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Health News | Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness | Health News

What We've Learned from a Year of Vaccine Shedding Data

Numerous data sources now corroborate that the COVID vaccines shed in a consistent and replicable manner

Health & Fitness | Health News

Effect of ketogenic diets on insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Ketogenic diets may support healthy aging and cancer treatment by safely reducing IGF-1, glucose, and insulin

Health & Fitness | Health News

Hand Sanitizers And BPA: A Dangerous Link | NaturalHealth365

(NaturalHealht365) Hand sanitizers contain a transport agent that helps BPA (a nasty chemical found in plastics) get into your body.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Euketonemia: A New Term for Optimal Ketosis

By Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE With ketogenic diets becoming more popular and increasingly recognized for their benefits across various health

Health & Fitness | Health News

Clinical Trial Results: Fatty15 Can Treat Nutritional C15:0 Deficienci

A randomized, double-blinded and placebo controlled clinical trial, recently published in the Journal of Nutrition, has added further support that many of us have a nutritional C15:0 deficiency called Cellular Fragility Syndrome. More importantly? Fatty15

Health & Fitness | Health News

Are Scents of Nature an Untapped Well-Being Boost? - Neuroscience News

A new study urges researchers to explore how the smells of nature impact human health and well-being.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Powerful Anti-Cancer Molecule Discovered Inside 5,000 Year Old “Bread Fungus” — Nathan Crane

Find out Why Scientists believe this Ancient “Goo” may be Nature’s Solution to Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and more… More and more, w

Health & Fitness | Health News

Mitochondrial Health 101: Everything You Need to Know

Often described as the "engines" of our cells, mitochondria are tiny organelles critical in keeping us energized and functioning at our best. Maintaining and enhancing the health of your mitochondria is a powerful way to boost your overall energy levels,

Health & Fitness | Health News

Where is 5G Now | Update on 5G Rollout | The Wave x Aires Tech - airestech

Understanding 5G: discover the implications of this technology, the dangers of EMF, and how it is being integrated across various sectors.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Best Homemade Bug Repellent Recipe

Get rid of gnats and fruit flies with this non toxic homemade bug deterrent recipe.

Health & Fitness | Health News

DIY Fly Repellent Spray

We have been using this DIY Fly repellent spray for our porch area and it is so helpful!This combination of ingredients has worked best for me, so today I wante…

Health & Fitness | Health News

Lifestyle Changes Key to Preventing Half of Cancer Deaths, American Cancer Society Report Reveals

In a report by the American Cancer Society (ACS), researchers have identified that up to half of cancer deaths in the United States could potentially be prevent

Health & Fitness | Health News

Aires Tech Blog | The Wave Forward | EMF News, Research & Stories

At The Wave Forward , we dive deep into the global effects of Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) and tech innovation, guided by reliable research, personal anecdotes, and insights from industry leaders.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Facts About That 10-Year Follow-Up Colonoscopy

Researchers delving into the timing of subsequent colonoscopies found that for some people, the risks are no different if they wait 15 years instead of 10. 

Health & Fitness | Health News

Researchers Find That Music Affects How We Eat

Music contributes more than just ambiance to your dining experience—it may drive your eating behavior.

Health & Fitness | Health News

Mycotoxins: The Hidden Hormone Danger In Our Food Supply

One quarter of our global food supply contains a hidden hormone-disrupting danger that can cause serious acute, as well as chronic adverse health effects. A recent study on young girls in New Jersey found detectable concentrations in the urine of 2/3rds o

Health & Fitness | Health News

Three Ways Your Cell Phone Can Save Your Neck

Cell phones are often blamed for neck problems. We show three ways your phone can promote healthy baseline posture that actually improves neck health.

Health & Fitness | Health News

The importance of mitochondrial health: A user guide

Healthy mitochondria are the foundation of good health, science is uncovering. Learn why they matter and what you can do today to optimize them.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Macular Degeneration: Treatments Seek to Limit or Stop Vision Loss

    Age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to distorted vision and blindness, affects 20 million Americans.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    DNA Testing: Unlocking the Genetic Code of Personalized Medicine and Longevity

    The “one-sized-fits-all” model of health care may potentially become a thing of the past as newer technologies target personalized treatment based on DNA.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    New Study Shows a Leaky Gut Leads to an up to 30-Fold Risk of Autoimmunity

    Leaky gut syndrome is more than a hyped-up passing health fad—it’s a formidable condition that could shape the rest of your life.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    6 Reasons to Practice Transcendental Meditation in 2023

    Practice Transcendental Meditation for 20 minutes, twice a day, to help you lose weight, thrive at work, and ward off heart disease.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Posture Workouts in a Swimming Pool

    Training in water lifts weight off joints and provides resistance. Use with healthy posture principles for optimal results in swimming and on land.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Curcumin Inhibits Cancer Cell Growth | NaturalHealth365

    (NaturalHealth365) Research reveals that curcumin can decrease swelling, inflammation and the size of deadly cancerous tumors.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    How Acupuncture Works For Pain, Sleep, PMS, & More

    Curious about trying acupuncture for back pain, sleep, PMS, or overall well-being? Here’s what you need to know about how acupuncture works & what to expect.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    3 Breathing Exercises to Calm the Brain, Reduce Stress, and Cure Anxiety

    When you breathe correctly, you pump cerebrospinal fluid into the brain to reduce stress and cure anxiety. You've ...

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    The Human Antenna: Exploring Biological Communication

    Our physical bodies are far more than mere vessels; they are intricate and remarkable antenna systems. From the arrangement of our bones to the structure of our cells, every aspect of our body profoundly influences our health and well-being. Remarkably, s

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Turmeric Compound Induces Cancer Cell Death | NaturalHealth365

    (NaturalHealth365) Researchers discovered that a compound found in turmeric can help suppress cancer cell growth.

    Health & Fitness | Health News

    Sleeping Naked For a Better Night's Rest: Does it Work?

    The good news is, there is one easy way to promote great sleep that all of us can do each night. Simply ditch your clothes and sleep naked!

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      4 vagus nerve exercises to transform how you handle stress

      Vagus nerve exercises support calmness by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. Try these exercises to support your body's stress resilience.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Aspartame Declared Possible Carcinogen | NaturalHealth365

      (NaturalHealth365) Recent study findings prompt WHO to declare aspartame possible carcinogen. Read more about this important update.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Dandelion Extract Obliterates Cancer Cells | NaturalHealth365

      (NaturalHealth365) Science now confirms that dandelion extract may help in the fight against breast cancer.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Eyeglasses, Posture, and Headaches

      Vision and headachesWe know that challenges with our vision can cause headaches. Squinting in bright light or straining the eyes to bring hazy text into focus can easily result in strain or pain in the eyes, temples, top of the head, or elsewhere. Wh

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Is This One of the Best Nutrients for Your Eyes and Brain?

      Published research noted that lutein is found in the brain, suggesting that this antioxidant may have beneficial effects ...

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Forever Chemicals In Popular Clothing Brands | NaturalHealth365

      (NaturalHealth365) Forever chemicals associated with worrisome health problems found in popular brands of clothing.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      The biology of stress and the science behind Apollo Vibes

      Do you ever have so much to do that you can’t focus on anything? Or how about lying awake at night unable to sleep because your mind is racing. Or when you’re run down and sore after a stressful day? There’s a biological reason for all of this.  Ch

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Vision Improved With These Carotenoids | NaturalHealth365

      (NaturalHealth365) Studies show lutein along with the macular carotenoid zeaxanthin enhance bone and vision health.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Has The "Cancer Cure" Been Known For 42 Years?

      I’d like to introduce you to a man named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski. Some of you know him, but I suspect many of you do not. They’ve tried to keep him and his medical research out of the public view for decades. In fact, after learning about him

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Dr. Héctor Pérez explains the secrets to achieving better heart health

      Learn from Dr. Pérez as he explains how making healthy lifestyle changes is key to having a healthier heart and avoid heart disease.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Where Can I Find Quercetin in Foods?

      Discover nine remarkable benefits of quercetin for immunity, inflammatory response, weight, pain, exercise performance, skin health & more…

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Chewing Gums Contain Toxic Chemicals | NaturalHealth365

      (NaturalHealth365) Millions of people purchase tons of chewing gums every year and have no idea they are slowly poisoning themselves.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Prevent Cancer By Eating THIS Vegetable | NaturalHealth365

      (NaturalHealth365) Studies show eating this common vegetable helps prevent cancer and lower blood pressure. Find out more in this article.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Food Dyes Damage DNA and Cause Cancer | NaturalHealth365

      (NaturalHealth365) Food dyes are being banned in Europe, but in the U.S., the FDA continues to ignore their risks, such as cancer.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Take the Sting out of Bug Bites with Histamine Balance - Vibrant Blue Oils

      Essential oils can act as a natural remedy for bug bites to reduce inflammation, swelling and itchiness.

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      The Art Of Smudging - A Shamanic Cleansing Ritual

      There is something primordial within us that connects smoke with spirituality. In Native American tradition, it’s seen as a bridge to the higher realms, a way to bring in good spirits and dispel the negative or stagnant ones. The most common smoke-purif

      Health & Fitness | Health News

      Here’s why Pinhole Glasses can support healthy vision

      Have you ever wondered why squinting, or partly closing your eyes, helps you see things more clearly? According to science, it’s because the act of doing so actually changes the shape of your eyes ever so slightly – just enough to allow the light ente

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Eat like an African and drop your cancer risk in two weeks

        Americans were put on an African diet and Africans were put on an American diet. Scientists were shocked by the results.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        GInger Helps Protect Against Cancer | NaturalHealth365

        (NaturalHealth365) Ginger offers multiple health benefits. Find out how this pungent spice can help protect against cancer.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Popular Foods Contaminated With Chemicals | NaturalHealth365

        (NaturalHealth365) Many popular foods - even organic brands - touted as healthy are contaminated with harmful chemicals, heavy metals.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Why an Alkaline Approach Can Successfully Treat Cancer

        In the 1930s, an interesting natural cancer treatment was proposed as a simple, effective answer to cancer—almost any ...

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated

        The U.S. government has been secretly tracking those who didn't get the COVID jab, as well as those ...

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Does Bulletproof Coffee Break Your Intermittent Fast?

        Will your intermittent break if you drink Bulletproof Coffee? Find out everything you need to know, including the numerous benefits!

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Benefits of Eating Organic Grass-Fed Beef

        The Benefits of Eating Organic Grass-Fed Beef have never been more crucial. A recent National Health Survey had a shocking statistic: out of 2,310 people tested, 80% had traces of the herbicide Glyphosate (a known cause of cancer) in their urine. Eating O

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Sleeping Naked For a Better Night's Rest: Does it Work?

        The good news is, there is one easy way to promote great sleep that all of us can do each night. Simply ditch your clothes and sleep naked!

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Ways To Boost Your Immune System

        Immunity Boosting Micronutrients Since it's flu season - and most of us at the office are feeling it - we thought we'd shine a light on how you can use

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Pomegranate Offers Heart-Protective Benefits | NaturalHealth365

        (NaturalHealth365) Discover the many health benefits of pomegranate, including improved heart health and lower risk of cancer.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Researchers Demand COVID Vax Trial Data | NaturalHealth365

        (NaturalHealth365) Researchers write open letter to CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna, calling for full release of clinical trial data.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Popular Athletic Clothing Brands Have High Levels of Hormone Disrupting Chemical BPA: Watchdog Group

        Sport bras and athletic shirts of some of the major global sports brands were found to contain dangerous levels of estrogen-mimicking BPA (bisphenol A) posing a considerable risk to people’s health, according to legal notices sent by the Center for Envi

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Seven More Reasons to Love Avocados That You Didn’t Already Know - thenutritionwatchdog.com

        By: Cat Ebeling  Co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fig

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Taking 4,000 Steps a Day Can Reduce Dementia Risk—But More Walking Is Even Better

        New research shows that while 10,000 steps a day can reduce dementia risk by half, even 4,000 steps a day has health benefits.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Let Us Tap Together! - Circle of Life with Rasaji

        This Is a Nice Intro to Taping On 15 Major Pressures Points in The Body That Help

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Study Finds Ultra-Processed Foods Like Frozen Meals and Soda Lead to Cancer

        Your go-to frozen meal or cold cuts could be amplifying your risk of cancer or premature death.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Why self-care is so important for heart health by Dr Rashmi Byakodi

        Here are some practical tips on self-care for your heart health and why it is so important for your overall health, by Dr. Rashmi Byakodi.

        Health & Fitness | Health News

        Herbs for Fire Season Support

        If you live in an area prone to wildfire, you know that fire season brings a whole list of things to prepare for including ways to relieve discomforts derived from smokey air and overcast skies. Here are some helpful herbs and resources to help support re

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Top Longevity Supplements to Take for Anti-Aging

          In this article you will discover the top longevity supplements to take to slow down aging, improve energy, brain, skin and immune health.

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Top 12 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Nutrients

          One of the hottest areas of cancer research has to do with cancer stem cells and the top 12 cancer stem cell killing nutrients.

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Keto Lifestyle 101: The Ketogenic Diet for Beginners

          The keto lifestyle is blowing up in the nutrition scene because of its ability to help you shed fat, lower inflammation, and increase your brain function. With words like “ketosis” and “ketones”, plus all the talk of macros and fat adaptation, yo

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          Wildling Beauty

          Skin rituals for face and body that lift, plump, sculpt, and tone the skin.

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          How Infrared Sauna Can Help With Relaxation | Sunlighten

          Nothing creates space for de-stressing like a Sunlighten infrared sauna. Relaxation may be an infrared sauna’s most underrated superpower. We look at some of the science that shows dry sauna heat makes positive physiological changes in the body that hel

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          How not to Hunch like your Parent and Grandparent

          Hunching is learned rather than inherited, so the Gokhale Method uses healthy posture principles and carefully honed techniques to reeducate the body.

          Health & Fitness | Health News

          6 Foods That Could Fix Underlying Cause of Inflammation

          Sulfur is a somewhat "forgotten" nutrient you don't hear mentioned very often, but it's very important for optimal ...

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Studies Find Natural Treatments for Coronavirus

            Contrary to what mass mainstream media would have you assume, coronaviruses aren't uncharted territory. In fact, human coronaviruses ...

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            SARS-COV-2 Vaccines and Neurodegenerative Disease

            Since December 2020, when several novel unprecedented vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 began to be approved for emergency use, there ...

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Adrenal Problems Addressed By Adaptogenic Herbs | NaturalHealth365

            (NaturalHealth365) Are you suffering from adrenal problems? Poor adrenal health increases your risk of various diseases. Here is a solution.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Easy Tips to Keep Your Dry Eyes at Ease

            Winter can lead to dry, itchy eyes. It’s windy and dry outdoors, and heaters pumping inside don’t offer ...

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            More Good News on Ivermectin

            When it comes to the treatment of COVID-19, many Western nations have been hobbled by the politicization of ...

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Best Time to Take Your Supplements

            Your body is a complex miracle of biochemistry. And knowing how to use it and fuel it better will help you get more out of it.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            A Solid Future for Cancer Cell Therapy

            Cell therapies have transformed the treatment of certain blood cancers. Scientists now are working to bring that success to solid tumors.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Can Vegetarians Eat The Bulletproof Diet?

            You can get a lot from the Bulletproof Diet, even if you don't eat meat. Here are a few hacks tailored for vegetarians who want to go Bulletproof.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            How I Reversed an Autoimmune Disease (Part 1)

            Today I live a healthy, happy life. You’d never know that 6 years ago I nearly died from an advanced stage of an autoimmune disease and no doctor could help me.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Saunaing: The easiest habit you’ll love to create - Sunlighten

            Your health, and the health of the ones you love, depends on the small choices you make to live healthy regularly over time. The way to be successful in developing healthy habits lies in finding a few foundational things that are doable; that you will a

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            7 Medicinal Mushrooms That Fight Cancer

            Medicinal mushrooms are among the most powerful foods for preventing and treating cancer. Get the scoop on 7 cancer-fighting varieties.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Seven More Reasons to Love Avocados That You Didn’t Already Know - thenutritionwatchdog.com

            By: Cat Ebeling  Co-author of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fig

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            The Health Benefits of Chocolate: Cool Stuff You Didn't Know

            Learn the health benefits of dark chocolate, how to source the best quality chocolate and the little-known compound that makes chocolate so good for you.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            These Foods Have Natural Chemopreventive Properties | GreenMedInfo

            The greatest ally against chronic disease may be found in your everyday diet, from fresh, raw fruits and vegetables to popular beverages such as coffee and green tea

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Amazon devices will soon automatically share your Internet with neighbors

            Amazon's experimental wireless mesh networking turns users into guinea pigs.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Histone Acetylation: The Other Superpower of Ketosis

            Read about how histone acetylation works, why you want to keep your gene expression in good working order, and how ketosis can help.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Aluminum Linked To Alzheimer's Disease | NaturalHealth365

            (NaturalHealth365) A new study reveals bombshell evidence that a toxic heavy metal, aluminum may be linked to Alzheimer's disease.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Cocoa Offers Remarkable Health Benefits | NaturalHealth365

            (NaturalHealth365) Even a single episode of stress can raise the risk of cardiac events. Discover how cocoa can support your heart health..

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Plant Melatonin vs Synthetic Melatonin - Why Nature Knows Best – Symphony Natural Health

            Melatonin is a unique antioxidant with the ability to cross the blood brain barrier. But not all melatonin supplements are created equal. Research shows the benefits of natural, plant melatonin over synthetic alternatives.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            6 At-Home Infrared Saunas for Every Space and Budget | Well Good

            At-home infrared saunas are available in a variety of price points, with many foldable options that save space, too.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            10 Lifestyle Changes Linked to Lower Blood Pressure Without Medication

            High blood pressure is like an overheated engine—nothing good can come from it. If our blood pressure is high (aka hypertension), then you want easy, natural ways to lower it.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            All the Reasons You Need to Drink Coffee Before Your Workout

            Coffee is your new favorite pre-workout. Here are all the amazing ways it boosts your workout, plus how to get more from your brew.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            BBC One’s “The Truth About Improving Mental Health” Features Alpha-Stim® as a Treatment for Insomnia - Alpha-Stim

            BBC One's "The Truth About Improving Mental Health" features Alpha-Stim as a safe and effective treatment for insomnia.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            CDC Report Buries Shocking Data About Asymptomatic Spread

            If the contagiousness of people without symptoms does not drive the spread of SARS-COV-2, then restrictions on the general public don't make sense.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Study Shows Power of Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil for Brain Health

            MCT oil for brain health? A study conducted at Canada's University of Sherbrooke shows how Brain Octane C8 MCT Oil lights up the brain.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            New Research Review Says HCQ Plus Zinc Reduces COVID-19 Deaths

            Hydroxychloroquine has been one of the most controversial treatments for COVID-19 throughout the pandemic. Now a new research ...

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Government Consigned Israeli Population to be Human Subjects in a Massive Experiment

            BBC: "Israel bought large stocks of the [Covid-19] jab in exchange for acting as the world's guinea pig."

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Heat, Cold, Light and What to Skip to Keep Your Immune System Strong

            Everyone knows that much the world has been on lockdown for the last several months, first with the 2 month goal of “flattening the curve,” but now it’s morphed into “lockdown until there’s a vaccine.”

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            British legislator calls for widespread vitamin D rollout following 82% reduction in COVID-19 deaths in Spain – Natura

            British Member of Parliament David Davis is urging the British government to strengthen its vitamin D supplementation program for people at-risk of COVID-19 following an impressive precedent set by Andalusia in Spain. Speaking before the House of Commons

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            6 Bodily Tissues That Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition

            It may come as a surprise to some, especially those with conventional medical training, but the default state of the body is one of ceaseless regeneration. Without the flame-like persistence of continual cell turnover within the body - life and death ceas

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Heat, Cold, Light and What to Skip to Keep Your Immune System Strong

            Everyone knows that much the world has been on lockdown for the last several months, first with the 2 month goal of “flattening the curve,” but now it’s morphed into “lockdown until there’s a vaccine.”

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Best Kept Secrets to Prevent, Halt, or Even Reverse Macular

            Have you ever felt your money was wasted on supplements? That even though you consistently followed the protocol from your health-care practitioner you were not getting the results others obtained with the same program? You may have been right! We've help

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Humidifiers May Play a Role in Preventing COVID

            Controlling the humidity level in your home, or even simply in your bedroom while you sleep, may lower ...

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Breathwork Helps Tame Stress, Benefits Your Mind and Body

            Too many people breath the shallow breaths of the stressed and anxious. That lack of airflow creates more stress, and so a vicious cycle begins.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Former Israeli General And Space Security Chief: "Aliens Are Real" Says President Trump Was Close To Public An

            Haim Eshed, a former Israeli general told the Jerusalem post that Aliens are in fact real, and that both the U.S. and Israel have known for years

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            COVID-19 Vaccine Bombshell: FDA Documents Reveal DEATH 21 Serious

            Public discussion and documents reveal that the FDA knows that rushed-to-market COVID-19 vaccines may cause a wide range of life-threatening side effects, including death.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Three-Spice Combo Improves Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis | GreenMedInfo

            Turmeric extract, when combined with gingerols in ginger and piperine in black pepper, shows promise for addressing osteoarthritis, with results similar to those achieved by a common anti-inflammatory medication

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Cleveland Clinic Identifies Melatonin as COVID-19 Treatment

            Melatonin has been shown to play a role in viral infections and research suggests it may be an important adjunct to COVID-19 treatment.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Sulforaphane: What Is It, Its Benefits, & Top Foods & Supplements

            Find out all about sulforaphane, a powerful antioxidant in cruciferous vegetables, why it's good for you, and how to use it for your health.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Black Seed - 'The Remedy for Everything but Death' | GreenMedInfo

            This humble, but immensely powerful seed, kills MRSA, heals the chemical weapon poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of the dying beta cells within the diabetic's pancreas, and yet too few even know it exists.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Brain Benefits of Yoga Comparable to Aerobic Exercise | GreenMedInfo

            Think you need to pound the pavement in order to obtain the benefits of exercise? Studies show yoga may be just as good as aerobics when it comes to maintaining a healthy brain

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            25 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Foods Smarter Than Chemo & Radiation

            An important scientific review identifies 25 of the top foods and herbs which kill the cancer stem cells at the root cause of cancer malignancy.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Improve Your Health With Bite-Sized Fasts

            Laz Versalles recently vowed to get back into shape. A former college football player, Versalles still looked strong, but with marriage and fatherhood, he'd put on some extra pounds.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Maintaining a Healthy Mind in Uncertain Times - Sunlighten

            Now is a time most people are stressed due to the pandemic. Learn 7 natural ways to improve your mental health.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Is Fat Good for You? Everything You Need to Know About Dietary Fats

            You need to eat lots of healthy fats to stay slim and perform at your best but not all fats are created equal. Find out everything you ever wanted to know about dietary fats.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Study Shows Coffee in the Morning Increases Ketone Levels

            A Canadian study showed that drinking coffee in the morning will not only keep you in a fasted state but increase your blood ketones to help you burn fat.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Science of Saunas: 10 Proven Clinical Health Benefits of Saunas

            Saunas create a variety of well-documented health benefits, including the release of 'feel good’ endorphins, improved circulation and blood flow, and more.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            What is the Best Intermittent Fasting Window to Lose Belly Fat?

            Time-restricted eating, a form of intermittent fasting, has been associated with weight loss and other health benefits.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Mask wearers are “dramatically less likely” to get a severe case of Covid-19

            When people wear masks, they can still get infected, but they’re more likely to have milder symptoms.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Are You Getting Enough Protein? How to Find Your Ideal Protein Intake

            Get the scoop on different types of protein, their bioavailability, and how much protein to eat for muscle gain, weight loss, and recovery.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Five Ways to Battle the Midlife Midsection

            Weight gain and aging often go hand-in-hand. Before you resign yourself to a life of elastic waist clothing, there are a few things you can do to control or reverse the weight gain in your middle, and minimize your risk of serious illness. Here are five t

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            The Complete Intermittent Fasting Guide for Beginners

            Intermittent fasting has tons of benefits, and it’s really easy to do. Find out how it works and the best way to fast in this intermittent fasting guide.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Is Intermittent Fasting All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

            Intermittent Fasting (IF) is a popular trend among many of Hollywood’s elite, as well as several fitness professionals, who swear by this method for keeping their enviable bodies in shape, but what exactly is IF and is it something you should consider t

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            WHO Admits: No Direct Evidence Masks Prevent Viral Infection

            Most objections to mask-wearing requirements are not to the masks themselves, but to the mandate, and well-documented consequences such as oxygen deprivation should give anybody pause

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            7 Simple Indicators Your Body Reveals About Your Health

            You don’t always need a doctor to tell you if you’re healthy. Every day, your body can reveal certain clues that reveal the state of your health.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Intermittent Fasting 101: Find Out if It's Right for You

            Interested in intermittent fasting? Discover the types, health benefits, and risks in this easy to follow intermittent fasting 101 guide.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Tracking the Glucose Ketone Index - Heads Up Health

            In this post we will examine the glucose ketone index as a biomarker for tracking metabolic health.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            My Favorite Exercises for When You Can't Visit the Gym, Part 1: Chair Pose | Gokhale Method Institute

            Whether you are on the road, in a campground, or just stuck at home during quarantine, you can always exercise. I’ve been dancing since I was a young child, so I have a very strong bias for dance as a way of exercising, but I also like to change it up w

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Magnesium: The Missing Mineral

            Minerals are key to a well-functioning body: Iron helps generate red blood cells; calcium builds bones; the dance ...

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Bristol Stool Chart - What Your Poop is Telling You... - Heads Up Health

            Learn how to use the Bristol stool chart to track the health of what comes out of your body and track your results with Heads Up Health.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            PERSPIRATE. MOTIVATE. FEEL GREAT! - Sunlighten

            Start your workout with a quicker sweat that doesn't increase your heart rate and provides your body with healing benefits, using an infrared sauna.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            These 5 Yoga Poses Can Reduce Menopause Symptoms

            During (and even leading up to) menopause, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Your body is changing in all sorts of ways over which it seems like you have no control. But you have more control over many of these symptoms than you think—and that’s where

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Innovative New Method May Allow Doctors to Target ‘Bad’ Gut Microbes

            Our body relies on an ecosystem of microbes in our stomach for good health. But when this microscopic community turns bad, our health suffers.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Men's Health Month Series: 3 - Sam's 5 Pillars of Wellness - Sunlighten

            One of the reasons I love working at Sunlighten is because the culture here completely embodies my stance on health and wellness.  Wellness can mean different things to different people. For me, it is about optimizing my performance both physically and m

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

            Getting a grip on blood pressure without drugs isn't impossible, and can even be fun and delicious.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Censoring Evidence on Vitamin C

            High doses vitamin C isn't something many doctors are comfortable trying, but this relatively low-risk treatment may have potential—despite the censorship.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            UV Rays Emitted Inside Trachea Could ‘Eradicate’ Viruses and Bacteria

            Sunlight can directly kill troublesome microbes. Now UV light is being used in medical treatments that bring its cleansing to our trachea, where bacteria can grow.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Top 20 Immune Boosting Foods

            A wide variety of diverse foods, especially fruits and vegetables, can have a huge impact on your immune system’s resilience.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            10 Frizzy Hair Solutions for Smooth, Sleek Hair | Young Living Blog

            Meta Description(2-3 sentences, SEO keyword loaded) Frizzy hair got you feelin’ down? Cheer up! Our list of frizzy hair solutions will have you—and your hair—doing the happy dance in no time.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Natural Protection Strategy Against Viruses, Including Coronavirus

            Viruses like coronavirus challenge the body. It must develop immunity through wrestling with infection. Some foods and vitamins better help it do that.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Should I Disinfect My Groceries? Advice About Grocery Shopping Safely : Shots - Health News : NPR

            Coronavirus got you nervous about grocery shopping? We talked to scientists for their advice about how to stay safe at the store — and when handling food back home.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 | Pesticide Registration | US EPA

            List N includes products with an emerging viral pathogen claim and products with claims for human coronaviruses.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Best Foods to Help Your Body Fight the Coronavirus

            While there are no current allopathic treatments that target coronavirus, there are osteopathic treatments that can help you body fight back.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Does Everyone Over 60 Need to Take the Same Coronavirus Precautions?

            If you’re worried that older parents aren’t following rigorous enough precautions, don’t lecture them. Instead, ask how they’ve prepared.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Scientists Find 69 Drugs and Compounds Potentially Effective Against COVID-19

            Researchers have identified dozens of drugs and compounds that may be effective in combating the CCP virus.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            9 Health Benefits of Oranges Backed by Science

            Simple minded scientists sometimes try to simplify the medicinal qualities of the orange down to vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. That is a mistake.

            Health & Fitness | Health News

            Flavors of BPA Keep Plastic Hormonal

            BPA-free means little when common plastics have same side effects.