
Politics | Op-Ed

Nothing About This Is Normal

 We've crossed the Rubicon. There's no way to walk back what Soros DA Alvin Bragg, Judge Juan Merchan, and a Manhattan jury did today. It will reverberate beyond Trump's (much more likely now) second term.

Politics | American Politics

House Measure Would Bar Biden Admin From Funding Gaza Reconstruction

A measure circulating in the Republican-controlled House would block the Biden administration from spending taxpayer cash to rebuild the war-torn Gaza Strip amid mounting concerns this cash will empower Hamas to reestablish its network of tunnels beneath

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Republican Legislators React Strongly to Iran's Attack on Israel

 Iran’s Saturday attack on Israel has introduced a new focal point in Middle East geopolitics against the backdrop of the war in Gaza. Speculation about America’s possible response to the development has taken center stage on the airwaves and interwebs.

Politics | Politics

They're Gonna Put Y'all Back in Chains: Whoopi Goldberg Says Republicans Want to Bring Back Slavery

 The logic-lacking ladies of The View dish out a heaping dose of derp to roughly 2.5 million viewers daily.

Politics | Campus Watch

‘Texas will continue to stand with Israel,’ says governor in campus Jew-hatred executive order

“We thank Gov. Abbott for his leadership in taking this crucial step to ensure a safe learning environment for Jewish students in Texas,” stated Sacha Roytman, CEO of Combat Antisemitism Movement.

Politics | Politics

House Republicans mulling Netanyahu invite to Congress after Schumer snub | World Israel News

Senate Majority leader reportedly refused Israeli premier’s request to speak to Senate Democrats, but House Republicans say they may invite Netanyahu to address Congress.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Elder Of Ziyon - The Right also tolerates antisemitism way too much

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

News | News

PODCAST | Turning The Page On Ronna McDaniel

Before we head into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on the announcement that Ronna McDaniel is stepping down as the RNC chair after the Super Tuesday primary contests. Quite frankly, the move is overdue.

Politics | American Politics

Speaker Johnson reveals $17 billion Israel aid bill, says Senate 'will no longer have excuses'

House Speaker Mike Johnson sent a letter to his House GOP colleagues on Saturday announcing a new bill to send funding to Israel in its war on Hamas.

Politics | Politics

MAXWELL: What Is Ballot Chasing and Why Have Republicans Finally Embraced It?

 Mail-in voting is as old as the Civil War, but of course, back then, you needed an excuse to avoid Election Day furor.

Politics | Politics

Top Republican Candidates Would All Beat Biden: Poll

All three top Republican candidates would beat President Joe Biden in a hypothetical November matchup, according to a poll released Sunday, in the latest poor showing for the incumbent.

News | News

PODCAST | The Errors In Biden’s Speech Were Many…But This Is The Most Egregious

Before we get to Monday’s segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to make a few comments about Joe Biden’s disgraceful Valley Forge speech. To put it bluntly, there was so much disingenuousness in that speech – so much politically driven propag

News | News

PODCAST | He’s Hitting The Mark…Too Bad The Media Is Ignoring Him

In recent days, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has made some very dangerous statements for someone in his position. He is speaking the truth and the establishment, Deep State political apparatus doesn’t like it. How can they? They hat

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Vivek Ramaswamy Comes Out Against Gaza Invasion, Removal of Hamas

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy announced this week that he opposes Israel's invasion of Gaza and removal of Hamas.

Politics | Politics

Republicans to Biden: Refreeze the $6 billion granted to Iran

Group of Senate Republicans call on Biden administration to refreeze assets it allowed Iran to use as part of prisoner exchange deal.

Politics | Politics

Here Are the Damaging Stories About Democrats That Got Killed, Thanks to House Chaos

 If there’s one thing that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) did with his motion to vacate, it’s nuking many stories damaging to Democrats out of the news cycle. Gaetz followed his promise to usurp Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House over the stopgap measure that kept the government open.

News | News

PODCAST | Less Government. More Freedom.

Listen now (26 mins) | Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain’s America: Third Watch, I wanted to double down on some things we talked about at the end of the second segment. First, we need to expunge the idea that the Democrat Party i

Politics | American Politics

Republicans Move to Ban Iranian President from Entering US

Republican lawmakers are spearheading an effort to ban Iran’s president from entering the United States to attend the United Nations annual gathering next week.

Politics | Politics

An Inconvenient Trump: Republicans Are Living an Enormous Lie

None of these candidates can win the nomination, and should the powers that be succeed in jailing Trump, not one can win the presidency.

Politics | Blue State/City Life

GOP Lawmakers In a Blue State Are Seeking to Shift the Party's Stance on Two Major Issues

 Republicans in California may remove opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage from the state’s official party platform to resonate with voters, according to a report from the Los Angeles Times.

Politics | POLITICS

How Republicans Are Working Against Dem Attempts To Boycott Israel

Republicans in Congress are working to clamp down on efforts by the Biden administration to allow boycotts on Israel, just weeks after Senate Democrats paved the way for the United States to discriminate against Jewish-made Israeli products.

Politics | American Politics

Republicans threaten Biden nominees over antisemitic boycott of Israel

The Biden administration decided that US-Israel government-funded cooperation in a variety of areas must take place in pre-1967 Israel.

News | News

PODCAST | We Need To Do Better With The Gifts They Gave Us

LISTEN NOW | Before we get into this morning’s segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, guest hosted by Kyle Warren, I wanted to say a few words about Memorial Day: what it means and how the woke segment of our society is affe

News | News

PODCAST | The Media Is Already Interfering In The 2024 General Election

LISTEN NOW | I wanted to expound a little bit on the Kennedy candidacy, how the media is not covering it, and why the media is not covering it. Why aren't the media and the DNC getting behind a Kennedy candidacy? Because the fascist Left – the radi

Politics | Politics

Build Back Red California

The transformation of Dust Bowl migrants into surfing suburbanites was a social and economic miracle that supercharged the American dream. It can be replicated today.

Politics | Leftist Lies

Florida Republicans dance in the aisles after passing anti-trans legislation (not)

This is as bad as the dancing nurses.

News | News

PODCAST | In Desperate Need Of A Tactical Pivot

Listen now | We get into the recent speech in Waco by former president Donald Trump, some of the things he said that the crowd liked, and especially some of the stuff that he said that the crowd didn't like. It leads to the conclusion that he has got

Politics | Leftist Lies

Kayleigh McEnany DROPS Hakeem Jeffries for gross, blatant lie about Republicans and the Holocaust

And the media won't call Hakeem out ...

Politics | Politics

Twitter Is Censoring Republicans Again

Elon Musk should probably figure out what's going on here.

Politics | American Politics

Republicans demand answers from Education Dept. on antisemitism funding

The lawmakers accused the Biden administration of allowing "taxpayer-funded antisemitism" at colleges and universities across the country.

Politics | Politics

Mayor and entire council change party affiliation from Democrats to GOP in East Hanover

Longtime Mayor Joseph Pannullo and four council members have joined the Republicans, the county party said in a statement.

Politics | The "Squad"

Omar: Republicans Don't Believe Muslims, Black People Should Have Equal Access to Legal System

Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said Monday on MSNBC's "All In" that House Republicans voted for her to be removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee because they did not "believe Muslims or black people should have equal access." | Clips

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

BREAKING: We Now Know Who Will Lead the RNC Going Into the 2024 Election – PJ Media

Incumbent Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel fended off two challengers on Friday to win re-election and the right to lead the party going into the 2024 election. She faced off ag...

Politics | Politics

These Two Republicans Are Standing With Ilhan Omar in Push To Stay on Foreign Affairs Committee

Republican representatives Nancy Mace (S.C.) and Victoria Spartz (Ind.) say they will buck their party to vote in favor of keeping anti-Israel Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar (Minn.) on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Lindsey Graham Throws Joe Biden a Lifeline Because the GOP Has Learned Nothing

Graham continues to pine for the political environment of the '90s, and it isn't coming back.

News | News

VIDEO | Our Birthright Can Only Be Protected Symbiotically

Watch now (7 min) | Our nation is divided. That is, perhaps, the understatement of the millennium, young as it is. From race relations to the economic divide to every disjointed political identity the manipulators of the narrative have conceived, if the p

News | News

PODCAST | And You Thought FOX News Was On Your Side…

Listen now (47 min) | Before we get into this episode of Talkback with Chuck Wilder – in which I get into the Right’s ineptitude when it comes to messaging and conveying a cohesive and coherent narrative, I'd like to take issue with a podcast I h

News | News

PODCAST | Shoot Ourselves In The Foot? No Problem For The House GOP

Listen now (47 min) | Before I get into our discussion about, “Leftist Activists Prove Points After Being Attacked By Fringe Left Thugs,” I want to give a quick shout-out to the people listening in the countries where you're not supposed to be ab

Politics | Op-Ed

Victor Davis Hanson: Let The Blame Games Begin?

Who or what was responsible for the Republican nationwide collapse in the midterms? After all, pundits, politicos, and pollsters all predicted a “red tsunami.”…

Politics | Politics

Republicans Actually Had an Excellent Night in New York

Lee Zeldin lost, but he helped his party win major victories around the state.

Politics | Other Politics

Trump's awful night

Happy Wednesday. Smart Brevity™ count: 1,497 words ... 5½ minutes. Edited by Noah Bressner.

Politics | Politics

Republican Voters Deserve Answers and Accountability

There's no way to sugarcoat it — Republicans got bamboozled in the midterms. All the polls that we reported showing Republican candidates surging in the final weeks of their campaigns, the race ratings from the Cook Political Report, and the overconfident statements from GOP leaders were all significantly overly optimistic about what we all watched play out on Tuesday night.

Politics | Politics

Who Will Control The House And Senate? Here’s What We Can Say At 4:30 a.m.

It’s early Wednesday morning and we don’t yet know which party will control the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. And based on simulations using FiveThi…

News | News

Diesel, Weasels & Witches

A reminder to parents, please be sure to check your child's trick-or-treat candy. There are reports of candy-looking fentanyl going around. Ingesting just a little bit of it could kill your child. So, please make sure your child knows not to eat any

News | News

???? Watching Out For The Goblins

With Halloween weekend upon us, please be sure to check your child's trick-or-treat candy. There is a candy-looking fentanyl going around and ingesting just a little bit of it could kill your child. You will also want to make sure your child knows no

News | News

Elections Can’t Continue Being About The ‘R’ Or The ‘D’

With the Midterm Elections upon us (early voting is already underway) we all really should take a moment to seriously reevaluate how we go about choosing who runs our government. As it stands today, government exists as an industry and one that significan

Politics | Op-Ed

Victor Davis Hanson: The Switcheroos of the Two Parties

Our two parties have both changed, and that explains why one will win, and one lose in the midterm elections. The old Democrats have faded away after being…

News | News

PODCAST | Tempting War Through A Failure To Acknowledge History

If we are guilty of at least one thing in our fast-paced, self-indulgent society it is this. We consistently fail to learn the lessons that an adequate knowledge of contemporary history affords. As the Biden administration - and even former-CIA director a

News | News

Missing The Lessons Of History

There is a lot of truth in the adage, “history repeats itself.” Even a pedestrian student of history understands that if we ignore the important moments of history – if we ignore the lessons of history, we both hobble ourselves to being able to capi

Politics | Op-Ed

Gen X to Democrats: Eat My Shorts!

Some social media blue checks had a bit of a temper tantrum this week following the release of a New York Times poll that showed overwhelming support for…

Politics | 2024 Election

A Winning Midterm Strategy for Republicans

The GOP has hit upon some broadly popular policies in the Commitment to America. They need to talk about them incessantly between now and November 8.

Politics | Op-Ed

It’s the Midnight Hour: Saving America Now Requires Ruthless Offense

The Book of Ecclesiastes tells us there is nothing new under the sun. But there is undeniably something new happening in American history. New and terrible.

Business & Finance | NFTs


It is astounding why a rising star amongst the political Right at the national level - a woman with name recognition, a legacy, and a solid base - would attach her entire political career to attempting to settle some kind of score against Donald Trump. Bu

Politics | Op-Ed

Come On, McConnell, Republicans Need You To Step Up And Lead

As the top elected Republican in the country, Mitch McConnell has an obligation to immediately and dramatically improve his performance.

News | News

Okay, Maybe a Plantain Republic

It was very public; vert overt. Pro-administration agents swooped in, searched, and detained prominent members of the opposition – politicians and society leaders – on questionable charges of “subversion” in the hope of eliminating competition in

Business & Finance | NFTs

The Fakest Show On Earth

With the passage of the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act," which actually raises taxes on every financial class and carves out almost $400B for green energy cronies, the politicians in Washington prove they are as fake as the Cardiff Giant.

News | News

‘There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute’

It’s a famous quote erroneously attributed to the circus and sideshow king P.T. Barnum, who also dabbled in politics: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” And while the quote was likely coined by a corrupt banker (imagine that), the notion was no

News | News

PODCAST | The Inflation Reduction Act: When Politics Masquerades As Government

With the looming passage of the poorly-named Inflation Reduction Act, Senate Democrats are proving that the well-being of the nation's citizens comes in second to bullying through even a few of their radically fascist agenda. Hundreds of economists s

News | News

PODCAST | Poking The Bear & Antagonizing China

With Nancy Pelosi's wholly unnecessary and pre-maturely announced trip to Taiwan out there and the Biden administration's move to deploy USAF F-22 Raptor fighter jets to Poland, the radical Left now in charge in Washington is tempting global con

Politics | Politics

The great realignment

Even small inroads with Hispanic voters could tip a number of Democratic-held swing seats to the GOP.

Politics | Congress

Meet the Members of Congress Who Have Been Around Longer Than Chocolate Chip Cookies

Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies? The chocolate chip cookie is such an American classic that it seems like it’s been around forever, but you might be shocked to learn that a few mem...

Politics | Politics

Dem strategist says that Republicans ‘want to force you to have kids so they have something to shoot at’

If this is what Democratic strategists are coming up with, November looks good.

Politics | American Politics

Senators Demand Biden Pull Taxpayer Funding for Anti-Israel Initiative

Senate Republican foreign policy leaders are demanding the Biden administration pull nearly $1 million in taxpayer funding for groups to investigate alleged human rights abuses in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip—an effort that the senators say i

News | News

The Roe Protests: The Hoodwinking Of The American People

The purposeful manipulation of the American people by the political Left continues in the anticipated Supreme Court Ruling in the matter of Roe v. Wade. Simply put – and it can’t be repeated enough – the Democrats and pro-abortion advocates are bald

News | News

PODCAST | How Disingenuous Can Our Federal Government Be?

From their declarations about Ukraine and punishing Vladimir Putin with sanctions to their declaration that domestic terrorism is actually a threat to our country to their completely disingenuous and opportunistic moves against cryptocurrency, our federal

News | News

PODCAST & ARTICLE | The Overturning Of Roe v. Wade Would Not Make Abortion Illegal

Before we get into the meat of this issue it is important to understand that a draft opinion is not a ruling. It is a precursor to a ruling; a moment in time when the US Supreme Court Justices make their cases to the other justices on why they hold the pr

News | News

PODCAST | Censorship, Disinformation & War...It Isn't Cool to Be a Democrat Today

With Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff showboating for film crews in Ukraine to pretend they have done something besides demonizing half of America for the last year and a half - and Biden's new effort to stomp out your freedom of speech, it's just n

News | News

Mitch McConnell’s Two-Faced Back Room Declarations Should End His Career

If – and this is a huge if, by the by – the Republican Party is smart enough to realize the absolute need to reinstitute its founding principles and purge its ranks of the self-serving and opportunistic status quo then they would use the two faces of

News | News

SUNDAY DIGEST: Democrats Plan to Close Enthusiasm Gap By Paying People to Nag Their Friends About Politics

Democrats Plan to Close Enthusiasm Gap By Paying People to Nag Their Friends About Politics A group of Democrat strategists is trying to spread an organizing tactic in this year’s election called “paid relational organizing.” It boils down to paying

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Leaked GOP Messaging Guide Urges Senators To Avoid Democrat-Style Attacks On Ketanji Brown Jackson

WASHINGTON — Senators should avoid the “vicious, personal attacks” Democrats leverage at conservative Supreme Court nominees when conducting Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearings, a leaked GOP messaging guide obtained by The Daily Wire shows.

Politics | The SCOTUS

Republicans Are Successfully Blocking Biden Nominees, And His SCOTUS Pick Could Be Next

The Senate Banking Committee successfully used the Rule 26 tactic to block Sarah Bloom Raskin. Is Ketanji Brown Jackson next?

Politics | Politics

Republicans don’t need sexual assault allegations to oppose Jackson’s confirmation. Her track record alone is cause for concern.

Republicans don't need sexual assault allegations to oppose Jackson's confirmation. Her track record alone is cause for concern.

News | The News

Someone Hid Winsome Sears' Senate Gavel - So She Used Her High Heels

Newly elected Virginia Lt. Governor Winsome Sears, a Republican who has already made history as the first black woman to hold the seat in the history of the Commonwealth, marked another first this week after she reportedly used her high-heeled shoe to cal

News | News

Why the National GOP Must Pivot Away from Mitch McConnell & the ‘It’s My Turn’ Status Quo

It’s been a long time coming but there is no better time for a re-dedication of the national Republican Party’s mission to the American people than right now, especially where its federally elected stewardship is concerned. A hard pivot away from the

Politics | Op-Ed

Republicans Plan To Win Back The Senate, Then Do Nothing, Per Usual

Republicans cannot do what they have largely always done with a Senate majority: set it on a shelf, polish it, and admire it from afar.

Politics | Conservatism

DeSantis Signs Columbus Day Declaration As Left Vilifies Explorer

Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) on Monday signed a declaration promoting Columbus Day in the state of Florida.

Politics | Op-Ed

The Emerging One-Party State › American Greatness

The sudden dip in Joe Biden’s poll numbers in the wake of his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan compounded with his refusal to control illegal immigration…

Politics | Covid 19

Vaccine And Mask Coercion Is A Purge, And The GOP Letting It Happen

Republicans are allowing their own voters to be purged from employment based on their evidence-informed convictions that oppose leftist groupthink.

Politics | Covid 19

Republicans Hedged On Banning COVID Passports. Now They're Back

Defending the vulnerable from private pressure to surrender control over their own medical treatments apparently doesn't fit into their philosophies.

News | News

PODCAST: Oops! There Goes Marxist Power Grab No. 1 Swirling Down the Toilet

President Biden's free pass to dismantle the United States of America as we know it has come to an u

News | News

PODCAST: Kamala, Kamala, Kamala, Chameleon, She Comes and Goes...

President Biden has tasked with Vice President Kamala Harris with yet another high-profile issue to spearhead on the heals of a not so fantastic performance on the southern border. So, with a sketchy political portfolio and a poor execution record, just w

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

House Democrats block consideration of bill sanctioning Hamas financial supporters

House Democrats rejected a Republican push on Tuesday to expedite legislation that would apply sanctions on Hamas militants amid an escalating military conflict with Israel.

News | News

Stefanik’s Ascendancy Threatens to Keep the Spotlight Off the Issues

The elevation of US Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), to chairwoman of the House Republican Conference, was done to refocus the Republican...

Politics | Liberal Fascism

University of Iowa College Republicans Temporarily Suspended For Chalking Outside Without Face Masks

The University of Iowa’s College Republicans were temporarily suspended for chalking outside on campus without face masks on. 

News | News

RNC Officials Disrespect Trump; Ignore His Request to Stop Fundraising on His Name

Officials at the Republican National Committee (RNC) have dismissed former-President Trump’s demand letter to cease-and-desist from using...

Politics | Politics

California: Welcome to the Jungle Recall

In 2010, California voters approved Proposition 14, which fundamentally changed how general elections are conducted in the state. Prior to Prop. 14…

News | News

Biden Gaslights; Calls Unilateral COVID Bill 'Bi-Partisan'

In an inaccurate and completely disingenuous attempt to re-write the reality of the matter, President Biden and his team are falsely...

News | News

Palin Eyed as Murkowski Primary Challenger After Impeachment Vote

Alaska's GOP officials are eyeing former governor Sarah Palin as a potential primary challenger to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). Murkowski has fallen out of favor with rank-and-file Republicans in her state for her vote to convict former-President Trump in

News | News

House Republicans Bring Bill to Reauthorize Keystone XL Pipeline, Cut Biden Out of Process

House Republicans have introduced legislation to re-authorize the Keystone XL pipeline, claiming President Biden’s first-day executive order canceling the project's permits as “catastrophic for American workers and families.” Eighty-five Republicans

Politics | Donald Trump

Poll: 72% of Republican Voters Say GOP Should Be 'More like Trump'

Nearly three-quarters of Republican voters believe the GOP should be "more like former President Trump" moving forward.

News | News

It’s Time for Mitch McConnell To Go

02/13/2021 - We on the conservative Right are quick to castigate “The Swamp” and the “Deep State” in Washington, DC, and rightly so. Neither serve the American people, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, whatever denomination. But just under

Politics | Politics

POLL: 64% of Republicans, 15% of Democrats ‘Likely’ to Join Hypothetical New Trump-Led Political Party

A newly released poll reveals that incessant negative media coverage, two impeachments, and a near universal betrayal by elected Republicans

News | News

Only 10% of Wyoming Republicans Support Liz Cheney After Her Vote To Impeach Trump

A survey undertaken by the Save America PAC has found that support for US Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), once one

News | News

VIDEO: Democrat Media Panics As They Realize Trump’s Base Is Growing Stronger After Gaetz’s Wyoming Rally

As Democrats continue their march against President Donald Trump, one inside the beltway reporter has been awakened to the fact

News | News

Mitch McConnell vs Rand Paul: Mitch Courted By Deep State To Whip Republicans Into Impeaching Trump

Reports are emerging that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), is being privately urged to support a conviction vote in

News | News

Podcast | Underground USA | United States

An irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. Not to get biblical sounding, but it is done. We now have a President biden and a cast of radical Left wing Marxist-Progressives in our Executive Branch administration whose goal is to embrace the Grea

News | News

RightMinded with Frank Salvato

An irreverent, raw, outspoken New Right podcast that focuses on current events, the culture war, political issues, and relevant topics to those who choose to be aware....

Politics | Conservatism

Wednesday's Riot Is No Pass For Republicans To Surrender

With a few brave exceptions, the Republican response to this onslaught has been the equivalent of bringing notes of apology to their political hangings.

Business & Finance | Small business

Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones: I am a lifelong Democrat who is joining the Republican Party. Here's why

I am an outgoing State Representative in Georgia, a lifelong Democrat and newest member of the Republican Party.

Politics | Op-Ed

How the GOP lost control of Washington, and what comes next

News Analysis: Democrats owned the narrative and rules of the 2020 election. Will Republicans learn from it?

Business & Finance | Small business

How the GOP Establishment Created Its Lin Wood Problem

Attorney L. Lin Wood has become the bane of the Republican Party in recent weeks, with widespread anger erupting against the lawyer over the weekend for…

Politics | Congress

Here's How a Republican Could End up Speaker of the House Instead of Nancy Pelosi

According to a report, Democrats are panicking, fearful that the COVID-19 pandemic could prevent Nancy Pelosi from being re-elected as House speaker despite Democrats holding a majority in the chamber...

Politics | Politics

Some White House advisers fear Trump's final days - CNNPolitics

President Donald Trump has turned to a fringe group of advisers peddling increasingly dubious tactics to overturn the results of the election, creating a dire situation that multiple senior officials and people close to the President say has led to new le

Politics | Politics

Republican lawmakers who downplayed coronavirus concerns face backlash over early vaccinations - CNNPolitics

A slate of GOP lawmakers who downplayed different concerns about the coronavirus pandemic or ignored public health advice are now facing a wave of backlash for being among the first to receive a vaccine.

Politics | Politics

‘We were complicit’: Lawyer who worked for Trump administration pens op ed apologising to US

The latest news and headlines from Yahoo! News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.

Politics | Politics

As Trump Fights Election Fraud, Most Republicans in Congress Remain Quiet

WASHINGTON—As credible allegations of election malfeasance continue to emerge, the majority of Republican politicians remain on the sidelines, ...

Politics | Politics

GOP: The Stupid Party Redux - American Greatness

Amid the furor and pother over the fate of the Republican Party now said to hinge on the outcome of two Senate run-off races in Georgia…

News | News

Possible Biden Presidency Sees Surge in Illegal Border Crossings

The possibility of a Biden presidency is seeing a spike of illegal entries into the United States along the US

News | News

Georgia Pushes Forward With Mail-In Voting Rule Changes Even As Lawsuits Question Legality

At the center of several of the lawsuits currently being pursued by the Trump campaign is this question. Can a

News | News

House Democrat Seeks To Disbar Rudy Giuliani, 22 Trump Election Lawyers

In a wholly partisan move that is fueled purely by politics, one Democrat House member has filed Bar Association complaints

Politics | Leftist Lies

Kamala Harris Will Be America's SECOND VP of Color, More Than 90 Years After the First

The Democratic Party, which has historically lagged the Republican Party on racial justice, finally accomplished what the GOP achieved nearly a century ago.

Psychology | Psychology

American Liberalism in Danger - Tablet Magazine

Read an essay about how American Liberalism is in danger and what it means to acknowledge reality in order to confront it.

Politics | The SCOTUS

This Is No Time for Senate Republicans to Go Wobbly - American Greatness

he instant Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing was announced, the battle lines were drawn. Or, more accurately, one side girded for battle, while Republicans clucked with confusion about what to do next. Which should be no surprise. If Republicans are g

Politics | Op-Ed

Chuck Norris: Why I switched from Democrat to Republican

Chuck Norris recalls his '60s rage at seeing party's racist actions against blacks

Politics | Politics

Trump aides debate future size and look of signature rallies after Tulsa debacle - CNNPolitics

Swaths of empty blue seats and a vacant overflow venue in Oklahoma have led President Donald Trump's aides to begin debating what his signature campaign rallies will look like going forward, people familiar with the matter say.

History | History

The first vice president of color was a Republican elected over 90 years ago

Joe Biden's pledge to choose a woman as his running mate, and his consideration of several black female officeholders for the role, has spurred considerable chatter about diversity in the nation's second-highest office.

Politics | Other Politics

James Mattis Denounces Trump as Threat to Constitution - The Atlantic

In an extraordinary condemnation, the former defense secretary backs protesters and says the president is trying to turn Americans against one another.

Politics | Other Politics

GOP sues California over Newsom's vote-by-mail order | TheHill

The Republican Party is suing California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) over his order to send every registered voter in the state a ballot by mail for the November elections.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Senate Republicans Will NOT Question Barack Obama Over Michael Flynn, Despite Trump Request

Senate Republicans will investigate the Obama Administration’s decision to target national security adviser Michael Flynn following the 2016 presidential election but they do not intend to subpoena former President Barack Obama or require him to tes

Politics | Op-Ed

How Republicans Helped Nancy Pelosi Pass Another Unexamined, Pork-Stuffed ‘Stimulus’

House Republicans actively participated in Nancy Pelosi’s successful attempt to deny the American people a public vote on the $2 trillion legislation.

Politics | The "Squad"

Ocasio-Cortez Attacks Republicans Over Stimulus Bill That Every Democrat Voted For

Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has repeatedly attacked Senate Republicans over the massive $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill, which provides relief to American families and protects the economy, even though every Senate Democrat also v

Politics | Op-Ed

Why The Pelosi Wuhan Virus ‘Deal’ Is A Near-Total GOP Surrender For Blue-Collar Entrepreneurs

Friday night's deal includes every Democratic wish except taxpayer-funded abortion and not a single Republican proposal. Those will come later, we're told.

Politics | 2024 Election

How NeverTrump Could Cost the GOP the House and Senate – American Greatness

Donald Trump’s chances for reelection in November have never been higher. The latest Gallup poll puts his approval rating at 49 percent, other polls have measured even higher, and he just gave the speech of his life in his 2020 State of the Union address.

Politics | 2024 Election

EXCLUSIVE–WATCH: GOP Launches Campaign Ad, Fundraiser Off CNN’s Don Lemon Mocking Trump Supporters | The Daily Wire

The Republican National Committee (RNC) launched a new digital campaign ad and a fundraiser on Tuesday in response to CNN’s Don Lemon mocking Trump supporters during a segment on his show that went viral on Monday night. The segment, which was f

Politics | Op-Ed

Why Are Republicans Settling for Acquittal Instead of Total Victory? – American Greatness

It’s a shame that so many Republicans are calling for a quick impeachment trial and the inevitable acquittal of Donald Trump. It seems more than a bit shortsighted. Why should Republicans settle for an acquittal when we can accomplish so much more?

The D

Politics | Leftists Are Insane

Another Bernie Staffer Allegedly Promotes Violence: Kill The Rich, Put Republicans In Camps | The Daily Wire

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released new bombshell undercover footage on Tuesday that appeared to show another paid member of 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ campaign promoting violence agains

Politics | Conservatism

Demographics and the American Prospect – American Greatness

In the summer of 2018, journalist Vivian Yee amused herself with the thought that Orange Country, California, was once an agricultural, “conservative (think Richard Nixon and the John Birch Society) and white (very, very white),” slice of America. But “Ch

Politics | Other Politics

Democrats Ready Impeachment Report as Republicans Argue Trump Did Nothing Wrong - The New York Times

In a report intended to counter Democrats’ impeachment case against President Trump, Republicans argued his efforts to get Ukraine to investigate his rivals had nothing to do with politics.

Politics | Politics

Jesse Watters and the Story of The Five’s ‘Mom Texts’ - The Atlantic

Jesse Watters regularly reads messages from his mother aloud on air, exemplifying a political rift present in many American households.

Politics | From CNN

Donald Trump made 84 false claims last week - CNNPolitics

President Donald Trump spent most of last week at his Bedminster golf club, where he sometimes retreats from the public eye. When he left Washington for New Jersey, we thought there was a chance it would be a quiet week in presidential dishonesty.

Politics | The "Squad"

No Politician Ever Has Been 'Treated as Badly' as Ilhan Omar — Except Maybe Every Republican

Displaying once again the incredible bias of the mainstream media, an op-ed in The Independent hilariously claimed that no one has been treated as harshly as Ilhan Omar, a hateful bigoted Democrat whose accusations of racism are parroted by the media.

Politics | Politics

Hollywood Reporter: Democrats More Easily Influenced By TV And Film Than Republicans | Daily Wire

On Tuesday, Morning Consult and The Hollywood Reporter (THR) released a report regarding the extent to which television and film influence Americans.

Politics | Politics

Political Parties Still Have Cybersecurity Hygiene Problems | WIRED

Three years after the DNC hack, a new report finds that political parties around the world have ongoing security flaws that leave them vulnerable to attack.

News | Israel/Jewish Community

The Left Abandons American Zionism

Just after midnight, on June 5, 1968, Jerusalem born-Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan murdered U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy in the kitchen pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. Kennedy had won the California Democratic Party presidential primary earlier that evening.

Politics | From CNN

Trump revokes Obama order on reporting civilians killed in US airstrikes - CNNPolitics

US intelligence officials will no longer be required to publicly disclose the number of civilians killed in airstrikes against terrorist targets "outside areas of active hostilities" due to a new executive order issued by President Donald Trump

Politics | Politics

Donald Trump's shocking, shameful about-face on Otto Warmbier - CNNPolitics

When Otto Warmbier was returned to the United States in 2017 and died shortly afterward, President Donald Trump condemned the North Korean regime for the imprisonment and suspected torture of the college student who was arrested in 2015 for alleged spying

Politics | Conservatism

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party | PragerU

When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind? If you’re like many Americans, you may associate the GOP with racism, sexism, and general inequality. It’s a commonly pushed narrative by left-leaning media and academia, but as former Vander

Politics | Politics

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party

When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind? If you’re like many Americans, you may associate the GOP with racism, sexism, and general inequality. It’s a commonly pushed narrative by left-leaning media and academia, but as former Vander

Politics | 2024 Election

Gillum intern arrested in Florida for throwing chocolate milk at College Republicans | Fox News

An intern for Democratic Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum has been arrested and charged with battery after she threw chocolate milk on a group of College Republicans tabling on campus.

Politics | Op-Ed

After Kavanaugh’s Stand, Republicans Abandon Him at Their Peril | National Review

Brett Kavanaugh fought with passion, evidence, and compassion, and he united the conservative movement.

Politics | Politics

Newt Gingrich: The Trump Republican Party is arising out of a political revolution | Fox News

The biggest takeaway message from Tuesday’s primaries and the Ohio special election is that the Republican Party is becoming President Trump’s party.

Politics | Politics

University Of Georgia Journalism Dean Forced To Apologize For Having A Republican Friend

The dean of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Georgia was forced to apologize, Campus Reform reports, because he tweeted out a congratulatory message to a friend, who just so happens to be the state's Republican candidate

News | The News

BOMBSHELL: Liberal Publication Says Twitter Is Censoring Republicans | Daily Wire

Twitter is censoring prominent Republicans and conservatives in the media with a technique known as "shadow banning" that limits how many people are able to see content from the affected accounts, according to a report from a liberal publication