
News | Antisemitism Watch

Eric Clapton evokes antisemitic stereotypes: 'Israel is running the world'

Late last year, Clapton released a song called “Voice of a Child,” accompanied by a video featuring images of extensive destruction in Gaza that ignored the October 7 massacre committed by Hamas.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Vancouver comics festival bans Jewish artist over IDF service

Miriam Libicki is a graphic novelist and artist based in Vancouver.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

We, the Jewish People, Are a Single Body

We’re human beings. How can the Torah expect you to not hold a grudge against someone who has hurt you?

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Does Biden reject Israel’s right to self-defense? (Spoiler Alert: Yes, He Absolutely Does)

The administration’s effort to stymie military action, coupled with its continued criticism as to how Israel is conducting a just war against a terror group, puts the Jewish state at risk in the region and the world.

Politics | Debunking Lies

▶️ Israel Didn’t Target a Safe Zone in Rafah. So What Happened?

Almost eight months into the Israel-Hamas war, and the media have learned nothing in regard to blindly reporting Hamas’ propaganda. Although the

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Pakistani Tries to Run Over Jewish Students in NYC: 'Gonna Kill All the Jews!'

A Pakistani migrant is now accused of attempting to murder a group of Orthodox Jewish students outside of a Brooklyn school this week.

Politics | The Left

All Eyes On Rafah! Another Vapid, Lazy Piece Of Woke Propaganda

Rafah is a horrible situation because it’s war. An explosion happened. Civilians died. It wasn’t Israel, but as per usual, everyone blamed the Jews. Even the Jews jumped the gun this time. All the Jewish advocates blamed themselves, so accustomed to being

News | Israel At War

What Was HAMAS' Plan for October 7th? | Caroline Glick

What was Hamas' plan for October 7th, did they really think they could win? Caroline Glick tackles this complicated subject in her extraordinary talk given a...

News | Standing With Israel

Fetterman gets standing ovation at Yeshiva graduation for removing Harvard robe hood

"I have been profoundly disappointed with Harvard's inability to stand up for the Jewish community," the pro-Israel senator said.

Politics | Indoctrination On Campus

Head of Harvard's Islamophobia Task Force Signed Statement in Support of 'Palestinian Liberation Struggle'

The co-chair of Harvard University’s Islamophobia task force signed a statement that endorsed the "Palestinian liberation struggle" and slandered Israel as an "apartheid regime."

News | Israel Around The World

Pro-Hamas rioters set fire to Israeli embassy in Mexico City

Police clashed with protesters at the ‘Action for Rafah’ event in the Mexican capital

News | Antisemitism Watch

Elder Of Ziyon - I really don't like Nazi analogies, but..it sure feels like 1935

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

News | News

Arab protesters at Hebrew U. call to 'expel the occupier'

"It is inconceivable that the Hebrew University allows a disgraceful demonstration of terror supporters," said Knesset member Avigdor Liberman.

News | News

JNF forest to be uprooted to expand Dangerous Arab village Encroaching on main road. • הקול היהודי

While the IDF has establishing a brigade to protect forces moving on roads during wartime, the Israel Lands Authority is expanding the Arab village of Kafr Kanna in a manner that encroaches on a major road. The Lev HaGalil Organization said, “Drop this pl

History | History

Jewish History: 10 Facts You Should Know About Queen Salome Alexandra

A ruler from ancient Judea's Second Temple times, she embodied nobility and righteousness.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Shots fired at Jewish girls school in Toronto

Police are searching for two suspects following the incident at the Bais Chaya Mushka School for Girls in North York.

News | Israel Around The World

Buried facts about the Gaza war

Connect the dots: It’s America and Iran against Israel

News | Antisemitism Watch

Elder Of Ziyon - Amnesty calls for the destruction of Israel on Nakba Day (update)

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

News | News

Arab Israelis march in Galilee in solidarity with Gaza

The march, in which protesters shouted anti-Israel slogans and waved Palestinian flags, coincided with Israel's 76th Independence Day.

Politics | Opinion

The Meaning of Israeli ‘Independence’ – Commentary Magazine

“There is no question that this year, our Yom Ha’atzma’ut celebrations are different,” Israeli President Isaac Herzog said in an Independence Day message to Jews abroad. And indeed, the Jewish

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Faithful and Fortified: The Rebbe and the IDF

The inside story of the Rebbe’s involvement in Israel’s security, as told by its defense and government leaders.

History | History

Jewish resistance in Holocaust shown in 'Resistance – They Fought Back'

Paula Apsell’s new film tells the stories of  Jews who fought back in the Shoah.

Politics | Opinion

Elder Of Ziyon - Is the US really this stupid?

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Hid Israeli Weapons Stoppage Until After Holocaust Speech

President Joe Biden signed off on a pause in weapons supply to Israel last week but kept the decision out of the public eye until after his speech on Tuesday to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Politics | Campus Watch

At MIT, Administrators Allow Unlawful Encampment To Displace Lawful Israeli Independence Day Event

In the run-up to an annual Israeli Independence Day celebration at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, university president Sally Kornbluth assured student organizers that an unauthorized anti-Israel encampment—located in the same area where the Je

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin Officials Coordinated With Anti-Israel Group To Isolate Israeli Jews in West Bank, Emails Show

Senior Biden administration officials have been coordinating since at least early 2022 with an outside anti-Israel group to isolate Jewish Israelis living in the West Bank, internal government emails show.

Politics | Campus Watch

Northwestern Administrators Sign Resolution Calling for Boycott of 'Terror' State Israel

Northwestern University administration officials and faculty members signed a resolution demanding that the school cut ties with Israel, calling the Jewish country a "terror" state and accusing it of "one of the most atrocious and monstrous sieges in mode

Politics | Campus Watch

Biden Civil Rights Chief Plans To Give Columbia Law Commencement Speech As University Cancels Main Ceremony

The Biden administration’s civil rights chief Kristen Clarke is still planning to give the keynote speech at the Columbia Law School graduation next week, after Columbia canceled its main commencement ceremony amid attacks on Jewish students on campus, a

Politics | Campus Watch

A Yale Professor Wrote an Op-Ed About Anti-Semitism on Campus. The University Spent Over a Year Investigating Him.

Yale University spent more than a year investigating a Jewish professor for six words of an op-ed he published in a pro-Israel newspaper, raising questions about the school’s approach to anti-Semitism and free speech as the campus continues to cope with t

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

The Jewish Story of the UNC Frat Boys Who Held up the American Flag

Images of a small group of students at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill holding up an American flag amid violent anti-Israel protests last week captured the attention of the nation. The boys were caught on camera struggling to keep the Stars and Stripes from falling onto the ground after the protesters sought to replace it with a Palestinian flag.

Politics | Media Bias

NPR’s Pro-Hamas, Anti-Israel Narrative Part II: Producer

This is the second of two articles describing how NPR has skewed its coverage of the Hamas-Israel war toward a pro-Hamas, anti-Israel narrative.

Politics | Media Bias

NPR’s Pro-Hamas, Anti-Israel Narrative Part I: Citations and Interviewees

This is the first of two articles describing how NPR has skewed its coverage of the Hamas-Israel war toward a pro-Hamas, anti-Israel narrative.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Britain’s ‘liberal imam’ says politicians should be ‘called out’ for having Jewish family members

Taj Hargey said Sir Keir Starmer having Jewish family members is why he’s ‘pussyfooting’ on the Israel-Hamas conflict

News | Antisemitism Watch

Antisemitism at university encampments prove anti-Zionism is bigotry

Those who advocate for the destruction of Jews anywhere, rejoice at the harm done to Jews everywhere. 

Miscellaneous | Jewish Life

An Israeli survivor of the Holocaust and Oct. 7 says after the recent atrocities, we ‘held our heads high’

Penina Ben Yosef escaped the Nazis in Poland and was a founder of Kfar Maimon, where she found herself sheltering as Hamas terrorists and IDF soldiers battled right outside

Politics | Opinion

Yom Hashoah after Oct. 7: How Holocaust education failed

A generation of young Americans was taught to universalize the Nazi war on the Jews, leaving them vulnerable to being seduced by antisemitism and woke lies about Israel.

Politics | Opinion

The war against the Jewish story

The ease with which anti-Zionists have managed to portray the Jewish state as genocidal marks a historic failure of Holocaust education

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

If ‘Never Again is Now,’ We Must Finish the Mission in Gaza

We have severely compromised our autonomy and mobility due to our longtime dependence on others.

News | Jewish Community

Anti-Israel Protesters Disrupt Holocaust Remembrance Day Event at Auschwitz

Anti-Israel protesters on Monday disrupted an event at Auschwitz, the infamous Nazi concentration camp in Poland, commemorating the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust by the Nazis. The International March of the Living, an annual Holocaust education

News | Antisemitism Watch

Swastikas spray-painted at Columbia University professor's office

The NYPD has launched a hate crime investigation after swastikas and an anti-Semitic slur were discovered at the office of a Columbia University professor.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s duplicitous history against Israel – www.israelhayom.com

  Joe Biden is, once again, at loggerheads with Israel. This has been brewing for decades. Biden infamously admitted telling

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Never again?

The obligatory Holocaust Remembrance Day mantra rings hollow in the wake of the Oct. 7 massacre.

History | History

Some Facts About the Holocaust for Those Just Learning

Between the years 1938 and 1945 the German Nazis and their willing collaborators murdered 6 million Jews and millions of others.

Politics | The Left

Inside the College Democrats’ antisemitism problem

The group’s national leadership refused to support a draft statement in response to anti-Israel protests that included a standalone condemnation of antisemitism

Politics | Opinion

The Fight to Define Anti-Semitism

The race is on: Can Congress save the American Jewish community from destabilizing a rare plank of cross-ideological consensus? First, the good news. The House of Representatives ended the day

News | Articles By Me

We Deserve Better. Much better. - Joshua Namm

The post 10/7 Jewish world cannot be business as usual.

News | Israel At War

"If they're at the beach, the war is over. And if the war is over, let's admit the war is over."

Watch now | That, more or less, is what some Israelis dumbstruck by the photos of Gazans at the beach are now saying. We share portions of one such column by a well known and highly regarded Israeli journalist.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Susan Sarandon denied Hamas's October 7 atrocities, rapes

Susan Sarandon claimed that Hamas was rejecting ceasefires because they were "terrible deals" and that accusations of Hamas committing rape were "myths."

Politics | The Left

Astroturfing Exposed: The Coordinated Anti-Israel Protests and the Power Behind Them

This is an important reminder of the complex, deceptive, and hidden dynamics that fuel protests of a geopolitical nature.

Politics | Opinion

‘Picking on the smallest minority’: College students ‘rehashing age-old anti-Semitic tropes’

Israeli author and activist Noa Tishby has blasted college students for “rehashing age-old anti-Semitic tropes” by “picking on the smallest minority in the w...

Politics | Campus Watch

They aren’t revolutionaries. They’re bigoted brats

The Columbia cranks rant about killing Zionists one minute and demand hot meals the next.

Politics | Politics

Did the Biden Regime Green-Light Arrest Warrants for Israeli Leaders, Including Netanyahu?

 If a Wednesday report in the Israeli media is accurate, this is one of the most, if not the most, craven betrayal of an ally in American history, and in the entire world’s history.

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Smotrich: Gov't has 'no right to exist' if Rafah op canceled

According to media reports, new terms conveyed to Egypt include a willingness to discuss the "restoration of sustainable calm" in Gaza.

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

This Jew Hater Is EVERYTHING Wrong With Generation Z

One of the Columbia protest organizers makes clear just how much he hates Jews; USC cancels its commencement out of fear of protesters; and the Supreme Court...

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

AOC Lets the Mask SLIP in UNHINGED, Angry Rant at Republicans for DEFENDING Israel and Jewish Students

 Imagine being THIS ANGRY because politicians visit a college campus in crisis and defend Israel and the Jewish students whom their classmates are terrorizing. At this point, we're starting to think AOC's mask is not just slipping, it has entirely come off.

Politics | Leftist Lies

White House Insists Biden Has Been 'Very Clear' About His Position on Pro-Hamas Campus Chaos

 As pro-Hamas campus chaos spread to even more schools on Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked for the president's reaction to the leftist students, faculty, and outside groups calling for the murder of Jews and elimination of Israel.

News | News

Biden’s America: Jewish Students Advised to Flee Columbia University for Their Own Safety

 The Orthodox rabbi at Columbia University and Barnard College issued a statement advising Jewish students to leave campus and return home because of ongoing demonstrations by anti-Israel activists that threaten their safety.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Anti-Fragility: The Jewish People’s Resilience During Dark Times

Major setbacks in Jewish history proved to be the springboard for extraordinary new adventures in Jewish spirit and creativity.

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

Google Employees Protesting Business with Israel Arrested After More Than 8 Hours in CEO's Office

Google employees who took part in a protest over the company's continued business with Israel were arrested on Tuesday evening.

Politics | Politics

Biden shouldn’t get away with granting a victory to Hamas

U.S. threats have given genocidal terrorists a respite as the media continues to demonize Israel and enable antisemitism. But the war isn’t over yet.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

The Biden administration’s war against the government of Israel

Before Oct. 7, rioters demanded the overthrow of Netanyahu’s coalition due to its “anti-democratic” policies and “corruption.” The new rallying cry is to free the hostages.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

US Gaslights Israel At The UN | The Caroline Glick Show

The US fails to veto a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, then denies that anything has changed, and Donald Trump gives a less than comforting...

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Israel alone - Melanie Phillips

Weep for America. In my article here last week, I wrote that America was abandoning Israel. Today, the Biden administration wrote its name in the annals of infamy by openly joining the axis of evil against those defending civilisation.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Purim and the Betrayal of American Jewry - Chabad

Jews feel that Western liberalism has abandoned them. This has happened before. This is what the Purim story can teach us.

News | News

TikTok Supporters Blame Jews for Congressional Ban

TikTok supporters online are claiming that "pro-Israel lobbying groups" and Jews are responsible for pressuring Congress into fast-tracking bills that would ban the Chinese social media app, which the U.S. intelligence community deems a national security

News | News

Principal Lied To Punish Jewish Teacher Who Reported Muslim Student For Praising Hitler

A Maryland school system knowingly used false information to discipline a Jewish teacher in response to her reporting to her principal that at a pro-Palestinian walkout — which the principal called “fantastic” — students praised Adolph Hitler and called for the death of Jews.

News | Jewish Community

The west’s abandonment of the Jews - Melanie Phillips

With every day that passes, it becomes ever clearer that western civilisation is no longer civilised.

Recipes | Kosher Recipes

15 Exciting Hamantaschen Recipes for Purim

Wondering why hamantaschen are traditional Purim fare? The reasons and symbolism are abundant. Check out The History and Meaning of Hamantaschen.

News | News

Jonathan Sacks – On Jewish Character PEKUDEI

Jonathan Sacks – On Jewish Character PEKUDEI Pekudei has sometimes been called “The Accountant’s Parsha”, because that is how it begins, with the audited accounts of the money and materials donated to the Sanctuary. It is the Torah’s way of

Politics | Politics

Trump Beating Biden By 9 Points Among New York Jewish Voters

Biden has grown increasingly hostile toward Israel's efforts to use force to defend itself and unwilling to combat antisemitism on his side.  

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Why the left must lie about Hamas and rape

Journalists and those who post on social media deny the atrocities of Oct. 7 because of the false narrative about Israel being a “settler-colonial” state that enables antisemitism.

News | Jewish Community

'Middle Eastern' man murders Jewish dentist — but police insist suspect is just a 'disgruntled ... customer'

A young Jewish dentist in California was gunned down in cold blood, and a "Middle Eastern" man stands accused of the crime. However, police caution that the shooting was likely not "racially or politically motivated."Just after 4 p.m. last Thursday, polic

History | History

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel Belongs to the Jews (Judean Rose)

The Jews aren't white people who came back to Israel from Europe. There has been a continuous Jewish presence in the Holy Land, the Land of Israel.

Politics | Politics

Giving Rational Ignorance a Bad Name

More evidence that the Biden Administration is largely staffed by morons and ignoramuses. A couple days ago I drew a contrast between the late UN Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Biden’…

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

From Seinfeld to Ben-Gvir, Antisemites Attack Jews | The Caroline Glick Show In-Focus

Jewish businesses or anybody who supports Israel in any way are being attacked across the world by far-left and Islamist mobs. Is this causing an awakening a...

Politics | Politics

Biden Admin Won’t Say if West Bank Sanctions Apply to Jews Living in Jerusalem

The Biden administration will not say if its decision to impose sanctions on Israelis it accuses of committing human rights abuses in the West Bank will apply to those living in Jerusalem, leaving open the possibility that Jews living in Israel's capital

News | News

Jonathan Sacks – Leadership Means Making Space TETZAVEH

Jonathan Sacks – Leadership Means Making Space TETZAVEH Tetzaveh is, as is well known, the parsha in which for once Moses take second place. In fact, he is not mentioned by name at all, and all the focus is on his brother, Aaron, and on the role he

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Are American Jews Prepared for the Return of History?

Probably the most famous line from the HBO series True Detective is: “Time is a flat circle.” The line, spoken by Det. Rust Cohle (played by Matthew McConaughey) in the

Music | Music

Bob Dylan & Israel, The Neighborhood Bully

It may not be his best song, but Dylan’s 1983 song about Israel is surprisingly resonant today.

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Chair of Harvard University History Department Belongs to Group Behind Grotesque Anti-Semitic Cartoon

The chairman of Harvard University's history department is a member of a faculty group, Harvard Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine, that posted an anti-Semitic cartoon over the holiday weekend depicting a hand emblazoned with the Star of David hol

Recipes | Kosher Recipes

How to Make Kosher (Non-Dairy) Hungarian Chicken Paprikash

Chicken Paprikash is a Hungarian comfort food, adapted by prewar Hungarian Jews to fit with the kosher laws, and passed down through the generations with love.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How Do You Observe Judaism In Outer Space?

When to pray? When is Shabbat? What to do when time and space are not what they are on earth?

Politics | Politics

Biden Shields Palestinians from Deportation, Vows to Give Them U.S. Jobs

President Joe Biden is shielding Palestinians in the United States from deportation while authorizing DHS to loosen work requirements.

Politics | Politics

Rep. Rashida Tlaib refuses to condemn rape and sexual violence committed by Hamas

Far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) was the only member of the House who declined to vote Wednesday for a resolution condemning the rape and sexual violence that Hamas leaders ordered members of …

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Anti-Judaism becomes a protected characteristic

A tribunal ruling has effectively declared open season on Jewish students

Politics | Illegal Immigration

Palestinian Illegal Alien Enters U.S. Via Mexico, Beats NYC Homeowner Over His Support for Israel

 In yet another disturbing example of illegal aliens from all over the world entering the U.S. via Mexico, a 26-year-old Palestinian illegal allegedly beat a New York homeowner to the ground and stole his U.S. and Israeli flags out of his yard — all while yelling antisemitic slurs.

News | NEWS

Gaslighting 101: Australian Police Deny Any Protestors at Sydney Opera House Chanted 'Gas the Jews'

 Back in 2021, internet history was made when NBC sports reporter Kelli Stavast was interviewing auto racer Brandon Brown, who had just won his first NASCAR Xfinity Series race.

News | Articles By Me

Joshua Namm: For Jews, The Ivy Is Still Poison

Nothing has changed in the Ivy League.

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

Jamaal Bowman Accused Israel of Genocide. Now, Vandals Are Defacing Jewish Businesses in His District With the Same Message.

Jewish-owned businesses in Democratic congressman Jamaal Bowman's New York district were defaced with anti-Semitic graffiti that read, "Genocide supporter," an accusation Bowman himself hurled at Israel following Hamas's Oct. 7 attack.

History | History

Jewish Kingdoms Throughout History

There have been several Jewish states inside and outside the Land of Israel during ancient times, some lasting for centuries, others for only a few years.

News | News


HOWARD EPSTEIN: THE  FUTURE IS BRIGHT. THE FUTURE IS JEWISH It is my pleasure to write this week’s column from Eretz Yisrael, where everyone has been touched, to a greater or lesser extent, by the War (that’s the current iteration of the hundred

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Son’s request for Star of David necklace a ‘changing moment’ for congressional candidate Mazi Pilip

The Israeli-American has a strong showing in the polls in a congressional special election for the seat formerly held by George Santos.

News | Israel/Jewish Community

The Greatest Threat to the Survival of Israel is the American Progressive Movement

A couple of years ago, a local Jewish community organization invited me to join a planning session to develop its lobbying agenda in advance of our state’s…

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Gazan 'Civilians' Involved in Every Stage of Hamas Hostage Scheme, Freed Israelis Say

TEL AVIV, Israel—Israeli women and children have in recent weeks begun speaking publicly about what they experienced during nearly two months in Hamas captivity late last year.


Rabbi Accuses Utah Jazz of Making Him Put Down 'I'm a Jew And I'm Proud' Sign After Kyrie Irving Complaint

A rabbi claims that the Utah Jazz told him to put down his sign after Dallas Mavericks star Kyrie Irving complained about it to stadium staff.

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

LOUDER for the Morons in Back! Cori Bush Brutally SCHOOLED About Who Should REALLY 'Cease Fire'

 Even Rashida Tlaib hasn't been quite as annoying as Cori Bush when it comes to Israel, Hamas, and the constant whining at Biden to demand a ceasefire. Don't get us wrong, Tlaib is seriously gross, awful, and sucks big time BUT she isn't nearly as 'present' on Twitter whining about things as Bush is.

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Hamas rockets target Tel Aviv area for first time in a week

Millions were forced into bomb shelters across central Israel. No injuries or damage were reported.

News | Jewish Community

Meineket Rivka – The First Published Book by a Jewish Woman

Released posthumously in 1608, this work serves as a Torah-inspired ethical manual for social and spiritual conduct.


‘He’s an American, You Idiots!’ Social Media Erupts After Protest of Jerry Seinfeld Show Over His Israel Support - 'He's

Social media users called a large pro-Palestinian protest outside Jerry Seinfeld's stand-up comedy show in downtown Syracuse, New York, "misguided" and said that targeting him for being an American Jew who supports Israel was antisemitic. Hundreds of acti

Politics | Politics

Biden Throws Israel Under the Bus in a Big Way - Says Israel Has to Change Its Approach, Government

 What was it that Obama Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said about Joe Biden?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Add a Light Each Night of Chanukah?

The Talmud gives two reasons: to indicate the night and because we always ascend rather than descend.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

20% of Young Americans Think Holocaust Is a Myth

One in five young Americans say that the Holocaust is a myth, according to a poll released Thursday, and around 30 percent express anti-Semitic views.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How to Light the Menorah - Chabad

Breeze through the Chanukah Menorah lighting with a step by step guide on everything from which menorah is kosher to how to arrange and light your own menorah.

News | News

Teachers Union Official Compiled List Of Nearby Wealthy Jews, Calling Them ‘Gluttons And Thieves’

A Maryland teacher is on leave while the school system investigates her for a string of anti-Semitic social media posts that included creating a list of wealthy Jews in her county, claiming they horde wealth while contributing nothing to society, and calling for “class war.”

News | Antisemitism

Wary of Deportation, Elite Colleges Won't Expel Anti-Semitic Foreign Students

As anti-Israel protesters swarmed college campuses, MIT president Sally Kornbluth drew a line in the sand: Any student engaged in an unsanctioned protest would face expulsion.

Politics | Free Speech

USC Professor Banned From Campus for Being Mean to Hamas

 In a shocking violation of free speech, a USC professor has been suspended and banned from campus after he spoke against Hamas.

News | Israel/Jewish Community

What the Terrorists Imprisoned in Israel Did After Being Released Is Eye-Opening

 The prisoner/hostage exchange between Israel and Hamas has inadvertently highlighted a harsh reality in the overall conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. It’s an issue that is one of the biggest obstacles to achieving a peaceful solution between the two parties.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Thanksgiving Meets Chanukah - . . . and they find they have a lot in common.

Hi, America, I’m Thanksgiving. And I’m also Chanukah. Hold my hand. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Now say, “Thank G‑d, we’re free.” Doesn’t that feel good?

News | Jewish Community

I Left the Israel March With an Empty Backpack and a Full Heart

There was a sense of an innate connection. We were bound and connected by 3,300 years of history and a Divine mission to bring light to the world.

History | History

October 7 Happened Before, in Hebron

A brutal massacre nearly a century ago in Judaism’s second-holiest city makes clear that murderous Palestinian rage against Jews has little to do with Israel or Zionism

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

Gavin Newsom Gave Millions to Mosques that Cheer the Annihilation of Jews

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D.) has awarded millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to mosques whose leaders have preached anti-Semitic hate and called for violence against Israel.

News | NEWS

WHOA: Ben Shapiro Directly Goes After Candace Owens, Calls Her 'Disgraceful'

 Is Candace Owens on the way out over at The Daily Wire? I can't answer that question, but if Ben Shapiro's latest commentary is any indication, there's trouble in paradise.

News | Jewish Community

LIVE: Hundreds of Thousands March for Israel in Washington DC

American Jews began arriving well before dawn, in time to pray the Vasikin and Hallel morning service at sunrise, led by popular Hasidic vocalist Beri Weber outside the gates of the White House.

News | News


Barry Shaw – JEWISH LIVES MATTER! Paul Kessler was the 69-year-old Jew who was smashed on the head by a pro-Palestinian with a megaphone and died of his injuries. Instead of calling it an anti-Semitic hate crime, the police called it homicide. In Am

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Antisemitism: Why Are All of You Silent?

A few years back you were a bunch of activists. Now Jews are being murdered in cold blood and you haven't said a word.

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

Victor Davis Hanson: The Mindset of Our Anti-Semites

Peruse campus literature. Watch clips from university protests. Scan interviews with pro-Hamas protestors. Read the chalk propaganda sketched on campus…

News | Antisemitism

Germany Earns The Ultimate Facepalm: Anne Frank Daycare Center To Be Renamed

 The explosion of overt antisemitism in recent weeks has been disturbing to see no matter where it takes place. We live in the United States, so we're most horrified about it here, but scenes from London, Australia, and elsewhere are equally concerning. This is not the way a society behaves ... at least if it wants to survive.


'Free Palestine' really means 'Eliminate Israel,' and Democrats can no longer ignore it

Saturday’s rally in Washington makes it beyond obvious: The left won’t accept anything less than total US abandonment of Israel.

News | News

Jonathan Feldstein – The Awakening of Jewish Christian Mutual Support

Jonathan Feldstein – The Awakening of Jewish Christian Mutual Support Like many Israelis, I have had the privilege over the last few weeks of stepping up and doing things on behalf of others in a way that has been particularly uplifting, especially

News | Jewish Community

The war against the Jewish people and the west

It's as if both Stalin and Hitler are being afforded a posthumous victory

News | Antisemitism

Antisemitic graffiti in Fairfax, including at Canter's Deli, investigated as possible hate crimes

Antisemitic messages found painted outside Canter's Deli and other locations in the Fairfax District are being investigated as possible hate crimes, the LAPD said.

News | News

Whoops: Hamas Just Completely Nuked All Its Pathetic Apologists

 When someone keeps telling you what they want, it's best to believe them instead of constantly rationalizing what they "really" want.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Antisemitism? My Coworkers’ Cheers for Hamas Shocked Me | Workplace Coach Blog

Antisemitism? My Coworkers' Cheers for Hamas Shocked Me. The stunning instances of antisemitism in workplace and else today.

News | Jewish Community

Cornell University: Police on Scene After Jewish Students Violently Threatened

Police have been dispatched to a building housing a kosher dining hall at Cornell University after Jewish students received violent threats.

News | News

‘Darkest Evil That Can Exist’: IDF Shows Martha MacCallum, Other Journos Hamas Video Not Released To Public

Fox News host Martha MacCallum and other select journalists were shown a 43-minute collection of video footage from Hamas terrorists, security cameras, and social media, taken during the attack in Israel on October 7. Some of the graphic video footage, shown by the IDF, has not been made public out of respect for the victims’ families.

News | Jewish Community

'Never Again' Is Right Now as Missing Posters Are Defaced in NYC

Amid the myriad of things to loathe about the American educational system, news media, entertainment industry, and social media are the erasing and twisting of history until things such as Kristallnac...

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Rather than protecting Jews, authorities are telling us to hide -- again

Lawyer Gerard Filitti holds a press conference announcing that Jewish students at Cooper Union who were hiding in a library during a pro-Palestine protest will file a lawsuit against the school.

News | News

Man Invades Jewish Family's Home in L.A., Shouts 'Free Palestine'

A man was arrested in L.A. after trying to invade the home of a Jewish family, and shouted "Free Palestine" as he was arrested.

Politics | BLM

Why Jewish lives don’t matter to BLM

The Hamas apologism of Black Lives Matter activists has exposed the twisted, hateful logic of identity politics.

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Largest Rabbinic Delegation to Visit Israel Greeted With Gratitude … and Rockets

26 Chabad rabbis from around North America insisted that they ‘have to be here’

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Ceasefire advocates are Hamas’s useful idiots

Those opposing a Gaza ground invasion aimed at the terrorist group’s destruction cite humanitarian concerns. Such appeals will only preserve a criminal regime.

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London police shut down billboards showing children held by Hamas

“Who are the police protecting here,” the Campaign Against Antisemitism wrote. “Those standing up to terrorists, or those who sympathize with them?”

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Report: Israel Creates Special Unit to Hunt and Kill Every Participant in Hamas Terror Attack

Israel's internal security service, the Shin Bet, has a new unit, "Nili," to find and kill every participant in the Hamas terror attack.