Israel drove his assassin
If Sirhan is allowed to walk, then others who seek to murder for political issues can expect to avoid serving their full sentences. Op-ed.
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History: Should’ve Kept Those Jews | City Journal
Troubling FBI statistics and recent anti-Semitic incidents should remind the U.S. that other countries have lost their Jewish populations—to their own detriment.
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No, Israel was not the aggressor at June 1967
One of the most heated debates in the context of the Six-Day War in June 1967 and perhaps also in the context of the entire Israeli-Arab conflict is the question of what caused this war. According to…
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Elder Of Ziyon - The years between 1964 and 1967 tell you all you need to know about Palestinian goals
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Bobby Kennedy’s Admiration for Israel
The senator’s unwavering support for the Jewish state strengthened American-Israeli ties—and ultimately led to his assassination by a Palestinian gunman
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Here’s THE TRUTH About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (A Comprehensive History)
Go to https://expressVPN.com/Ben and find out how you can get 3 months of ExpressVPN free!From biblical times to today, Ben takes us through time to explore ...
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Six Day War: When Israel reclaimed Jerusalem, its eternal capital
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: Retracing the 54-year-old events leading to Israel's stunning 1967 victory
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A Personal History of Sheikh Jarrah and Arab Violence Against Jews
Israeli security forces work at the scene of what police said was a suspected car-ramming attack, at the entrance to …
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Elder Of Ziyon - Jewish tokens/currency in Ottoman-era Palestine were used by all
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A brief history: Israel did everything it could for peace and was rejected. Over and over again.
It is essential to know that the Palestinians turned down two concrete Israeli offers of peace according to their own demands, ending the occupation and creating a Palestinian state.
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Elder Of Ziyon - The Original Sin in the Middle East - Jew-Hatred
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
History | History
Jerusalem During the War of Independence—Now in Color!
The blockade of Jerusalem began during the first few days of the War of Independence, spreading from the Old City's Jewish Quarter to the rest of Jerusalem. These color photos from 1948 show us what life was like in the city that was cut off from the rest
History | History
Israel’s Critics Are Right: ‘Sheikh Jarrah’ Exemplifies the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Arab Jew-Hatred
The entrance to the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. Photo: Tamar Hayardeni/Wikimedia. JNS.org – Last week, anti-Israel forces went into …
History | History
Elder Of Ziyon - Yes, Jordan illegally gave Jewish owned land to UNRWA
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
History | History
INTO THE FRAY: When did Palestine become Palestine?
The Palestinian Arabs’ claim for sovereignty over what they now insist is their long yearned-for homeland arose only after 1967—i.e. when it came under Jewish administration.
History | History
The Holocaust truths left out of the history texts
The story school history books leave out tells how the US and Hitler cooperated in the crimes committed against the Jewish people. Op-ed.
History | History
Can We Really Picture Auschwitz?
As memories of the Holocaust fade, one survivor’s images remain vivid.
History | History
Congressional Research Service changed the history of Palestinian nationalism. Twice.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
History | History
Winston Churchill in Palestine – 100 years on
“The establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine will be a blessing to the whole world.”