In the era of mainstream media controlled narratives, alternative facts, "fake news," and the unadulterated cancer of "Woke-ism," America - and the world - is in need of a straightforward voice, anchored in common sense, where facts and truth mandate the narrative, not the talking heads of the privileged and elitist classes.

Read and listened to across 47 US states and 23 countries, I cover the facts of the matter (a throwback to the days of real journalism) and then take it a step further: I explain why the story is important and I expound on that.

​The podcast offers even more insight into the topics covered here but does so in a casual, everyman, "corner of the bar" type feel that allows for speaking freely, without fear, and barring political correctness.

​Both national political parties are a disgrace. The American people deserve better.

Let's go Underground...

Underground USA

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Views 733.3K

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PODCAST | The Lie That Is Biden’s Support For Israel

Before I get into anything, I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me and offered up prayers and well wishes during my time under medical care. I appreciate each one of you. And before we get into the meat of what I want to address, now comes n

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The Communist Chinese Influence in America's K-12 Education System

In recent months, US officials have raised concerns over the communist Chinese’s concerted efforts to extend its global influence – and especially its propagandistic influence into the United States – through what it terms “soft power.” This inf

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Ignoring Cries For Freedom; Pandering To Ungrateful Haters

The United States is supposed to be the beacon of freedom for all the world to see, at least that’s how the story goes. But time and time again, when opportunities present for the United States to come to the aid of those risking their lives to cry out

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PODCAST | We Really Have To Confront The Radical Thinking Of The Far-Left

As a lead into today’s America’s Third Watch program – in which we discuss at length Chuck Schumer’s shameful but full-throated endorsement of interfering in another sovereign nation’s election, among other things – I wanted to play a clip tha

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The Problem With A Gaza Ceasefire

As the Biden administration and the terminally misinformed and under-educated of the GenZ and Millennial generations push for a ceasefire between Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza, two glaring truths seem to be falling through the cracks;

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PODCAST | The Cheney-Kinzinger Scam Exposed

Before we get to the subjects of President Biden, his arrogance transmitted to the Middle East, and the troublesome floating pier he wants to put on the coast of Gaza, I wanted to shed some light on the crime committed by the so-called January 6th committ

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PODCAST | The Screeching Of A Delusional Man

Before we get deeper into the screamfest that was Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech (Is that what that was? It sounded a hell of a lot more like a campaign speech full of rainbows and unicorns…oh, and by the way, it’s all our fault for not appre

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Telegraphing The Unconstitutional Disenfranchisement Of American Voters

As we progress into the thick of the silly season we will hear a lot more about election integrity, election interference, and voter fraud, and we’ll we should. Although some states moved to reinforce voter registration procedures and laws overseeing th

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With 11 Million ‘Newcomers' It’s Time To Get Serious About Securing The Vote

Merrick Garland’s flippant remarks about securing our nation’s vote for its citizens are both ignorant and infuriating at the same time. As record numbers of minority citizens successfully cast votes in every corner of the country, great care should b

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When Dreams Become Nightmares

LISTEN TO THIS BONUS SEGMENT OF UNDERGROUND USA ON AMERICA’S THIRD WATCH US Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced that he is stepping down as Senate Minority Leader after the November General Elections. But, in true Nancy Pelosi style, he will remain in

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    PODCAST | Turning The Page On Ronna McDaniel

    Before we head into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on the announcement that Ronna McDaniel is stepping down as the RNC chair after the Super Tuesday primary contests. Quite frankly, the move is overdue.

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    Democrats: The Party Of ‘So What?’

    As the silly season sprouts into full bloom toward the November General Elections, we are going to be on the receiving end of a very well-funded disinformation campaign – bankrolled by the billionaires of the political Left (the same ones bankrolling Ni

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    PODCAST | Cultural Appropriation By Any Other Name…

    Before we get to this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on a hypocrisy everyone is letting slide. It may sound insignificant to you at first, but the more you contemplate the double standard being applied here, the more you see that on

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      The Only Honest Way Forward Is Through Stand Alone Legislation

      Now comes the news that Democrats have a brand new strategy to deflect from doing nothing for 3-plus years but promoting identity politics while purposely degrading the state of our Republic. They are going to blame Republicans for the crisis on the US so

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      PODCAST | Yeah, I Have A Problem With Presidents' Day

      As we get into this Presidents' Day edition of America’s Third Watch, I want to go on record as saying I was never a fan of homogenizing Washington’s Birthday and Lincoln’s Birthday together and then enjoining all of the presidents into that me

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      PODCAST | Voting ‘Present' On Condemning Rape & Sexual Assault?

      Before we get into the meat of this America's Third Watch segment, I just had to comment on the absolute abdication of humanity exercised by US Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) in her “present” vote addressing Hamas' use of rape and sexual assault

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      It’s Not Left v. Right…It’s Elitism v. Freedom

      As we stampede into the 2024 General Election, we hear – and rightly so – that our country has never been more divided. Republican and Democrat, Conservative and Liberal, people are anchored in their ideology and it will be a gargantuan effort to reco

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      PODCAST | Unsportsmanlike Conduct & A Horrible Role Model

      I didn’t watch the Super Bowl so I am making my points based on the extensive social media coverage of Kansas City Chiefs' Travis Kelce going unhinged on his coach. Kelce – or as I like to refer to him, Taylor Swift’s boyfriend – exhibited no

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      PODCAST | Excuse Me? Trump Has Already Been Acquitted on Insurrection Charges

      With the release of special counsel Robert Hur’s report on President Biden’s handling of classified documents, it appears we are once again facing a Hillary Clinton-James Comey moment. Where everyone was outraged that Clinton wouldn’t be held to acc

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      PODCAST | George Stephanopoulos Exposes His Partisan Constitutional Illiteracy

      On a recent edition of ABC News This Week, host George Stephanopoulos abruptly ended an interview with US Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), because Vance wouldn’t take a knee to the idea that the Executive Branch bureaucracy has autonomy outside the pleasure of the

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      Take It Easy…No One ‘Hates' Taylor Swift

      I find myself sitting at my keyboard – stunned and incredulous – that I am writing about the over-marketed pop star Taylor Swift. Strange times, indeed, as they say. But the controversy brewing around Swift (or her manufactured persona) is starting to

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      PODCAST | A Couple Of Things To Understand Before Your Opinion On The Middle East Matters

      I’d like to touch on a subject that GenZers and GenZ Alphas – and maybe even some later Millennials – wouldn’t fully understand from experience. The subject matter is what most people mistakenly call “radical Islam.” It is important for a coup

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      PODCAST | Letting The Days Go By: This Is Not My Beautiful House

      Before we get to this morning’s segments on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, in which we discuss both how our federal government got to this level of dysfunction, and a pathway to rectifying this serious issue, I wanted to to point out a prime

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      PODCAST | It’s Official…The GOP Primary Season Is Over

      I wanted to play Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' presidential campaign suspension speech. It is just five minutes long, but it illustrates the humble modesty of a true leader. Far from utilizing the typical “blame everyone else” political move th

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      VIDEO | January 6th: A Timeline Of Events That Raises Many Questions

      Many narratives were crafted about the protest that occurred at the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. Almost all of the ones produced by Congress and the mainstream media shop the narrative of a violent mob that, unprovoked, stormed the Capitol Buil

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      Insurrection: Does The Left Understand The Meaning Of The Word?

      In The Princess Bride, Vizzini constantly uses the word “inconceivable” as an exclamation, whether the word fits the moment or not. At one point, another character, Iñigo Montoya looks at Vizzini after he misuses the word for the umpteenth time and s

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      PODCAST | The Errors In Biden’s Speech Were Many…But This Is The Most Egregious

      Before we get to Monday’s segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to make a few comments about Joe Biden’s disgraceful Valley Forge speech. To put it bluntly, there was so much disingenuousness in that speech – so much politically driven propag

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      PODCAST | He’s Hitting The Mark…Too Bad The Media Is Ignoring Him

      In recent days, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has made some very dangerous statements for someone in his position. He is speaking the truth and the establishment, Deep State political apparatus doesn’t like it. How can they? They hat

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      We Are Losing Generations To Inept Parenting & The Transitioners

      In my more recent articles, I have been critical of GenZ, so much so that some of the more thin-skinned free subscribers have dropped their subscriptions to my Substack (I chalk that up to issue bandwagoning). But the fact of the matter is this. I am not

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      PODCAST | You Can’t Toss Someone Off Of A Ballot Without Due Process

      Now Maine. The election “authority” in that state, Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, has decided – unilaterally – that Donald Trump should be removed from the federal election ballot in Maine because he is an insurrectionist.

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      How We Should Be Pushing Back Against The Propagandistic Left

      As the clash between the terrorist organization Hamas and the sovereign nation of Israel rages on, the neo-fascist Left’s propaganda machine is in full whir, their special interest operatives whipping the ignorant GenZers and late-to-reality Millennials

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      Peace On Earth Goodwill Towards Men…If Only

      “Peace of earth, goodwill towards men.” We hear this phrase every year during the holidays, albeit less and less thanks to the marketing-driven “reimagined” Christmas. But it wasn’t too long ago that people – if only for a month – put some w

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      PODCAST | Phobias…The Woke Left’s Got ‘Em

      In this segment of America’s Third Watch, we discuss – among other things – the woke Left’s neverending list of phobias. Oh, sure they present as being these confident social justice warriors, but the fact of the matter is this. That confidence is

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      The Woke's Shallow Crusade Against US History Continues

      Just when you thought the stupidity of erasing history had stopped, now comes news that the poison of wokeism is inside the gates at Arlington National Cemetery. That this story isn’t front-page news is disgusting. As Americans, we should be ashamed for

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      PODCAST | Oh, You’re A Change-Agent Activist? (Yawn)

      Before we get into this current segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to preface a point that we touch on, which centers on the obnoxious trend of everyone needing to be a change-agent activist.

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      There’s A Big Difference Between Capitalism & Corporatism

      Suppose you can get past the hateful throngs of ideologically brainwashed antisemitic protesters on college campuses and in our urban areas. In that case, you will find yourself at the second layer of the indoctrination onion which compels today’s youth

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      PODCAST | He Who Controls The Food & Means To Healthcare...

      Before we get to this morning’s segment on America's Third Watch, I wanted to touch on an item that I believe is getting little coverage in the mainstream media and the coverage it is getting is convoluted.

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      PODCAST | Why Is It We Don’t Learn From These Things?

      Before I intro this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, I want to point out the overt and deliberate attack on innocent Israelis in Jerusalem last Thursday by Hamas terrorists. This attack resulted in the murders of six people and the severe i

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      Time To Castrate The United Nations

      Thanks for downloading and listening. Before we get into this Monday's edition of America's Third Watch – in which we debate the reality of Bidenomics and talk about the crimes committed by Hamas against the Israeli people, I wanted to point y

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      Not Just No But Hell No!

      We in the United States are facing a full-on assault against the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, the most important inalienable right possessed by a free people. And while the right to free speech is codified in the US Bill of Rights, this att

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      Note by Underground USA on Substack

      “...only 29% of students said a speaker who viewed transgender people as having a mental disorder or who viewed ‘Black Lives Matter’ as a hate group should be allowed to speak. Only 43% said an advocate for the abolition of abortion should be allowe

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      Political Reprobates Of The Left Prove Their Lust For Power Eclipses All

      As if the world needed any more proof that the globalist-aligned, neo-fascist American Left has a debilitating addiction to power, now comes the 2023 “selling of the souls” in the politically-motivated packaging of aid to Israel and a new traunch mone

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      Biden Administration Wants To Continue Spying On Americans In The US

      If you had any misgivings about the totalitarian, unconstitutional nature of today’s neo-fascist Left in the United States this development should quell those misgivings. A bipartisan bill moving through Congress

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      PODCAST | Are Tinfoil Hats Becoming A Fashion Statement?

      Listen now (32 mins) | As a precursor to today’s segment on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, I wanted to mention two things. First, please take some time to read The Anti-Freedom Movements Aren’t So Different, the featured story at Undergroun

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      The Anti-Freedom Movements Aren’t So Different

      As misinformed and indoctrinated college students continue to fall prey to the poison of Islamic totalitarian propaganda regarding the victim status that has been bestowed on Hamas, it would be prudent to push back against the false narratives flooding ou

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      PODCAST | In An Official Capacity, It’s Irresponsible & Actionable

      Listen now (29 mins) | Before we get into this morning’s segments on America’s Third Watch, in which we discuss not only Squad member and US Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI), incendiary X post published Friday but some of the lesser-known violent directi

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      It’s Can’t Be A Same-Old-Same-Old Response This Time

      Listen now (31 mins) | Before we get into Friday’s segment of Amerca’s Third Watch in which Kyle Warren and I discuss a variety of subjects – from the worthlessness of the United Nations in the Middle Eastern conflicts, to the very real fact that re

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      How About We Enforce The Laws We Have…Everywhere?!

      Listen now (30 mins) | In this episode of America’s Third Watch, Kyle Warren and I discuss a variety of topics including how retailers – especially in California and up the West Coast – are lobbying Congress to create federal law that would combat t

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      The Death Of Mainstream Media Credibility

      If the ongoing Israeli-Hamas war has reiterated any one point – besides the fact that the Arab world will never leave the Israelis to enjoy peace in the land the international community codified to them in 1947 – it is this. No one, anywhere, believes

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      PODCAST | The Cancerous Metastasizing Of The Neo-Axis Powers

      Listen now (30 mins) | Before we get into this morning’s segment on America's Third Watch, in which we talk at length about the coalescing of a new neo-Axis power joining Iran, Russia, China, South Korea, and a gaggle of lesser satellite nations to

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      PODCAST | Ineptitude, Opportunism & Corruption vs. Some Common Sense

      Listen now (52 mins) | After our regular segment on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, we’re going to try something a little new. This is what I was referring to in my last mailout about trying something a little different; a little unique.

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      PODCAST | There’s Something Happening Here…What It Is Ain’t Exactly Clear

      Listen now (25 mins) | As we watch the atrocities committed by Hamas play out, it is hard not to believe that there is something much more nefarious underway. It is obvious that Iran is playing a significant role in the mass murder that has taken place in

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      The Cowards Of The Collegiate Left: Ignorant & Entitled

      In the aftermath of the Hamas terror attack on Israel last weekend, the Leftist university population protested in support of Hamas. Student groups at Arizona State University and Indiana University took to their school's commons

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      PODCAST | This Activist Principal Actually Deserves The January 6th Treatment

      Listen now | I wanted to touch on two things that we didn't get to talk about too much this morning. The first one was Gavin Newsom's appointment of Laphonza Butler, the director of Emily's List, to fill in for Dianne Feinstein's vacan

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      It’s Time To Dispense With The Embarrassing ‘Debate’ Charade

      If you have watched any of the circus acts that are being shopped to the American public as the Republican Presidential Debates then you are probably no stranger to this question. “What have I learned?” The most common answer to that question is this.

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      PODCAST | Less Government. More Freedom.

      Listen now (26 mins) | Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain’s America: Third Watch, I wanted to double down on some things we talked about at the end of the second segment. First, we need to expunge the idea that the Democrat Party i

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      ‘Our Government Is Trying To Kill Us’

      Many of us recognize that for almost a century our federal government has been expanding its authority over the states – and the people – in a way that is forbidden by the US Constitution. Using a contorted scheme of precedent law – not constitution

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      PODCAST | Biden's Slap In The Face Needs To Serve As A Wake-Up Call

      LISTEN NOW | I want to say a few words about what can only be seen as the pre-eminent national disgrace and his actions on the 22nd commemoration of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Joe Biden – President Potato Brain – and this cannot be repeated enou

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      The Perfect Storm: Remembering The Falling Man Of September 11th

      Anyone alive and aware on September 11, 2001, remembers the horrifying images of fire and death brought to our shores by the Islamofascist terrorists of Al Qaeda. The scenes of havoc and panic, destruction and slaughter, demonstrated beyond a shadow of a

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      PODCAST | Biden’s COVID ‘Scamdempic’ 2.0

      LISTEN NOW | I wanted to elaborate a little bit about something we talked about – or I guess I ranted about – in this segment and that is the attempt by the politically manipulative to move us back to masks and “Hey, let's take another variatio

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      ‘Living And Dying In 3/4 Time’…

      There are non-political events that happen each day in our world that hold a great amount of significance; they impact our lives on a very personal level and sometimes a transformative level. My introduction to and relationship with the entirety of the Ji

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      PODCAST | The Bluster That Is Biden’s COVID Emergency

      Listen now | Before we get into this segment of The Captain’s America: Third Watch, I want to say a couple words about the lead piece over at, We Won’t Get Fooled Again: I Will Not Comply. We talk about that in this segment as well.

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      We Won’t Get Fooled Again: I Will Not Comply

      As the authoritarian Leftist machine gears up to advance another fear-porn false narrative about a new strain of COVID – not coincidentally just before the run-up to the 2024 Election, we will again hear talk of lockdown orders and mask mandates. The qu

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      The Avoidable Demise Of Small-Town America

      I recently spent a long weekend in a small town that holds at least half of my ancestral roots. Traditionally, Arcadia, Wisconsin would be considered a quintessential small farming town, although there were industries in the area prior to the day, a lumbe

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      Unacceptable At Any And Every Level

      It is stunning that this is a subject to write about, but it is. Approaching the 22-year mark since 2,977 were murdered by Islamofascist al Qaeda terrorists – 2,753 at the World Trade Center in New York (343 of whom were first responders), 184 at the Pe

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      PODCAST | Tragedy in Paradise

      Listen now | I wanted to reiterate how important it is to come to the aid of our fellow Americans living on Maui in Hawaii. The devastation from the tragedy that happened there – an act of God – is enormous. It was described by my sister, who lives on

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      PODCAST | The Beginning Of The Greatest Divide

      LISTEN NOW | The neo-fascist Left of the Democrat Party – formerly known as the Progressives – which has run roughshod over the Democrat Party for the last, at least, thirty years, is a minority. They're a vocal minority; they're a bully min

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      The American Fifth Column’s Laughable Indictment Of Donald Trump

      Here we go again. Special Counsel Jack Smith, appointed by the Biden administration’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has leveled a four-count indictment against former President Donald Trump, including charges of conspiracy to defraud the United Sta

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        PODCAST | Warning Against The Fed’s Quest For A Central Bank Digital Currency

        Listen now (46 min) | If you regularly read or listen – hopefully you do both – you know I am no fan of the Federal Reserve. From its genesis on Jekyll Island to its mishandling of crisis after crisis to its unholy relationship with the World Bankers

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        PODCAST | How The Government Makes It Harder To ‘Keep On Truckin'

        Listen now | We need to understand that everything we consume – everything that we buy when we go to the store, regardless of whether it's food, whether it's a product of another nature – it's brought to us by a truck. Trucks are essen

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        PODCAST | We Need To Be Outraged & Moved To Action

        LISTEN NOW | I wanted to say a few words about the movie Sounds of Freedom. I had the chance to go see it and it is a spectacular movie. It is a slap in the face to awaken not only a nation but a world to what's going on with human trafficking, espe

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        So, What The Hell Is Wrong With The Message?

        It’s irrelevant whether or not you like country music – which for all intents and purposes is the equivalent of Top 40 music just decades ago. It’s also irrelevant whether or not you care for Jason Aldean’s music. If you care about free speech, fa

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        PODCAST | Due Diligence, Nullification & The Secret Service

        Listen now (27 min) | Before we get into this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce I wanted to say a few words about doing due diligence. We always talk about investigators – the FBI, lawyers – doing due di

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        PODCAST | The Archbishop Of Woke Arrogance

        Listen now | The current Archbishop of York (CoE), in an interview, took issue with the Lord's Prayer and the words that open the Our Father saying that they were “too patriarchal” and they could “offend people”. I don't know that arrog

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        Reining In The Federal Government’s Censorship Machine

        A very good thing happened last week. A federal judge – with a spine – ruled that several individuals, agencies, and departments in the Biden administration were forbidden from communicating with BigTech corporations to affect censorship. While this i

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        PODCAST | Nullification Can Be Applied To A Lot Of Things

        Listen now (26 min) | Before we get into this segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch, I wanted to announce the launching of my new book, Nullification: The Case For Decentralizing The Federal Government, now available at in both pri

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        PODCAST | Our Lives, Our Fortunes & Our Sacred Honor

        LISTEN NOW | If you haven't seen it, the HBO series John Adams is a must-watch over the Independence Day weekend. It's a great depiction of what the Framers and the Founders – and the people of what is now the United States – went through in

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        A Day That Changed The World

        The world had seen nothing like it. Thirteen upstart British colonies were taking a stand against the most powerful military on the face of the planet. Of course, I am talking about the birth of the United States of America.

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        Michigan’s ‘Feel Good' Law Directly Attacks Free Speech

        I’ve been a student of history all of my life, although I must admit I was less than enthusiastic about the activity when I attended Butler Junior High School in the western suburbs of Chicago. Then, I looked upon the time spent in Mrs. Schmidt’s soci

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        PODCAST | Our Constitution, Russia & Hunter

        Listen now (32 min) | Before we get into this segment of The Captain America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to share with you a clip from the late Antonin Scalia in which he talks about the benefits of gridlock at the federal government level.

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        Can We Measure How Vacuous and Partisan Jeffries Really Is?

        I don’t know how much more vacuous House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies (D-NY), can be. I also don’t know much more of a substanceless mouthpiece he can be for the Democrats. Republicans – along with 14 Democrats – reversed Biden’s credit scor

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        PODCAST | Reports, Testimonies & Censures: So What?

        LISTEN NOW | I wanted to say a couple of things about the quality of the spines that Republicans in Washington DC have. First, I want to talk about Adam Schiff. Here's a guy who has been proven – beyond doubt, repeatedly – that he is a serial lia

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        The Left’s Obsession With LGBTQ Makes Sense If This Is The Case

        If you traverse social media it is impossible not to see the ongoing lexical confrontation between those who are concertedly supportive of the LGBTQ+ movement – and especially as it is “pride” month and those who are increasingly viewing that suppor

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        Documentary: The Great Awakening

        Watch now (105 min) | After viewing this very well-produced and informative documentary, it is impossible not to be affected by what is held within. The information is solid, fact-based, and it should be the type of thing taught in our schools.

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        PODCAST | Eco-Greta Channels Emily Litella

        LISTEN NOW | I’d like to mention the lead article over at titled, The Not Ready for Prime Time Power Players. It all centers on information about the green energy movement that – I think we all have to be honest enough to admit –

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        The Not Ready For Prime Time Power Players

        The idea is a good one. There’s no doubt about that. Renewable energy. It’s cleaner and, therefore better for the environment, and that’s true whether you believe in man-made climate change or not. But like any new innovation, we should be able to e

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        PODCAST | The Reichsführer Of The World Economic Forum Death Star

        LISTEN NOW | Who is Klaus Schwab? What's his history? How was he brought up? What was he exposed to? What are his ideas? Where does he want to go? Those answers are part of the introduction that I give in this week’s featured piece at UndergroundU

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        Klaus Schwab: Why Does This Fascist Have Influence?

        Anyone who is even remotely aware has heard of the World Economic Forum. And if you have heard of the WEF then you are probably familiar with its leader (or should I say “Dear Leader”) Klaus Schwab and his brainchild The Great Reset. Honestly, there i

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        PODCAST | Our Own Private Idaho (Expanded)

        LISTEN NOW | Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to point you toward the featured article over at Underground USA, If We're Going To Push Back Let's Start At The Beginn

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        If We’re Going To Push Back Let’s Start At The Beginning

        The far-Left Woke agenda is being increasingly recognized by the overwhelming majority of people as something that is the exact opposite of freedom and opportunity for all, two of the core tenets on which our Republic was created. With a growing number of

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        PODCAST | The Foreign Virus That Has Metastasized As Wokeism

        LISTEN NOW | Before we get into today's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, Kyle Warren sitting in for a recovering Captain Matt Bruce, I wanted to play a segment of a podcast presented by the Heritage Foundation. The

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        The Fight Against Wokeism Should Be A Bipartisan Effort

        Sixty-five percent of Americans don’t believe biological males should be allowed to compete in women’s sports. That constitutes a supermajority in any political sphere. So, why should anyone – anyone – anywhere, at any time feel pressured

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        PODCAST | We Need To Do Better With The Gifts They Gave Us

        LISTEN NOW | Before we get into this morning’s segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, guest hosted by Kyle Warren, I wanted to say a few words about Memorial Day: what it means and how the woke segment of our society is affe

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        PODCAST | The Media Is Already Interfering In The 2024 General Election

        LISTEN NOW | I wanted to expound a little bit on the Kennedy candidacy, how the media is not covering it, and why the media is not covering it. Why aren't the media and the DNC getting behind a Kennedy candidacy? Because the fascist Left – the radi

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        The Debt Ceiling Issue Illuminates A Deeper Core Problem

        Every time it comes down to the false choice of raising the debt ceiling or defaulting on our treasury debt payments we should be sober enough to realize the issue represents a much deeper problem and one that exists at a base level when it comes to gover

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        Today, Little Johnny Identifies As A Baseball Bat

        To say that the ideological Left has transformed itself from a group that championed tolerance and acceptance to an intolerant gaggle of full-on extremist, illogical bullies would be the understatement of the millennium. No better example exists to illust

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        Democrats & Their Habit Of Elder Abuse

        It became apparent in the immediate run-up to the 2020 General Election. Something had happened to then-candidate Joe Biden. His speech and mobility changed dramatically and he took to wearing sunglasses a majority of the time; a political marketing no-no

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        PODCAST | But The Media Chooses To Cover…

        LISTEN NOW | I wanted to touch on the subject of media delinquency. Right now, the biggest story for the mainstream news media is George Santos and the fact that he's a liar and never should have been elected to Congress (another product of New York

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        It’s Not About A National Divorce…

        As the debt ceiling debate takes center stage in Washington, DC, the subject of a “national divorce” is once again making its way back into public discourse. And the subject is fair-minded to consider for a few basic reasons. But the proponents of a n

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        PODCAST | They Shoot Journalists, Don’t They?

        LISTEN NOW | Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to touch on something that we didn't talk about today and that was Joe Biden's interview in which he pretty much said –

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        PODCAST | How About A Little AI Fire, Scarecrow?

        Listen now | Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce – in which we talk about the unholy connection between Vice President Kamala Harris and Artificial Intelligence, among other things, I wa

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        The Separation of Powers Is A Thing

        The unmitigated arrogance of Senate Democrats is on full display as they – once again – try to sideline the US Constitution to claw more power to themselves. This time it comes in hearings that the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding to “order”

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        PODCAST | Texas Has A Golden Idea

        Listen now (28 min) | I’m doing something a little different in this episode. I am going to be talking with Katherine Novikov. She’s the host of the Fires of Freedom podcast – heard everywhere podcasts are heard – and the Executive Director of the

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        PODCAST | Raising The Debt Ceiling Is Still Deficit Spending

        LISTEN NOW | We shouldn't be happy with the McCarthy bill that went through the House because it still raises the debt ceiling and it still spends beyond our means. We are nowhere close to spending within our means regarding the revenue stream that g

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        PODCAST | A Final Visit With Chuck Wilder

        Listen now (43 min) | Before we get into this week's segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder – our last segment with Chuck Wilder on that program (he is retiring at the end of the month), I wanted to acknowledge his incredible career.

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        PODCAST | Sudan: Afghanistan 2.0?

        LISTEN NOW | I'd like to expound a little bit on the primary topic of that interview today and that has to do with what's happening over in Sudan. The Biden administration ensured that 80 government employees were evacuated from the US Embassy i

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        PODCAST | Honestly Dissecting The Trans Movement

        LISTEN NOW | I wanted to expound a little bit on what we talked about in the first two segments, which is an incredible article by Dr. Robert Malone titled, Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. This article examines the transgender craze and breaks down the num

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        ‘The Whole World Is Watching’

        In August of 1968, Chicago was the focal point for the apex of the antiwar protests during the Vietnam War. It was also the location for the Democrat National Convention. The two collided and erupted into several days of violent confrontations culminating

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        PODCAST | The First Major Failure Of The Other Brandon

        Listen now | I’d like to talk about an upcoming piece – “The Whole World’s Watching” – about the chaos and violence, and shootings in Chicago that happened over the weekend, April 15th, 2023. We need to address the ideological philosophies and

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        PODCAST | The Transition of Spuds MacKenzie

        LISTEN NOW | I wanted to double down on one of the points we made in the first story. I am on record, many times, as saying I don't care about your sexuality. I don't care if you're gay. I don't care if you're trans. I don't

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        PODCAST | A Foreign Policy So Bad It’s Non-Existent

        LISTEN NOW | I want to expound and reiterate one of the overarching themes of the first segment and that is that our diplomacy in the United States doesn't exist. The State Department under the Biden Administration has completely failed. When you lo

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        PODCAST | Kennedy Should Scare The Hell Out Of Biden & The Neo-Fascists

        Listen now | I wanted to touch on a point that was made in the second segment. With the announcement by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. that he has tossed his hat in the ring for the Democrat nomination for president in 2024, Republicans have to get serious about

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        PODCAST | Placing Restrictions On The Free Speech-Killing RESTRICT Act

        Listen now | Freedom of Speech. It's enshrined in the First Amendment and we believe that we have it but throughout history, the freedom of speech has been something that is vacillated to a lesser extent and a more potent extent.

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        Real Systemic Racism Was On Full Display In Chicago

        The 2023 Mayoral Election in Chicago, perhaps the bloodiest and most lawless city in the United States, is in the books. Astonishingly, and I use the word literally, the anti-law enforcement candidate prevailed over someone who was honest enough to say th