
News | Interesting Stories

Biden deal: “Nearly identical to Hamas’s own proposals”

This is the proposal that Hamas previously accepted and Israel turned down.

News | Interesting Stories

Biden urges Israelis to accept hostage deal, blasting Netanyahu's talk of 'total victory' | The Times of Israel

“At this point, Hamas is no longer capable of carrying out another October 7."

News | Israel At War

IDF in control of Philadelphi Corridor, 20 tunnels found

Soldiers have so far located around 20 tunnels along the 8.7-mile-long border area between Gaza and Egypt.

Politics | Media Bias

No, Media, Israel Didn't Strike a Refugee Camp in Rafah

An independent military investigation is underway to ascertain exactly what happened following an Israeli airstrike on two senior Hamas commanders in

Politics | Opinion

Egypt must pay a price for its sponsorship of Hamas

Since Oct. 7, it has become clear that Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi has been playing Israel for a fool.

Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority

The Ugly Lessons of October 7

The bloodier the terror attacks, the more stark the eliminationist rhetoric, the more support for a Palestinian state

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Nearly 70% of Gaza aid from US-built pier stolen

No aid was delivered to the UN warehouse from the floating pier on Sunday and Monday.

Politics | Debunking Lies

The case against Israel has just collapsed

By rights, this should be the moment that the humanitarian case against Israel’s campaign in Gaza goes into terminal collapse. From now on, there can be no equivocation. Those who persist in opposing the war based on the number of civilian casualties are

Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority

Hamas reaped hundreds of millions off Gaza aid since Oct. 7

Despite the ongoing conflict, Israel has repeatedly stressed that "there are no limits on the amount of humanitarian aid that can enter Gaza."

News | News

Steve Kramer – Can Israel Win?

Steve Kramer – Can Israel Win? Can Israel win against Muslim terrorists, that is the question. The last time that Israel won such a war was the Six-Day War of June 1967. During that war, Israel defeated all five neighboring Arab armies that had inva

Politics | Opinion

‘Palestinianism’ – An Ideology of Genocide

After 'National Socialism', basically, an ideology to be counted as a branch of Socialism, as the name already indicates, 'Palestinianism' is contemporarily the most deadly ideology seeking the genocide of the Jewish people and its state: Israel. In the f

News | News

One-third of journalists killed in Gaza were affiliated with terrorist groups

The U.S. head of Reporters Without Borders acknowledged that the NGO applied different standards for Gazan and Israeli journalists killed during the war

News | Israel Around The World

Buried facts about the Gaza war

Connect the dots: It’s America and Iran against Israel

News | Israel At War

Netanyahu slams Gallant demand for Palestinian control of post-war Gaza

"I am not willing to exchange Hamastan for Fatahstan," Netanyahu said in a video statement responding to his defense minister.

Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority

Elder Of Ziyon - Latest Palestinian poll: Gazans expect Egypt to shoot them, Palestinians still overwhelmingly support October 7, they all love Hamas

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

News | The UN

0% chance they’re not lying: UN blames ‘fog of war’ for major overcounting of Gazan child deaths

“It’s outrageous that only seven months later, the United Nations is questioning the Hamas-supplied casualty numbers,” an HonestReporting board member told JNS.

Politics | Opinion

The West is proving that Islamist terrorism works

What would be the worst foreign policy message imaginable? There are many contenders, but the frontrunner has to be simply that “terrorism works”. Once this lesson has been learnt, the door will be open to years of violence against us. It’s called appeasement, and history has taught us where it leads.

News | Israel At War

“Both Sides” and “Innocent Civilians”: The Psychological Effect of Language in the Gaza War

Why the U.S. diplomatic concept of “evenhandedness” is morally wrong - “Both Sides” and “Innocent Civilians”: The Psychological Effect of Language in the Gaza War

Politics | Opinion

The war against the Jewish story

The ease with which anti-Zionists have managed to portray the Jewish state as genocidal marks a historic failure of Holocaust education

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

If ‘Never Again is Now,’ We Must Finish the Mission in Gaza

We have severely compromised our autonomy and mobility due to our longtime dependence on others.

News | News

Was This a Biden State Department Briefing or a Hamas Press Conference?

 After Hamas terrorists agreed to a "softened" version of a ceasefire deal that is an unserious, deceptive ploy aimed at delaying Israel's looming offensive in Rafah, the State Department refused to directly comment on the terms (pending a U.S. review) to which Hamas had agreed — but again insisted that the Biden administration's "top priority" is to reach a "ceasefire agreement that will lead to the release of hostages" and allow a "surge of humanitarian assistance" into Gaza.

Politics | Debunking Lies

Gaza Health Ministry Cannot Provide Names for More Than 10,000 It Says Have Died

The Gaza Ministry of Health cannot provide names of more than 10,000 of the 34,000 individuals it says have died during the war between Israel and Hamas. While the Health Ministry conceded earlier this...

News | Israel At War

"If they're at the beach, the war is over. And if the war is over, let's admit the war is over."

Watch now | That, more or less, is what some Israelis dumbstruck by the photos of Gazans at the beach are now saying. We share portions of one such column by a well known and highly regarded Israeli journalist.

Politics | Debunking Lies

This Is No Genocide

Under no definition is Israel committing genocide. According to John Spencer, Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at West Point, "Israel has implemented more precautions to prevent civilian harm than any military in history".

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Employers and Employees Battle Over Employee Dissent on Gaza | Workplace Coach Blog

Employee dissent: employers & employees need to up their game; what employers are doing & need to do when employees speak out

News | News Items

Message From a Gazan to Campus Protesters: You're Hurting the Palestinian Cause | Opinion

As a Gazan and as a Palestinian, I want the protesters and the organizers of these protests to know that their hateful speech harms us.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Terrorists Launch Attacks on Americans Building Biden’s Gaza Pier

 Terrorists operating in the Gaza Strip launched a series of attacks on Americans building President Joe Biden's "humanitarian pier" this week.

Politics | American Politics

House Measure Would Bar Biden Admin From Funding Gaza Reconstruction

A measure circulating in the Republican-controlled House would block the Biden administration from spending taxpayer cash to rebuild the war-torn Gaza Strip amid mounting concerns this cash will empower Hamas to reestablish its network of tunnels beneath

News | Israel At War

Six months of valor and suffering

The world’s democracies think they cannot defend themselves; Israel is proving them wrong.

Politics | Opinion

Hamas has all but won | The Spectator

It would be hard to imagine that almost exactly six months after October 7, I would find myself saying this, but Israel is either on a path to defeat or has lost the war already.

News | Israel At War

‘Hamas counting on victory through Biden,’ warns former intelligence official

Six months into the war, Hamas’s fanatical goals of emerging as the ultimate victor remain in place, Israeli observers tell JNS

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

USAID gave nearly $1M to Gaza charity tied to Hamas, up to six days before Oct. 7 attack on Israel

A charity tied to Hamas has received nearly $1 million from US Aid over the past seven years, with a grant arriving just days before Oct. 7 terrorist strike on Israel.

News | Israel At War

Ben-Gvir, Smotrich lash out over Gaza military withdrawal

“If the prime minister decides to end the war without a large-scale offensive in Rafah to defeat Hamas, he will not have a mandate to continue serving,” said Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

How Biden Brought Israel to the Brink of Failure

Biden opposed Israel winning the war because he wanted a Palestinian state, and forced Israel to accept responsibilty for Gaza civilians.

Politics | Debunking Lies

The new blood libel

The tragic, accidental killing of those aid workers has revealed the depths of Israelophobia.

Politics | Opinion

The global onslaught against Israel

Britain and America are making the Jewish state their scapegoat.

Politics | Politics

Biden warns Netanyahu that US will change policy on Gaza could change

President Biden warned Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that U.S. policy towards Gaza would change if Israel did not take immediate steps to better protect civilians.

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Al-Shifa Hospital and the crisis of the West

Why are so many in the West buying into Hamas’s lies about al-Shifa?

Politics | Opinion

Palestinian terrorism is not about self-determination

In today’s jihad-oriented Middle East, Islamic faith is being placed in the defiling service of terror-violence.

News | News

PODCAST | The Lie That Is Biden’s Support For Israel

Before I get into anything, I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me and offered up prayers and well wishes during my time under medical care. I appreciate each one of you. And before we get into the meat of what I want to address, now comes n

News | News

Gaza: Truths Behind All the Lies

“Occupied Gaza.” Prior to October 7, there were roughly two million Arab citizens of Israel but no Jewish citizens in Gaza. Gazans in 2006 voted in Hamas to…

News | News Items

Making “Israel Alone” a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy – Israel Policy Forum

Israel is not actually alone, despite the U.S. abstention at the U.N. But preventing its sense of isolation from deepening depends on Netanyahu wising up to where he does and does not have leverage.

Politics | Politics

Biden: Pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel hecklers 'have a point'

Biden said protesters who accused him of being complicit in genocide 'had a point.'

News | Israel At War

Israel Has Created a New Standard for Urban Warfare. Why Will No One Admit It?

All available evidence shows that Israel has followed the laws of war, legal obligations, best practices in civilian harm mitigation and still found a way to reduce civilian casualties.

News | Interesting Stories

PM tells Blinken Rafah op is inevitable; secretary warns him Israel risks isolation | The Times of Israel

Top US diplomat meets with Netanyahu, Gantz, reportedly tells war cabinet Israel's security, international standing also in danger without a 'day after' plan for Gaza

Politics | Politics

Biden has officially, publicly and formally turned on Israel | World Israel News

Biden also appeared to suggest that he might pull offensive weapons from Israel’s resupply package.

Politics | Politics

Democrats press Biden to push 'bold' plan for Palestinian state | World Israel News

Democratic senators push Biden for unilateral recognition of Palestinian state.

News | News Items

Israeli hostages in Gaza face daily threat of sexual violence by Hamas

Hamas used rape as a weapon on Oct. 7 and continues to violate hostages. These are facts. We as a country have to decide what we will do about it.

News | News

WATCH: Hamas sells humanitarian aid from abroad to Gaza civilians

As billions of dollars of aid is being poured into Gaza, Hamas is stealing the aid then reselling it to make a profit.

Politics | Politics

Report: Biden to Allow Hamas-linked Contractor to Participate in Gaza Pier

The Biden Administration is preparing to allow a Hamas-linked contractor to earn millions from the construction of a floating port off Gaza.

News | Israel At War

All Rafah terrorists must be purged

The only path to victory for Israel in this fight hinges on uprooting Hamas from Rafah.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden's 'Trojan pier' for Gaza

The pier is not temporary or about delivering aid, it's about giving the terrorists a permanent gateway to the world.

Politics | Politics

‘We also have a Red Line’: Netanyahu Approves Plan for Rafah Operation | United with Israel

'The IDF is prepared for the operation and to evacuate the [civilian] population,' Says Netanyahu.

News | News

The Problem With A Gaza Ceasefire

As the Biden administration and the terminally misinformed and under-educated of the GenZ and Millennial generations push for a ceasefire between Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza, two glaring truths seem to be falling through the cracks;

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Because of Biden, the captives’ return is going to take longer

  The airdropping of aid to Gaza – and soon, also the special pier – solves a problem for President

Politics | Hamas, Gaza & The Palestinian Authority

Massive Increase In Hamas Disinformation Aimed Directly At Its Supporters In The United States

“We are witnessing a massive ramp-up in Hamas disinformation in its 11th hour, directly wired into its supporters in the United States."

Politics | Politics

White House exploring how to force Netanyahu out - report | The Times of Israel

Growing frustration with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s handling of the ongoing war in Gaza has led US officials to explore what can be done to force the collapse of his government, according to an unconfirmed US news report.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden administration shifts tone, calls Israeli ministers ‘obstacle’ to Gaza aid

“The convoy last week really encapsulated the frustration by the White House and much of Congress, especially Democrats,” the Atlantic Council’s Jonathan Panikoff told JNS.

Miscellaneous | Resources

The Case Against UNRWA

THE CASE AGAINST UNRWA How UN schools use our tax money to teach Palestinian children to hate and kill Jews  Posts Videos Social Media Reports UN WATCH LIVE EVENT International Summit for a Future Beyond UNRWA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mazb9Iiwiw&a

News | Antisemitism Watch

The scapegoating of Israel

Humanitarian aid has become the blood libel of the day.

Politics | American Politics

Shocking double standard of support for Ukraine and Israel

As Ukraine enters its third year of war it is striking how committed political leaders of all parties are to that war.

News | News

Honest Reporting – Watch: A Blockade Is Not an Occupation

Honest Reporting – Watch: A Blockade Is Not an Occupation The people claiming that Gaza is still occupied by Israel are horribly mistaken. The truth is that Israel doesn’t even provide most of the resources that these claims are based on. Stil

News | News

PODCAST | Voting ‘Present' On Condemning Rape & Sexual Assault?

Before we get into the meat of this America's Third Watch segment, I just had to comment on the absolute abdication of humanity exercised by US Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) in her “present” vote addressing Hamas' use of rape and sexual assault

Politics | Politics

60% of Israelis support total victory against Hamas even if not all hostages are returned | World Israel News

Only 5% of Israelis said they thought the Palestinian Authority should rule Gaza after the war. 

News | News Items

Israel Implemented More Measures to Prevent Civilian Casualties Than Any Other Nation in History | Opinion

Israel has taken more measures to avoid needless civilian harm than virtually any other nation that's fought an urban war.

News | News

Elder Of Ziyon - Everyone in Gaza knew that Hamas built weapons tunnels under UNRWA schools - since 2008!

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | POLITICS

GOP Lawmaker Accuses Biden of Pushing Out ‘Tens-of-Millions’ in Taxpayer Funding for UNRWA Just Prior to Aid Suspension

The Biden administration may have funneled "tens-of-millions" in American taxpayer dollars to the United Nations’ Palestinian aid group before announcing a pause in U.S. contributions as a result of the organization’s role in Hamas’s October 7 terror spre

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Gazan 'Civilians' Involved in Every Stage of Hamas Hostage Scheme, Freed Israelis Say

TEL AVIV, Israel—Israeli women and children have in recent weeks begun speaking publicly about what they experienced during nearly two months in Hamas captivity late last year.

News | News Items

Elderly woman and her son killed at home in Hezbollah anti-tank missile attack | The Times of Israel

Barak Ayalon, 45, member of Kfar Yuval security team, killed alongside mother Miri Ayalon, 76, when projectile from Lebanon slams into northern town

News | News

Chat Group of UN Teachers in Gaza Filled With Posts Supporting Hamas

 Back in November, Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of UNRWA, a UN agency for Palestinian refugees, said claims that Palestinian schools teach hatred of Jews are "false and insidious" and "only fuel a toxic and deeply polarized environment." He got hit with a Community Note about the textbooks used in the schools.

News | News

How We Should Be Pushing Back Against The Propagandistic Left

As the clash between the terrorist organization Hamas and the sovereign nation of Israel rages on, the neo-fascist Left’s propaganda machine is in full whir, their special interest operatives whipping the ignorant GenZers and late-to-reality Millennials

News | News Items

A Ceasefire Will Not End the Israel-Palestine Conflict | The National Interest

A bad peace that does not address the issue of Hamas violence will only defer war to a later date. 

News | News Items

Ending the War | The Washington Institute

Laying the groundwork for an eventual Hamas surrender would break the current binary choice between more destructive conflict and an ineffectual ceasefire.

News | In The News

The Hypocrisy of America and the UN on Criticism of Israel’s Urban Warfare

War is hell, and urban combat even more so. Still, the juxtaposition of the international sympathy for efforts to defeat the Islamic State with the reticence to allow Israel to take the same actions shows stunning hypocrisy.

News | Israel

Why the images of Hamas prisoners sparked outrage

The murder and rape of Israelis on Oct. 7 led to a spike in antisemitism, not anger against Hamas. And yet, the world can’t tolerate photos of defeated Palestinian terrorists.

News | News


HOWARD EPSTEIN: THE WOKE DISGRACE THEMSELVES “I shall have such revenges on you… I shall do such things … what they are yet I know not: but they shall be the terrors of the earth”. That, as proclaimed by Shakespeare’s King Lear, is what reve

News | News

Steve Kramer – Israel’s Current Objectives in Gaza

Steve Kramer – Israel’s Current Objectives in Gaza In the months before October 7, Israel was severely wracked by huge protests against changes in the judicial system. Disunity among Israelis was so rampant that a large contingent of Israelis were

News | News

Dozens of Hamas Terrorists Surrender. Can You Guess Who Isn't Happy About It?

 According to a report from the Times of Israel, dozens of Hamas terrorists surrendered themselves to Israeli troops in northern Gaza.

News | News Items

IDF says Hamas firing rockets from Gaza safe zones as civilian scramble for shelter | The Times of Israel

Military says terror group launched projectiles from next to tents housing civilians; troops push further into Khan Younis, Jabaliya; 5 soldiers killed, taking ground op toll to 89

Politics | Politics

Biden won't permit Israel to carve out 'buffer zone' in Gaza or 'reoccupy' it | World Israel News

Senior Biden administration official pushes back on Israeli proposal to create a buffer zone in a future demilitarized Gaza Strip.

News | News Items

Biden: "It's on all of us" to "condemn the sexual violence of Hamas terrorists"

Biden said survivors of the attacks have shared "horrific accounts of unimaginable cruelty."

News | News Items

IDF: Troops fight in center of Khan Younis, raid Hamas general security HQ in Jabaliya | The Times of Israel

Top general cites heaviest battles since ground op began; Air Force hits elite Hamas Nukhba unit in joint operation with paratroopers; targets hit on Gaza coast

News | News

IDF strikes 250 terror sites in Gaza as ground battles intensify

Israel's military releases image of senior Hamas commanders eliminated • IDF apologizes for killing Lebanese Army soldier during strike on Hezbollah target.

News | News

PODCAST | He Who Controls The Food & Means To Healthcare...

Before we get to this morning’s segment on America's Third Watch, I wanted to touch on an item that I believe is getting little coverage in the mainstream media and the coverage it is getting is convoluted.

News | News

TAU: About half of Arab Israelis believe that the IDF’s response in Gaza was justified

TAU: About half of Arab Israelis believe that the IDF’s response in Gaza was justified An in-depth survey of Arab Israelis reveals: About half of Arab Israelis believe that the IDF’s response in Gaza was justified Most Arab Israelis (57%) beli

News | News

Hostages held in homes of Hamas-sympathetic UNRWA employees

Released hostage was held for 50 days in the attic of an UNRWA teacher, another was held captive by a children's doctor.

News | News

Hot Take: Israeli Hostages Were Starved Because Israel Cut Off the Supply of Food

 As we reported yesterday, Hamas wrote a stern letter to Human Rights Watch for its report that the "bombing" of a hospital in Gaza was the result of an errant rocket fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad. We don't know if Human Rights Watch has apologized yet.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

The ‘Innocent’ Civilians of Gaza - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

There would be no Hamas in Gaza without the “innocent” citizens of Gaza. They elected them in 2006. They are not innocent.

Politics | Politics

Are Gaza’s civilians truly innocent? | United with Israel

98% in Gaza and the West Bank said that they felt ‘pride’ as ‘Palestinians’ over the war.

News | News

UNPACKED: Watch-What Is Life Like for Palestinians in Gaza?

UNPACKED: Watch-What Is Life Like for Palestinians in Gaza?     Life for Palestinians in Gaza under Hamas has been extremely difficult. Palestinian civilians lack basic water, sanitation, and electricity infrastructures, as well as access to upw

News | News Items

Setting the Record Straight About Hamas’ Use of Gaza’s Hospitals and Israel’s Efforts to Help Patients | AJC

The IDF entered Al-Shifa Hospital and found weapons and uniforms that unequivocally confirmed Hamas is using the hospital for terror, violating the laws of war. Here is what you need to know about Gaza’s hospitals, Israel’s operation, and how Hamas us

News | News

Three in four Palestinians support Hamas's massacre

Ninety-eight percent of respondents said the Oct. 7 slaughter made them feel "prouder of their identity as Palestinians."

Politics | Op-Ed

When Has War Even Been ‘Proportional?’

Proportionality in war is a synonym for lethal stalemate, if not defeat. When two sides go at it with roughly equal forces, weapons, and strategies…

History | History

October 7 Happened Before, in Hebron

A brutal massacre nearly a century ago in Judaism’s second-holiest city makes clear that murderous Palestinian rage against Jews has little to do with Israel or Zionism

News | News

Jonathan Feldstein – From Entebbe to Gaza City & I am still losing sleep

Jonathan Feldstein – From Entebbe to Gaza City & I am still losing sleep From Entebbe to Gaza City On June 27, 1976, Captain Michel Bacos was piloting Air France Flight 139 with 246 passengers from Athens to Paris. Minutes into the flight, two Pales

News | News


HOWARD EPSTEIN: THE CANARY SINGS BUT WHO LISTENS? Le Président de La Belle France has spoken. The Times of London reported last week: “Macron urges Israel to stop bombing babies. … in Gaza and killing civilians.” It is feared in Israel that this is

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Gaza After the War: Biden Needs a Reality Check

As Israel continues its systematic assault on Hamas deep inside Gaza, closing in on high-ranking targets and putting the jihadist outfit'

Politics | Politics

We’re Not All Complicit—But Obama Sure Is

Barack Obama hasn’t commented on many serious matters since he left the White House. So when he interrupts his showbiz and cocktail duties to speak up,

News | News

Gabe Ende – Why are we Bombing the Hell out of Gaza?

Gabe Ende – Why are we Bombing the Hell out of Gaza? Not because we have a passion for killing or wreaking destruction. Not because we want to destroy the Palestinians. Not because we are driven by revenge and have lost all compassion for human life

News | News

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Six Conceptions Blown Up, Post-Oct. 7

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Six Conceptions Blown Up, Post-Oct. 7 The world sees many crises, but every so often something happens to upend everyone’s “concept” of how part of the world works (or should work). Hamas’s Oct. 7 barbaric attack on

News | News

UNPACKED: Watch Is Israel Committing War Crimes in Gaza?

UNPACKED: Watch Is Israel Committing War Crimes in Gaza? Israel is often accused of war crimes against Palestinians, and accusations of targeting civilians, using disproportionate force, and blocking civilian access to humanitarian aid have intensified du

News | News

Jonathan Feldstein: About the Hostages

Jonathan Feldstein: About the Hostages During its inhuman assault and massacre of Israelis on October 7, leaving more than 1400 dead, and thousands injured, Hamas also kidnapped an estimated 240 people, taking them back to Gaza imprisoned.  Laying bare t

News | News

Whoops: Hamas Just Completely Nuked All Its Pathetic Apologists

 When someone keeps telling you what they want, it's best to believe them instead of constantly rationalizing what they "really" want.

News | News Items

Opinion | The Global War on the Jews

Anti-Semitism surges, even in the West, which shows why Israel exists.

News | News

Victor Rosenthal – Tribal Warfare & The American Front

Victor Rosenthal – Tribal Warfare & The American Front Tribal Warfare   The deliberate viciousness of the attack by Hamas on southern Israel was an announcement of the tribal nature of the conflict. Although it is true that the initial assault

News | News

UNPACKED: Watch-Why Israel Must Destroy Hamas | Explained

UNPACKED: Watch-Why Israel Must Destroy Hamas | Explained Even as we condemn the atrocities Hamas committed on October 7th, 2023, many are now asking, “Why should the Palestinians of Gaza have to pay?” and “Why is Israel making them suff

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Ceasefire advocates are Hamas’s useful idiots

Those opposing a Gaza ground invasion aimed at the terrorist group’s destruction cite humanitarian concerns. Such appeals will only preserve a criminal regime.

News | News

UNPACKED: Watch – Who is Hamas? | Explained

UNPACKED: Watch – Who is Hamas? | Explained On October 7, 2023, Hamas attacked Israeli civilians in southern towns and communities bordering the Gaza Strip, in what was the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Israel quickly declared war ag

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Vivek Ramaswamy Comes Out Against Gaza Invasion, Removal of Hamas

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy announced this week that he opposes Israel's invasion of Gaza and removal of Hamas.

News | News

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Rules of Warfare? Lessons from WW1 & WW2

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Rules of Warfare? Lessons from WW1 & WW2 How should the war in Gaza end? Although history never exactly repeats, important lessons can and should be gleaned from the past. The months leading to the end of both world wars in the 20

News | News

UPDATE: Shocking New Evidence Shows Massive Hamas and Media Disinformation Campaign on 'Bombed' Hospital

 As the sun rose over Gaza, fresh evidence of exactly what happened at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital has emerged, and it exposes perhaps the worst war-time disinformation campaign in modern history. Before we get there, though, it's important to understand the timeline.

News | News

Steve Kramer – Gaza: The Hellhole & Gathering Our Forces

Steve Kramer – Gaza: The Hellhole & Gathering Our Forces Gaza: The Hellhole More than a week has gone by since the infamous sneak attack by Hamas terrorists from Gaza on October 7. I have reported that Michal and I are doing ok, with no missiles str

News | News

Shocking pictures of Hamas blockading roads to stop civilians from fleeing to safety emerge

 While Israel does its best to ensure civilians are not harmed in this war, Hamas is doing all it can to put innocents in harm's way.

News | News

Jonathan Feldstein: The Ethical, Essential, and Imperative Yet Mythical Blockade of Gaza & More

Jonathan Feldstein: The Ethical, Essential, and Imperative Yet Mythical Blockade of Gaza & More Days after more than 1300 people in Israel were slaughtered in the most vulgar way, men, women, elderly, entire families, children and babies; raped, burned al

News | News Items

Hostages in Israel update: Families of loved ones taken by Hamas share their horrific stories

The list of suspected hostages taken by Hamas in Israel has grown to children, elderly people and military service members.

News | News


Howard Epstein – THE CULT OF THE NAZIS LIVES ON “Israel survived the Yom Kippur War. Now it only has to survive its present government”. These were my closing words in this column two weeks ago. The extreme right-wing government that Binyamin Ne

News | News

David Bedein: World Health and Gaza – Nothing Has Changed

David Bedein: World Health and Gaza – Nothing Has Changed This was originally posted in 2019.   The World Health Organization has lashed out against Israel because of the level of medical services that UNRWA and the Palestinian Ministry of Heal

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Horrors of the “Occupation”

The tragic conditions that residents of Ramallah and Gaza must endure, revealed in TikTok videos

News | News

Richard Landes – Western Media and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Richard Landes – Western Media and the Arab-Israeli Conflict Originally posted at https://fathomjournal.org Re-posted with permission by Richard Landes Fathoming the Intellectual Revolution of our Times | The Disorientations of Lethal Journalism: On

News | News

Jonathan Feldstein - Gazans Should Be Thanking Israel

Jonathan Feldstein – Gazans Should Be Thanking Israel I wrote this article this morning, before just experiencing an air raid siren in my own community. I have started and stopped writing this multiple times. Since Wednesday, Palestinian Arab terror

News | News Items

What to Know About the Gaza Strip, Terrorist Rocket Attacks, and More | AJC

During the May 2021 conflict in Gaza, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad fired over 4,300 rockets at Israeli civilians. In August 2022, Palestinian Islamic Jihad fired over 1,100 rockets at Israelis during the three-day escalation, according to the Israe

News | News

Jonathan Feldstein – Israel: How’s your day going?

Jonathan Feldstein – Israel: How’s your day going? Good morning from the Judean mountains.  I slept well last night but when I woke up I realized that just 30-40 miles from my home, for hundreds of thousands of Israelis, it was a horrible night.

News | News

IDF – Watch Israel and Gaza Explained

IDF – Watch Israel and Gaza Explained You‘ve heard about it. You’ve seen pictures and videos. But there’s so much more to know… In Gaza, innocent people are suffering at the hands of Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization that was

News | News

Jack Cohen – Eyeless in Gaza

Jack Cohen – Eyeless in Gaza Eyeless in Gaza, the title of a novel by Aldous Huxley, based on a re-telling of the biblical Samson saga by Milton in his story Samson Agonistes, is for me a suitable analogy to the US in its current state, strong but b

News | News

Victor Rosenthal – Special: Doing the Math About Gazan Casualties

Victor Rosenthal – Special: Doing the Math About Gazan Casualties “They were only children,” wept the New York Times, in its heartrending appeal for sympathy for Gazans, supposedly under “indiscriminate and disproportionate” bombardment by t

News | News

Antisemitism In the US Reaches Dangerous 1939-esque Levels

From the halls of the US Capitol Building to the streets of New York and beyond, the level of antisemitism being tolerated in the US...

Politics | Politics

Shock Video: IDF Warns Gazan Man To Evacuate Children Before Bombing. He Responds: ‘If The Children Need To Die Then They’ll Die’

A new video shows the IDF pleading with a Gazan man on the other end of the line to evacuate a targeted building, saying he had a responsibility for children’s lives. The man responded, “If the children need to die then they’ll die.”

News | News

Steve Kramer – Ethnoreligious War in Gaza and Israel & Not Enough Dead Jews

Steve Kramer – Ethnoreligious War in Gaza and Israel & Not Enough Dead Jews Here is my latest update about Operation Guardian of the Wall. Luckily, our city, Kfar Saba, has been spared any damage. But because (3,000) rockets are still being launched

News | News

Islamofascist Anti-Israel Protest Showcases Deep-Seeded Hate for Jews

As Israel takes heat from the usual suspect pro-Palestinian factions from activist to media, the cameras seemed to have missed a display...

News | News

US Support of Israel Consists of Removing 120 US Command Troops

As Israeli Defense Forces engage with not only Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror attacks out of Gaza, but also Hezbollah and...

Politics | Politics

Israel Tricks Hamas With Brilliant Tactical Move, Then Launches Ferocious Air Campaign

On Thursday night, the Israel Defense Forces started gathering ground forces near the Israeli border with the Gaza Strip, preparing for what looked like a