
Politics | Politics

Rashida Tlaib Spoke at Event Tied to Terrorists. Will Anything Happen?

 Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has been really doubling down on anti-Israel, pro-terrorist sentiments. Last Saturday, the Squad member proudly spoke at the "People's Conference for Palestine," with a beaming smile on her face as she was met with loud reaction from the raucous crowd.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Congress Continues Antisemitism Theater With Northwestern, President on the Hot Seat

 There was another performance of antisemitism theater during a hearing by the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

Politics | American Politics

House Measure Would Bar Biden Admin From Funding Gaza Reconstruction

A measure circulating in the Republican-controlled House would block the Biden administration from spending taxpayer cash to rebuild the war-torn Gaza Strip amid mounting concerns this cash will empower Hamas to reestablish its network of tunnels beneath

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Republican Legislators React Strongly to Iran's Attack on Israel

 Iran’s Saturday attack on Israel has introduced a new focal point in Middle East geopolitics against the backdrop of the war in Gaza. Speculation about America’s possible response to the development has taken center stage on the airwaves and interwebs.

Politics | Politics

As a Principal, Jamaal Bowman Objected to Teaching About 'White' Figures Like George Washington, Honoring Cop-Killers Instead

As a middle school principal, New York Democratic congressman Jamaal Bowman advised against teaching about "white" historical figures like George Washington, Jesus Christ, and Santa Claus. Instead, he used his position to elevate a renowned anti-Semite an

News | News

PODCAST | The Screeching Of A Delusional Man

Before we get deeper into the screamfest that was Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech (Is that what that was? It sounded a hell of a lot more like a campaign speech full of rainbows and unicorns…oh, and by the way, it’s all our fault for not appre

News | News

Telegraphing The Unconstitutional Disenfranchisement Of American Voters

As we progress into the thick of the silly season we will hear a lot more about election integrity, election interference, and voter fraud, and we’ll we should. Although some states moved to reinforce voter registration procedures and laws overseeing th

News | News

With 11 Million ‘Newcomers' It’s Time To Get Serious About Securing The Vote

Merrick Garland’s flippant remarks about securing our nation’s vote for its citizens are both ignorant and infuriating at the same time. As record numbers of minority citizens successfully cast votes in every corner of the country, great care should b

Politics | American Politics

Senator asks Biden to clarify if US sees Jerusalem as part of ‘West Bank’

"It’s a simple question that I hope the administration can answer clearly and promptly," Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) wrote.

News | News

The Only Honest Way Forward Is Through Stand Alone Legislation

Now comes the news that Democrats have a brand new strategy to deflect from doing nothing for 3-plus years but promoting identity politics while purposely degrading the state of our Republic. They are going to blame Republicans for the crisis on the US so

Politics | Opinion

Aid to Israel was taken hostage by Ukraine

Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell’s insistence that the Jewish state would get nothing unless Ukraine got far more killed the remains of the bipartisan pro-Israel consensus.

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Son’s request for Star of David necklace a ‘changing moment’ for congressional candidate Mazi Pilip

The Israeli-American has a strong showing in the polls in a congressional special election for the seat formerly held by George Santos.

Politics | Politics

Senate Dems block amendment to halt Palestinian aid until it 'renounced terrorism'

The amendment would have halted funding for any Palestinian government until it 'renounced terrorism' and until Hamas hostages are released.

Politics | Politics

'Squad' lawmaker explains 'creative' way to pay $14 trillion in reparations: ‘Moral and legal obligation’ | Fox News

Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., wants the federal government to acknowledge the harm of slavery and push a $14 trillion reparations measure to aid descendants of enslaved people.

Politics | Illegal Immigration

House Republicans Back Down on Mayorkas Appearance, Instead 'Demand' Written Testimony

 On Wednesday, the House Homeland Security Committee Chair Mark Green (R-TN) "demanded" written testimony from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, apparently instead of having the Secretary testify in person.

Politics | American Politics

House votes to censure Rashida Tlaib over anti-Israel comments

Twenty-two Democrats joined 212 House Republicans to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib on Tuesday night.

Politics | American Politics

House passes bill requiring annual report on Palestinian teaching materials

The report, which would be publicly available, would cover "textbooks, leaflets, pamphlets, magazines, and other instructional materials."

Politics | The Left

Democratic Lawmaker Appears to Threaten Violence Against Jewish Colleague Over Israel Resolution Vote

 In this era in which civil discourse is often more theory than practice, arguments between members of Congress over the war between Israel and Hamas have become quite incendiary. Case in point: A recent exchange of words between two Democratic lawmakers clashing over a resolution supporting Israel in its efforts to eradicate the terrorist organization.

Politics | The "Squad"

I Bet You Can Guess Which Congresswoman Employed Hamas Activists

It hasn’t been a good time to be a member of “The Squad” these days, has it? From Ed Morrissey at our sister site, Hot Air, we learn that “The independent Canary Mission released a report...

Politics | Politics

House GOP Drops Jordan As Speaker Nominee

After Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) failed to get enough support to win the speakership in three House floor votes, Republicans have elected to move on.

Politics | The "Squad"

Rashida Tlaib Displays Palestinian Flag Outside Congressional Office

Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) continued to display a Palestinian flag outside of her congressional office, Breitbart News confirmed Tuesday.

Politics | Politics

Matt Gaetz Condemns Joe Biden Impeachment Inquiry as a 'Smokescreen'

 Amid a pitched power struggle among House Republicans after the ouster of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden’s alleged involvement in his son,

Politics | Congress

Nancy Mace Slammed for Fundraising from Capitol on Live TV: 'I Didn’t Hit Send Until After My Vote'

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) is drawing criticism for fundraising from the Capitol, on air, during an interview Wednesday with Neil Cavuto.

Politics | Politics

Here Are the Damaging Stories About Democrats That Got Killed, Thanks to House Chaos

 If there’s one thing that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) did with his motion to vacate, it’s nuking many stories damaging to Democrats out of the news cycle. Gaetz followed his promise to usurp Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House over the stopgap measure that kept the government open.

Politics | Politics

McCarthy Spills Why He Thinks Matt Gaetz Ousted Him as House Speaker

 Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has lost his job as House speaker. He’s still a member of Congress but won’t fight to get his leadership job back.

Politics | Politics

Absurd, attention-seeking Matt Gaetz is the GOP's John Fetterman

Matt Gaetz is making his biggest play yet by threatening to try to remove Kevin McCarthy from the speakership by offering a so-called motion to vacate. 

Politics | Congress

BREAKING: Voting Underway on Removing McCarthy

On Tuesday afternoon, Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) finally made good on his move to try to oust Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) from the Speaker’s chair. House members...

Politics | Politics

Is AOC Married? Her Office Says No. Her Legal Filings in Congress Say Otherwise.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) appears to have married her longtime boyfriend, according to several forms she filed this year with the House Ethics Committee. If she is indeed married, Ocasio-Cortez should have reported her spouse's finances in

Politics | Covid 19

Ohio congressman alleges COVID-19 relief funds were stolen by and for US adversaries

Wenstrup demanded in his letter specific documents and communications related to the investigation into international COVID-19 relief fraud.

Politics | Congress

Will There Be an Impeachment Inquiry Into Joe Biden Next Month? Here's What McCarthy Had to Say.

 Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) last month discussed the possibility of opening an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, specifically if he failed to turn over documents.

Politics | American Politics

Will Congress Save Itself by Stopping the Iran Deal and Biden's Imperial Presidency?

The continuing trend of broad expansions of presidential powers... is eroding the powers of the legislative branch. Constitutionally, the vital decisions of government were not to be decided by the stroke of a pen from the president, with no

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Elder Of Ziyon - PA prime minister Shtayyeh tells members of Congress a litany of lies

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | Congress

Democrats’ ‘Freedom to Vote Act’ is the Death of Free Elections

Last month, House Democrats reintroduced the “Freedom to Vote Act,” signaling the Left’s latest assault on American elections with activist support.

Politics | Politics

Progressive 'Squad' member mocked after 'thirst strike' lasts just 8 hours: 'What a hero'

Rep. Greg Casar, D-Texas, was widely mocked on social media after a thirst strike meant to show solidarity with federal workers ended after just eight hours.

Politics | Politics

What does ‘pro-Israel’ Democrat mean in 2023?

While progressives flirt with “racist state” smears, Biden blackmails Netanyahu with talk of ending the alliance. Both show the impending crack-up of the bipartisan consensus.

Politics | Opinion

Herzog’s lamentable performance

Israel needs to deliver an entirely different message to its two-faced U.S. ally.

News | News

Israeli President Isaac Herzog Blasts Democratic Anti-Semitism in Landmark Congressional Address

Israeli president Isaac Herzog took aim at the Democratic members of Congress who boycotted his Wednesday speech, saying that "questioning the Jewish people's right to self-determination is not legitimate diplomacy, it is anti-Semitism."

Politics | Politics

When a Congresswoman's Apology Isn't Really an Apology at All

Jayapal's non-apology apology gives us a great insight into the "progressive" mindset of the Democrat's extremist left wing.

Politics | Woke Insanity

House Democrat Bill Would Scrub ‘Husband’ and ‘Wife’ from Federal Law

A new bill introduced in the House of Representatives by Democrats would eliminate the use of the words “husband” and “wife” in federal laws…

News | News

Reining In The Federal Government’s Censorship Machine

A very good thing happened last week. A federal judge – with a spine – ruled that several individuals, agencies, and departments in the Biden administration were forbidden from communicating with BigTech corporations to affect censorship. While this i

News | News

PODCAST | Nullification Can Be Applied To A Lot Of Things

Listen now (26 min) | Before we get into this segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch, I wanted to announce the launching of my new book, Nullification: The Case For Decentralizing The Federal Government, now available at Amazon.com in both pri

News | News

PODCAST | Our Constitution, Russia & Hunter

Listen now (32 min) | Before we get into this segment of The Captain America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to share with you a clip from the late Antonin Scalia in which he talks about the benefits of gridlock at the federal government level.

News | News

Can We Measure How Vacuous and Partisan Jeffries Really Is?

I don’t know how much more vacuous House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies (D-NY), can be. I also don’t know much more of a substanceless mouthpiece he can be for the Democrats. Republicans – along with 14 Democrats – reversed Biden’s credit scor

News | News

PODCAST | Reports, Testimonies & Censures: So What?

LISTEN NOW | I wanted to say a couple of things about the quality of the spines that Republicans in Washington DC have. First, I want to talk about Adam Schiff. Here's a guy who has been proven – beyond doubt, repeatedly – that he is a serial lia

Politics | Op-Ed

Time Is Running Out For Congress And States To Defuse Biden’s Election-Takeover Bomb

Through Executive Order 14019, Biden has ordered federal agencies to engage in overtly political activities that will affect elections.

News | News

PODCAST | We Need To Do Better With The Gifts They Gave Us

LISTEN NOW | Before we get into this morning’s segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, guest hosted by Kyle Warren, I wanted to say a few words about Memorial Day: what it means and how the woke segment of our society is affe

News | News

Today, Little Johnny Identifies As A Baseball Bat

To say that the ideological Left has transformed itself from a group that championed tolerance and acceptance to an intolerant gaggle of full-on extremist, illogical bullies would be the understatement of the millennium. No better example exists to illust

News | News

Democrats & Their Habit Of Elder Abuse

It became apparent in the immediate run-up to the 2020 General Election. Something had happened to then-candidate Joe Biden. His speech and mobility changed dramatically and he took to wearing sunglasses a majority of the time; a political marketing no-no

News | Antisemitism Watch

Rashida Tlaib Asks Supporters To 'Chip In' So She Can Host More Anti-Semitic Events

Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) is fundraising off the anti-Semitic event she hosted last week, telling supporters she needs the money to battle "Israel's apartheid regime."

Politics | American Politics

Democrats Shrug Off Rashida Tlaib’s ‘Nakba’ Event, A ‘Catastrophe’ in the Senate

Bernie Sanders and Rashida Tlaib have engineered yet another grotesque embarrassment for their party.

News | News

PODCAST | But The Media Chooses To Cover…

LISTEN NOW | I wanted to touch on the subject of media delinquency. Right now, the biggest story for the mainstream news media is George Santos and the fact that he's a liar and never should have been elected to Congress (another product of New York

News | News

It’s Not About A National Divorce…

As the debt ceiling debate takes center stage in Washington, DC, the subject of a “national divorce” is once again making its way back into public discourse. And the subject is fair-minded to consider for a few basic reasons. But the proponents of a n

Politics | The Left

Rashida Tlaib Will Host Congressional Event To Mourn 'Catastrophe' of Israel's Founding

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) will host a congressional event this week to mourn Israel's founding alongside an array of anti-Israel groups, some of which have defended terrorism.

News | News

PODCAST | They Shoot Journalists, Don’t They?

LISTEN NOW | Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to touch on something that we didn't talk about today and that was Joe Biden's interview in which he pretty much said –

News | News

PODCAST | How About A Little AI Fire, Scarecrow?

Listen now | Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce – in which we talk about the unholy connection between Vice President Kamala Harris and Artificial Intelligence, among other things, I wa

News | News

The Separation of Powers Is A Thing

The unmitigated arrogance of Senate Democrats is on full display as they – once again – try to sideline the US Constitution to claw more power to themselves. This time it comes in hearings that the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding to “order”

News | News

PODCAST | Texas Has A Golden Idea

Listen now (28 min) | I’m doing something a little different in this episode. I am going to be talking with Katherine Novikov. She’s the host of the Fires of Freedom podcast – heard everywhere podcasts are heard – and the Executive Director of the

Miscellaneous | Resources

Why “Foreign Aid” to Israel is bonanza for the US

The U.S.-Israel strategic relationship constitutes a classic case of a mutually- beneficial two-way street. Op-ed.

News | News

PODCAST | Raising The Debt Ceiling Is Still Deficit Spending

LISTEN NOW | We shouldn't be happy with the McCarthy bill that went through the House because it still raises the debt ceiling and it still spends beyond our means. We are nowhere close to spending within our means regarding the revenue stream that g

Politics | American Politics

If Americans for Peace Now had its way, Israel would be punished for arresting murderers

The Oslo II agreement, signed by Israel and the PA in 1995, states that the PA is required to abstain from incitement, including hostile propaganda against Israel.

Politics | Politics

Top Dem On J6 Panel: We Actually Didn’t Review The Footage

Hiring investigators who 'kind of went through the video' doesn't sound like a very thorough investigation.

News | Antisemitism Watch

Dem Leader Hakeem Jeffries Defended Anti-Semites Who Praised Hitler, Called Black Conservatives 'House Negroes'

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D., N.Y.) once claimed he had only a "vague recollection" of and hadn't looked at the anti-Semitic speeches made by his uncle in the 1990s, but a 1992 editorial by the Democratic leader uncovered by CNN shows he defe

News | News

PODCAST | Placing Restrictions On The Free Speech-Killing RESTRICT Act

Listen now | Freedom of Speech. It's enshrined in the First Amendment and we believe that we have it but throughout history, the freedom of speech has been something that is vacillated to a lesser extent and a more potent extent.

News | News

This Is How Disingenuous Politicians Steal Power

By now you have come to understand just how overtly the Communist Chinese have deployed their data and intelligence-gathering apparatus into the United States. In addition to their traditional methods of espionage – that target our intellectual property

Politics | POLITICS

Cori Bush's Bodyguard Says He Can't Be Anti-Semitic Because He's a “Jewish High Priest”

Rep. Cori Bush’s (D., Mo,) bodyguard claims a host of supernatural abilities, including the power to summon tornadoes and read minds. During a Tuesday evening interview with the Washington Free Beacon, he added another line to his résumé: his status as a

Politics | Politics

Meet the Anti-Semitic Spiritual Guru on Cori Bush's Payroll

He claims he can summon tornadoes at will, cause earthquakes with his hate, and conduct blood rituals to bring ruin upon his enemies. An intergalactic master of psychic self-defense born 109 trillion years ago, his days, he says, are now spent tending to

Politics | American Politics

Congress Wants to Defund the U.N.’s Anti-Semitic Palestinian Refugee Agency

Republicans in Congress are working to defund the United Nations’ Palestinian refugee agency, which allows terrorist groups to store weapons in its facilities and distributes educational materials that advocate for Israel’s destruction.

Politics | American Politics

Ilhan Omar’s Shady Campaign Payments To Her Husband

Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar's consultant payments fell by millions of dollars after she stopped paying her husband's firm following increased scrutiny over the money.

Politics | The "Squad"

AOC falsely claims Hunter Biden laptop story is 'half fake'

The New York Democrat made the remarks as lawmakers grilled Twitter executives over the social media's suppression of The Post's October 2020 stories on the laptop from hell.

News | News

PODCAST | 99 Luftballons…BAM! Never Mind

Listen now (27 min) | Before we get into today's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to comment on the fact that we did – finally, after the balloon transverse the entirety of the United States – we fina

Politics | POLITICS

Ingraham: These are the tears of clowns

Fox News host Laura Ingraham reacts to Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., being booted from the House Foreign Affairs Committee on 'The Ingraham Angle.' #foxnews #fox...

Politics | Free Speech

Congress is set to expose what may be the largest censorship system in U.S. history

The “Twitter files” revealed an FBI operation to monitor and censor social media content.

Politics | Politics

The Media Keep Lying To Protect Ilhan Omar

The press uncritically repeats Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries' claim Democrats 'unequivocally condemned' Ilhan Omar, without any pushback.

Politics | POLITICS

Republicans Boot Ilhan Omar Off Foreign Affairs Committee Over Anti-Semitism

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) delivered on his promise Thursday to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from the House Foreign Affairs Committee over her extensive history of anti-Semitism.

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Gaetz on Omar: I'm Just Into Her Foreign Policy

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R., Fla.) says he is undecided on whether he will vote to boot anti-Semitic Democrat Ilhan Omar (Minn.) off the House Foreign Affairs Committee, telling Newsmax that he is a fan of her fierce opposition to "neoconservative" foreign policy

News | News

PODCAST | Trump’s Unnecessary Flirtation With Disaster

Listen now (29 min) | Before we get into this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I'd like to comment on Donald Trump's statement attacking Ron DeSantis. Matt and I talked about this in the segment

News | Antisemitism Watch

Tlaib erects Palestinian flag in Capitol Hill office, accuses Israel of ‘apartheid’

The move was an apparent response to Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s crackdown on the celebration of terrorism by Arab Israelis.

News | News

PODCAST | The Stand-Off: The Debt Ceiling Debacle & Who’s Really Responsible

Listen now (26 min) | Before I get to this morning’s episode with Matt Bruce on The Captain's America: Third Watch, on which we talk about the upcoming debt ceiling standoff, among other things, I want to tease a few things that are coming up. One

Politics | Leftists Are Racists

Democrat Introduces Legislation to Make White People Criticizing Minorities a Federal Crime

The provision is so broad that you could drive a truck through it.

Politics | American Politics

Ilhan Omar is the Democrats’ problem, not Kevin McCarthy’s

The new Speaker of the House has good reason to boot the antisemitic congresswoman from the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Politics | Op-Ed

Victor Davis Hanson: What Caused the Political Hysteria?

The Left has gone mad over Donald J. Trump—past, present, and future. The current Democratic Party and NeverTrump “conservatives” assumed that Trump was and…

News | News

PODCAST | And You Thought FOX News Was On Your Side…

Listen now (47 min) | Before we get into this episode of Talkback with Chuck Wilder – in which I get into the Right’s ineptitude when it comes to messaging and conveying a cohesive and coherent narrative, I'd like to take issue with a podcast I h

News | News

PODCAST | A New Congress. A New Speaker…But How Free Are We?

Listen now (29 min) | Before we get into yesterday morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to acknowledge that US Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), is the new Speaker of the House…after 15 votes. That’s the

Politics | Congress

Here Are The Concessions House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Gave To Republican Holdouts To Win Their Support

After days of negotiations and 15 roll call votes, California Rep. Kevin McCarthy became House speaker early Saturday morning after reportedly giving major concessions to a group of Republican holdouts increasing the influence of some of the chamber’s most conservative members.

Politics | Politics

Rep. Andrew Ogles Reveals What Concessions Were Made in Battle for Speaker of the House

News Analysis Although not yet sworn in, first-year Congressman Andrew Ogles from the Tennessee Fifth District found himself ...

Politics | The "Squad"

Ilhan Omar Hops Aboard the Democrat Anti-McCarthy Crazy Train, Promptly Gets Run Over by Reality – RedState

'McCarthy just agreed to a deal with far-right insurrectionists...'

History | History

Our Current House Fight Doesn't Hold a Candle to the 1855-56 Speaker Vote

 As I’m writing this, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) just lost his eighth vote to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming speaker of the House. For all of the weeping and gnashing of teeth, the whole situation is kind of funny — as long as your name isn’t Kevin McCarthy.

News | News

The GOP: Both Young & Old Fail At Messaging

The House of Representatives leadership election failed to elect a Speaker of the House on the first ballot for the first time in one hundred years. US Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), the presumptive “next in line,” failed to reach the necessary 218 votes

News | News

PODCAST | If The FBI & DoJ Had Been Doing Their Jobs...

Listen now (28 min) | Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I'd like to take a moment to talk about the attacks on New York City Police Department personnel on New Year's Eve into N

News | News

More social media regulation is coming in 2023, members of Congress say

Legislators and advocates say they are looking to further regulate social media companies in 2023.

Politics | Politics

Omnibus Bill Being Flown to St. Croix for Biden Signature

Well, if this doesn’t take the cake. I mean the whole platter of angel food. No, make it the whole darn bakery. As if this administration and the Democrats have not shown enough insufferable hubris, incredible hypocrisy, unparalleled arrogance, and a monumental entitlement mentality, this would certainly qualify.

Politics | Politics

Wild Spending: House Dem Lands $1 Million for Former Client Implicated in Child Rape Case

Rep. Susan Wild (D., Pa.) is poised to secure $1 million in taxpayer funding for a children's mental health asylum she defended in a molestation case.

News | News

PODCAST | The Opportunistic Aggression Of The Political Class

Listen now (48 min) | Before we get to this morning's segment on TalkBack with Chuck Wilder where we discuss “The Government Cares About Your Health? Not By A Long Shot,” I want to take a second to talk about the referrals - the criminal charge r

News | News

PODCAST | Congress & BigPharma: Picking Your Pocket When You Aren’t Looking

Listen now (28 min) | Before we get to this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, in which we discuss, at length, the featured article over at UndergroundUSA.com today titled, “The Government Cares About Your

News | News

The Government Cares About Your Health? Not By A Long Shot!

Ronald Reagan was famous for saying that the scariest words that any American could hear were these: “We’re from the government and we’re here to help you.” Anyone who questions the truth of this statement is either oblivious to reality of mentall

News | News

PODCAST | Shoot Ourselves In The Foot? No Problem For The House GOP

Listen now (47 min) | Before I get into our discussion about, “Leftist Activists Prove Points After Being Attacked By Fringe Left Thugs,” I want to give a quick shout-out to the people listening in the countries where you're not supposed to be ab

Politics | Politics

Mitch McConnell looking forward to working with President Joe Biden on infrastructure

McConnell wants to meet "between the 40-yard lines."

Politics | Corruption

‘It Should Be A No!’: Congressman Explodes After Wray Refuses Question On FBI, January 6

FBI Director Chris Wray refused to say Tuesday whether FBI sources had dressed as Trump supporters and entered the U.S. Capitol ahead of protesters on January 6, 2021.

Politics | American Politics

The secret history of Ilhan Omar

Do her voters know about her slavish collaboration with countries where abortion is banned, women tortured and terrorism supported? Op-ed.

Politics | American Politics

Rashida Tlaib: Terrorist-Affiliated Charities ‘Inspire Me Every Single Day’

Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) listen as Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan testifies before the House …

Politics | The Hall of Idiots

Jayapal: Biden Should Have Been ‘Much Tougher with the Saudis’ — OPEC Cut Is Saudis, Russia Trying to Influence Election

On Wednesday's broadcast of CNN's "Situation Room," Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) reacted to OPEC's announced production cut by stating that President Joe | Clips

News | News

Debunking Some Of The More Ridiculous Claims About A Convention of States

If you are a regular reader and listener, you know I have come one-hundred-eighty degrees on the issue of a Convention of States. Years back I was against it because I was only exposed to inaccurate information by the very well-funded establishment factio


Rashida Tlaib's absurd acid test

The Michigan congresswoman's denunciation of Israel supporters puts her in line with the ideologies of totalitarians and theocrats like Iran and Hezbollah

Politics | Iran

Iranian Terrorists Will Get Billions of Dollars Before Congress Can Review New Nuclear Deal

Iran will gain immediate access to billions of dollars in cash assets on the day a new nuclear accord is signed, money that will flow to Tehran's top terror organizations before Congress has a chance to review the deal, former senior U.S. officials and ex

News | News

PODCAST | The Speech Backdrop That Sets The Tone For 2022 & 2024

The Biden administration and its handlers (or should I say the fascist cabal that is now in control in Washington, DC), have telegraphed its playbook. Their strategy for the midterms and 2024 is to run against Donald Trump again, regardless of whether he

News | News

PODCAST | The Mainstream Media Can Be Leashed If We Make It About Policy

In the wake of President Biden's insanely coercive and authoritarian speech that sought to further cement the divide in our country as we approach the Midterm Elections, we see that the puppet masters of the Left - Obama 2.0 - are telegraphing their

News | News

PODCAST | Time To Examine The Worth Of The 'Progressive' Movement?

The turn of the 20th Century introduced fascism to the United States. Under Woodrow Wilson - and continuing under Franklin Roosevelt, the system of government the Framers created ceased to exist because a fundamental protection for the states was removed

News | News

PODCAST | Replacing the Cult of Personality with an Honest Policy Discussion

The Midterm Elections are just months away and the radical Left, the Biden administration, its Obama 2.0 masters, and the mainstream media want to make the election a rehash of the anti-Trump campaign they executed successfully in 2020. The task at hand i

News | News

ARTICLE & PODCAST | What Has Progressed Under Progressivism?

As we prepare for the onslaught of propaganda that is coming our way (from both sides) during the lead-up to the Midterm Elections, we all need to take a step back from the preferred narratives being foisted upon us by the political Left and mainstream me

Business & Finance | NFTs


It is astounding why a rising star amongst the political Right at the national level - a woman with name recognition, a legacy, and a solid base - would attach her entire political career to attempting to settle some kind of score against Donald Trump. Bu

News | News

PODCAST | Slash & Burn Politics and 'The Chexit'

It is astounding why a rising star amongst the political Right at the national level - a woman with name recognition, a legacy, and a solid base - would attach her entire political career to attempting to settle some kind of score against Donald Trump. Bu

Politics | Corruption

Jan 6 Pipe Bomber's Mechanical Timer Detonates Fedsurrection Lie - Revolver News

A careful analysis of the DNC and RNC pipe bomb discoveries turns out to be absolutely devastating to the official January 6 narrative.

Politics | Politics

Most Electric Vehicles Won’t Qualify For ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Tax Credits, None Will Qualify In A Few Years

Most electric cars won’t qualify for the tax credits established by the tax and spending plan recently passed by Democrats in the Senate.

Politics | Op-Ed

Do Those 87,000 IRS Agents Look a Little Different Now?

The IRS is already politicized. Obama did that. Now they will have more than double the number of employees to harass regular Americans.

Business & Finance | NFTs

The Fakest Show On Earth

With the passage of the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act," which actually raises taxes on every financial class and carves out almost $400B for green energy cronies, the politicians in Washington prove they are as fake as the Cardiff Giant.

News | News

‘There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute’

It’s a famous quote erroneously attributed to the circus and sideshow king P.T. Barnum, who also dabbled in politics: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” And while the quote was likely coined by a corrupt banker (imagine that), the notion was no

Politics | Politics

VP Harris Breaks Tie, Senate Passes Democrats’ ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ Climate, Tax, and Spending Bill

Democrats in the Senate voted along party lines on Sunday to pass the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.”

News | News

PODCAST | The Inflation Reduction Act: When Politics Masquerades As Government

With the looming passage of the poorly-named Inflation Reduction Act, Senate Democrats are proving that the well-being of the nation's citizens comes in second to bullying through even a few of their radically fascist agenda. Hundreds of economists s

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PODCAST | Poking The Bear & Antagonizing China

With Nancy Pelosi's wholly unnecessary and pre-maturely announced trip to Taiwan out there and the Biden administration's move to deploy USAF F-22 Raptor fighter jets to Poland, the radical Left now in charge in Washington is tempting global con

News | News

This Is Why Congress Has Lost The Trust Of The American People

The guilty verdict in the Contempt of Congress case against former Trump confidant Steve Bannon highlights the inequitable (to use a term favored by the radical Left) treatment of those by the US Department of Justice. On the one hand, Bannon faces jail t

Politics | Leftist Lies

Media and Select Committee Continue to Lie About Sicknick

Sandra Garza is something of a fixture at January 6 Select Committee hearings. Routinely described as the “life partner” of the late Brian Sicknick—even though…

Politics | American Politics

Rashida Tlaib campaign events in 2018 were organized by alleged jihad terror financiers

Imagine if a sitting member of the House of Representatives had had campaign events organized by alleged financiers of the KKK. He or she would already have resigned in disgrace. But Tlaib won't even be asked about this. "Rashida Tlaib campaign events in

Politics | Congress

Nancy Pelosi's husband purchased $5 million in semiconductor stock ahead of Senate vote

Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul purchased $5 million in semiconductor stock Nvidia ahead of Senate vote to deliver billions in subsidies to boost the U.S. chip manufacturing industry.

Politics | Congress

‘Reckless’: House Approves Billions More In Spending As Inflation Rages

The House of Representatives approved a massive billion-dollar defense spending plan on Thursday even as some Republicans raised concerns about inflation and the military’s vaccine mandate.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Reps. Omar and Tlaib among Democrats tied to group with alleged links to Hamas slaying

At least eight Democratic members of Congress share close ties to a nonprofit group that is now subject to discovery in a landmark federal civil lawsuit that seeks to hold the group financially liable for the terrorist slaying of an American teenager in 1

Politics | Congress

Meet the Members of Congress Who Have Been Around Longer Than Chocolate Chip Cookies

Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookies? The chocolate chip cookie is such an American classic that it seems like it’s been around forever, but you might be shocked to learn that a few mem...

Politics | The "Squad"

Rep. Rashida Tlaib rips the ‘fascist’ Supreme Court for making Congress do its job

It's fascist of the Supreme Court to reduce the power of unelected bureaucrats.

Politics | Politics

J6 Claims About Trump And Secret Service Collapses Hours After Hearing

Blockbuster testimony from former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson collapsed hours after Tuesday's show trial hearing.

Politics | Politics

Jan. 6 Committee Ignores Clear Evidence Of Mass Illegal Voting, Systematically Broken Election Laws

The Jan. 6 Committee ignores the verifiable evidence of systemic violations of election law, illegal voting, and more.

Politics | Jan 6

January 6 for Non-Dummies

During another public hearing on Monday, the January 6 select committee featured a witness so irrelevant that his appearance should prompt even the most ardent…

Politics | Congress

Show Trial Mistrial: January 6 Chair Says No Criminal Referral of Trump, After All; Liz Cheney Disagrees

The chair of the January 6 Committee said there would be no criminal referrals of Trump or anyone else to DOJ. Liz Cheney promptly disagreed.

History | History

100 Years Ago This Month: When Congress Embraced Zionism—Unanimously

One hundred years ago this week, the United States Congress unanimously embraced Zionism.

Politics | Congress

Justice Department Colludes with Congress to Bolster the ‘Insurrection’ Narrative

This week produced yet another example of the shameless collaboration between the U.S. Department of Justice, the Democratic Party, and the national news media…

Politics | Politics

What the January 6 Committee Hearings Won’t Cover

Representative Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) promises the January 6 Select committee hearings “will tell a story that will blow the roof of the House.” Rep.

Politics | Congress

Internal Capitol Police review found sweeping intelligence, security failures on Pelosi's watch

Secret after-action report cited widespread ineptitude and inadequate riot squads, found closing of open-source intelligence unit may have contributed to tragedy.

Politics | American Politics

The emergence of the Congressional Pogrom Caucus

The “Nakba” resolution is only the next step in the quest to institutionalize anti-Semitism in American politics.

News | News

PODCAST | Whether At Home Or Abroad It's All About The Guns

The epidemic of mass shootings in the United States recently says less about the lawful availability of guns and ammunition and more about our societal failure. From our governments' failure to address mental health issues that lead to things like Bu

News | News

The Biden Administration’s Pathetic Attempt To ‘Wag The Dog’

The US House of Representatives advanced a bill that would send an additional $40 billion in aid to Ukraine – $7 billion more than what President Biden requested. That raises the total amount of emergency aid issued to Ukraine from the United States alo

Politics | American Politics

House Votes to Bestow Medal of Honor on Last Surviving Nuremberg Prosecutor

Ben Ferencz, honored earlier this year by the State of Florida, was 27 when served as a Nazi prosecutor after the end of World War II.