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Parenting and Kids | Psychology

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Science Says Parents of the Most Successful Kids Do These 10 Things

Want your kids to lead happy and fulfilled lives? Here are some tips for getting them started on the right foot.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

That Cute Baby Photo You Posted On Instagram Has Consequences | HuffPost UK Parents

Kids often have digital footprints even before they’re born, and their parents are to blame.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

It’s Time to Expand How We Discuss Egg Freezing

Mainstreaming the discussion around egg freezing seems like a win for everyone. But that normalization can cost patients a fuller, more nuanced picture of what they can expect.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

First-time parents over 35 are more common, but is health care keeping up?

A growing share of people are getting pregnant in their late 20s, 30s and even 40s. But it’s unclear whether the United States is prepared — medically or socially — to care for older first-time parents.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Helping families deal with school avoidance: 3 questions for Naomi Fisher

The clinical psychologist is helping families think about how best to help children learn.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

More than 20% of teens have seriously considered suicide. Psychologists and communities can help tackle the problem

Reports show increasing rates of suicide, with youth of color and LGBTQ youth most affected—all against a backdrop of teens reporting high levels of hopelessness, sadness, loneliness, and suicidal ideation.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

“My Daughter’s Murder Wasn’t Enough”: A Uvalde Mother Fights Back

One year ago, before the school shooting in Uvalde, Kimberly Mata-Rubio had never been on a plane or given a public speech or scolded a U.S. senator right there in his office. A year in the life of a grieving mother.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The Secrets and the Emotional Cost of the Adoption Industry | The New Yorker

Adoptees reckon with corruption in orphanages, hidden birth certificates, and the urge to search for their birth parents.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

I talked to 70 parents who raised highly successful adults—here's the 'rare' skill they all taught their kids

Parenting expert and author Margot Bisnow, who is a mother to two entrepreneurial sons, interviewed 70 families who raised confident and successful kids. Here's the "rare" skill they all taught their kids at an early age.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Pandemic may have altered some personalities to be more neurotic, less agreeable

The pandemic may have altered adults' personalities, making them somewhat less extroverted, open, agreeable and conscientious, a study found.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The Best Ages for Kids to Learn to Read, Speak New Languages, and Other Skills

Parenting a new human means making sure they have all the skills they need to thrive. But that can be a stressful proposition—not least because of all the conflicting advice out there.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Want to Raise Successful Boys? Science Says Do This (but Their Schools Probably Won’t)

Students—especially boys—need hours of physical activity every day and they aren’t getting enough.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The SAT Isn’t What’s Unfair - The Atlantic

MIT brings back a test that, despite its reputation, helps low-income students in an inequitable society.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The Age of the Unique Baby Name - The Atlantic

Parents used to want kids to fit in. Now they want them to stand out.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Does Having Kids Make You Happy? - The Atlantic

Research has found that having children is terrible for quality of life—but the truth about what parenthood means for happiness is a lot more complicated.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Adopting a Baby Is Harder Than Ever - The Atlantic

At a glance, America’s shortage of adoptable babies may seem like a problem. But is adoption meant to provide babies for families, or families for babies?

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The Promise and Peril of a High-Priced Sleep Trainer | The New Yorker

Open Instagram and behold the perfect, zonked-out babies, lulled to sleep by methods designed by expensive coaches.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Rates Of Postnatal Depression Among New Mothers Rose Sharply During Lockdown – Research Digest

By Emily Reynolds. Study of London-based mothers finds rates of postnatal depression were twice European average during lockdown.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How to keep your kids educated at home during lockdown | WIRED UK

We've collected together the best products and resources to keep your children educated and exercised without having to leave the house

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Parents Have More Synchronised Patterns Of Brain Activity When They’re Together – Research Digest

By Emily Reynolds. Couples who listened to sounds together showed more similar activity in brain areas involved in attention than those who were apart.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

8 Proven Techniques for Parents to Prioritize Their Mental Health During the Pandemic

Parenting experts and influencers share how they are managing stress and anxiety throughout COVID-19.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Social Media Isn’t Actually Creating Anxiety Or Depression In Teens

An eight-year study conducted by Brigham Young University found that the amount of time spent on social media is not directly increasing anxiety or depression in teenagers.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How babies integrate new events into their knowledge -- ScienceDaily

Babies seek to understand the world around them and learn many new things every day. Unexpected events -- for example when a ball falls through a table -- provide researchers with the unique opportunity to understand infants' learning processes. What happ

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

8 Proven Techniques for Parents to Prioritize Their Mental Health During the Pandemic

Parenting experts and influencers share how they are managing stress and anxiety throughout COVID-19.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Long Periods Of Stress Can Alter Sperm, Impact Brain Development Of Baby - Study Finds

Researchers say a recent study shows a biological mechanism that allows stress to alter sperm and impact the brain development of the next generation.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

NIMH » Large-Scale Genetics Study Sheds Light on Developmental Origins of Autism

Researchers were able to identify different types of rare genetic variations associated with autism spectrum disorder by analyzing data shared via the NIMH-funded Autism Sequencing Consortium.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How About Some Good News? Coronavirus Can't Be Passed From Mom To Newborn, Study Finds

Chinese researchers believe that the novel coronavirus is not transferrable from pregnant mothers to newborns at birth, a new study finds.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

During Adolescence, The Brain 'Rewires' To Prepare For Adulthood

Researchers say that new brain networks "come online" during adolescence, and these fresh connections being made between different parts of the brain help teens cultivate the social skills they need for navigating the world of adulthood.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Biological WiFi: Baby & Adult Brains 'Sync Up' While Playing Together - Study Finds

A new study conducted at Princeton University's baby lab has found that infants and adults often share the same brain wavelengths during natural play.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Children Involved In Organized Sports Less Likely To Have Emotional Difficulties - Study Finds

Children who play organized sports starting at a young age are less likely to deal with emotional issues or difficulties by the age of 12.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Study: Battling Stress At A Young Age May Actually Extend Lifespan

Stress is hardly considered a good thing, but a surprising new study finds that experiencing adversity early on in life may just extend one's lifespan.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

ADHD Help for Kids: Try Omega-3 Fish Oil

A new international study finds that omega-3 fish oil can actually treat ADHD symptoms in certain children just as much as leading ADHD medications.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

In the Age of Media Here's How to Teach Girls Self-Worth

Michelle Cove, MEDIAGIRLS founder, shares her tips on how to promote self worth, teach young women confidence, and reframe negativity on social media.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Teens Bonds with Parents Impact How "Fast" They "Grow Up"

Whereas many parents recall rebelling as teens and plotting ways to distance themselves from their parents — including getting their driver’s license and moving out of the house — that desire for independence seems to have waned.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Increase in Glasses for Teens Linked to Screen Time

A new study is warning parents that all that screen time may be behind a stunning rise in children who need prescription glasses.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How Limitations Can Stir Pre-schoolers Interests

If you want your kids to eat healthier, offer them less healthy food.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

High Schoolers Who View Intelligence as Fixed Are More Stressed

An interesting study conducted at The University of Texas has found that high school students' views on learning and intelligence can make all the difference when it comes to fighting academic stress.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How Mom's Can Model Positive Self-Image to Their Daughters

Women who denigrate their own looks unwittingly pass negative attitudes on to the next generation of girls.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Technology is Distracting Parents from Connecting. Time to Unplug!

“Technoference” and how screens are disrupting parents’ most important relationship.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Playing Pokémon Extensively In Childhood Actually Changes the Brain

By Emma Young. As well as being fascinating, the study has important practical implications.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Kids who get a half-hour of sunshine daily have significantly lower risk of IBD later in life

Here's another reason to get your kids outside every day: a new study finds that children who spend at least a half-hour a day in the sunshine have a significantly reduced risk for developing either inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) later in life.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Having 'Cold,' Unsupportive Mother Linked To Premature Aging, Increased Disease Risk - Study Finds

People who were raised by emotionally-closed or unsupportive mothers are more prone to premature aging and disease later in life, a new study finds.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Anxiety in preschoolers needs its own kind of therapy | Science News

Researchers are seeking ways to break the link between preschool worries and adult anxiety.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

NIMH » Release of “13 Reasons Why” Associated with Increase in Youth Suicide Rates

A study conducted by researchers at several universities, hospitals, and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) found that the Netflix show “13 Reasons Why” was associated with a 28.9% increase in suicide rates among U.S. youth ages 10-17 in t

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The Science of "Mom Brain" | Psychology Today

Has parenting made you more forgetful? Emotional? Ever blame it on "mom brain"? Here's the science behind how our brains might change after becoming a parent.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

High-School Athletes Are Struggling With Mental Illness - The Atlantic

When high-school sports replicate the training methods and intensity seen at the college level, players feel the toll.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Study: Reading Books To Your Children Every Day Is Worth A Million, Literally - Study Finds

A recent Ohio State University study that found reading five books a day to your children exposes them to about 1.4 million more words by kindergarten than those children who did not have books read to them.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Children Who Participate In Team Sports May Have Healthier Brains, Study Finds

A recent study by neurologists at Washington University found that participating in team sports in childhood can improve brain structure, and may also lead to fewer instances of depression in boys as young as nine.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Regulators Approve a New Drug That Could Be a Game-Changer For Postpartum Depression

Federal regulators have just given the green light to a second new kind of antidepressant this month, after decades of little progress combating the disease.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

When Dad Is Sad: Postpartum Depression In Men Must Be Taken More Seriously, Study Finds

As many as 1 in 10 new dads suffer from postpartum depression (PPD), but how does the condition differ for men compared to women?

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Teens and Sleep: The Cost of Sleep Deprivation

Lack of adequate sleep is linked to moodiness, risky behavior and injuries

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How to Help Teens Weather Their Emotional Storms - The New York Times

A D.I.Y. snow globe full of glitter is an apt metaphor for the emotional chaos of the adolescent brain.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Why is it so damn hard to get healthy? - Mind Over Matter [M.O.M.] Healthy Living

Why is it so damn hard to eat healthy? I decided to ask other Mamas the same question.  I got hundreds of responses and remarkably, many of them had the same 8 reasons!  Here’s a chart of my...

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Study: Serving Water With School Lunches Could Save Billions, Lower Obesity Rate

A new study that replacing sugary drinks with water in school lunches could help prevent over half a million from becoming obese and save America billions.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Anxiety in Children and Teens: What all Parents Need to Know -

Anxiety can make everyone feel helpless, but it is manageable. Here is a powerful way to respond to anxiety in children and teens, to help them find calm.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Gen Z More Likely to Report Mental Health Concerns

Welcome to the Monitor on Psychology digital edition! This interactive format allows you to easily read, share with friends, and click on web links to get further resources.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

On College Campuses, Making Overdose Medication Readily Available : NPR

College campuses are growing increasingly concerned about how to keep students safe amid a national opioid crisis. Some schools provide free and easy access to drugs that can reverse an overdose.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

More Than 90% of Generation Z Is Stressed Out | Time

The American Psychological Association's 2018 Stress in America report shows that stress and mental health issues are common in Gen Z.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Vigorous Activity During Childhood Cuts Heart Disease Risk Later In Life - Study Finds

There are plenty of immediate and short-term benefits for children who regularly play sports, but a recent study shows that physically fit children may have the healthiest hearts during their adult years. 

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Average Parent Enjoys Just 32 Minutes Of Free Time Each Day, Survey Finds - Study Finds

A new survey that explores the daily routines of moms and dads finds the average parent enjoys about a half hour of free time on a typical day -- and many find themselves being forced to actually hide from their kids in order to get away.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Yes, Violent Video Games Trigger Aggression, but Debate Lingers - Scientific American

Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Study: Having 'The Talk' Just Once Won't Keep Teens From Having Unsafe Sex - Study Finds

"The talk," of course, is a rite of passage for teens meant to lay out both the risks and rewards of having sex, but does it really help? A new study finds that it can -- but having one conversation simply isn't enough.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How to Help a Child With an Anxiety Disorder - The New York Times

When worrying gets in the way of a child’s functioning, parents need to get help rather than arranging the child’s life to avoid the occasions of anxiety.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Five Ways to Help Teens Build a Sense of Self-Worth - Mindful

Teens are experiencing increased levels of anxiety and perfectionism. Encouraging them to develop their strengths and see beyond themselves can help boost their self-esteem.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Vigorous Activity During Childhood Cuts Heart Disease Risk Later In Life - Study Finds

There are plenty of immediate and short-term benefits for children who regularly play sports, but a recent study shows that physically fit children may have the healthiest hearts during their adult years. 

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

When There Is a Mental Health Crisis in Your Dorm - The New York Times

As colleges face criticism for asking mentally ill students to take leaves of absence, former students discuss their struggles, and their roommates and dorm mates recount what it’s like living with them.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Medicaid Covers Foster Kids, But Daunting Health Needs Still Slip Through The Cracks | Kaiser Health News

Nearly all children in the foster care system are covered by Medicaid. Yet, foster parents still struggle to meet the extraordinary health needs of their children. To solve this, some states are experimenting with a coordinated approach to care — with m

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Workplace Gender Biases Differ Depending On if You Have Kids

A new study finds that workplace biases can be especially influenced by marital status -- but present different outcomes -- particularly when a parent is single.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Don’t Believe the Hype: Tech-Induced Anxiety is Real | Thrive Global

The New York Times published an op-ed by a psychiatrist who says tech-induced anxiety among teens is a myth, but the science shows otherwise.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The Evidence on Kids, Sleep, and School Start Times | Psychology Today

Science demonstrates that when young people begin puberty, their biological clocks shift. But school start times don't follow suit.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Is It Sleep Deprivation or Postpartum Depression? - National Sleep Foundation

Are you sleep-deprived—or is it more serious? Here’s what separates sleep deprivation and postpartum depression.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How Can I Improve My Self-Esteem?

We all have problems with self-esteem at certain times in our lives. Here are some tips that might help.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How Parents Can Help Their Freshman Teens Cope With Stress

School can always be stressful, but starting high school for the first time comes with its own fears and anxieties. Here's some simple advice for parents to help their freshmen navigate the new year.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How to Eat Healthy in College with Food Allergies| Vitacost Blog

Heading off to college? If you have food allergies, check out this healthy eating guide for tips on who to talk to, what emergency snacks to pack and more.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Telling Someone They were Unplanned Pregnancy May 'Doom Every Relationship' Afterwards - Study Finds

A new study finds that people who learn they were the result of an unplanned pregnancy have more difficulty than others in close relationships.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Baby Talk May Sound Silly, But It's Crucial For Building Language Skills - Study Finds

When Mommy and Daddy use baby talk, it is more than child's play. That repetitive, cute speech pattern that seems to come so naturally to most parents, grandparents and caregivers also speeds up vocabulary development and language skills, a recent study f

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How Parents Can Help Their Freshman Teens Cope With Stress | Thrive Global

School can always be stressful, but starting high school for the first time comes with its own fears and anxieties. Here's some simple advice for parents to help their freshmen navigate the new year.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How to Deal With Your Seriously Stressful Parents | Thrive Global

Meghan Markle’s rocky relationship with her father is playing out on the world stage, so we asked an expert for advice on how to handle a fraught relationship with your parents.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Let Kids Play Outside | Psychology Today

Playing outside, digging for worms, planting vegetables, and essentially coming into contact with plenty of dirt and livestock are actually good things. Not just good – essential.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Parents’ Screen Time Is Hurting Kids

When it comes to children’s development, parents should worry less about kids’ screen time—and more about their own.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Parenting Style Quiz

Parenting works best when parents are compatible in their parenting style. Discover what your parenting style is with this quick scientific quiz.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Screen All Teens For Depression, Pediatricians Urge

The nation's leading group of pediatricians has updated its guidelines for tackling teen mental health issues. One recommendation: Annual depression screening for all adolescents 12 and older.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

A Case Study on Punishment

When you were punished as a child, did it work? Or did you just strategize how to get away with your behavior the next time?

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The ‘Problem Child’ Is a Child, Not a Problem

Suspending or expelling young students for behavior they can’t control makes matters worse. There is a better way.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Under our noses: ADHD & Sleep

I tend to read the papers, such as those linking obstructive sleep apnea and ADHD, which support my contention that sleep deprivation is a major contributor.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Compassionate Parenting

We teach children self-regulation by modeling our more humane values.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Don’t Hate Your Husband: Advice for New Mothers

The first years of parenthood are tough on couples. A few survival tips.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Touch Screens May Be Ruining Toddlers' Sleep

This is the first study to look at the link between toddlers' touch-screen use and sleep, the researchers said.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Why Kids Shouldn’t Sit Still in Class

Movement stimulates the brain and may help students become better learners.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The Unexpected Loneliness of New Mothers

Loneliness might be the last thing new mothers expect to feel, but it is far more common than we realize.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Is a Teen Depressed, or Just Moody?

With reports of an increase in teenage depression, experts say parents should watch for major changes in their own children.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

New Study Shows How Dads Bond With Their Kids

A new brain imaging study shows that fathers given the hormone oxytocin show increased activity in brain regions associated with reward and empathy when viewing photos of their toddlers. "Our findings add to the evidence that fathers, and not just mothers

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

When Do Children Start Making Long-Term Memories?

Dima Amso, an associate professor in the department of cognitive, linguistic and psychological sciences at Brown University, answers

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Fact or Fiction?: Vaccines Are Dangerous

Overwhelming medical evidence proves that negative side effects are rare and minor

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Fish oil pills for pregnant moms may cut asthma risk in kids

Children whose moms took high doses of fish oil during their last three months of pregnancy were less likely to develop chronic wheezing problems or asthma by age 5, finds a study that suggests a possible way to help prevent this growing problem.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

You Asked: What Causes a Miscarriage?

A lot of factors can contribute to a miscarriage, but you probably can't control any of them.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Self-Control is Important Predictor of Success: Increase it In Kids

A world renowned study thas found self-control is one of the greatest predictors of future success and happiness. How to increase self-control in children.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The Cure for Campus Loneliness

It’s strange to think that you could feel lonely on a campus of 500 or 5,000 students, but it happens all the time.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Creating An Ideal Learning Environment

New research uses computer games and wearables to assess the physical and mental states that correspond to optimal attention and self-control among children and

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

How Parents Can (and Should) Utilize Principles of Play Therapy

The goals of play therapy easily translate into the goals of parenting: a good mix of responsiveness and nurturance, clear communication and firm boundaries

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

10 Current Psychology Studies Every Parent Should Know

Whether parents are happier than non-parents, why siblings are so different, the perils of discipline, bedtimes, TV and more…

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Conscious uncoupling before it was cool

Some of you may know that I was inspired to start thenewfamily.com and the #1000families project in part because my own family is a little unique. While the catch phrase “conscious uncoupling” may have come roaring into popular discourse this

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Memo to Parents: Back Off, and Children Learn More

In “The Gardener and the Carpenter,” Alison Gopnik says children are naturals at learning and have a better chance to develop if parents lighten up.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Three Developmental Charts: Erikson, Kohlberg, and Piaget

As a follow-up to my blog posts in the Guide Your Child’s Intellectual Development series, I’ve laid out three developmental charts capturing Erik Erikso...

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Off to College? Maybe These Devices Should Go Along

From computers to coffee makers, choosing the right devices for students can be tough. Here’s a guide to make back-to-school shopping a little easier.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

What #Babies Know About Physics and Foreign Languages

Our kids don’t need to be taught in order to learn.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

#Breast-Feeding the #Microbiome

In an excerpt from his new book, “I Contain Multitudes,” Ed Yong explains how a mother’s milk helps strengthen her baby’s microbiome and brain.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Can Attachment Theory Explain Our Relationships?

The most important parenting you’ll ever do happens before your child turns one — and may affect her for the rest of her life. One mother’s journey through the science of attachment.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Moving as a child can change who you are as an adult

Researchers have figured out the true impact of moving -- and it's pretty bad.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

'Tell Me About When You Were Little'. Children and Storytelling

Children and storytelling were made for each other. Here are the stories that will intrigue them and expand their world more than any other.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Excuse Me While I Lather My Child in This Toxic Death Cream

It's Memorial Day weekend. We are up at the cabin with family. A time where we are supposed to be resting and relaxing. A time of thankfulness. A time of...

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Learning to Live With a Child's Allergies

You read every ingredient in everything you buy. You come to know certain products so well that when they get a new ingredient, it’s like a friend getting a haircut.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

A Child Care Gap in the Résumé: Whether to Explain or Not

Though many women follow “don’t ask, don’t tell” when job-seeking after a child care gap, a study says it may be better to explain why they stayed home.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Phobias and Fears in Children - Powerful Strategies To Try

Phobias and fears in children are very manageable. Here's how to empower them to move straight through the middle of the fears that get in their way.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Seeing the benefits of failure shapes kids' beliefs about intelligence

Parents' beliefs about whether failure is a good or a bad thing guide how their children think about their own intelligence, according to new research. The research indicates that it's parents' responses to failure, and not their beliefs about intelligenc

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Gap Year May Have Benefits Long After College

In “There Is Life After College,” Jeffrey Selingo explores how the post-college experience doesn’t look much like the journey we ourselves took a generation ago, and how a gap year can help.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Where's the Magic in Family Dinner?

Regular meals serve as an easily measured proxy for one of longest-standing and sturdiest determinants of adolescent well-being: authoritative parenting.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

An Age By Age Guide to Sex Education

When it comes to sex education, parents often have many questions. How do I start? What do I say? And when? Here is an age guide for what kids need to know.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

Childhood Trauma, Mental Illness & Diagnostic Distractions

The vast majority of people diagnosed with a mental illness have suffered from some form of childhood trauma.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The Family Footsteps We Follow

The glory of a close family is that you never lack for cheerleaders, enveloping you in support. The flip side is that you never lack for judges, weighing you down with expectations.

Psychology | Parenting and Kids

The 4 Questions To Ask Students Who Don’t Know What They Want To Do | Improving Job Placement Outcomes | Better Weekda

Some students enter, or even graduate, their university without a clue as to what they want to do, which industry to pursue, and how to go about making that

    Psychology | Parenting and Kids

    Young Mice, Like Children, Can Grow Up Too Fast

    We often act as if children should grow up as quickly as possible, says Alison Gopnik. But a full childhood is necessary, new research about young mice shows.

    Psychology | Parenting and Kids

    Parenting advice from a teacher of the year, a children’s author, and more

    Seven very different parents. Seven pieces of their best parenting advice. Read on.

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      Announcing the Sleep Revolution College Tour

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      Phew! It's Normal. An Age by Age Guide for What to Expect From Kids & Teens - And What They Need From Us

      Being a kid or a teen is not for lightweights - it's tough out there! There are important things that need to be done, that only they can do. The nature of these jobs depends on the developmental stage they are at. 

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      5 Questions to Ask a Child Psychologist

      Find the right psychologist for your child and your family.

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      Calming Stormy Feelings: A Child's Introduction to Psychotherapy: Sarah Abel, Karen Zilberstein:

      Calming Stormy Feelings: A Child's Introduction to Psychotherapy- Knowing how to help children with their feelings can be challenging for all parents, but when feelings grow too strong, they create storms that burst through and change the way children act. This book aims to introduce parents and children to the world of feelings and psychotherapy.

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      Being a Stepparent: What You Need to Know to Make It Work - Hey Sigmund - Karen Young

      Stepfamilies come with their own unique challenges and being a stepparent isn't easy. Here are eight ways to make stepfamily life much easier,

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      Declining Student Resilience: A Serious Problem for Colleges

      College personnel everywhere are struggling with students' increased neediness.

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      Parenting Practices that Influence Brain Development - For Better or Worse

      Parenting, like all things, has gone through its phases but modern beliefs and practices might be hindering healthy brain development in children.

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      A Prudent College Path

      There’s a way to combine an intimate academic environment with a state school’s sweep and socioeconomic diversity. More students should consider it.

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      The Fundamental Way That Universities Are an Illusion

      Research suggests that colleges are not unified by teaching standards, and that the real differences are within departments and classrooms.

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      The Proven Way to Build #Resilience

      Adolescence and childhood can be fraught with social adversity. Relationships are tested, sometimes lost and then there is the challenge of making new ones. Being seen in a positive light socially often trumps other challenges as the most critical to mast

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      Teaching #Kids How To Set & #Protect Their #Boundaries (And Keep #ToxicPeople Out)

      Teaching kids how to set boundaries is an important life skill. Here's how to to protect your kids from the people who might shrink them.

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      Essays About Work and Class That Caught a College’s Eye

      Few students applying to college write about their family financial situations. But those who take the risk — whether poor or well-off — can stand out from the crowd.

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      How to Teach Children to Share

      Don’t force them: when given a choice, children’s sharing behaviour increases in the future.

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      Be Less Irritable With Your #Child Today

      The key to any kind of successful parenting is keeping our cool -- self-regulation. We have to model the behavior that we want to see in our kids. This means that our adult-tantrums (a.k.a. yelling fits) are not helping us folks....

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      8 Ways To Maintain A Strong #Connection With Your #Kids

      As we become more connected to our smartphones and other devices, there's an increasing sense of disconnection and loneliness that pervades our lives. While we may expect this feeling with

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      7 Fun Ways To Teach Your Kids Mindfulness

      I taught a mindfulness class at my daughters’ elementary school this week. Unsurprisingly, the kids taught me way more than I taught them. While I was doing research to develop the class, I came

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      #Anxiety in #Kids: How to Turn it Around and #Protect Them For Life

      Anxiety in kids can be particularly distressing but they respond well to intervention. Here's are the skills that will build them and protect them for life.

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      How to Survive the College Admissions Madness

      The obsession with elite colleges distorts reality, hurts kids and perverts education.

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      25 Ways To Ask Your #Kids 'So How Was #School Today?' Without Asking Them 'So How Was School Today?'

      As my kids get older, I know I am going to have to work harder and harder to stay engaged with them -- but I know it's going to be worth the work....

      Psychology | Parenting and Kids

      28 Ways To Ask Your Teens 'How Was School Today?' Without Asking Them 'How Was School Today?'

      When you get engaged dialogue with a teen, it's never disappointing. It's guaranteed to be interesting; sometimes it can be very enlightening; and it's ALWAYS worth the work. ALWAYS....
