
News | Interesting Stories

Biden urges Israelis to accept hostage deal, blasting Netanyahu's talk of 'total victory' | The Times of Israel

“At this point, Hamas is no longer capable of carrying out another October 7."

Politics | Politics

Does ‘guilty’ verdict change the race?

Former President Donald Trump's supporters will see the guilty verdict against Trump in New York as deeply unfair and deeply politicized.

Politics | Politics

Joe Biden’s Empty ‘Ironclad’ Promises to Israel

President Biden is “pausing” US arms shipments to Israel because he does not want a full-scale pursuit of Hamas into Rafah. Too many civilians would be harmed, he warned. Hamas must be gleeful. The terror group hides among and under Gazan civilians precis

Politics | 2024 Election

Should We Be Worried About Trump's Polling Lead?

 Contrary to what many political pundits, including this one, thought would happen as soon as Donald Trump became the presumptive GOP nominee, the former president has maintained a slim but steady polling lead over President Joe Biden.

Politics | Politics

Exclusive: Feds secretly knew for years Joe Biden met with son’s Chinese partners on official trip | Just The News

Hunter Biden wrote his father was so enamored with China's communist leader "they all most kissed," new evidence shows

News | Interesting Stories

A Jordanian who crossed border illegally tried to force his way onto a US Marine base

In the early morning of May 3, two men in a box truck pulled up to the front gate of Quantico Marine Corps Base, 35 miles southwest of Washington, DC, and tried to lie their way in, claiming they were Amazon delivery men.

Politics | Politics

The Space-Time Continuum You Must Live in to Believe NYC Trump Prosecutors

 I know next to nothing about string theory, but it looks like the prosecutors in the Trump trial in Manhattan are hoping the jurors do. They want them to join the prosecution's time-space continuum — that's the only way to make sense out of how trying to kill a bad story in 2011 and again in 2016 turned into 34 alleged bookkeeping errors in 2017, and how those misdemeanors magically elevated into felonies in 2024 — including stealing the 2016 election.

Advice & Self-Help | Couples and Relationship Support

How to Handle the Dreaded Political Shop Talk at Work

In a presidential election year, it’s hard to know how to separate the personal and political.

Politics | Politics

Biden offers Israel location of Hamas leaders and other perks if IDF stops Rafah op – report | World Israel News

The White House has been demanding for months that no major IDF operation be launched against Hamas in the city until a million civilians are moved out of harm's way.

News | NEWS

Biden claims inflation was 9% when he took office – it was 1.4%

President Biden falsely claimed in an interview Wednesday that inflation was 9% when he entered the White House. It was, in fact, 1.4% when he took office.

Politics | Politics

Did Fani Willis Indict Defendants Without Proper Jurisdiction?

If a court rules that she did, her entire case crumbles and would leave her and Fulton County vulnerable to a multimillion-dollar lawsuit.

Politics | Politics

Biden Admin Funneled $1.3 Million to Taliban, Audit Finds

The Biden administration funneled nearly $1.3 million to the Taliban as part of reconstruction projects in Afghanistan that are being administered by the United States, according to a government oversight group.

Politics | Opinion

Some on the Right Are Having a Moral Meltdown

My disdain for the left began at a young age. From as early as I can recall, I hated evil, and I therefore always hated communism. When I realized the left…

Politics | American Politics

Some suburban Philadelphia voters didn’t receive absentee ballots for primary before Passover

Jewish residents of Montgomery County reached out to their Congressional representatives, local election officials, Gov. Josh Shapiro’s office, and even their rabbis to sound the alarm

Politics | Politics

‘Threat Facing Our Country Is From the Far Left’ and Socialistic Thugs, Not Trump: Bill Barr | The Epoch Times

The Biden administration is the ‘greater threat to democracy’ as they have a ‘totalitarian temper,’ he said.

Politics | Iran

Victor Davis Hanson: Are Iran’s Nine Lives Nearing an End?

The theocracy of Iran has been the world’s arch-embassy attacker over the last half century. So it has zero credibility in crying foul over Israel’s April 1…

Politics | Donald Trump

Poll: Just 35% Believe Donald Trump Did Something 'Illegal' in Alvin Bragg's Criminal Trial

Just over one-third, 35 percent, of individuals believe former President Donald Trump did something overtly "illegal."

Politics | Opinion

The World Is Paying A Deadly Price For Obama's Foreign Policy

Joe Biden, feckless and weak, has surrounded himself with Barack Obama acolytes. Iranian dupes and Israel antagonists, all.

News | Interesting Stories

Iran informed Turkey in advance of its operation against Israel - Jerusalem Post

Iran informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, conveyed through diplomatic channels, aiming to limit escalation in the Middle East.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Here’s Why This Texas Democrat Thinks Black Americans Should Be Exempt From Paying Taxes

 Texas Democrat Rep. Jasmine Crockett reportedly suggested that black Americans should be exempt from paying taxes as a form of reparations.

Politics | Politics

As a Principal, Jamaal Bowman Objected to Teaching About 'White' Figures Like George Washington, Honoring Cop-Killers Instead

As a middle school principal, New York Democratic congressman Jamaal Bowman advised against teaching about "white" historical figures like George Washington, Jesus Christ, and Santa Claus. Instead, he used his position to elevate a renowned anti-Semite an

Politics | Politics

Biden warns Netanyahu that US will change policy on Gaza could change

President Biden warned Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu that U.S. policy towards Gaza would change if Israel did not take immediate steps to better protect civilians.

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

Gavin Newsom Forces Fast Food Franchises To Pay Their Workers $20 an Hour. His Luxury Restaurants Pay Their Workers Less

California’s fast food franchisees must hike their minimum wage to $20 an hour under a law Gov. Gavin Newsom (D.) hailed as "extraordinarily beneficial." His own luxury restaurants, meanwhile, are paying their workers less.

News | News

PODCAST | The Lie That Is Biden’s Support For Israel

Before I get into anything, I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me and offered up prayers and well wishes during my time under medical care. I appreciate each one of you. And before we get into the meat of what I want to address, now comes n

News | News

The Communist Chinese Influence in America's K-12 Education System

In recent months, US officials have raised concerns over the communist Chinese’s concerted efforts to extend its global influence – and especially its propagandistic influence into the United States – through what it terms “soft power.” This inf

News | Interesting Stories

Leading US general says Israel not getting all weapons it asks for | The Times of Israel

Joint Chiefs of Staff head Charles Brown Jr. tells group Washington unwilling to provide some arms, doesn't have capacity for others; his spokesperson denies any change in policy

News | Abortion

David Daleiden exposes power of Planned Parenthood’s pro-abortion lobbying

David Daleiden, Project Lead for the Center for Medical Progress, talks about Planned Parenthood’s powerful lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill. Daleiden also talks about how Kamala Harris, a then-California State Attorney General endorsed by Planned Parenth

News | Interesting Stories

Israel-Hamas War: How do we fight back against our dark history? - The Jerusalem Post

Finding a way to connect to our fellow Jew, bringing our society that much closer together, is a tangible victory against this darkness around us.

News | Interesting Stories

Hezbollah rocket hits Israeli factory, killing one

A barrage of 30 rockets hit the town and its environs after an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon killed seven terrorists Tuesday night.

Politics | Politics

Trump: 'Only a fool' wouldn't have responded to Oct. 7th like Israel did | World Israel News

Former president defends Israel's response to October 7th invasion - but urges Jewish state to 'finish it up' and 'get to peace.'

Politics | Politics

Hamas admits claim IDF raped Palestinians was false - here's why they changed tune

Lie about IDF soldiers sexually assaulting Palestinian women was meant to 'unite the people,' says journalist.

Politics | Politics

Israel nixes US Rafah talks as Washington allows UNSC resolution demanding Gaza ceasefire | The Times of Israel

Tensions between countries appear to reach new high as US refuses to veto motion; Jerusalem says American decision harms war effort, attempts to free hostages

News | News

Ignoring Cries For Freedom; Pandering To Ungrateful Haters

The United States is supposed to be the beacon of freedom for all the world to see, at least that’s how the story goes. But time and time again, when opportunities present for the United States to come to the aid of those risking their lives to cry out

Politics | Politics

Marvel Studios founder Avi Arad rips Chuck Schumer over his criticism of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Marvel Studios founder Avi Arad slammed Sen. Chuck Schumer for abandoning Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and meddling in Israeli politics amid the Jewish State's war of survival with Hamas.

News | Interesting Stories

PM tells Blinken Rafah op is inevitable; secretary warns him Israel risks isolation | The Times of Israel

Top US diplomat meets with Netanyahu, Gantz, reportedly tells war cabinet Israel's security, international standing also in danger without a 'day after' plan for Gaza

Politics | Politics

Biden has officially, publicly and formally turned on Israel | World Israel News

Biden also appeared to suggest that he might pull offensive weapons from Israel’s resupply package.

Politics | Politics

House Republicans mulling Netanyahu invite to Congress after Schumer snub | World Israel News

Senate Majority leader reportedly refused Israeli premier’s request to speak to Senate Democrats, but House Republicans say they may invite Netanyahu to address Congress.

Politics | Politics

Democrats press Biden to push 'bold' plan for Palestinian state | World Israel News

Democratic senators push Biden for unilateral recognition of Palestinian state.

Politics | Politics

House votes to keep sensitive American data out of hostile countries’ hands | Fox News

House lawmakers are rushing to protect sensitive American user data amid a wider technology race with foreign adversaries.

Science & Technology | Technology

Former Google employee: How a ‘code red’ meeting and ChatGPT led execs to take 'shortcuts' in Gemini AI launch

A former high-level Google employee detailed significant structural issues at the company and said they cut corners to compete with ChatGPT and launch Gemini.

Politics | Politics

New York Times Calls Deep State 'Kind of Awesome'

 I do not hold The New York Times in very high regard. I hold the opinion section of the New York Times in even lower regard. This article and video by Adam Westbrook and Lindsay Crouse demonstrates why.

News | News

WATCH: Hamas sells humanitarian aid from abroad to Gaza civilians

As billions of dollars of aid is being poured into Gaza, Hamas is stealing the aid then reselling it to make a profit.

Politics | Politics

‘We also have a Red Line’: Netanyahu Approves Plan for Rafah Operation | United with Israel

'The IDF is prepared for the operation and to evacuate the [civilian] population,' Says Netanyahu.

Politics | Politics

Schumer faces backlash from centrist Jewish orgs over Netanyahu remarks | World Israel News

Schumer’s remarks were 'profoundly disappointing and concerning,' stated the executive vice president of the Orthodox Union.

Politics | Politics

Trump promotes abortion compromise as Democrats push issue in 2024 race

Former President Donald Trump joined 'MediaBuzz' to discuss his stance on abortion and how it will affect the 2024 election.

News | News

PODCAST | We Really Have To Confront The Radical Thinking Of The Far-Left

As a lead into today’s America’s Third Watch program – in which we discuss at length Chuck Schumer’s shameful but full-throated endorsement of interfering in another sovereign nation’s election, among other things – I wanted to play a clip tha

Politics | Politics

White House Atty Tries to Tell Speaker Johnson Impeachment's Over; Johnson Tells Him to Stay in His Lane

 On Friday, White House Counsel Ed Siskel sent Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson a letter, claiming that the impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden was "over," and telling Johnson, "It's time to move on." Mr. Siskel has evidently not read the Constitution, because the White House has no authority over this process, and to his endless credit, Speaker Johnson wasted no time explaining that in no uncertain terms.

Politics | Politics

Trump Beating Biden By 9 Points Among New York Jewish Voters

Biden has grown increasingly hostile toward Israel's efforts to use force to defend itself and unwilling to combat antisemitism on his side.  

News | News

The Problem With A Gaza Ceasefire

As the Biden administration and the terminally misinformed and under-educated of the GenZ and Millennial generations push for a ceasefire between Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza, two glaring truths seem to be falling through the cracks;

Politics | Politics

Biden Admin Poised To Grant Iran Billions in Sanctions Relief

The Biden administration is poised to issue a fresh sanctions waiver for Iran that will grant the country access to upward of $10 billion in frozen assets, providing Tehran with "a financial lifeline" as it foments terrorism across the Middle East, accord

News | Interesting Stories

PURE EVIL: What we’re seeing are not just protests against Israel | World Israel News

We are witnessing an ugly and ominous recrudescence of an extremely evil chapter in human history.

News | News

PODCAST | The Cheney-Kinzinger Scam Exposed

Before we get to the subjects of President Biden, his arrogance transmitted to the Middle East, and the troublesome floating pier he wants to put on the coast of Gaza, I wanted to shed some light on the crime committed by the so-called January 6th committ

Politics | Politics

White House exploring how to force Netanyahu out - report | The Times of Israel

Growing frustration with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s handling of the ongoing war in Gaza has led US officials to explore what can be done to force the collapse of his government, according to an unconfirmed US news report.

News | News

PODCAST | The Screeching Of A Delusional Man

Before we get deeper into the screamfest that was Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech (Is that what that was? It sounded a hell of a lot more like a campaign speech full of rainbows and unicorns…oh, and by the way, it’s all our fault for not appre

News | News

Telegraphing The Unconstitutional Disenfranchisement Of American Voters

As we progress into the thick of the silly season we will hear a lot more about election integrity, election interference, and voter fraud, and we’ll we should. Although some states moved to reinforce voter registration procedures and laws overseeing th

Health & Fitness | Health

Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccines’ Efficacy Exaggerated, Effectiveness ‘Well Below’ 50 Percent, Researchers Say

A key problem with the clinical trial is that the definition of vaccinated and unvaccinated is unclear, the paper says.

Politics | Politics

Exclusive – Republicans Rip Biden for Erecting Fence Around Capitol While Border Is Wide Open

Republicans are incensed that President Biden would erect a wall around the U.S. Capitol while Americans suffer from his open-border policies.

Politics | Politics

GOP Rips Biden's ‘Breathtakingly Awful’ SOTU: ‘Hyper Partisan, Angry, and Completely Out of Touch’

President Joe Biden “continues to mislead the American people and lie right to our faces with NO shame,” according to Republican officials.

Politics | The China Threat

The End of TikTok? A Complete Ban Is Now Closer Than Ever

 A complete ban on the Chinese-owned social media app TikTok is now closer than ever. Bipartisan legislation could require TikTok to divest from its Chinese owner ByteDance or face an outright ban on app stores across the United States.

Politics | Politics

Some fears about Islam are entirely rational

Richard Dawkins on the perils of outlawing ‘Islamophobia’.

News | News

With 11 Million ‘Newcomers' It’s Time To Get Serious About Securing The Vote

Merrick Garland’s flippant remarks about securing our nation’s vote for its citizens are both ignorant and infuriating at the same time. As record numbers of minority citizens successfully cast votes in every corner of the country, great care should b

Politics | 2024 Election

It's a Super Tuesday Trumpapalooza!

 Former President Trump absolutely DOMINATED the Super Tuesday contests. As of this writing, he has won Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.

Politics | Politics

How Our Government Uses Settlement Funds to Funnel Money to Left-Wing Activist Groups | Truth Over News | EpochTV

Since the Obama administration, DOJ settlement funds have been funneled to unnamed non-governmental parties ...

Politics | Politics

Supreme Court rules unanimously for Trump in Colorado ballot disqualification dispute | Fox News

The Supreme Court sided with former President Donald Trump in his challenge to the state of Colorado’s attempt to kick him off the 2024 primary ballot.

Politics | The Decline Of America

Victor Davis Hanson: American Paralysis and Decline

“We can bear neither our diseases nor their remedies.” So shrugged the ancient historian Livy (59 B.C.- A.D. 17) of the long decline of Roman national character…

Politics | Politics

US Treasury Secretary tells Israel to bring back Palestinian workers

Israeli ministers are concerned with the security problem posed by re-issuing work permits to Palestinians. 

Politics | Politics

Giving Rational Ignorance a Bad Name

More evidence that the Biden Administration is largely staffed by morons and ignoramuses. A couple days ago I drew a contrast between the late UN Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Biden’…

Politics | Politics

Clinton, 1995, immigration, SOTU

Bill Clinton talking about immigration in the 1995 State of the Union.

News | Interesting Stories

Biden warns Israel not to interfere with Hamas stealing aid

Hamas, much like the Houthis and the Taliban, appropriate aid, resells it, and deliberately causes famines to profit from them.

News | News

PODCAST | Turning The Page On Ronna McDaniel

Before we head into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on the announcement that Ronna McDaniel is stepping down as the RNC chair after the Super Tuesday primary contests. Quite frankly, the move is overdue.

News | News

Democrats: The Party Of ‘So What?’

As the silly season sprouts into full bloom toward the November General Elections, we are going to be on the receiving end of a very well-funded disinformation campaign – bankrolled by the billionaires of the political Left (the same ones bankrolling Ni

News | News

The Only Honest Way Forward Is Through Stand Alone Legislation

Now comes the news that Democrats have a brand new strategy to deflect from doing nothing for 3-plus years but promoting identity politics while purposely degrading the state of our Republic. They are going to blame Republicans for the crisis on the US so

Politics | Politics

Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, Meant To Counter China, Prompted Explosion in Chinese Battery Imports

In July 2022, weeks before President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, the Democrat said the bill would "give us the ability … to compete with China" and its dominant battery industry. One year later, U.S. imports of Chinese-made batt

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Fire Marshall Jamaal Bowman Urges 'Seat at the Table' for Hip-Hop Community on Federal Policy

 Rep. Jamaal Bowman is a man of many talents. When he is not pulling fire alarms to disrupt Congressional procedures, he spends his free time lecturing Jewish people on how to be Jews, praising cop killers, and fearmongering chemical plant explosions.

Politics | Op-Ed

Victor Davis Hanson: Delusions, Alternate Realities, and the Biden Consortium

Hunter Biden has a train of a dozen lawyers defending him on felony indictments ranging from several counts of tax fraud to gun violations. From time to time…

News | News

PODCAST | Yeah, I Have A Problem With Presidents' Day

As we get into this Presidents' Day edition of America’s Third Watch, I want to go on record as saying I was never a fan of homogenizing Washington’s Birthday and Lincoln’s Birthday together and then enjoining all of the presidents into that me

News | News

PODCAST | Voting ‘Present' On Condemning Rape & Sexual Assault?

Before we get into the meat of this America's Third Watch segment, I just had to comment on the absolute abdication of humanity exercised by US Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) in her “present” vote addressing Hamas' use of rape and sexual assault

Politics | Donald Trump

BREAKING: Judge Orders Trump to Pay $355 Million in N.Y. Fraud Trial

 It's a massive hit to Donald Trump's business empire. Judge Arthur Engoron has ordered Trump to pay nearly $355 million in damages after a lengthy trial for fraud in New York. Engoron released his 92-page ruling on Friday afternoon.

News | Interesting Stories

Vaccinated People Can Still Transmit Disease, FDA and CDC Officials Admit

A CDC official was asked why the CDC lists COVID as a vaccine-preventable disease if vaccinated people can still both be infected and transmit COVID.

Politics | Liberal Hypocrisy

'Not Rooted in Science': Media Won't Judge Biden's Brain After Throwing the DSM-5 at Trump

Pundits disparage the special counsel and accuse Joe Biden's critics of ageism. It’s a sharp change from when the media diagnosed Donald Trump with all kinds of disqualifying brain problems.

News | News

It’s Not Left v. Right…It’s Elitism v. Freedom

As we stampede into the 2024 General Election, we hear – and rightly so – that our country has never been more divided. Republican and Democrat, Conservative and Liberal, people are anchored in their ideology and it will be a gargantuan effort to reco

News | News

PODCAST | Unsportsmanlike Conduct & A Horrible Role Model

I didn’t watch the Super Bowl so I am making my points based on the extensive social media coverage of Kansas City Chiefs' Travis Kelce going unhinged on his coach. Kelce – or as I like to refer to him, Taylor Swift’s boyfriend – exhibited no

News | Interesting Stories

Professors Teaching Hate

Professors teaching hate on Campus - supporting Hamas

Politics | Politics

Jill Biden can spare us the fake outrage over the damning special counsel report

Jill Biden has lashed out at special counsel Robert Hur over his report that let her husband off the hook for willfully retaining and sharing classified files — due to the commander-in-chief’s total lack of recall.

Politics | Politics

There's An 'Impeachment Bomb' Against Trump Buried in the Ukraine Funding Bill

 "Back in 2019, Democrats articulated a novel theory of impeachment, based on Trump’s refusal to spend money from the USAI—Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative," Vance wrote in a piece for The American Conservative.

News | News

PODCAST | Excuse Me? Trump Has Already Been Acquitted on Insurrection Charges

With the release of special counsel Robert Hur’s report on President Biden’s handling of classified documents, it appears we are once again facing a Hillary Clinton-James Comey moment. Where everyone was outraged that Clinton wouldn’t be held to acc

Politics | Politics

Biden, White House blame Israel war for forgetting basic facts during special counsel interviews

President Biden and White House officials on Thursday blamed his memory issues during the special counsel interview on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Politics | Politics

Special counsel: No charges for Biden over classified documents | AP News

The report from special counsel Robert Hur, represents a harshly critical assessment of Biden’s handling of sensitive government materials.

Politics | Politics

The White House Says Biden's Travel Schedule Is 'Aggressive.' Here's What He's Actually Doing.

It's increasingly evident that Joe Biden, 81, is not mentally fit to serve as president, which means his handlers in the White House have been struggling to make the case that, actually, everything is just fine.

Politics | Politics

60% of Israelis support total victory against Hamas even if not all hostages are returned | World Israel News

Only 5% of Israelis said they thought the Palestinian Authority should rule Gaza after the war. 

News | News

PODCAST | George Stephanopoulos Exposes His Partisan Constitutional Illiteracy

On a recent edition of ABC News This Week, host George Stephanopoulos abruptly ended an interview with US Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), because Vance wouldn’t take a knee to the idea that the Executive Branch bureaucracy has autonomy outside the pleasure of the

Politics | Politics

The 5 Global Powers That Vie to Crush Each Other and Their Subjects | The Epoch Times

Today, the world has five globalist elites with worldwide aspirations that cooperate in numerous areas, often to crush opposition from their own subjects.

Politics | Op-Ed

Is Biden Malicious, Incompetent, or Conniving? › American Greatness

What Excites Biden? Things are becoming so strange, so surreal, so nihilistic in contemporary America that the chaos can only be deliberate. Chance…

Politics | Politics

Speaker Johnson reveals $17 billion clean Israel aid bill, says Senate 'will no longer have excuses'

House Speaker Mike Johnson sent a letter to his House GOP colleagues on Saturday announcing a new bill to send funding to Israel in its war on Hamas.

Politics | Politics

Over $7 Billion in US Funding Went to UN Agency Whose Employees Reportedly Attacked Israel on Oct. 7 | The Epoch Times

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticized the aid agency of being ‘riddled with waste, fraud, and concerns of support to terrorism.’

News | News

Take It Easy…No One ‘Hates' Taylor Swift

I find myself sitting at my keyboard – stunned and incredulous – that I am writing about the over-marketed pop star Taylor Swift. Strange times, indeed, as they say. But the controversy brewing around Swift (or her manufactured persona) is starting to

Science & Technology | Technology

AI researchers find AI models learning their safety techniques, actively resisting training, and telling them 'I hate you'

AI is obviously the topic of the moment and, while we seem to have gotten past the dichotomy of Terminator / saviour, a major source of concern remains the safety of this technology. This is not just

Politics | The Decline Of America

‘Somalia first’ and other alarming signs of a failing American empire

When the ruling elite believes the military’s loyalty should be to the current president and elected officials declare their primary loyalty to foreign nations, these are late imperial hours.

Politics | The "Squad"

Rep. Ilhan Omar Tired of Racist Loud Black Woman Trope

 First, let's check on the January the Squad is having:

Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism

Chicago Mayor Passes 'Ceasefire' Resolution as Gang Warfare, Antisemitism Grow

With the mayor's tie-breaking vote, the Chicago city council passed a resolution Wednesday calling for a ceasefire and condemning Israel.

Politics | Politics

US House officials dig deep into UNRWA-Hamas ties | World Israel News

Testimonies of UNRWA's failure to help the Palestinians in Gaza were recorded, with bipartisan unity in UNRWA's condemnation.

Politics | Politics

Former US ambassador accuses Biden of 'hampering' war on Hamas | World Israel News

Biden has made 'really inappropriate comments' on Israel-Hamas war, says former Ambassador David Friedman.

News | News

PODCAST | A Couple Of Things To Understand Before Your Opinion On The Middle East Matters

I’d like to touch on a subject that GenZers and GenZ Alphas – and maybe even some later Millennials – wouldn’t fully understand from experience. The subject matter is what most people mistakenly call “radical Islam.” It is important for a coup

Politics | Politics

15 Facts About E. Jean Carroll's Case the Media Don't Want You to Know

Serious concerns have fallen under the radar regarding E. Jean Carrol's entire lawsuit against Donald Trump.

News | In The News

U.S. Navy Drops High School Diploma, GED Requirement for Recruits — What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

 No Diploma? No Problem! The U.S. Navy has again lowered enlistment requirements as it struggles to meet self-inflicted recruiting goals. We'll get to the latter in a bit.

Politics | Politics

State Department Continues to Fund the UN's Terror-Simping UNRWA After Advertising a 'Pause' in Funding

 A growing list of countries have announced their contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) would "pause" after revelations that some of its employees were active participants in the October 7 Hamas terror attack on Israel.

Politics | Politics

Missouri Proposal Would Allow Senators to Challenge Each Other to a Duel to Settle Differences

 Every now and again, a politician makes a proposal in jest that I wish would become reality. Enter Missouri Republican State Sen. Nick Schroer, who had the unmitigated gall to propose a motion that would allow members of the state legislature to settle their differences the same way Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton did.

News | News

PODCAST | Letting The Days Go By: This Is Not My Beautiful House

Before we get to this morning’s segments on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, in which we discuss both how our federal government got to this level of dysfunction, and a pathway to rectifying this serious issue, I wanted to to point out a prime

Politics | 2024 Election

Yikes: Steve Kornacki Explains Just How Many 'Republicans' Voted in NH Republican Primary

 As we reported earlier, CNN was indicating that 70 percent of Nikki Haley's votes were from undeclared voters in the "GOP" primary.

News | Fun With Islam

The myth of ‘the Muslim world’

The Israel-Hamas War has exposed the danger of Islamic identity politics.

Politics | Politics

Hunter's 'Sugar Bro' Evasive Testimony Gets Him Into a Different Kind of Trouble – PJ Media

 Hunter Biden's "Sugar Bro," who financially bailed out the president's son from shortly after the moment they met appears to have changed their bromance origin story in a crucial way in testimony before the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees this week. But it's a switch that may get him into more trouble than he is now.

News | News

PODCAST | It’s Official…The GOP Primary Season Is Over

I wanted to play Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' presidential campaign suspension speech. It is just five minutes long, but it illustrates the humble modesty of a true leader. Far from utilizing the typical “blame everyone else” political move th

Politics | Politics

Biden threatens Netanyahu's drive to destroy Hamas

Instead of trying to overthrow the Netanyahu government, recognize that an Israeli win is an American win.

Politics | 2024 Election

DeSantis Suspends 2024 Presidential Campaign, Endorses Trump

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Sunday that he was suspending his presidential campaign and endorsing former President Donald Trump.

Politics | Joe Biden/Biden Administration

Border Schmorder: You Won't Believe What Ole Joe Wants to Focus on Instead

 Our borders are nonexistent, and our economy is in shambles. In short, America is currently a raging dumpster fire! But citizens, have no fear; President Puddin' Head is here to save us from ... *record scratch* overdraft fees???

Politics | Op-Ed

Victor Davis Hanson: The Hysterical Style in American Politics

The post-Joe McCarthy era and the candidacy of Barry Goldwater once prompted liberal political scientist Richard Hofstadter to chronicle a supposedly long…

News | News

VIDEO | January 6th: A Timeline Of Events That Raises Many Questions

Many narratives were crafted about the protest that occurred at the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. Almost all of the ones produced by Congress and the mainstream media shop the narrative of a violent mob that, unprovoked, stormed the Capitol Buil

Politics | Politics

New Jan. 6 Videos Confirm Capitol Police Officer Was Not Truthful In Oath Keepers Trial

According to investigative journalist Steve Baker from Blaze Media, newly released closed-circuit TV video clips from the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, reveal that Capitol Police Special Agent David Lazarus provided false testimony in the trial of the

News | News

Insurrection: Does The Left Understand The Meaning Of The Word?

In The Princess Bride, Vizzini constantly uses the word “inconceivable” as an exclamation, whether the word fits the moment or not. At one point, another character, Iñigo Montoya looks at Vizzini after he misuses the word for the umpteenth time and s

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

HOO BOY! MSNBC Panel VERY Alarmed by Iowa Caucus Result (Does THIS Meltdown Sound Familiar?)

 It's now looking like Donald Trump has cleared the first hurdle to the 2024 Republican nomination in Iowa:

Politics | Politics

Top Republican Candidates Would All Beat Biden: Poll

All three top Republican candidates would beat President Joe Biden in a hypothetical November matchup, according to a poll released Sunday, in the latest poor showing for the incumbent.

Politics | Donald Trump

Lawfare Against Trump Is Running Out of Gas

We should dispense with the tired narrative that four conscientious state and federal prosecutors—independently and without contact with the Biden White House…

News | News

PODCAST | The Errors In Biden’s Speech Were Many…But This Is The Most Egregious

Before we get to Monday’s segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to make a few comments about Joe Biden’s disgraceful Valley Forge speech. To put it bluntly, there was so much disingenuousness in that speech – so much politically driven propag

News | News

PODCAST | He’s Hitting The Mark…Too Bad The Media Is Ignoring Him

In recent days, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has made some very dangerous statements for someone in his position. He is speaking the truth and the establishment, Deep State political apparatus doesn’t like it. How can they? They hat

Politics | Joe Biden/Biden Administration

Biden’s Valley Forge Stunt Shows the Real Threat to Democracy

In his farewell address, George Washington famously warned the American people to temper the passions of faction. Washington and the Founders had…

Politics | Politics

A century before Claudine Gay, Harvard helped Nazi Germany improve its image in the West | The Times of Israel

Research into 'active collaboration' between Harvard and Nazi Germany gains relevance as Harvard continues to frame antisemitic rhetoric on campus as freedom of speech

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We Are Losing Generations To Inept Parenting & The Transitioners

In my more recent articles, I have been critical of GenZ, so much so that some of the more thin-skinned free subscribers have dropped their subscriptions to my Substack (I chalk that up to issue bandwagoning). But the fact of the matter is this. I am not

Politics | Donald Trump

The Atlantic: Trump Has Promised the Largest Deportation Effort in American History


As Twitchy reported earlier Monday, sanctuary city of Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson was upset that a private plane loaded with 350 illegal immigrants landed at the Rockford/Chicago airport carrying 350 illegal immigrants from San Antonio, Texas, without any communication from Texas that they were coming.

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PODCAST | You Can’t Toss Someone Off Of A Ballot Without Due Process

Now Maine. The election “authority” in that state, Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, has decided – unilaterally – that Donald Trump should be removed from the federal election ballot in Maine because he is an insurrectionist.

Politics | Liberal Fascism

Conservative Twitter Favorite 'Redsteeze' Exposes Real Motives Behind Labeling Everything 'Insurrection'

 If everything is an 'insurrection', nothing is an 'insurrection', however the Left has not learned this lesson yet, apparently. Last night, conservative Twitter icon, RedSteeze, broke down the reasons the Left is OBSESSED with this word. It really isn't about any actual concern for the upheaval in our government.

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How We Should Be Pushing Back Against The Propagandistic Left

As the clash between the terrorist organization Hamas and the sovereign nation of Israel rages on, the neo-fascist Left’s propaganda machine is in full whir, their special interest operatives whipping the ignorant GenZers and late-to-reality Millennials

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Peace On Earth Goodwill Towards Men…If Only

“Peace of earth, goodwill towards men.” We hear this phrase every year during the holidays, albeit less and less thanks to the marketing-driven “reimagined” Christmas. But it wasn’t too long ago that people – if only for a month – put some w

Politics | Politics

Mara Gay: Republicans Criticizing Colorado Ballot Ruling Are Just Like Confederates

 The Left, ever the defenders of democracy, have decided that if you oppose banning a candidate from a ballot, you are just like the Confederate soldiers who 'betrayed' their country.

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PODCAST | Phobias…The Woke Left’s Got ‘Em

In this segment of America’s Third Watch, we discuss – among other things – the woke Left’s neverending list of phobias. Oh, sure they present as being these confident social justice warriors, but the fact of the matter is this. That confidence is

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The Woke's Shallow Crusade Against US History Continues

Just when you thought the stupidity of erasing history had stopped, now comes news that the poison of wokeism is inside the gates at Arlington National Cemetery. That this story isn’t front-page news is disgusting. As Americans, we should be ashamed for

Politics | 2024 Election

Poll: Trump Dominance Hits New Level as He Nears 70 Percent Support in GOP Primary

Former President Donald Trump is dominating the Republican primary polls with 69 percent support, up seven points from November.

Politics | Politics

Election 2024: Trump Opens 10-Point Lead - Rasmussen Reports®

Former President Donald Trump now has a double-digit lead for 2024, as support for re-electing President Joe Biden has faded in the past month.

Politics | Politics

One-in-Five Mail-In Voters Admit They Cheated in 2020 Election - Rasmussen Reports®

More than 20% of voters who used mail-in ballots in 2020 admit they participated in at least one form of election fraud.